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18611831 OFF J%JJf REDUCEDPRICES. FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Glores, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Flannels, .-..t:.9 .L. sSEIjIjITÍG OFTE AT REDTTCED PAIOES ! AT STRONG'S Cheap Cash Store, EXCHAInGE BLOOK, 782tf MOORE & LOOMIS llave Removed to the STORE RECENTLY OCCUPIED BT C. MAGK, Phoeuix Block.Enst side of Main St., AND fr HAVE BOOTS $e SHOES Of every deietiption ■whioh will be SOLD CIIISAPEn THAN CAN BE BOUOH7 IN Thii OHr. Alio a Urge ataortmiMit o( HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all Umin mftdü in the mest Fashionablc Style EXPEÏilENCED WOKKMEN, -oxmFRENCfl CALF BOOTS are XOTbi'RPASSED tliis side of Xew York Citj, and are warranted not to kip. Our SyOGASAND KIPSs, re made of tho beat material Our etock of Morocco B o o t e e s for iAdifs is the the rest in town, with hoels or without We Malte to Order, andnever miss of surrixu the first time m gíve usa cali and we wil] khow you onrstoeh fre of charge Wt'have mcurmI the services of two Ksperienced Journeymen, who do our mendine: in the IVeat est .'ïuiiiur, and ou shorteat notice. Our motto ia Quïck Sales and Smal I Froñts 'Htivnkfulíor past favors we Uopebypnying strirt iittentioii to our business to merit a liberal hare of your patronapp for the luturc. ,6(3" Kemeniberwe are not to be nndersold. -i Ml) ORE & LOOMIS WIAES & KNIGHT hare rcceired their socond pureliaatof WINTER COODS, Whioh will be sold nt tte Lowest Possible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We invite 11 to cali and be sntisfied that our GOODS ARE AS GOOD AND PRICES AS LOW as can be fmitH in the difry. Var. ÍO, IPSO. m ANTOHEK A AARRIVAL. AT THE ÊSÊ OLD AND RELIA BLE iifliÍ CLOTHIMt EMPORITIM!! slL :nsr - O PHCBNIX BXiOGKj MAIN STREET. hnsjust rpturnM fmin the Eastern Citïe. itb a ln-rj niuMüHirabli stock of F ALL AND WÏXTER E3r OOBSÍ wliich Uo is now oiTtiring at unusually x-o-vsr x31 :tïl:h: o e si Amonp; ïiis ABSOTtiúeot muy be fouud BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOE8KINfj & VESTÍKQS, ofallilmicriiitioaK, mpec-ntty for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! wliïch hei entiin and mnktnff in order, in theltpt an' b'Rl stvIeM, tog'i)nT witlj ft ftupfi'ior asHortrucnt of REABY MADE CLOTRJNG! TttL'N'KS CABPirr HAOS, UMBRElJ.Aa, nnd Gentlcmen's Furnishing Goods, witlinumerouRother artioles umially fonnd In imilai efitablishiiiont.. As ANEMPOBIUM OFFASHIOiN, the subRcriber flatti-rs liimielf, that bislonj? êXpertMiM and genera, snccess.will cimhlc him to gite the (realcst satisfactiou toftll whn muy truit him in the waj ofm.auufiieturing gnriDfuts to urtlcr. 769tf WM. WAGXER. FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! SCHOFF & MILLER RE STII.L ONHAND at fueirold Stan.l, A No. 2, Franklin Block, witb themofit complete UftOftBMBi oí Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CUBTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS : Ever offered in this Market ! and tliOj would BugLent totliose in pursuit cf anytbingin SANTA CL A US' LINE tliat thejr can securp a Doublé Christraas Present ' by purchasing from this stock, as eacb purcbaser gets an additkmal present of Jpwelry, &c, Enngïng in value from 50 ets. to $50. J&" Tlipytru--t Khftt tlioírlon exprioriro in selpctirijï1 gods for tliis nriiirkot mvl striot aïtcnlK-n to thj wut of Ciitomoin, niay aótitle tbtia tu a UbcnlslKre "f rtron;ige. Ann Arbor, P'c. 6. 1S60. 