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t:ïe banner store. SECOND AIlRIVAL - OF- ifil, Sc "wtinter GOOD SOOODS FROM AUOTION. Ta ets for the Feople "W A. SHTENA "W - ,'NH- ADJOTNING COUiSTIES ! And 'h'ir numorons question? anfvre(i. Win in Evrrybndti trading at the "BANNEK STORE? '-Bicaute A. Po MILLS. the Prnprirtorof that. Estftblisliment hasjnst relamed from the Eastern Oitieswilb thb ." Éfvrcfst, Ilandsomest, Cheawest, and Most Atiracüvü Stock of STAPLE ANDFAKCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to this part of the Stnto. Why is Er&rybodij pleased tcüh hié Stock? v.ccnv.fc hlsstytoa ro m-rf bMutlfal, qualltj Dotter, and riccii lowor tiian at anj other store in the county. Úfay has he alwayx Sanuthing New and Chcap to Show? Reeanseh.1 ha a frioml cnnectod wilh oro of (be ly ■.■-t DrvGonfU flou&min New York, who la Qontlnualst '' BOBfíING ROUfiD" forcheap Bërgstinsnnd tb lal e ihey appear f rom timo to time, aña mthia way kw'ps liim suppUed with íyS, and eoiiseqimaü cus;ao alway ftnd somethtñg Frosh, NEW CHEATand DESIRABLE Why does 'ne tell m much Cheaper than the retí? BMMuehehMa bayw n the city 11 the time to take B&vantage oí coutíoual chango of the market, and in thnt wav buyi his gooils much cliOJiper than others can, and theE he marks Ihem dowD to the LOTSTEST 3JIOTJI=t33S. Wiy (foes he ec'l Ladies' and Cliildrens' Shoesso much cheuper than was ever heard of by the oldest Shoemakcrs? Beciuse he buyfi his toclc in tho lan. of shocmafcers, o( tlif innnnfnctiirers. fiülv L5 por cent cheaior thau the Xew Vork Jobben sc!l tiicra, aml nnich hftler vork than they ïi'iierally keep. Ihiscourse cnablcs him to ftoll beller Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otberaMÜ at 50 eonts.nml a botter F0XED GAITKF at öOocnts, thau othera Bell at 75 cents. Has he any Hats and Caps? Ypr, I r.houUl thiiüi he has stacks of them, enonüh to supplf thifSUfto, ftt pria lover than was oicr hcardof rouiultheso parts. Wliy ü his Tea so much brtt-.r for the price you pay than you gel al other places? BoofttiMbAtakee graat caw in Mlecting it. and gtreshii QUStometB tlie benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It is a way he has got. Where shouhl you go to yfí your CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made? To the BANKER STORE, wlierc the I'eoplc-'s Banner it uiifurk-il for ih People:agood. South siic of l'ublic Square, a fow doors west ofCook'i Hotel. A. P, MILLS. Spt. 18, 18C0. ?9 Ho for the Mmmoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JUST orEXED IN THEIR new and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDF.OF MAÏS STREET, A COM FLETE STOCK OF 11OSEWOOD, MAnOGAJMY and SETS OF PARLOR .FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALXUT, Plain and Marble Topped ROSEWOOD.l MAIK.OANY, BLACK WALNUT, PANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &o. A K SSS J 9 Elegant MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretarles, (53 L ry? ip U z& & cs B e d-R oom Sets, INCLÜDING LATEST STYLES, OF TEE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything with w -ii.i-c-ii to r.u-R ni-s-b PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING ROOM, OR K1TCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elseAvhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-lx-i-S PURNITURE MUST BE S O L D - A N D- And Will be Sold ; A- T VERY LOW TRICES! &jjr Leí arry man aml 1iii Mifo or going to be wife CüMK AND BW. ThejaÏMo have a MEARSE O A lili I AG E, An1 ftre al way h roady to attínd to the biirial of tlis dcatl in tho City and a4jt,lniftg ooúntty. Wai-f Ií'n.itK4Mist Bi'lc of Jfciiii SUact, bctwei'n Wíisliinton and LiWrty O. M. MAUTIN. C'. B. THOMPSON. GREATBARGAIWS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. ó ■ WE HAVE ACAIX r.FTT-.FNPIH OVR STORE W1TII tta n..-t ,.; E2r O E X S thit WAS ever ofTevei ü ny ono estíibUíilum'nt in tl.' St&te, all of vhich wc otfor tbr ilf" .T caii bc fonti'l in tlu Unioo We want Tfloney l lUil wilt mnko Grcal Sacrificcs on Anyi!ii:,: we have to obtain tf not oxcrptiug OI.I) .XiJTES AND ACCOUNTS ALL CASH CrSTOMKKS to cali and examine oui GooiJs ;md J'rfces. Wo als „viicóut Prompt Paying Customers to come and Imv th-.-ir MtippüoA for lbo Winter. To tl; Bftafaful "lien tbiLt afraid to culi, we say to tUsm, takcourage ■vithoutlonger waitii.gfor Ëïghcr pnces, come in, oUï score?, and Uien # JBjfiSWJT-ssr JET" "rSK9 nt sncll pricos a-i ïvill ai .kf op ftU losses It is I leccessary to eutiinernU1 our Gooiïs, tor We have Everything! A largo assorimcut of UARPETING, CKOtKERY DRY GOOUS, MEDIINES, GEOEEIES, PAINTS, OILS. CAPS, BOOTS, siioes yankee notions &c, &c, &c. (715lf) MAYNAP.D, STèfiBlN? & WE.SO Stovcs & Har ware ! RTS'DON & HENDERSON Uave huw in Store a largo ashortmentoí Si rJC 'K7 -BE5 ÍSI 9 Hardware and House Furnishing 3 @ O 19 . All T'irli willlic srM tsCIlKAl'asiit any othcr Esiablishnient in JVlk'liigai, Thiy linvegottUe Best Assortment of Cooking P A I L O R A NB J'LATE IIXT TUIS JST-A-TüI, And will sellthem Choaper than THE C HE AP EST, FleaKP OftÚ anV(ee, All kinils of .tin ware Ue-pt on band. Tiu-ticulftr ftttontioii pjjid to a.11 kituls of Which will bo rione wlth NEATNESS AND DJSPkTCII. HnrPlr.ixe callind seo llicir SIOVK ItOOM i" 2d ftorjf cf .Nüiï Bloeit. R1SD0N & HEXDERSON. Ann Arbor, Jan. 6, 1861. O. BLÏSS ■BDlBIKairaHKBIWUIDUn8üSnlffSniKU]Dttí7Urrinnnínn ir Still in the Field! WITH A LAEGE STOCK of GOODS in roy lino diveot from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturers! I have jast rocoivcd a large anl well select cd assortment CLOCKS, WAÏCHES, J EI "W EL R "ST. SILVER & PLAÏED WARE, Musical Instrumonts Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, Anil iv preat variety of Yankee Notions, fec. I woulil culi [inrtioulur ntteutiou to niy lftrgo stock of of Gold, k-ilver, Steel, and Plated, with PER S C OP CGL A S S A superior artio.le, and a'grcSt varieíy of articlcs in the 'OSEA. JP tor O-AJSII. lTcrsmr haTBng fiííToult watohosoflo wfehglasHC] q be acconiiiii"liit'.tl aa inv .