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SJPEGI-A.X. ISTOTIGES. THE MABKETS. O'iick ■'! the Mhiiiüan Ai;;r.i, Ah aiuiüu, Harob.,88, 18(tl. ƒ The followinL are the Belling prics of the principal ia "f produce offereed in our inarket. Whent r-1, l.u. - - - - 85 05 :' white bu. - - - 1 ,00 Bai Ie} - cwt. ... - - 1 ,■.'" Com, shelled, - - - ' - -40 ■ er, ' 20 -.' Buckwheat, bu. ...... 43 Oata,bn. - - - - - 20 2S riuur, rofl. Mil, .... - 5,00 " white, ..... 6,50 " rel, 1-Olb, .... 2,50 " white, .... 2,75 ! Ryc nour, ..... 2,2S Com Meal. ..... 1,50 Buckvaaat flour, - - - 2,'Jo Beans, ..... 60 76 FlaxS 1,1b, - 03 TimothjrSeedbo. .... ?,".& 300 Llover Seed, bu. - - - - -4,00 4,50 II-iv, ton, ..... S,UO 10.00 Wood, percord, .... -2.00300 Crnnberfta, ba. ... - 2,00 2,26 Beel.hindqr. - - - - l'4 05 " foreqr. - - - - 03 M Perk dressod cwt. - - - -6,00(1.00 Hutton, lb. - - - - - 04 4 Turkeys,lb. - - - OT 08 RJckenu, - . ... 0-i 07 , doe - - - - - 10 . lb. - - - - - 12 14 lb. - - - - - 08 09 ----- 10 14 Trillow, lb. - - - - - 10 1' . jior 'm. ■ - - - 20 21 Onions, perbu. ----- fii rornlps, ..... 2' ppl . ffreen, - - - 25 '8 " dried, - - . - 1,60 , dried, lb. - - - - 1' tl "ti.'v, c;ips, lb. - - - - l1 ,1b. - - . - - 30 k.sbl. .... 2,'j. " Bns.hbl ----- 1,8R Piaster, ton, SCO ïwT. C. II. H Pa _ raiDB aow le.-iw the nTflTal ttalions in Ibifl ('uunty ,as foliOTB. C, O I X G W F. S T . Kul. Ac. Pnv Ex. Jack. Ae. Niht Kx fpsilantl, S.o'i j. k. 11 ■-'.' A. m. 6.46 m U.IOf. u AnnArbor, 8.80 t Lt 7.1c,"" 11.85 ' ' Dexter, 9.00" "12.05 PM 7.56' ' Chelsea, 9.20" " 12.20 " " 8.20 ' ' G O I X O E A S T . Kiglit Kx Jack. Ac. Maill'.x Ka!. A íheisca, 0.30 a. m. S.SS p. m 8.2C P K Dexter ÍÍ6 " " 8.66 " ' 8.45 ' nn irbor, 4.40 AM 7 .: 5 " " 4.50 " ' B.80 ' fpsilnntl, S Ofl ■ " R .i r. -: 4f ' ' n EO IMPORTANTtoFEMAUS THE HEALTH rtiNU í.lFE OFWOMAN" Is continually in períl if she is mad enongh to neglect or maltrcat sexual irrogularities to which Iwothirds of hersox are more or lesa suhject. DR. CHEESEMAN'SI'ILLS, prrüirel from tbe same formula whicli the inventor, CORXELIUS CUEESEr MAN.M. IL, df Xow-fork, has for twenty years usod Ruccessfully in an extended privnte]T;ictice - iramediately relieve without pain, all disturbrinces . of the periodical discharge, iiether ansing frora ï-elaxation or suppression. They act lUce a charra inremoving thr pains that accempany diflicult or immoderate merstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Ileadache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitution of the Heurt Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, H])iisiu;, Broken Sleep and othor unpleasant and dangerouw effects of an unnatural condirion of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Aïbue or White.% they effect a speedy cure. To WIVES and INIATROISTS. DIí.OHEEtíKMAN'SPILUá are offeredas the only safe means of ronewineinterrupted menstruation, bul. LAD1KS MUST BEAR IN MIN There is one condition of tkefemalc system in wkich the Pilis cannotbc taken ic-i'hout producing a PECULIAR R ESUL T. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY- the resulf, MISCARRIAQE. Stick is the irresistible temlency of the medicine torestorstlie sexual fttnctions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of nature canñot resist it. Explicit directions stating token, and when tkcy should not be used, with each Box, - the Price Oue Dollar cach Box, r.Öntaining 50 Pilis. A valuable I'amphlet, to bo had f roe, of the Agents. Pilis srnt bij mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Sold by DrBggisis general v. K. B. HÜTCH1NG8, Prowristor. 