777tf VOLUNTE1RS WANTED!' TO ASSIST IN' THE LIBERATION OF CUBA !j iVbite folies, or of xrhtever color, caste or nativity, 'whethiT n..irriuil. singlt1 or of doubt ful connexjoii, wHl beenliatüd in tíie noble cause of PMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITV - IT.üM THJ5- THRALDOM OF HIGH PJtlCES ! tul will receive thoir outfit at the Eztensive Furnishing Estabüslimeul -OF TIIK-G ü ITER MAN' S HEAD QÜARTEES! liaving been estaTjliblied for the LAST TEN Y E ARS, our known rule of warfare is an Undisnised Dcstruction OF 1IIGII PU1CES ! EOH. CLOTHING For all .ges! Sx and Conditions! In conscqucnce of tli very flittering encourngoineiit wliicli we liave reorived since our locntion in this ciiy, ive have incren6e;l cur Stook of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHI MC! To meet the tlemnmls of our cuatomers, ftud lidving bccome more fully convincecl thati ever, tliat our mode of dealiug, namelv: at ihe lowost posaible rates for is the only truc plnn; we will continue tr serve the public as heretofore during thtf 'euiniitir fall and winter. Our Stock consista ÍQ every variety of READY' MADE CLOTH1NO ! Ploiri and Fancy CLOTIIS, CASSJM'KRS. SILK, AND STLK VELVETS. Alargelot of GEXTLEMEN'S FtTRMSIIINU GOODS, which are all ivarranted DON'T FAIL TO OALXuaT C3-. JEL. Q, For past fa vore we are rateful to all, The f ame for largo ones in proportioöv And those w!o Kte tí t to cali Shall receivo onr best siniles aiul devotion . M. Guiterman Sc Co. N. B. Stuilvnts and all otbers who -want to aee SONDHElM'"i new mode of cuttingwill do well to cali and K-ave their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! aUITBXlMAN efe C-'o Aoa ArhVr, ff ft ï. 1930. BV tara. TO IMSLOW, An pTp(cn.c] farao nttd í'emale Pliyaicmn, prfíioBt to tí:r Httc-ntion of tri' ílurs.hi-r SOOTHÍNG SYRUP, HÍLfrREir TEETRING, TThïch grctttly f i'-.ilü.-.ïi-.s the proces nf tthlng, br Boften g ' ■■ ■ riiüts, feilucfpg all nllainmaticn - win m&M$ ALL : iwlic actiën, nnl is SÜRE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. Dcpt-wl upon it, niotiiorrf, It will givc ra-t tJ jour. wiToi, nh.J Kelief and heatt'h to ydiir Jnfante Wc liflvc put np fml nni sold tliis nticló fór f fcn yare, aBil CAN SAY, IV CONHDKNCK ANJ TI'.l'TI! of it, wliat vi l.sve r.iirer hem aWt t J f. nycthormr-di.'.in - TihVIlt HA? 1T FAU.f.D IN A SINM.i: 1KSTAKO:, 'l( 1-HTíT A (LIK, wheil ttmelr BMd. Ntvcr did wc ktre i n ínMfí. of c!iaQa&anctlriti by any i fee irtw i:imm1 it. Oii the contrtij; all nr.i dehglileil with it opi r" n, nnd funk in Uriuri of commf-mlati' n of its magfefcl tifret and mclieai v'rlues. Wc iipMk n (hifl mntt-r 'WIIAÏ E I O' KN'OW,"afier tin yen,s eijwrirtl, NI 1 I.F.l f. E ÜÜK RHM.TATH.N KOU HIK FUKILI.IUNT t WHAT WK lll-JKK DF.ri.AMf . In alir, il ,irry iti-tc wlitre tbp infnnt is etiffi r n fr m pnn iml xbflbtu-fj relief WlU bw loun'l in fifun vr tutnty m nttfs aft 't tb yru is fu!inInistiTel. This vtilimMr prvparittiun is tlu' pr'-fi] tion of on of tho moBt.KXl-KKIKM Kil and 8KII.UXI. KIIIM in Itw Ehgland nnrl )as Wíu iwtl iïh NhVKR KAIl.iMO SS In THOUSAKT) Ofr CARKS. It not orly frelipv theeh 1 : frnrn p:i n, fcut invig. fruid the stomarh anl bouol.s, et rnnt . acid tv. Afiilghoi t. n cnfl enoïgj to tlio whuleVBU-m. It wil] vnion in?Unt;y relieve ompnra in the nmraf, and wind cour; and overeóme nnivuisioii, wïiich if nut bjxmmIIt n-m dlad, end in rieath. IVt Iiulievp it the MM and SOREnT REMEllY IN 1J1E WoRI.H. in all raM of DTiKITEET and DIARKltCKA IN riIILl.Rl N, -liciht it injM fr.)m tpeflkiftg. DT "r m nny oth r cnunc. Wy woiild flriT to erery mithT whu h fl a child sufftr.tri from nfiv of tbc rufcgonR rfinpln:ut' - Thi N(iT LirT YO!1 PEKJÜD1C1, SOR TUK HRFJUilICEl OK OTHKR?, ftandbttwepn youiDd yniir sufirn child, and the relief that 11 be Bl'RK- YES. AÜ Ol.l'TFI.Y - to follow the uso of thH molic n. if tittiMv uftrd. Full diectiond for uu'nf; wil] acc mpany each ÏJ'ittï. Ne&ft genutnA unlefis tle fao. Riroile ia CuRTfe A l'BhKINS, Ne-.v-York, ui, the uutsfde wrapjK-r, i?old by DruffffistH througout t'i(t in r!d. Principal ffler 13 f-d-.r Snert, N, Y I'liICK OHLY 55 CT.NIS PER ÜOTIl.t. Forsalu by Ebcrbach it Cu. Ijl13. TÓ POUSEKEEPLRS. SOMETüING NEW.