-f'fk i large an l complet !' 6, Piirticulrr atUcti n paid t'Mho R E J GIRINO of all knula ut i'iuu Wulchea, sucli os Makin & Setting New Jeyrels, PmiONS, STAFFS and CYUNDERS, ajso CLOCKS, AND JE W ELK Y , Neatly Kepaired aud vyrrar.ied. C. LISS. ■ Ai.giiB;2R, 18P.0. ■ "CSif Ayer's Ague Cum AyefsSarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most rffectuaj Alteratwe that can be mado. It ia a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combmed with othcr Btibstantfes of still gfeater alterativo power as to afibrd an cffective antidoto for the dlseases SarSjpaniHa is reputed to cure. It ia believed tliat such a remcdy is wantod by thosc who suffer from Strnmous complaints, and tliat one whieh 11 aecomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this largeclassof ourafilictcd fellowcitizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst ca9cs to be ibund of tLe foüowing complaints : - Sruo'.'l'I.A AND SCROFULOL'3 CoMPLAIXTS, ElUIPTlONS AN'l) Euui'TIVE DlSEASi;, TJlCEIIS, Pimples, Jii.ori.iius, Tumors, Sai.t Rueum, Sc.VLD lli:A!l, Svi'llir.IS AND SyPHILITIO ApPECTio.Ns, MinteimiAi, DisEASE, DuorsY, NiitiitALoiA on Tic DotfLOüREirx, Urmi.rrY, Dysriil'siA .INI) I.N]i:r;r.STION, EbTSTPEIAS, HosE oii Sr. Antiiony's Fihe, and indeed the whole cláss of complainU arising from Imi'uhity oi' TllH Bl.OOD. This compound will be found a great promoter of healtn, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul huinors whiuh festcr in the blood at that season of the year. By the timcly expulsión of fliem many rankling disorders are nippéd in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from thu enduranco of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid it-self of corruptions, if not assutcd to do this through the natural ehannels of the body by an alterativo medicine. Cleanse out the ritiated blood whenever you find its impuritieá : bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptionS, ' or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is obstrueted and sluggiah in the veins ; deanes ií whenever it is foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even wherc no particular disorder ! 13 feit, people enjoy botter hcalth, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is wcll ; but with this Eabulum of lile disordered, there can be no isting health. Sooncr or later somethini-' must go wrong, and the great machincry oï life is disordcred or overthrown. Sarsaparilla lias, and deseryèa much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But thj, world has been egregiously deceived by pi'.:p;irations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimcd for it, but more beeause many preparatious, pretending to be concentrated extraets of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsapariüa, or any thing clsc. During late years tlio public have been misled by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain littlo, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative propertiea whatevcr. Ilence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracta of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and lias beeome synonyraous with imposition and clieat. Still ive cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply sucli a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which reata upon it. And wc think we havo ground for believing it has virtucs which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the discases it is intended to eure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the systcm, the renicdy should be judiciously taken aceording to directions on the bottle. mEPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Pricc, $1 per Bottle ; Slx Bottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entircly unncecssary for us to recount the cviuence of its virtuSB, wherever it has been cin-ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout tbis section, wc need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best . it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, TOE THE CURE OP Cosliveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Dysentcry, Foul Stomach, Érysipelas, Headncke, Piles, Rkeumatism, Ertiptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worm, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pil!, and for Purifiinj the Iitood. They are sugar-coated, to that the most sensitivo can take them ploasantly, and they aré the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a fmiily physic. Trice 25 cents por Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. GrcatnumbcrsofClergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their naaies to certify the unparallcïcduscfulncss of theso remedies, but our spacc here will not permit tho insertion of them. The Agents below naraed furnish gratis our AMERICAN ac in which they are given ; with also full ilescriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followcd for their cure. Do not bc put off by unprincipled dealers with othcr preparations they makc more profit on. Demand Ayeu's, and takc no others. The siek want the best aid there is for them, and they should fcnvc it. AU cm remedies are for sale by .i... .. ■ i' i,.. :..