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A German Republican "fix"--the Governor Enlightened

A German Republican "fix"--the Governor Enlightened image
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Fri'in tlio Mellan JvQrttl [translation.] CORKKSPONDENCE1. L níin;, Marcli 12. You wil] have nlready noticcd in the legislativo proccedings that the nonsenical Si ntite biii which proüibitfl the ale of boei-, &e , in qilantilics leas f han fivegalloní, lias passed the house yesterday. [inmo-liately at'tci' ita passngft n motioa was made to reconsidor, and voted down. Il' the Governor does r.ot nterpoee his voto Lhcstatutc bouk of our State v i 1 1 bc enriclied by an act the pateniitv of wbieh would, perhaps, do honor to the aimatca of ao asylum for the insano, bilt uot to the ropresentativea of a free State. In ordi-r to oall the attention of Ihe Governor to the absurd tj of Ihia law, and to exploin to him whatwe, 1 liavc just w ritten to him a letter, whicb I herewith oomtn)nicate to you, translated int.j Germán. As a nienibcr of the republican State emnmiïtee, aud ospecicilly being the only Germán meniber of it, 1 dcemcii it my dtity, under the cireamstancea of the case, to aequaiut the Governor with the sentiments of the (erman republicana. T'nc letter is as follows : " HiktM Oovormr : ' Bcing for ycars a niember of tlio ropublican party, and ever activo i:i tbc propogation of rus república principies aniongst the Germans, I deern it Dot improper for me to eall your attention toa dangerous and serioua blunder, for whicb, in my opiniou, our present Legislature is respoiisible I rcfer to the amendment cf the so-calicd liquor law - an amendment io which, in fact, thefollowing titlc shonld be givoD, viz : An art to suppres natural righh and to enconrags tipplmg "I considcr tb is amendment to be a silly and unjust measure, which in i t nature is hateful aud de-potie, and I fear, indeed, that any further efforts in tiic cause of the rcpublican party amongst the Germine will be up-hill work if the amondment in questum is engrafted upon our statute book. " I will not enlarge whetbcr, and how far, the practical euforcement of snch a law, tlms amendcd, is within the range of possibility; I will only teil you, sir, that over)' intelligent man must consider sueh a law a (biring infraction of the rights of the inbabitants of this State, incompatible with free institutious, devotie, and in the highest degree ridicuhm. A. legislativo body composed mostly of republieans ought to bo of a law 80 pitiful, so childish, and so silly. " I thiuk to be pretty well acquainted with the views of the Gerinans, and assure you, sir, that tbfi entirc Germán population of tbc State endorses my above remarks. There are very many Germans who drink very seldom or never any beer or winc, but you will not find oue aniongst them who would not condemn emphatically the law in question. Not exaetly for its consequences, but on account ot principie, wc oppose such a miserable law. " I submit these remarks to your favorable coiibideration, and I shall be very happy if you, Mr, Governor, should bo indueed to paralyzc that productiou of a most ridieulous fanaüeisin, in order to ward off a most disagreoablc blow from tke republican party. " Wllll Uigh Cstt:-lll, " Your obediaat larnnt, BMIt ANN'EKE, 11 ilrmbi-r of toelie])ubiican Siate Ccmmlttco. IMing. MarcU 12, 1S61 . [TRANSL.TION.] Pp-cial Dinpatch to the Michigan Jouraftl, (IJí-rman.) Lansino, Marcb 13, 18G1. Fliend UftrxhauMn : I fcel happy to be able to eommunieate to you that the Senate has just passed a bilí to appropriate 25,000 acres of swamp land for the Germán Seminnry in Detroit. I do not doubt a moment ihat the House will also pasa ít. The Legifilature bas passed a very foolisb liquor law, which prohibits the salo of all kinds of liquors, ale and beer in lesser quantities thau live gallons. Many consider the law unconstitutiona!'; it could not have passed the Senate if the Senators had not believed that the Houso would deioat it. [Indeed ! ! Ed. Journal.] I do not know whether the Governor will approve the law; be regrets that it passed by so large a majority(l ! '.) In baste, yours, W. S. WOOD. ui ii ii


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