-B. T. BADBIT'S Best Midioal Saleuaïub. lñ mauuricturOvl from cuninon salí, aml i prepare entlrelj difrDtCroiu other Saii-rlup. U AÜlltc fU'li.'terims matlt'r cxti'ftcted iu nucii r. Qj a níinncr ns to [iro]uce Brmd, RÍ5cuit, nnd al b ötjk-iniis of Cake, without eontainuig n partícle o L SalerutiiR when the lirtftil ir Lake is hak cd. J il;ercby produotng vliolcwome rewult. Kvorv J? partiftlc ni Saleratun i turnad to tras, añil [ rb M iMtbruugli th# Brutand libtcutt bsklDg í íí íKiíeqnentiy, irotlii-. rcmaiiü, bui c ■Dtnuni Sal tJ? 'MJ Water, auil Tloör. To wjllr"aly i-erecivt, bJS ttietiiste.of thísSüíerWtua, tbr it U (WlljS lifEennt from otheriklèfa ' Eg Hls ji.-ii-kijiï in ooe pouüii püpè'fii, fMoíi wrap perbntDded, UIÏ. T. Bubbitfn Be1 Medicioa'. Jj ÍJO aleratutt;" aï., picture, twish-t1 lei f A bread, M DO with a IfcM nf BtTurvMcing vh1t mi i ik top.- rt Vhtn you pn: clmsp ■UK' paper yon hould j-rt avrra tin' wra;ier, und bc particulajr to jret tbc j lext exact iy hke the brand as sbove. Ofj Full directloünfor makng Bread witTi tliis H f V tus and 8our WHk or Crn Tartar. iUaa ■ iompany each packarr-; nisn, dirsKiwim fr innkiiH' n'.l klodfl af Vastvv; also, fur iruikiu -?o!a Water and Powdera. J) 9 MAKEYOÜROWV SOAP wifh y 1. T. üAiiHirr'S Pt'RK COXCtXTRATEI P Warrant"'! i'.nuble the Mrenfrth of ordlnarj M 'otash : put up in cfins - 1 lh, " llis, ;i IIm, f W b. and 11' - w'h futl rtfrpction for mttking AND ilard and Soft Snap. Cousufaen val] ftnd thfn 'lie eheapcut srtïdfl :n mnrkft. Mattufaetured and fm by ;- !i. T. DABniTT, J ',4,66,08,70, kT4 Waahínírton sí-, Vew Vork, fl 7 ' and N'o 38 [ndiasi, Boston. 4 Ti;.-,1 X or Ac Speedy and Permanent Care of Seminél Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissions Nervous and General Débility, Impotencet and all Diseascs arising f rom Solitary Habits or JExcessive Jndulgencc. rpiTERE are thousands of Young Mes, as well aê Minniü JL Aged and Old Men, who are suffering to sorae oxtent from the above diseases. Many, perbaps, are not awaxe ef their true eondition, or when assistance is really needo'J. For tha benefit of such, we herewith give a few of the moi common aymptnms, vir.; Weakness of the Hack and Zimfn, Pain in the aeaé ad Side Dimnets of Sight, Dats and H'6 beforo the Eyes, Palpitatüm of the Huurt, Dysprpia, Loss of Memorti, Oonfviton of Tdeas, J)tpres.iion of Spirits, Aeertivn te Somtij, Distrust, Tim4Mtut etc. For each and all of the above symptotua theae remedies will be fouud a " Soveraign Bal ia. ' These remedies embrace threc prescriptions: A btíx at Pastel, a box of Nrvous Unie J'ilte, and a box of VMU Tonk Pillé, al! of whleh havo important offices to perforra, and sliould be uecd MnthT iu every unse. Their superiorïty over other modes of truatment inay be brie tl y stated as loU lows, tïi: tLW They diminish the violonce of eexnnl eneitement. ff$F They immcd,íatti)y arrest uucLurnal and diurnal eni)êions. jK3"They remove tocal weakness, causing the organa to MBume their natural tone and vigor. j8L5" They strongthen the constitutíon by overcomiag nrTOus debility and