-.t WILSOK, atad Dy all Drugiiists aad Dealers rwrywliere. J.BUBRILL Tra ing Agent. An aperient Stomachic ptvjlfcatuttt öfïRÖN puriefid ín u l Carbon by combustión m Hydr gen, rc■hinEu ■ : ! ■' t uil. ■! .-i.. :■■ . in; préscriued in tLclr prácjjperienceof thoufiantU daily prove that no pn[iamtionhf Tron can be cftiflp: y-i with i. Inipontiès i lou'l, dei)l'l'N.sioilS of Vil;il ( 11 '■!■'. '. . ] :i 'f lill'l ÓlïlCfly oomptcxioiiü ïntllcates ita aeccssity i: UÍriiost every CbnceivablQ i l:iiiMjinis in :ill i.i:il.-ilis n wliírli it tips heen tried, li ii i piTnTnlmlynUitcix ciirnTnniii ffli;i ui' the folio w Ing complamis, pJb; In Ii-bllUy. Vorvonsi Aflbotlofls Emtaclatlbn uymt }sln, ConsUpaUon, Dianhcpn, Dytftnlery, ïi; iilcii( Coii&umptlon, Scrofulou Tubt-rc- ulosis, Salt Rheum, MismtMtruation, Wkiiht, Chlorosis, Lirer Complaitts, Chrou'tc Hradachesy Itkcütmithm, Ferers, Pimples on the Face, &c. ln'cae 'f(t:.KK i. DxiftUtY, whether (lie resuli of acute dl i i '-. w of iln1 C i.t;i)iit'[ (liiiiiimtion öf nervuus üiiü muscular energy trom chronic complaiiits, ooe trial of tlns restoratlve luis prored saccêssful to on oxtont which nu i;.rso:'i]'ti'iii iilt %vi il !♦■!! attestatioD would n-nlible. [valida so long bed cldden uw io have borboods, bavesuddculy re-appeared ín Ihobusy world ai) Ifjnst returnod froni prótraeted travel fia dtstaoi land, Soïnfl wry signal tri ■; . .mi are ftttestod of female auffererff, cmaciatcd victims of apparent ma rasn ngaineoua exbaufltioa, crttical oïiwigcs, and thl oonip f nervoufi nnd áyspeirtic avennon to air mul exercise for v. bich the phyi LCMtp I Iu KERvorsAKWcwiü-VSQf aHKiii'1s,anil for itjisods fai!tili:ir to ,;ti-(Irci.l nnn, tin. op0ratiofc jof thia preparali:n of iriiii Klust lièccsnartly bo alutary, for, imlie the i'l mddftSf it is vigorously toaic without boine GXOltlng and ovorlicatiug; and --iitly, roularly apérlent, oven tlie bnost obstina te cases of costivenesa without even tobig ;t gastricpujffativo, or ÍQ&icting disagroeable senaaUon. Itj.stbi i'i-y . anmiig othTs, w } i ' i ■ 1 1 makefl il fn cmarkably efiftctual tmd porrnanent a ïrmniv för I'ücs, apon vhJcta it also appeara to exort a distinoi and peciiic action by dispersing the local tüiiücncy ■which fprfaa them. In Dysfepsia, ionuniovítljlo as are its U8M, a sinplo box of Uiesfl ( bíJybóaíte Pflls bate ofton nufflc d rot the niost habitual Cl 000, iacludíng the attciJcnt Costivcnesé. Tn nnehocliM Piak':it-a, even when advatoced to Dijken tery couflrnietl, eü&ujiatlag aihI apjïarantly malinant, the eflocta hai ín : beon t"i ualfy decisiva ana astonlvhbig lu the lot'al pains, l$ oi' llonh and strenjth debílitatíog coii h, and reinïtteni iich general Indícate Incipitmt Corntiiniplian, ia sêveral very gralifying and intorcstinii ia -1 . Iu Scrofiious Ttihcrcuolsia, this melicaU'd Iron lins liad far more than tlic gf)oil eiïects of the nifist CftU ÜOU ly baianced proparaHonfl oí lodine, without any of ; r well known liabibtics. Tbo attention ol ■ i '.i-tooconíidently invi■ ■! to thra rc.incdtj-y restorative iu tho cases pocuUarly . them. In Rheiinmiism, b1hclironic ani n thfl latter, hpwevcr, oioro deoidedly - it lias been Lnvariably well report edj ljit!i as alteviating pain and rodacing the svreillQgsáDd si [ffoess ol tlie joints and mi In Intermhtrnt F?cnf tmustneceKsarily bea g_rea1 rem i'iiy andnergeUoreflti i the nnw scttlements of "■■ ■■') '■■■iU pcohubly be uuu of high reiKvwn and usefulngss. No renjefly has erer l-ccn dtscotörod in 1 ho whoie hiatory of molicine, which exertfl such prompt, nappy,. and iully reatori Hve effioots. (Jood appehte, ooiQpleu lii . : h , witti au unuanal disposttion rr active umi ohoerful exercise, Inunedlatoly follow lts uïe. Put up in neat Dal metal boxeo contal niog '50 iiílls, prico 60 cení i per boxj for sale by drugpisis and dealen. Will be ; of tho pricc. All letten, orders, etc.. Bhonld beuddressed to B. B. LOCKE,&Co , General Agenta. 477yl ■ Br"oa h---ay,N. Y. For " Salo by GRENVILLK & PTJLLEB, Ann Arbor. Howard Association, Pliiladelphia. A Ih-tirruintt TnstittUion i"!iiblsked by special fvdottmen for l" reliëf of the Sich and Vtëtraseêd, t&lcttdwith Vim''i n itiid apidtmic Discases, and ■;" uilhj for ihc Cure of Diseüsts oflhé Sexual Orso.n, Dispcatanj frte topotiins t gil )urt$ of 'tir. UniU't SUUúS, VALÜABLEREPORTS on Spermatorrhoca ,and ótherDlspunee-of the Sexual Orranv, and on ttieNÉW REMEDIES emyfid, ent tb fho aíliictod ín aealed ajAvelopea, free if cliarge. Vwo or three Btañíp'e for posÊtgO bo will bo c-;il:iblo. XI ir Dít. .T. PKH.I IX HOWHTON, Acting Sur gymi Howard Auoolatlon Nt 2t60tttb NiothStr ■■' PbilSnclphia.., 7j36yÍ 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For 8ft) cheap nt GUITEKMAN A Oo GREAT. GREATER GREATESJL B A IíG AINS EYEK OFFEKED 1859. JpLr)1859' In tlii3 Oity, are uow being offerccl ut tho CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & J O TK7 Olxy Stoie11H K Subscritor wouldeay to tlie citizen!1 pi Ann Arbor.ii particuliir, and th; reet of WjKhteil&w Cnnatv 1d Ronaral, that