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Shíuuíí iiíttUif. I. O. o. F. WSIITEXAWI.0nGKNTo9,of the In.lepen.lent order of OAd FeUowa meets at thelr Lodge Room, ívery Fri.lav evening, at 6 í o'clock. 0.B.WUSON, S.G. F. Sobo. ■■-.'■ """süTBERLAÑTr & S' N, WHOLESALE ANP IiKTAH. Grocers and Commitóon Merchants, East side Maiu Street ánnrbor Putskiak & ScuQüO Rej tifully tender h.s pro. feTsional cervices tu the ctozens of A.m Arbor n rieioity. ÍS" Oc in Macks New Building, Main Btrset, Ann Arhor Mich. N. B. Night calis promply attenoci) to. TWITCHELL & CLAEK. moflí and CotuaeBow at I-aw, General Life aiiJ TL Fire Insurance asentí. Office to J Hall Block, on Hurón St., Ann Arbor. Collections promptly nuMtt .ndremitted. and special attention paid to convejanclng. B.S.TW.TCHKU., 74ütfl E. F. CLABK, "TÍMES B. GOflT" r W OFFICE, Xo. 2, over Slawson & Geer's Store. u T. m. scottT" AMBKOrtPE & PHOTOGErn Artists, in the rooms A. formerly oceupied by Cordley , over the store of Sperrj t PwtMt satisfaction guaranteed. w. n. steoñgT" DUm m Dry Good., B t Mld Shoe, fmrto.FllMJ -., Ann Arbor. WINES & NIGHT! DBUna m Stapte, Fancj Pry Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c. xc, MtD Street Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSOÑT" FCRSlTUREW.íRF.-RooMs.I'ralermallkmdsofFurniture, Se. Xew lilock. Mam Street. eisdon"heñderson, DF.ALFRS in Hardware, Stoves. housí furnithmggoods', Tin Ware &c. &c, New Block, Main Street. A. P. MÏLLS DEilBK in aple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sboes and Ready Made Clotliing, Huron;treet Ann Arbor, JÓHN W. MAYNARD, Dealkr nStaple Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Se. te. , Main í-treet, Ann Arbor. "BEAKEti & ABEL, TTORXEYS & COCSSKU.ORS AT Lt, an.l BoU A Chaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster & Co's Booc Store, Ann Vrbor KÏNG8LEY& dORGAN, TTORXEYS, Couusellors. Solicitors, and Notaríes PubCi. lic, have Books and Flats shnwing tittel of all lands !n the ountv, andattend toconveyancingandcollecting emands, an'i to paviug taxes and school interest in any part of the State. Office east siáe of the Square, Ann Arbor. " JAMES K. COOK, JoatKM of the Peace. Office near the Denot , Ypsilanti , Michigan. , " Wm. LEW1TÏ, M. i-, PBTSnBls & Surceos. Office at his residenee, Xorth side of Huron street, and 2d house West of División ïtreet, Ann Arbor. ). COLLIER, TAXri'AíTrRERandi!n'.iT in Boots nd Shoes. ExLVl cha nge Block, % doon South of liaynard, Steboim fc Wilson's tore, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. TlxrFlCTrREi a ml dealer d Boots aml .-hoes, VI Phcenix Block, Main Streel, one door Nortl) of Vastaington. Wm. S. SAUNDERS, DEALER in Boots, Shoes, and Kubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot t Shot tmc, snutli de of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO , W HOLESAlï and Retail dealers and manufceturers of Rcailv.MacieClothing, Importerf al Cloths, Cauineres, Uocskins, &c. No. 5, New Hoek, Aun Albor. C. B. PORÏER, .-j... . Sl'Rcieox Ii:t!St. Office cinuT "f Maio 13 ÍK na Harón streeta, or F. Bach'.s stort-. TMBflBk Ann Arbor, Michigan. -uiTXT April, 185, Wsi. WAGNER,. Dealer in Ready Made Clothiog Ciothg, OssimerI ni Ve.'tings, Hats,Caps, Truuk, Cu r.i-t Bag, fto. Main [ t., Anu Arbor. M. CAMPION," l H erciunt Taylor and ilo.iler in Readv Made Cloüiing, VI No 41, Fhoenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACH & PlfcRSON . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoeü, &c , Maiu street, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., in Dry Goods Groceries, Drugs & Medicine;-, lfta'lio(.)tt & Shoe, &c. , eóinei of Muin and Ann streots. uBt Del z w the ExcUanye, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, (ocers, Provisión & Commisísion Merctiant,and dea.T Iers in Water Lime. Lato Plastbb, aml Pi-aster of Paris, one door Kast of Cook's Hotel. C BLISS, Deaier in Qocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at the sign of the Big Watch, Xo. 27, l'hoenix Block J. C. WATTS. Dealer in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry andSilver Ware Xo 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. Baiiber and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, llich. Hair Fronts and Curls kejrt jonstantly on nand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DEiLERS in Miscellaneous, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper Hangings, &c, Main Street Ann Arbor. D. DbFOREST. fTBOLESALE and Retail Dealerin Lumber, Lath. Phin ?les, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand River 'laster, 'laster l'aris, and Nails of all sizes. A fiill and perfect a-isortment of the above, and all other linds ol building matenalb constantly on hand at the lowest possible ratea, on iletroit Street, a few rods from khe Railroad Depot. Also operating extensively m the Patent Cement Roofing. WHSUTENAWC0UNTYB1BLE SOCIETY. LBfOSiTORT of BiblcB and Testamenta at the Society ;' prices at W. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., 8ÜCCESBOH8 TO MANUFACTUKERSOF 3Exrin-t, Book., - ANDCOLORED JVIEDIUMS, AN AlllidU Mli II. MISS JENNIE E. LlNÈsT rpEACHER OF Piano Forte, Guitar.and Singing, belng L dosirousof enlarginghor class, wil! relT6 pupil al ihe renidence of l'rol'. WINTHt.l.L, wbich blng near he Union School, will be convenient for Bueb scholars attending there who may wish to purgue the study ofmuüicin conneclion with other braii' Terms$10, half to be paid at the middle and the balauc at the close fo the term. CARDS! CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! Having parchase a Rugí; les Kutaiïy DuKOKD Car1 Press, witb afme assortmcnt erf Oud type, Ebe Aaaua Office i prepareá to prjat Carda of all kinds in the neatest possible style anl at a great reducliou fron formar prices, including BuRines C&rdfl for men of all ftvocatiotis and profewiona, Ball, Wedding, and Visittcg GHa, etc., etc. Cail, give us your orders anti ste bow it Ls doeo. Livery Stable. B GREEN, at his r.ivery Stablo. rear of Fm.iklin lioWs himself readv to'furnish the best "turn out,'' tagl or doublé, t ahortnot ice. Callandee ia Horui and Carriages. Offlc BtconU door we6t ol Webster' Boot 8ore.


Old News
Michigan Argus