20 Cedar-$t , New York. For Sale by MAYN'ARD STËDBINS & WILSOX. and ÍRENVILLE & FULLER. THE GREAT EKGLISH REKEDY S1U JAMES OLARKS'S Celebra ted Ffniale Pilis. FHOTECXED fl E T T E R F BY ROYAL f PATENT Preparcd ft om a prtêeription of Sir J. Ciarí?, M ., Pkysicicn Exiraordinary to the Queen. va;jMe médfciDe innnfailing in the cure of al" oftil an-.ï duiferoai diseaMo to whicb. tb fiBmalc ■ .-'i ta Rubjact It moderatM aLl excuus and r-unes aii obtructioE, tuid a Bji6dv curo mav be rtüea on TO m ARRIBO LADlfifl t :j jie;' i - ït win, in short tiiE, bring on , rlort wiih ruïsrity. Eftcb bottlv, prica On Dollar, b&rB tb ?cv?rrjnea ■ ; (j-roat Britain, to prevent couriterfciU. Turnt Ptlis skfízilíl net be taimn by ftnutUi áarins' tk THREE MONTH8 of Preancy, a thêf m 'xn# n Misr-n-t,--. j' u any clktr kimt ftfi ■ti M! anei 'if Nwrrfufi and Spiaal ktfocUaa, rir. I ■ .t exertjon, Ptlpfta id Whíti, tb. ai maLus hiive üú l sol eostaio iroa, ...■ "irtfni te iJae Wüsüii.titju o9t [3, fï-aU i.C. BaMwut a Oov Rüchesítr, N. V z ttamp t-vcloaei to aay o irtU Qfi'y hattl f BOli bj -ctora Sold be GREN'VILL & FÜLLER Ann Arbor, and bf ruggits inevery town. MOTHERS READ THIS. The foliowing is an extract f rom n letter written bv he pastor of b Baptist Church to the "JoarnaJ and Meásenger," Cincinnati, Oblo, and speaks voli i avnr oi that world-renowni-d medicine- Mus, WlNSLow'a Soothing Strüp fur ('hildrk.v Tkkthixg: ';Wesee an advertisement in your columnp of Mrs. FinsLow's Soothüyf Syrop. Now we never said a. word n favor of a patent medicine bef ore in our life, but we feel compelled to say to jrour readers, that thin is n3 hambug - WB havk tkiku it, and know it to bk ai.i. it olaibïs. It U, probably, one of the most auccessful 8 of the day, beoauaa t is one of the Det. A na thoseof yourreadera who hare babies can't do it botter than t') 1 y in a supply." Öee advertisement in anothrr column Corona. The sudden changea of our climate are soaroea of Pqjjcohabt, BBONCHiAL.andABTHJiATic Aïtk TIO8, Ëxperïeuce liaviDg provcd that nimple remedies often act ipeedtty and eertainly when taken ia the carly stages of the diiease, recourse should at once be had to ''Brown's llronchïal Troches," or Lósenles, let theCold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slfght, as by ■Uiis preeauUon l more ieriow attack may l)1 Sectually wardedolf. PrBUCPPiAKKESftnd BisGBBa will flndthem eiTectual for clearing and streagthening the voice. Pee dvertisement. TTPmG City Meat Market. %% Have IÏC7!iorcdVSjpmgjf TIIEIR MAEKET ÏO THE CORNER, OP ANN AXI) MAIN STREET8 Ana will keeji cunstuntly 0D liainl u full assottment of IF-TT-o-ta-ti. ISX-o-Gi-t-mi-, ii'-y win alv&yB bc fuuii'l in readiuaasto cut apon Süll'CUSTOMEBS. Nu pl.a will bo ípared lo keep tlieir mucket Clean, aiiíl Meáis Sveet aml patrona may ii-y apon getting the best roüsis BIKAKH, CB0F8, clt!. , tliat can I l'üund in the City CALI ANDTRY DB. S. l'Io:TOK T. WALKKR. Ann Arbor.May 4, 18G0 746m6 Ann . Arbor Marble Works. BATCHELDER & EISELE. TT AVE on hand a fine Hsortment of American and 1TALIAN MA li B L E wiiirii an prepftred to manu&cture nto ÜONUMENTS. USAÜ STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS &c-i &C., &C, &C, ;" :l! l!iri1 rarii tic , and lu WORKMANUKE mannor. they üattor themnelves that thoy will bc ablo t.. plea. .■ül w!io uiay favor tlicm wlth thelr on'.erï. Thelr pric are as L O W AS ï II E LOWEST. FhoM wiihlna; any thing is thair l'.ae iwe reaMctfaBj Ur'ited to caU BATCHLUflH S: E1.SKI.K. Ajz Aitur, U.