bebasjoat lMPOKl'ËD 1)1UKCTI.V irum KUKOPE.e Tromendous Stock of Watches! Ali of wblcb lin bindsliimeelftosell CHKAPKR than eau bo bought wost of New York City. Open Face Cylirider Walcheí írom $6 to 510 do du Lever do do 8 to 21 Ihititing Clise do do do 1-1 to 35 do do Cylinder do do i) to 98 Gold Wntchea from SO to 150 1 l.avc alsu trio CKLEBRATED AME1UCAN W AT CUES, which I wlll scii ttr $3S. Rvftry Vvatch warrunted to poribriii well, or the monoy rt-íunded. Clocks, Jewclry, lMntcd Ware, Fnncy Goods. Guhl Pen, Musical Instrumente aud Stringfi, Cutlery, &C, and in fact ftvAriety of evfryhinc utiu11y kopt by Jew clt:rs can be bnughtt'or the uext ninety day nt yuur OWN i' R I C E S ! '■ I'oreons buyïng iiiiything at tliis well hnown cstMi lishme ut can rwy upon setting goods oxact'y as rep; i r i,; cl, or the axony refund.ed. Ca)] early and se curé thè bost bargaina over dnered iu thií City. One word in regard to Repairing : ! We nrn prt'parnd (o mnlïe any repairs onfine or cuin1 inou Wmcibes, rvon to ninkinc o er the eutire nratcii it oecefigary; Repniring pf Clocfca and .Icwclry a usunl. Also the man ufac turing ol RINQ8, BRÖÖCHH, nr aaytbiog (Jfsirod, Irum Culii riiia Gold on sliurtno tice. EnKratiPa in h its branches exocnied withncm ritbs and (.lispatfh. J WATTSAñu Arbor, Jnn. 28thl85f. 7Hw . - IIORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Iïroadway, New York of niuslc end DIukW' Bookx ANJ) HKALt:iï IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Orffan Accordeons, MartinV tcd and other Guitars, Violins, Tunor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesCkriraetts, Timing Forks.Pipes aiidHammers, Violin Bows, bestltalian Btringp, B'ass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instrumenta. J3 lx O o t 3VE ta. S 1 o, i'rom all thu pubhslifis in the l'. ?. , Bertinüfl Huutin's, ;tnl Mottern Sohool, :ml all kiml of ÏBstrnotfoD Boóks ;■.,,■ ii boy instrumenta; Churdi ïlusïo Hunks; ftfugic olegantly bound; Musio paper, aud alï kinds of Music M'.-l'.-li:llliise, Att heLowest F rices, New Planos, At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Second Hand Piaans troin $-5 up to $160; New Helodeons, $46, $60 $75.(100, and up to $200; Beeond Hand Melodeons from $30 to $S0; lesandre Organs, wlth five stops. ílfiO, nine stops, $185 anti $225; thirteen stops, $250, $'275 and $800; fiftèen 8Ío"p8,t820 and $878: A liberal discount to Clergymen, ('ihtIk, Sabbath Schools, Seminarios and Teachers. The Trade supplied at the usual tradc disco uots Testimoniáis of Ui e Horacc "Waters Planos un{ Mc'lmlcom;. John Hewefct, of rarthiijro, New York, wlio has had one of the HoraeeWatera PJanos, wrisaa foïlowa;- (iA friend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano for 1h-f. She Ukes on you boH me la Decemb My plano ia becomlng popular In thïa place, and 1 think I can introducto one or towj more; they vill be mure popular than any otber make." lWo have two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourSeminary, one of vhieh lias been severely tested Cor three '.i-:ir. and we can testüyto ihoir goog quality and dura. '- Wond fil GrefTc.Vy, Mount Carrull, lil. "ÍI, Wátem, Eaq. - Dbar Bib: Haying usd one of your Piano Fortes for two yeara past, I have fonnd ita -.iiy sapcrwr Instrument'. Alonzo Gkay, Principal Brookfyn fíeigkts Seminarf. "The Piano I reoeired fro you continufs to . iafaoMon. 1 tegard it as one of Úw beBt mstrumonis in the plaoe. ' ÏAlOBh, CLARK, Charleston, Va. 'Iiip Uelodeou bas safely arrived. I feel obligod 1" ym fory out liberal discount." Kev. J. M. MlCohmilIí, YarqucsvilUS, C. 'The pimío qas duly recelved. Itcame In excellent conditton, ;ui'l is tcw much admired by my numerous. family. Accept my thftnks for yonr promptuesa."- UoBBKT C(.in-];a, IVdrrenhaui, Iharjoed Co. Pa. uYour piano plfiaafia aa weil. lt Es the tKst one in our THOüas A. I.atiiam, Campbellton, Ga. "We ara very mach obliKedtoyou forhaving sent -■■(■il rt fine instrument for $250." - Ukank.1Ikli & Co., Hiijfalo Democrat. tiorace Watl8 Pianosareknown as among the :■■,■■, best We are enabied to speah of these insizumedts with confltlence, frotn personal knowleáffe of their exceUeai Uoe and duxable quallty."- If. Y. Evangelist. 'Wé can speAk f the merits of the Ilonice Watew pianos from personal knowledge, asbaing tho ver.v ütu-.-: quality."- Christian Intelligenter. "The Horacc Waters piaaoa'arff Dtmroff -the bestand most thoroughly seasoned material. We have no doubt ihnt buya can do as vcU,perttaps bet ter, at thisthan at any tithertiouse m the Union." - Advocate and Journal. Waters' pl&nM and molodeons cliallenjio oomparison wüh the fiuest made anywhere in tho country." - Somé "Horaoe Water1 Piano Fortes are of full, rich an)d even tÖne,and powerfal- N. Y. Musical Revcv. "Our friands will fiAd at Mr. Waters' Btoit fhe very bes1 Msoriaaent f tlusfc and of ïianoa to 6e found In tlie United States(and we urge our sonthern and woütera frienda to Rive Uii a cali whenovex they go to Xew V, ,..],■_ (ra f, ■nm's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y, SabbathSchool Bell. ÏOO.OOO Issced In ten Montha. The unprecedented sale of thisbook has Inducêdihe pubUsher to add some 30 new tnnesand hymne to it present size, wtOioul extra charge, except on tlie cheap edltion Among the many beaunful tunes and b) mns b 1 led may be found: - "I ought tolovemy motherj" 01U be a good ehüd, Indeed IwUL1.' These and eiffhtothers from theBelKwere ung at the Sñnday School Vuuvt-faary i the 1 - GhuxcË al the padem ol Uu ereat appladse Tl e B ;ïl ebutalns neftriy'20Q tune abd _-.,m is one of the best oollectiona ev .. per hundi-ed. postage 4c Elegant ly bound, embossed liilt, '-iöc, $20 per 100 It has been introduccd Into many of the Public Schools. The è Ifl published in small nurabers entitled Annifersttvy ffrid Sniïday Sohool llüsio Book, Noi. 1, '2, 3, & 4, in order to accosnxaodate the million; price f "2 & $3 per bundred No. r wilt soonbe issued - oommencemeat of jtnothex booki ATso, Revival Müalc Èooks, No, 1 .V ü, price SI & $2 per ÍUO, po.