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The Appropriation Bills And The Taxes

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rresuomleuce of the bel :-oit Free Press. Lansixg, March 16. It is difficult undertaking to sift out he appropriations made by the Legisature imraediately upon ita adjournment ao as to stnte tbcin correctly. The appropriation bilis originally introdnced, ive nö oriterion whatever by vvhich to udge of the amount finally adopted, as no bilis ii) the whole Legisldture are so cut np, amonded and trannformed as tliese samo bilis. Tt is, therefore, almost an ïmpossibiiity to arrive at tlic correct resulta immediatelv upon tho Bidjournmont, and especiully 3 it so when :i number of the billa are passed during the very last hours of the session. I have, hovvever, been enabled to procure the exact figures by the assistance of Mr. Baldwin, chairman of the Finance Cominittee in the Sonate, and the figuren whiob I herewitb transmit may be rolied upon aa correct to the dollarThe 1o lowing are tho appropriations jKivabli in the years desvgnated, made for the purposes indicated : 1861. 1862. Asjisn for Iasoa 26,000 $::,,wo Aaylum for Ueat, Pamb, ete. fiMO is, ron 7,500 .ral College í;500 1u,uüo Reform School Normal sichool ijenloo-ical tiurvey w.l)l'! Military ,W)8 l.OUO .r0T Total êaob year Í2S.500 8,SO0 B8,6e Grand total of appropridtioM To meet these appropriations, or tbfl part o! thein paicl out of the general finid, and the déficits in thu approprations made two years agi, as wel) as the othar debts Maading aguinst the gimiera] (ajad - wbieb include the ( cutióos í McKiiiney and Elolmcs- a , tax of two milUon the dollar ha tjewn levied by (ha hisfpdaéufb &R the ( Slate vaíuation wili nut probably v;iry i million from one hundred and tnílliona nf thi"? tax will amouoi to $320,000 eacli of tha two coming ; your.s. It will be noticec] in tbo abovo table that the appropnation.s aro to be paid in the yars indicated. Those payable in 186 L must, thereforo, be taken (rom the gréneral íun' no tax that ís levied ior tlie 7ear can reach tbe n Uiit the gtmerul fund is ahx-aily larSfoly n debt, 'aiiil every dtillar of the $8,500 apjpn - priutöd .uní laude payabla in 1861 must - n-ily add to that de t. It is tliis fact that will explain tha largo defitöt at the etid of thu yüir, esliaiated sume titile ag.i in the report of the Pinance Oomoiutea at $181,593 51, The appropriations payable in 18G2 will for the most part be payable frbm the tax of two milis on the dollar levied in 1861. It luis been usual.'y customary to tüke them l'rom the general fund aïtogether, whioh is created by tliis .ax, but thisis not to be done now, notwitbstanding tho fact that the amount cif lie tax ti) be levied is &o enonnoua and o far in advance oí any tax that has ever been levied before upon the people. The total amount of the appropriations payabla in 1862 is $GG,500. But of tbis amount only $27,509 is to oe taken iro:n the general tax, whiie tho rernaining 39,000 is to be raisad by special taxaI on in addition to the two mili tax The Auditor General is in3trucied to próvido for this arnount in making np the taxes l'or the yeir, viz : $2J,0J0 i'jr the Asylum for the Insane ; $10,000 of the appropriation for the Asylum for the Deaf, Dümb and Blind, the other L8,000 being paid out of the general fund ; and $4,000 for the support, of the military. This amount is oquivaleaf to one-fourth of a mili aduitionul tas, so that the whole amount of taxes for the present year, wil I, in reality, be two and one tourtu milis oa ihe dullar, or $359,000. So with the appropriations payable in 1863. Not a dollar of them i. i to be raisèd by the two mili tas. The Auditor General is instructed to próvido for the whole amount, $37 500, by special tas in making his assesáraenta. ïhe j tas i to be lavied 'm 18Ö2, nnd xiid the tollowing year. This araount must therefore be added to the S32U.00Ü tax lor 18G2, which gives $350.000 Nor is that all. The sinltiug fund is to coininence in that year, and for it the Degislatura has ordered a tas of óne-eighth of a, inill in addition to all others. This wül give 2í),0Jí), whieh being added to tha speoial tax, give 156,000 ; the total amount of taxea for the year 1862 wil], tbérófqra, be two and three eighths milis, or $376 500 These are the exact figures relativa to the appropriations made by the Legislature, und the taxes tbat havo been vot;-'d. Tliis iinount of tax will, I apprehend, make tiie people groan vvith lts wtíiglit. lt may Ijü tuut all ttiis extraordinary taxation has been made necös-iiiry by tho extravagancia and dishonesty of the last two adroiaistrationa, and that the present idmiüistration sh mld not bo lild wholly respon tor it Yet ilio t'aot remains that this Blair adininistration, with all iU pro;'ossi ni.s o! öoonomy, has loaded the peopk) with a tax nearly üouölu that ever betore laid upoo them even by the inlaaiouá Wisner dynasty, and it w more thun ten times thu amount rt-quir ed uud'or üie last democratie adra'.nistration. For the purpose of convenieot rofarerice I reuupjiulate tho figures : Total apyrop:iaVon i'or I8bl $"-'8,5P0 Total ftpproprialfoofl for 1ÖÖ2 ipjit '!i i'jii.s for iSöa Total amauat of tux fuv 1861 86a, üUO Total amoiint of tax tor lüöo7ti,50ü


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