-.rA. i,lSM. rooy Ii. F. BANDALL, Dealer in PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music lf Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICIÏ. PIÜMO FORTES froro the mnnufactory of A. H. GAT-E Sc CO. of New Vork, for fflmm I um agt. I will warrant inferior to nono, lo ityle "t finish qnantity 01 quality ol tune and prmaptüega of actlon MELODEONS, BUtnoftctnred by r&ELV h rilASF, Pymcuse N. Y. Lv: E8TEY & GREEN, of Urat;lobirn Vt. I will warrant superiirto any tn the market in over? res] eet Ibal pertaiht to the goml qiialitit-s nfii Melodeon. ï havo aa ban and mi oonitantlj reeeWing from the pubUahew hurgequant:eá of the moat popt.lar SHEST MUS 10 wIlcIi I will Roiff by mail tn bdj part of the coBBtry, on ï-ecmpt of marked prices. A good aas L-ri ment of GUITAKS, VIOLINS, HANO Stool, Bows Slrings, Inslnictions Books for all instrumenta, GTIURCH MUSIC BOOKS Glee Books !fc., 5re. , Src. The usual account to the Profe-sinn. Musical InBtrnmenta Toned and riipaired anj sattataction guaranLec in t'iTy respect. 1_T787 L. F RANDAI.I,. OF THE COUNTIES OF Washtenaw & Lenawee Mich , From Official Records and Special Surveys, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO., and GEIL & HARLEY, I!e!ng SnCCOMon to Geil & Harky , Tojograpliical Eug's, Authors "f Jlapa of tlie Counties of Ilülsdale, Branch, St. Joseph,Calhoun, Jackson, Caes, Van Bureu, Berrien, Wajne. Genesee, Kalamaioo, Sliiawassee, Monroe, Macomb,9t, Clalr, &c, Michigan; Loraine, Me'lina, &c, Ohio; Niágara, Brie, Cattaiaugus, GreenP, Paratojtn, &c., ,-.-, ïork; Monmouth, Morris, te., New .lersej; City of Reading,&C, Penn.;La])orte, &c, Indiana - etc., etc. Tho ondrstocí Aro preparing to puhlish, ly Bubücrlption,a nw and ombined Mal) of the Countlea of Wasiiwuw nd LmAWsa, Mh-bhuíc, from oareful urvj l tlieentire Dittrict, made exprcssly for this work, and from Official Records and olher reliable inforiDatiocThe Map will delinéate min'tely the various (ioographicaland Topopnhll featuiCí of theCounties, amuug wliicti may beeouraerated t!i; ft)nwtng: 1. It wi'il show all til Townsliij), Scotiun, and Quarler Ltnog, rT, 2 It ívíllgenírallyshow Üie Boundary I.inf oflarms, and the ñames ofrenident ownor. . 8. It will show the location of Piililrc Koads, .Uneuishing tlso open r.'ads ñora thuse not opened. 4. It vU show the location uf Oliurches, liool Ilousfs, Hotels, Mills, Maniifaeturk's, Ihvcllings, Sliops, 5. It will give tho cour.0 of Eivors nnd Oreeki, and show the lowtion :nd outline of allmeandered Lakes. 6 It willcoutain Plíins of the Principal Villages, show. ing Cíe Stroets, LotB, and location of Building. Kacli Villaje I'lan wiil also contain a Ilirectory, giving the naines and busiufsa of village subscribers. The recordé. 1 add tlonsto Villagss will be distingalshed by colors. 7. 1 will give the coursc of Hail lïoads completed, and alsosuch 08 as are now in proOMI of construetion. 8. It will contain a Diatanoe Table, giving the distance by fehfl mort direct openroads, bet ween any two Villagcs in the District, 9. It will contain a Business Pirectory of country subscribers, giving tlieirnames, occupation, and the section on irhich Uh v reside. 10. Views of Privte BMidenees and prominent Bmldini;-;, will be engraTfld on the margin, by special contract ml. In order to secure an iosertion, early applicatlon sbo'uld made to the AgBBti in tbfir respective dif tricts. 12. The Map will be neatly engraved, handsomely colored, sub.