-tae le Moro tbaj 300,000 ol the above books have been iásued the paal eightecn montea, and the demand Israpldfy IncreaslnfPublished bv IJORACE WATERS, Agent, S33 ür.uohvay, N. i.'. Publised by Horace Waters No, 333 Iïroartway, New York. Vocal. "Kind Wordscan neverdie;" "Tho Angels told me so;" "Wilda of the wWij'1 "Thoughifl f God;" ; öiva tneback my Mountain Efome1 "fiay Dreama;" "Dandy Cock Robín;" "l'ni with thee BtW;"Petnunesj" Ukemir;" "Saifth Jane Lea;" (tLv er of thee;1' "I'm loavinff thee in Sorrow;" tsBird of Hcautv;" "Homo of our birth;" "Grave of RosabeT, and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c eacli. ' Ikstrümk-vtal. - L Taljtce Garden, or Plngiog BJErd PoUta.' 40fc; '(Swingiog Schottische;" "Mirabel Schottiach;'1 Thomas Öaker's Schottische;" Ll]'k-oolomini Polk. 35 cents each. TIi abbVepiecfts have beau tif ui VignetteC '-Wolincr Polka;" "Arabiiin Wai cry M:it.-1:," the very last ; "Vassoviaima DonieHa Slaxurka; "Rea-1; ins Polka:" "CrínoUne Waltï," and "Laneers Qua drine," 25c each. "The Empire of Reich'.s Quadrille;'1 a new dance, and. (The Hibèrnian Quadrille," SSeeaeh. Many of these pieces aro played by líaker'u celébrate! ra with greai applruae.JC Maüod (roe. A hivge lot of l'dvrin Itnste at half prico. pianos, Mcïodeoiis and Orgaiis. The Horáce gators Planos and Melodeons, Ibr dejith, purity of tone and darüoülty, ar nnsurpassed. Prloes very ïow Seeond Band Pianos ami Melodeons from $25 to SI 50. Uubïo aad Musical Instructinns tf alt kinds, at tho lawert prloea. HORACE WATERS, Agent No. :ï;;:i Brodwy,N, Y. Trstimonuus; - i(The Horact! Watecs Piauo.s are known aaamong tho very best.' - Exxin#cli&t. 'We can Bpeak of tlicïr merits froiu personal knowledge." - Cíiristian Intcltigcnccr. "Nothmgat the Fair displayed groatítr (íxcúIíouco -" - Churchman. Waters' Pianos and Meloüeons challenge compnrison wfth the inest niadu uiywherein the country." - Home .hmrnal 719tf IrviBg's Works - National Edition fHIS Fine Edition of Üio Works of Wasiiit.tox Tb vim; (includlng the life oí Wa.shingUo wjllbe pubishcd for SÜBSCRIBBRS ONLY In Houtlily Volume, Prico $1.50 J'iiyablu on Deïivwy. Boaulifully Prluted on heavy supsrflne paper, of th I [ii:iH1y, ainl sul).-t;ntially bounü in hcav boveUed boarfls. jjEach Volume illustrnteíl with Vignettei on Steel and Wood, .L]] Knirkcrbocker's New York, Sketcli Uook, Cloth. Cülumou, .'i vols, Braofibridge Iïall, Aitoria, 'l'.dr if B Travolcr, CrayQD MisocH:my, Capt. BoooovHlë, Olivir Qoldumitn, Hahouet. 'J vols. Grenadft) Alhnmlti:) , Wolfart'a Hoo?t, Ufe of Wbta'grtoa, „ vtils. S:ilin.'l'iUtli1i. Tbisi'iiitiim will bu soH nnrsititv to Bnbiorlberi rnid will li" greMy superior lo any ewr befbre iMnefl,A v..iy han laome set "f theM iinlvenaUf popular work. i-. U-uu rla"l wiüiin Ilic p of all. ■ G. I'. 1TTNAM, Apt.,PuW!"l-r, 115 NatMu PtietV, New York. Marshall Sale. pincrir rOl'KT of tbc t"uitel S;.ii(.R. D.iiict of J Micbjgna, n[ - Byvlrtueol -m executim i.-i;o.lnut of the Circuit Conríof th United Statea r tbe dii -k-i ■ ■ ■ : im; I) ■■■i-iii j. r 'J'', 1 s:"jf, Ui me diI delivered] l di1 on lbo firct pay of January, . 1 1. , 1 "..' i, ].-■, u]nn .1 ir! ." uli tli'! nght, 1 it al. il Ifitereatof Preserved BalBngtJn, the dfifeatlani thore.ti temed, in and to tho Collo wing doscribea Inhtïfl - : UWS, tO wit. Lot iiutnb-r tVTO (2) ill additlOD to tlifityof Ann Arlir, i-t thïCaunty ol" VValttiuaw wid District of tftcbjgun, whicit [pImII seil at ublic auclion or rondde, at tlif frtml Ödor of tbé Coúri Houw in thé City of Ann Ai'brr, in said Couotr, on Satuoday, tbe tw.-niy sevénCh day of April, A. ï). 1961, al twélvè n'clock, nooiij of siiid dfl v . JOHN S. BAG}, l'. S. Marshal. Wy N. B. NYK, iteptrty. 1) ttoil, at tho city of Aan Arbor, this iJHh dai f Uarch, 1861". 791W " RifleTn c t o r y! A.J. STJTIIERLAISD HARrcmov(!(5 hU dnn Shoptothe New Blockh Hut(jn Htreftt, south tii'thr Cout 1 U upe,onti.e second door, where o is prepared to furitish Guns, Pistols, Ammnnition Flaslcs, Po.,;hcs Game Bags, and Evorj othor article in his Line. On the mostreasonnble lerms.nndto do all kinds (f n the ahorteet notice, and in thp best mannel , luil Bssortmuut alwoysfcept on hand.ond made to orAer. ■ KK NOW urivXING, DIüKCT FIÏOM PUBLISHERS " A.N!) Uanufocturerv, a "ew anI Coinplclu stock of LAVV & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Dooks, Miscellaneous Boolcs, Blank liooks, dan STATIOWB 3=1 ST ! Wall mul Wimlow Pii pir, Drtrolng and Mathematical Instruments. Ifusic, Juveuile Ubrnrii:.