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SPECIAL ISTOTICES. THE MARKETS. OFFICK OF THK MlcHIfiAN ARRCfl, ) Ax.v akhor, Mardi, 2J, 18ÍÍI. ƒ The fnllowlïiR are the st-Uing pnces of the priucipal articles of produce ofíereed in our market. Wheat red bu. - - - - 86 M ' white bu. - - 1 ."O Barli-y, cwt. - - - - - 1,'JS Corn, shelled. . . . . 40 ■1 car, 20 22 , Buckwheat, bu. - - - - 43 'ut., bu. - - - - - 20 33 Flour, red, bbl, M0 " white, M red, 1,0 lui, - " 250 " white, ... - 2,75 Rye flour, W' Corn Hcal. ■ ''S? Bucliwheat flour, ..... 2,26 lieang, 0 HaxSesd.Ib, - - 03 Timothy Seed bu. - - - - 2,26 300 c lover eed, bu. ' ' -4,00 4.60 Hiiy, ton, ....- 8,00 10.00 Wob.l.percord, .... -2,0080' rranber.-iM.bu. .... 2,002,26 Berl.hinitqr. - - - - - 114 06 " foreqr. - - - - 03 04 l'ork rtressed cwt. - - ■ 6,00 6,00 Mutton, lb. - 04 4X ï - - - " - 0T 08 CLickena, Oí OT Enita, doz. ..... 10 'flutter, lb. - 12 14 Cíense, lb. - - 08 09 - - - - 10 14 Trillow, lb. 1" 12' l'otatoes.perbu. 20 25 Oniona, per bu. ..... 60 furnlps, ..... 20 ,pples,preen, - - - 85 tS " dried, , ■ 1,60 l'eachcs, 11 Honey, caps, lb. .... 10 Beesw:ix lb. - . - 80 Salt, rock, bbl. .... 2,2} 11 fine, bbl ..... 1.8R Piaster, ton, . -800 :m. o. h. ti Passenger traiun nuw luave tlie several Stationa in thiu Countjr(sfoUows. GOINQ WEST. Kal. Ac. Day Ex. Jack. Ac. Night ËX, i'psilanti, 8.05 a. M. 11 29 A. M. 6.46 P. M 11.10 P.M. AunArbor, 8.S0 A K 11.41) " " 7.16" " 11. 8 ' ' Dexter, 9.00 " " 12.05 p X 7.65 ' ' Chelsea, 9.20" " 12.20 "" 8,20 ' ' OOING EAST. NightEx. Jack. Ac. Mjilfx Kal. A Ohelse, 6.3D . M. 3.08 p. 11 8.2C P M Jexter, 66 6" " L.6Ó " ' 8.46 ' nn Arbor, 4.40 AM 7 .;5 " " 4.-.0 " ' 9.20 i'psilRDti, 6.00 " " 8 .1 6 ' J.40 ' ' 8.50' IMPORTAÑWIMALES THE HEALTH AND UFE OFWOMAN Is cnnt-Qtiiilly in peril If abo h ma 1 enough to nfglt'ct or mahreat tliose sexual irieguUir ties to which twoiliirds of her?ex are more or less subject. DR. CIIEfKMAN'riPIU.s. pvfwre-t from the saioe formula which the inventor. rORVKMU L. CHiKFM VN M. r., of Xov-fork, lia.3 for twe: tjr yaiiited fi'iccessfuüy in an extended prir&tapvsetiM - immeJiulely ieli-ve wi'huut pain, all disturbimces of tl:e periodcal 1 se mre , whei] Or ;inïng from ie!axation or supp eiion. They act like n cbarm in removing tlie pams tha.t accempany rtitTicu'i or immoJerate me struaMon, and are the va'.y afeund reiiabli remedy for Fluslies, :ck Hei'l che, Pjiïüs in the L'jins. Backan'l Sidea, Palpit tion o: tlie Hcart Netroaa Tremors Hysterics, RpAsn, Broken Slep nn otner unpieaHJintancï danerous üffeels of an unnat iral cint.t.iin f the sexual fuiutions In t!m vont ca-sea of Fluor Albu or Wuitea, the -ffect a spently curr. To WIVKS ana MATRONS D.i.CHEt-KM k.'.s iii.lure niïeod as tiïe oniy safe means of renewinginffrrupted men.struat.on, bat. LAD1ES VÊXWS BUK I& ?ÜND Tkert is onecotiduort of thêfemalt ayt'tm in vUich the ?ill en notbt 'akr.u zei hnnl producn.g n PECULIAR RESÜLT. Thecnvdïio-nrefeTrtdtoi-PREGXAXCY- h' rulr, MISCMIRIAQE. Such it tht irresisiibU endenq f the medicine tor stors the. anna' fv. ctions to a normal con'itioi, that eten the reproductiva potor if nsture. carniot rejtiat ü. Explicit direction êtating vhtn, andwhen they shonld ■not be used, with eich Dox,- ihe Price Out Vallar each Birz, n.ontaiainf tO Ptllê. A viiluable P-i uphlet. ti be had free, of the Agents. Pilis $mt by mail p.ompííy, by enclosiní prce to any Agent . fculd by iJruggixis gtnernl y. K. B. ÜUTJHIN'GS, Fr-'r1'0 i0 Crdar-St, Aew Yrk. Fr Sale by MAYN'ARD STfiBÜI.Vb & WIlJtON, aiid RENVILLK k fÜLLKR. RELIEF IN 'IEN MINUTES. JBIÍYAPi'S PÜLMONIC WAFE RS Toe Origiual Medicino Established in 1837, and the firs article of the kind ever introduced under the name o " Pcimoxic Wafer ," id th6 or in any other country all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits The gen uine can be known by the name BRYAN beingstampe on cach WAKEK. ' BRYAX's PCLMOMC WaPEHS Relieve Jugbs,Colds, S. ra Throat, Hoarseness. Bkïan's Pulmomc Wakers Relieve Astbnia, Bronchitis, Difficult Broathing. Brya.v 's Wafers K lieve Spütingof Bloo 1, l'ains in the Chost. Bkya.i's Puucoxic Wafkrs Relieve Iucip:ent Consuruptinn, Lung Diaeases. Bryax's irmi Eelievo Irriution of tho Uvula and Tonsil. Ertax's Puimoxic Wafers Relieve tl e ..o.ive Complaints in Ten Minutes. BrYAX'b PüLMOMeVAKEKS Are a 1 lessing to all Classes and Cnstitution. Bryan's I'sucomc Wafers Are adaptcd to Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryax's Wafkrs Are in a simple form, and pleasaut to th taste. Bryan's Pcmo.vic Wakers Notonly relieve, but cITect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryas's Pui.moxic Wafers Are warranted to give satisfactioa to every one Nofamily Khould be without a box of "Bryan's Pulmunic Waters" in the house. No (raveler should be without a supply of 4 Bryaa'.s Pulmonic Wafcrs " in liis pocket. No person will ever object to glvo for '■ Bryan's Pulmonic Wafels " T-ety.flvcCent. JOB 5I0SES, Sole Proprictor, Rochebter, N. Y. Sold by Grenville & Fuller, and all good druggists in the Uuited State and Canada. The Grcret Bentfartnr of ll Rnce.-S3f The Grml Heuler of Mankind.' He.-rick's Suga? Coated l'üls Th' wliole Wnrld United! Sick People think.' After whick act. You'd scarce thit late day, Wit li star; lingcuicsa book to fillThisis the case, themillion Bay, W.tli the cures of llerrick's 1 11 TttcyonmefnimKasI, and N'orth.ind West And with glad tidings the papers Bil Beca they are the cbaaput, safest bes And superior to others is Elerrick s Pili From Rcoti, and Plaats, and Floweni thej 'r' Tiiey alwaya cure- they never kill Thousands now in their graves wereïaid, Wereitnolfor Herrick's PUIg. Each l'ill with sugar is coated o'er A rare discovery of matcbless afcill, Their like was never ween be fre, Dstülttppeared in Herrtak'a l'ill For years he's woi ks.l to heal the ick, tt'itb joy elate his bosom fllls: For tensof thousands now rejoice At the mag:ic Poweisof lí"rrick's PíIIb. "&" rTEBRI0K'8ttATCHLESSVEGKTABI,I FájiILY PltLÍ have nundated tlie world with their popularitv Over flve million of boxea are uscd annualy eivinir . plovment to eifthty-flve men and wonjen toiutthem nn Their cures are numbere 1 by thousands- théir nr-iises on' the tongues of all, Citizen of Washtdi.iiv Co-, and eisen here, hae you ever used themrPut up in !'nMi,h Spanish (erman, and H-reneh directiom. Large fomilv boiüs, 25 cents! Five box Tor $1. Sold everywhere' Seeadvertisfmcnton3dpage J""ere. a. Coi:gbb. The sudden changos ofour climate are sonrees i,f Piimo.vabï, BïoxcniAl, and Asthmatic Arree tio.v, Expirience having proved Ihat simpio remedies ftcn act speedily ani cir'ainly when token d ihe early stages o! t',m dUeas, recourio s:ould at ouce be had to "ür.Kvns Bronchial Troche,," or Losenges.let the Cold Cough, „r Irritation of the Throat be ever o ügl,t. asby 'hisprecautionamoroseriou attackmay b3 effectu .lly warded olï. PcBuc,PEAKKSand S,xgkBS will fin(lthem elfectual for clearing and streogtheoing the voice. fee dvirt-sement. 776m6 MOTHERS READ THIS. : The following is an cstraot from a letter wriimn li the pastor of a Bapti-t Church to tho Journ'al aïd llas.-e,,' Cncinnati, Ohio. and speaf.s v„ favor ol UMI world r.nnvnod MrsWinr LOW'S hOOIHIXO STRUr F.)R CHILDHfcX TKETUIXfi ■ Wlnslow",%",',V".tiBfm'nt„in your column of Mm. W1M10WS SoothligSjrop. Now we never said word in favor of a Pat,.nt medicine before in our f Tt humebLCnmwPe"edto sa-v y""", that this i ño o, ?"7, 'Ur's kTMED 'T' iN-D Kíiow "tobe ah rr "f. Óf Vi ■ tbo mo,t euccessful TndthlT. - ay' b!ll'39 i ono of tbe oeft


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