-tantially backed witL muftiin, and mountcdon o pains nor expense will be spared to make the work □ eyery respect wortby of public coniiilence. The price ifthe Map wÜl be at the lowrate of rix Dollars per copy, pay&blfl on deliv.ery. agents will visit every fortion of the Dis trict. for the parpóse of perfect ing lile WOl k, and, at tlu' Bsmetimo, to solicit patronage t ■ it. üpon thell cali, will, be the time to subscribe, in orderto ubtaiu tlie work as it will be iold by subscriptien onl.y Commumtstioni In regard to business portainiiur to this Map, if sent to Axj Aubub, Mic'u., will rceeive trompt attelltiou. GBIL & HARLBY, Fubiisheis. Premlam haa been ';ivarded by the Michigan State AgriculturalSoctety, to Gkil, Eütn & SmD, brtheirCounty Mapa.oa exhibttion at the Animal fair, held in Detroit', in 18S0. föf See Ciroulars which 11 ba dissribuled. 7i0m3 DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT AMUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINüHAVi'S C&EBRATED STIMUIATING OXGUENT, For the Wiusksrs and Huir. T&e rübscríbere take pleasuro in aonouncmg to the OitizeiiP of the tfnitöd States, ihat they have ubtalned he Agencylor, an'd are aow emtbíed U oífcr t the American publie, the above justly oetobimted and worldrcnowued article, THE SIimULATIIíG ONGTJEJIT H prepareil by Ik. C. P. Bbllixiíuam, mi eminent physician of Limdon, and is warranted tóbriag out a thick setof Whiskers or a Mustache n froro three to six weeks Tliis article ís the qnly one of the kind used by the French, and ia London and 'ans it n ín ui)iv(;i;il ase. It isabeautiful, ecunomical, soothing, yt atimu!ntig ompou&d actingas íf by magio apon the roota, eausing a beautiful growth ni luxnriant hair. If ftpplled to the calp, il will cure haldskss, and caue to spring up n lace of the bald pota a une growth of new hair. Apilied according to direetiona, it will turo rkd ot towy ;, and restore tífay hair to lts original color, eaving it soft, sinooth and Bexible i'he ''OnOUENT" s an indifipenRablarticle in cvery toilet, dJ atter one weeks use they wouïd not 'or tuy eoaaldra tion be withoui it. ibscnbers aro the only Agentsfir tho article in he United States, to whom all orders naat be addreued l'ricc One ollar a box - lor sale by all Droggtotfl and ora box of the 'Onguent" (wArranied to have he dealred eflect) w!U be Kent to any wlio delire it, by mail (direct) , securíly paeked &n receiptof príce an'J Hxitage $1.13. Apply to oar address HORACE L. HKíiKMAN &C0., DBUQGI8I8, 40., 788m6 24 Wi'liam Street, New York. THE CAMPAIGN UPEN. Campion's 3?latform ! rpIIK xubscriber has just returned frora the tast witli X hís Fall and Winter Gr O O 13 S Whieh he is Determine d to Sell AT TUE LOSTEST TKICE FOR CASÏÏ ! nt wlíicli, FiíBt Quality Gods can De afi'orded in this city. lly clohs are all of the FIIMEST QUALITY and ns I manufacture thcm into clothing myself, I ara enabled to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I sell. to be WELL MADE, wlíicli is a strong inducement to customers to psitronize my stoi'e in jireference to places where large ouaotitios of half made gootls are kept for sale. - 1 luive theLATKST rA-uio.Ns, and cun give you as Fine and we!l Fitting Girmcnts as can be bought anywhere, I ara bound to sell CHEAPER AND BETTFB GOODS ! than any otlier similar establishment in this city. Tour custom is most respectfully invited. M. CAMPION. Anu Arbor, Nov. lt60. 773yl To Itent or Sell Ai tl-il THE FIKST DA Y OF APRIL NEXT,' I will Mil orrent nivhouo and lot ontlie oomer of Hurón and Ftrat itreeto, oppotte the nrtáeam ofjadfo Qnagerjabo two hRlf lots, one on the of Aon aad Kirst tteeti; and one mi I'irsi itrefe, bet weeg Aun ;iml Bnron itreets. For ten spel; to BZRA PLATT, on tho premige, any ouo wi.shiug to reut Ulo house had bturapplyaooa. KZKA l'LATl' Alm Albur, Mardi 15,1801. 