-, Kuvc-!oes, Inks aml Cards. „ ; . I And all oiher kinds of Pens and Pencils Wirulmv Ooruice, Shrule.s andFixture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! And OTory thing pertainiug to the trade, and more to whichthey would invite tlie attention of the country. Tn comlucting our business, we nh&lldo all tl i at can he done,so that nu rcasumiblc man, wonian or cbild shall finfl ::iiy Eánlt. We possoss facilities which will cnable us to aupply our stoipxs at the Lowest Possible Figures. pvopoBO t'1 ■''■ ftrt RBADY PAT, at a sinall advance. Wc exptcta prolit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo havo nglgaa tho services ot JAMES F. 8PALDIXG, herefoie prttpared to furnish Visiling, Wedding and all olher Cards wnttvn to order, with neafness and dispatch, by mai' or othertchc. The "EmwrkBook Stík," s mnnod by agoo 'cimr,1 ud thoy will always be foand on tho Quwlér deck, n',;i!y and willtng to attend to all with plousuxe, who will favor (hura witb a cali. Komember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES E. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 7Je , THËrCHËAPCÖENEK. SEEK NO FARTHER. New Store, New Firro AND LOTS OF NEW GOUDS ! In Mack & Schmid's Nev Block. 0ÜKCHASED rèeently under the most favorable circun X stanci'K, so muclt SQ thftt we t'cv omfldnt n sayin to aU uur old customers, and as many new ones as ca crowd into our New and Spacious Store Roon Corner of Main and Libezty Streets. now pwpfVed to 8 you botter Goods lowey prices tban our filial low pñOM and ure nu w i daily receÜpt of L-udlcas varicties ui STAPLE.,AND FANCY LADIES' & CHTLDRENS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LuOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND 8T0NE WARE, GROCERIES, &c. of every vunety Lots more of the same good 50 cent Tea, that others sol! at 75 ets. Bear in mind that our Goods are all of the best quality. EpOur Staplu and Fancy Dry Goods surpass all previoua stocks for beauty, vanety and excellence. tOur Ladies Dress goods, Shawls, &c, wcre never before half so attractivt and cannot help but win smiles of approval frora our fair friends. BOur Hats and Caps surpass all for stylo and eheapnosa ever board of in Ann Arbor, cali and see them. B@uOur Ladies' and Childrens'Shoet combine elliganee and case with strength and durability. OP Our Cloths, Cassimercs & Vestincs aro íill of the best qualitics and styles of tho Frenoh, English & American productions which we will sell at the same price that others ask for slop ehop stuff. 5 Our Groceries & Crockery are fresh, new and choaper than over. Bgy Our Yankoo Notions and small fixin!?s in general are too numerous to menuon here, ernbracing cvery thing that a Mcrchant should keep and a Customer t-hould buy. VW And now having purchased a fpiiph larger and better stook of goods ihanever before; we confidently rely upon tho appreciation of the public for a ready Safe of the same, feeling oonfident that we cannot help but suit all m prices quality aud styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Eschungo for goods as us;ia!. C. MACK, 772 F. B.CHMID. Mortgiigo Sale. Tir.n.T lm ving been made in thr ca4iifon of a ) eert ai u UöYl ■ iJSfèi utod by JhIUAm Connelly, Jj.( and Catbarlne lOi.ueliy lus wifo to 11 ram ;. Warren, December ín tkeyear hightoen hundred and tin y-three, luid recorded in tbe Office of the ■ ■: Deels of Wh-Ii'hmw County, Michigan, in Libir 20 af Morfgn I5ff, ;it etereh and % qu nitor oí i renoon on the ninetoenth 'i:iv '■■: rwewnoer', A.D., lSñü, irblcb Mortgagv was on the thiity-n: ut day of Octpbcr, A. !., 1854, duly aap.'gned tí .i drop, il ! H.i'nl aMfenmerit w;,.-, n-ct.rlcl in mimI nüif-c of Mid Ue-inU-r on tho twcnty-t]inii.;iy of February, A. !., 1861 at urne and t half o'clock in tbe í";. ti on in Uber '20 of Moitgages on 1 rv. :imi thu satd fc!6rtgáge was alo on 'thé fcighUnthday of Februarv. A. 1)., L861, dul? assinne.1 by salfl waraiönto ATpbeus Fwch, whieh last 'ment i 1 assignment ini recorded In th taid Offico of ntt lit'ífst(íro:i twi nty-fiflb day of February A. I)., lfJ61 □d a hati ocTuckio the fmenoon, in Libur 'Jï of -ï- l-li, by whieh dehuilt the powrr of sale cunlaiueil i il ftid mort(;rlf;' becam opexativo, and po have In-on intHuttfá at law to recover the ftffiti oow fipcuréd tho; chv or any part thenot,and tho Bnm of tftwe btindred an-1 iihv mm dolíate and ftrtyifour oonta N-in.u clainjed to Du duo t.';1 eon .ii tbe date of thia nolioa : - Notiae bereby given that said nirrtgaf?o wili ■■ Bate "f tho moftgnged rramlsét t wit: i oi Suuth W.tiiiartorof Sectiou N imber Two. n Tpwilup Ono South or Kange Six. V.:- befng io Ncrthfield, in the Couuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or bo mücb tlfcreöf afl wIU be claimed to be due wfth the Interest, eosti and ehacg, ai public vendue, at tho Boothboorof the Oourt House, in the the City ofAnn Ari.-T. in mi ! Cc ml t fWaai tonaw, .tl toe tenth n.iy of Juni-. A. [i., 1861,al ten oftheclock. in the forenoon of aid öajr. ALPHKCS HSLCH. A.iiignee. Dated, ttarch 7, 1S61 791t(i Sheriff 's Sale Bv vinm: üf ax execctiox issued Out of ana uu-Ier the eal oí the Circuit Coart for theCounty of Wushtenaw, and State of Michigan, hearing dato the I3t!i Uy oï' Jaauao-y, 18fiO,an.l to me' dirccteJ and (iclivorc-ii, afkinst the goods and eliattots, and for wantthercof laniï and tenenienta of Richard Conaty, :i!c! Ji.Ihi 'V-Miily . l'.-!''ii'i;iiits tlicci-in named, I did on lln'lüth rlnyof Jiinuary, 1860, ltvy apon and seizo all tberight,titleand iuterftat i the said KichArd ('onaty, atíd John Conatj,) and to the followïóg desenbed land anl nremtaes, xo wit: The west half of the south east qiiflrtt-r seclion thirty-two, the south west quarter of Bectlon ïhirty twn, also, the south part of south east quurler o Bectiod thirty-nno, intheTownihip of l.yndon. In thaCountyof Washtenaw, aod State oí MichiRan, all of wliicli preinfseal sliall expose for salo at public aucI mu, ;t. thf l:iw ilirerts. ut the froitt door of the Court Hbuse, fntbe Citj ut' Ano lrbor, that being the place for hol'linir the 'irtrnit Conrt for the County of Wahtifnaw, on Moiniay, the -ixth dny of .May nox't, at eiereu o'clock iu the foreuoon of aid d -y. THOMAS V. LEUN'ARD, Late Sheriff. Datod, March 13, 1861 791td Sheriff's Sa!e. CY virtue of an executiOD IstmeH out of and under the s -al f TlicCiiTuit Court for the County of Wasitenaw, aml Staie pf Michigan, bearing date the tenth day of July, 1860. an 1 to me dirèoted and K-livered, agninst the goo.i aiulchattels, nni.1 lor want thereof lands aud, tenementa ofTta Beckley, defciulantthcreinnamed, I dia on the c-lt-vt-niii il y of .luly, 1860, ltry upon and neito all tlie iight, title aud interest of the sai! Ira iïyckly ia ; anrl to fche follöwing described land and premises, to wït : Tiie nor th ïialf of the north-west quarter of section, nixmbei rixteeüj In Township number two, south of range six east, containing ?ighty acres, in the county oc VTaahtenaw and State of Michigan, all ofwhichprem iwsl shall oxfioscfor salo at publie auction, as the law direct?, at the front door of the Court Honse, in the ('ity of Ana Arbor, t hut being the place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, on Monday tho Btsth day of May nest, at eleven o'clock in th fore noon ofsflïdday. THOMAS F. LEONARD, Datad, March 13, 1861. tdTiU Late Sheriff. Estáte of Gillett Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN', :or.TY of Washtkjíatt- %._ At a sessbu of tho Probate Court for the" County Of Washtmiaw, kolde at tbe Probate OiBce in the City of Ann Arbor, on Kridiiy, tho eighth day of March in, the yenr one thousand elght hundrèd and sixty one. Freeant, Thomas Nïnde, Judgc of Probate. In the matter oí 'the state of I'bebe J. Gillett, Tercasa lï. Gillett and Amos W. GÜU-tt, Minors, On roading umi filin the petion, duly vcrified, of Charles W. Sanford, CurdioD of said Minors, prayingtliat he mriy ho. liectóed to sell certain Real Efitate of sni'l Minor.- lor their m tintina nee and educatíon. TherHupon it is Ordero'i, That Momlay, the eighth day of April next,at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, be a.-isi'gned for the hearing of said petition,all persontt interested in . said estáte are required to appear at a session ot aaid Court, thc-n to be hoMen at the Probate Office, m tbe t'r.y f Ann Arbnr, in said County, a ml show cause,. if nny thorc be, why the [irnyer of the petitioner should not be gruntoii : And it is furtber Ordered, that satrl l'ctitioner ive notice to the persons interested in sid estáte, of tlio pendency of said peution, and the thereof by causing a copy of this order to be published in Uu Michigan Argns, a newapaper prhUed and circttlatingin said County of Washtenair, three succeasiT weeks previnus to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) THOMAS N'I.SDE, Judgc of Probajo. Estáte of Tliomas Agin. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CüCNTT Of W'sutknaw- sö :: Ata session of tho Probate Court for the County of War.hti.miw, holden at the Probate Office, in the. City oi' Anu Arbor, on Monday ( the fourth day of March, in ih v;ir one thuuRa;:d eijrlit bundred anrl sixty-one. incEit, Thomas Niude, Judjre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Afcin, late of County, deoeased, On readiog; and filing the petiticn, duly veriSed, of James Sage, prayJng that a eerióin 3Enstrmnt now on, die in this ooust, purporting to bc: the tast Will and Testameni of saïd aecease'd, may be a-lmiticd to Probateand Itótfers rlV-tmentary grantcd thireon,to tho. b :■'. JamL4 Sage, aominaked as Ëxecutor therejn. fhefeupon it ifi Otfiéréd, TÍEat Friday, the i'tiv of UaECh. instant, at one o'plock in the ifterm.on, be'aftsignud for the hearing of said petitïon, and that the DQv6ee8, legaieea and beirs al law of said deI, and ftn otber persona inteteitfid ín said etat ajre ruquired to ai a session t said Cauri, then to be holiTeu at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann ■ in said County, and show cause, if any thcre bo, why the nrayer of ihe petiiioner should net be granted . And í is rariher brdWed, tlmt Raid Petitioner (rive Qottce'to the peraons iptereeted in Baid entate, of tho pendency of said petftion, and'thê hearing thereof, by cansfag a copy 6f thiii!rrto bfe published iu tbe Michigan Argus, a nowspaper printcdund circvilattng in sail Oounty oi Waslitenaw, three succasiTe weeltB prr;vioua to s-tid day of hearing, THOM s NINDK, (A true copy ) "dOtd Judge of Piobate. Cliancery Sale. rpHE CIRCÜn COURT for the County of Washtenaw-. J. in Chanccry - I-aac u, I'ouni.1, complainant, tb.. James ptgoall, defendapt. In pufsuanceand byrtrtae of a decreo in th's cause bcnriMií latí the lTthdity "f December, A. D., cighteen luindied and sixtv, the undersignad Circuit Court Comner for the County of Washtenaw aml State of MichijMn ; will .teil at pbh'c auction to the higheit bid(V r al tin1 front dOOV of the Court llmine in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuosday, the sixtconth day of April next, at ten oV.Iock, in tJlornooBof tha1 day, the following describe-U-ealfstate, to-wit: - All thittcertaÜl tract or pared Of land known and deseribed as follows: Being the west half of the south-west quarter of gection number twenty-threo. (23) ; also tho wept half of the north west iiï:irttr of M-ct;on uumber twenty-six, (26), in the township of S?alcm, Count j of Washtenaw baod State of HUch'igan, contaflnÏDg ónp htadredad thirty four ocres of land, bf the samemreor less, or so much thereof a may be necessary to satisfythe doeree in this cause with interest und coste. D. S-TWITCIIELL. Circuit Conrt CommisaioBer for Washtenaw Co., MIch. BcAKBS v t&KU Solicitorofor Comp'lt. . Feb. 26,1861 780td Cbancery Sale. TUT. CIRUriT COÜRT for tho County of WasMenaw- . In Chain -ry.