1OOO Fine Overcoats! For Sule Choap at C-rUlTERMAN & CO'S. r"? Care Cougk, Cold, Hmseniittt, Infiu.Mï enta, uny Irritation ar Süreiess oj Ou Lafl Kijk Throat; Rilinr hr llacfomg Crntgh fMjnrlTiH in Contnimpüon , Bronchitis, AitknulluiMflAnla ma' anc Cala Th. Citar atd VÉLÍÉHHie# A"''-''' Ktrtnyth to 'hu vnin: of fiiïfttS PU111.1C SPKAKEIla m&JBr ml IISGEKR, Fe ■ ;tto of ihiMmjiortanceof ctiecking a (Jongh or "Ciimuion Cclrt" uit., Hrnt tig; thlt whloh in tlie hifrinninst woulcl yiol.l lu a mitd rfmedy, f neKlfc(e'. ioou attacki ths l.uHj{B. 'Brown'i Rrunchial Trochi,'! coDvmiinirclomiilcoiit ingrtdlcntl niy I'ulinunnrj and Bronchi! rrr:tation, BROWN'S '-'I'liiit troulileinmy Tlinnt, (for whlfh the "Trochos " are a rprilc) havingmad TPnr'TJli'C: lllü ft(-'" inore whiüPtTf r," TROCHES N;p WIIJI3 "I rocouunnnd íhcirusfí to PUBUOSPBAK. RKOWX'S "■" KKV E. H. CIJAl'IN'. "Havo proved extreinely Mrrioflftblt for i KUOliJiS REV HiiVHY WARD SUCHER. "Almonfinslaiit relief In tl,p JlstrossinR BROWN'S llr of bwaUiiM paeaHarto AtaatA." RKV.A. C BOOLKaTON. t"Dí nrrt?C3 "'oo'ain no Oi-ium or unvthiua ujuri1 KUOHJib aai. dr. aa. HAT&, Chfünist, lïosiun. BROWN'S ■ "imple and plaainnt combination for .'ot;u)w,i:c.'Dit. u.F. BIGELOW. TROCHES "Boneficial n BBOxcnms." DR. J.F.W. I.AXK, BROWN'S ,,. , , Bortón. I liave proviMl tlicm exoollent tor m Wnoopi.Nu CjL(h " TROCHES bev. b. w. WARREN', P.ROWN'S "I!en'1''=i-'' hm oompelled to s'poik! lafleriug fn.r.i Coijj " JKUbUfb St. Louis. "Enecta&l in rpmoving HnarpciïeH aiwl BROWN'S trrit:tti"n of th Throt, so cominou with .SrüA&KRS and SlKOVU' T ROP HFS i''u' "ACr JOHJfSON Teaclier nf Munic Soatuern BROWN'S ... , , . Fomale College. "(■reat bonent when taken before and Tr)n„„p(, pwdiing, as tiicy prevent lloaise1 nUOilliö ness. i rom their past effect, I thinli tliey witl be of permanent ailviuilagc tome." BEOWN'F I'.KV.K. ROWLEY, A M. Trcsirlcnt „f Athena Collem, Tenn. ...„„„„ PoMhy all I)ni(rgislat ÏWKNTYTROCHES FIVKCENTS A BOX.-Ï 776mO LUNG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fishcr's BI och IFcodward Ave Detroit, Dr. S. J, CAUPKATEK & RAIN ARO. DOCTOIÏS gen, raily jpntttkd that Consnmptioo is incurable, because they camot cure it thonwlTOs; but tblfl does Bot nuk-p t true. Many mechantes willworku on n .iob all dav and af ter dring notuing but spoil the material they will tolt you it never can be done in the way you want it. But byapplytag to a bettor roikman- ona wlra thoroughly uoderstanda hli busineaa - you will get yuur work accomplished in shape. In tliis reipact there is tho samo diflerence to be found n all trades and profensions . The bunglers in mechanismen the arts, ín law, in theology, and in physic, will sny auch things caniwt be done. And t is true that they could nat be if ull meo were like thtinselves. But fortunately there 8 another class of men, and these, when they take your case in hand, do the job as you want it, or restore you to health, accon ing to delire. We havo only to rcinember tl is act to understand whj one pbynioiaD BhoiUd pranounae that incurable which anotlier can cure. In mechanics, wBOmetilKiH find that by a possession of superior means, by some new inventiou, of which he has the sole cue, or by the groater ingenity of his mind, one persdii will make or do what no other can. Exactly t may be so in physic. And tlus is tho very reason why I have such groot success over all other.i m the treatment of t'onsumption. By having the original genius, by poSMfiilng the Lung-Meter, wliich enables me to clearly dett rroinc the nature of the diseaseand by haring sucb