-Manhr-.v F. Gregory, conjplainant, vs. Nrls'ri, Mi'i:er. and Catharine Mosher, defenoants In imrsuiince anti by virtiie oí a doeree in this cauBe btarinff date the ihirtet'iith day of June, A. D. 1860, the {inden igned, Circuit CburI Commiasioner for the County of Wa.sliti'tiaw, and Siate of Michigan, will seJl at énblic aactloa to tbe highust bidder, at tbc front door ol the Court House, in thêcity of Ann Arbor, onFridijrfc Öfth day of April next, :it ten o'clock m the forenoon ot that dav. tho follöwing describid real estáte, to, wit ; AU that certain tract or parcel of land known and doscribed as follows, to wit: Lot nuinber six in block nuxnber two .south of Hu ron street, range ten east, aceording tó tlie recorded plat of the castern addition of . tlio vil!a,e- uow city - of Anu Arbor, iu the County of, Washteaaw and Slate of Michigan, or so much thereof as may be m Bsary ld BtitSSfy the decree in ibis caat, with iiitecastN and costs, D. tí. TVVITCHELL, Circuit Court Coramúwioncr Washtenaw Co., Mich. James H Gorr, Solicltor for Coinplainaut. Dáífld, Februaiy ÏTth( 1861. V88td ShenfiT.sSalo. $ " OTATE OF MTCHTCAN, Cbftntj f Washtenaw, #.- O By virtue of a ritof l-'iori Facías, issucd out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court tor the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, bearing date the 31t day ofJanuary, A. i. 1801, and to me directed.ind dclivered against tlie goods and chattels, lands and teuementa ofHansThielson.Phillip Kraemerand Phillip 11. Astren, defendants therein namec ; 1 did on the 31st Say of January , A. D., 1SG1 , seize anl lévy opOB Ml the right, iltle and interest of the MM Hans Thielson, Phillip Kracmer and l'tiillip D. Westren, in and to tbe followiug described Ia n0 s abapremises to wit, the follöwing piceos or pareéis or land lying and bcing in the Village (now City) of Ypbilauti", in tho County ofWaabteo&w, and State ofMlcnigan, known homnk-d and described as fnllows viz. : Lots two huiuired and eighteen (218), two hundreané1 niiu-lccn (219), two hundred and tweuty (220). two huñéred and twenty-one (921), two hundred ani twenty-two ('222), two hunlrcd and tvventy-three.1 (■2-2Z) t-.vohundrcd and Iweuiy-four (224) , two hundred and twenty firo (SM), two hundred and twenty-six (■■h) two hundred and twentveight (228), two hundred and twonty-uine (2'ii), two hundred and thirty (230) two humired and thirty-one (231), and two hundred and Ihirty-tlm-e (233) ; accordingto the plat of eaid City; also a j-ièce or paroel of laud known, bounded an [aafollówfi: comnrtnclng at the lntenection U l ir.iü liivt-r and liiver BtfOt, and running along tho wesi Mtlu of said street to the south-east corner of a lot nearly "pposite to lot nuinbcral fro hundred and twentyone (221), and supposcd to be owned by AT. Harwood, thence aïon the south line of said Harwood's lot to the south-wwït corner of sakl lot, and this line contmaed iu tho saine direction until it intersects a lino bt-lni; the nut boundary Une of lnds owned , by Folletl i. BNI, and kn.wn as the Hurón Mil píoperty; producod northward to Raid mterection. Öienw alonV' said prodüced tíne and the mnd eat ■ line of said miU property to its intersection mtts, tUe , Hurouliiver, thoncu along wiidRivcrto the placo oföè gïimlng; tflso a certain other plee or pincel ot land in mid Cit'v of Ypsïlantt, bounded as fflllowa, comneücinK Bixrods weat of the uoTth-weat cornor of niTAg lot numbered on tho plat or plan of the Vlllage (row Ciiy) of' Tpsllanti two huüüdred and iwénty-one [221], running ■::h Tuur [41 rods, th(.-nce weát niteen [l;l roda, thence noMh foor 14] rods, rtbence mrt BfletafW rods to the place of bogiuotog containing slxty [CO] square rodBoflanasjaWtheBtreeta ■■■■ mr vac,:lrtekJ b aa order of tbe Court for the Coun tv ot ashtenaw sitting in Chancery, ofedö o tho thirteenth day of ,),,,„. i ) fgR.7 wttfohn toid orer t8 rcorded m Líber N ' fortr-two paK' -tiy unich aid stn-ct and aUeys are deecribed as follows, being all that portion of Hiver tfae ti.ivü of Vpsilanti, in SaM County ofWash'lyingtïd doding Kouthof tho south line of Vil-.( (ure lol inumber two Uundrod and aeventeao [217] m saia VUlage tothe Baron River; also all that portion of hout h Breel ín i lyiugnd xndüag bet ween Kiver vin-et and Mü! i t reet, in said Vniafre;%na ahtö, all the aUey b lying and extendtag betwwn VUlajnUrts numbored 218, 219, 220, 221,222, 22$, 2M, and ï-ó n & Xa: lag. Which said pretalaeg I shall expone for sale at puhlia auction or vendue to the highest bidder at tb front door of the Court Uousíi In (he Cuy of Ann Arwjr, Washtenaw County and State of MlcoigaB, th0 Jm Bv Wxl. A. Hati, Dein. bhcrtCT .ToiiMsoN ft Hir.DY, Alt'vs (ui Tlainun. Datcd, Fob. 1,1361. . lyer's Cherry Pectoral.


Old News
Michigan Argus