remedies for Cousumption au no other Physician ever had, make bold te Pay that I have, and can effect a cure of this düense beyond the reach of any other man. To prove this to have been the case, I might give you numbers npon numbern of certificate.s i'rom men and women given ovtr to the gnive, who have been rescued and restored to health Cy the penwrwkig use of my reincdu.s tor Cnsumptim. Bat itu not aec(Nsa-yfor me to do bo here,for (he fact ui oneman doing what another cannot cannut, is evident to ali men of common sense. ]f the Cousumptive wishes" fui'tlnr proof than tliis, I can onlv sav, conie and Mbtfeff youraclf by trial of my skill in th cure of your comp'iit. Doctor Carpenttr wil.1 visit Ypsilanti, and Aiin Arbor, during 1860-61. AnnArtor, at Cook's Hotel, 3d a ml 4th of each month; Hawkí.s House, Yp.silnnli, 5th and Ctli of each month. Tho rtaiuder of the time, he will be found at his Lung Infirmaiy .'niDetroit ly 773. City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris Grand River Piaster, Water Linie, Nails of all sises, Olass, Paint and Putty, dkc, &c. , D. DeForest, HAV1NG Inoreaaed his facilities for doing bnslncsK and enlarged hia Yard and títock,ia pre pared the present season, with tte bea;: hirgest and cheat:eat seaeoneri stock cvprin thia markt-t to satiefy the reasonable expert ations oí all. Oui motto Is not to be undersoldtor cash on delivery I will not undertakfto frightenthe public bysaying that they will getahavedif they buy elaewhere. for we presume that othero willsellaelow aethcy can afford to. All kinds of Timfoer, Joïsts, and Scantling, Pine, Whitewood, Basswood, Hem jook. Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood .Uh K loo ring. Planednnd rough Pin pand VVhitewood 8iding,FencePo6ts, OskandCedar Posts andPicketi .f all kinds. Pint f all), anir UHjitctuoob t. J l'tne, Ashan'i Whücwood Shinglei, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, RlaekV..iUt,and Cherry and thin stuff, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, lïoxund Body Lumber,Map]eLog Timber, Uickory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of(i!l;hieknesee,widtha andlenjjths.&c. te, Piaster Paris, and Piaster of allkinds. 3ST,liBI of all siies, &c, &c. SAS IL D00R8, efe BTJJSÍDS, made by hand to orde r rp low H9 fartory prires. on the shortestnotice by the bost of workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bille ofa)1 doscripMon in the above building line furni6Ïifidon thPRViortcstnf notice, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful' andn perl'rct aseortment of the above anc other kinds of Kuil ding Materials Oonstantly onhand atthelowestpossiblc ratei Cali and be Convinced. A few rods southfrom R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Miei. BOOFING, N.B. - I amnow operating Bxtensivelj in the Patent Cement Roofing. D. L. WOOD & CO. Havo neooivod .a. llK,o-e stock or Seasonable Goods I Por tlio FALL AND WINTER TRADE., Of iggo: WHICH ÏHEY WILL SELL OHE'AP F O rj CASH, OR REAÜY PAY Cali and sec Before Purchasi-ng Elxewhere. D. L. WOOD, W. G. FOSTER. "To the Unemployed." GENTS WANTED to ctmraiu and sollelt oriïprs for the v Llttlo Otant Seirlng Machine, l'ricc nuly $10. To enerjíctic jind Irustwürt'ny young men, we pay a alary of$45pir mouth and expenses, or a commission by wliich fromP00to$1000!r year m bo made. This ia a nw machiue, just p.itented, and m rib .in Igent in every town or countj u tlin state. For partleubn, ilcsdipti.ocAtabgue, kc, &c, , eaclüsea stamp, and add tesa , T. S PAOE, Tulpdo, Ohif,. "1 GoucVal AflCr.l fhf V ?


Old News
Michigan Argus