guueral weakness. j((y They er.liven the spirits, which are nsually dtprewaa, bjr expelliug all exciting causes from the Byötem. jftíEr" By their invigorating proporties thoy reêtors th patiënt to tm natural health and vignr o! manhood. jgy They ourc when all other meana have failed. S&T They contain no Mercury, no Opium, nor anjthing that can in any event prove injurious. JUS" They are easy and pleasnnt to use, and will not interf#Te with the patiënt1 usual busiuites or pkaanre. "jjfg" Xhey can he used without suspicion, or knowlcdgt o oven a roörTi"IDite ■■ .. That they maV come within the re ach of all, we hare fÍTtwí the price of the P?4Uls at $1 per box, aud the PÜU at .Vt eents per hox each. In ordering by mail, in addition to th pricc, twelve cents wl tampi siioald lo incloaod for rvtttm .J&w. T-ADIE5 inwajit of S iafí andíffeetntl Bj?Ok remcdy tor Irreijularitit, Supprcwan of th wbA-%1 -jl Mensen, or any (Iiïease reenhar to their ex tóM'Sr fihould nse Du. Gates's Female Monthlt i; F-, Pills. Price, by mail, $1 and one stmnp. 'Jnm' ';' Cai-tio.v.- Theae Pilis should not be uiod Bjrf TjÜ d11'0? pregnancy, as viitcarriage wül b th 5 _fí(? conseqnence. rn LADIES who, from ill-health, deformiiy, r any other humane and reasonable cauee, deern it uoceary to avoid an increaso of fainily, can do so without mear ' ring danger to health .ir constitution by the uae rt -V. fsm Craux's French Preventioe Poxcdert. Price, by mail, l and tvo stanips. These Powders can only be obtained bj addressing tU General Ageats, aa below. Send for Dr. Gates's Private Medical TreattM en Swi Vítense. Pkicb Ten Cents. Address, H. Q. MILLEK & C0„ Genoral Asentí. LouisTilU, BJr. For rala by MAYN"ATID, STEIÏiUX-S.v A Wil SON. y83in A.rïn Arlor, Micíi'. PHOK L. MÏLLKIP8 HAM INVIGOKATOR. A.N EFKECTH E, SAKE AND ECOXOMICAL COÏU'OVïfV KOR RKSTORINü GKaY IIA1K to its ..riginal crïrr & out tlyeuig, and prr renta th Hait Drum tamtng gra;. KOR l'RKVKNTISt; HALHXKSS Hnl uiritïg IW#4 Ín tho least imrticL' uf vit:vliiy ur recujfitiTP enoryr rpmsfnta, FOR RKMOY;N; SCTTRF AND HANDIUIT, and nll cutaueous aftecíions oí llie fealp, FOR BEAüTIKYÍXü THK IlAlIï, fmrartingteït an boeqnalled gloas aud brlHIncv, tnaking it soft auu Üky in tfxture on cauatns 't tocur] readily. Tha graai celebritjr and tbe tncrfalng dctñand for t K í i tiaequaUod preparólos, oonvinco tbc proprietor t)jt nttri;il is only uwssary to Bfttify i iiicnrnit]K public of Ha superior qoaütiefl cner my otber pivparation at prñftut iu luso. It oleanet tlie hed and calp frtm davdivjf ani other euUtnton disea?e.. Cktiaeri the bair togrowlajariantiy, and gins it a riob, soft, glossy aud Boxiblo appeantnee, and ajsowbere 'u linir is Iuoeolng and thlnniuir, It will gire rtrDgth r).l vigor to llie ruota.and restore the growth tn tfeoM partfl hich davj becoriu'l, savsiog it to i cl il cfk rorei inu fff Aait, Tdereare hundredi of lailUta nul gentlowum ir. Hp Voik who have had their hair eeatored by the qh trf this Iiivijioiator, wlien all ótber proparatioun had fiiüd'. 1.. ft, lius in his po8seasion tetteas ianiunerable teatifyUtji to the above factft, frtnn persons of thp hfghfst r8pcta bility. It wilí effeétuaJly prevent tiie hatr from iitrnmjf gray nntil fecfesi perïod of Ufe; and in cases whcitlit; hair has ohangvd its color, the ase of the Iftvlgonttor wil! wlthjcertaiaty restore Htm its i&igUmi hü", givtvg it a d;u-k, jfïoiiBj ;, ipeanuu--1. Aé a perfume fos tbc toilet ui.l a H;tir Iv.-storative it is parflsularlji r öh ttftntiï', baring an agreeable rratcrance; and thf fVMi facilitic it affordu in dr e Om hair , vhtch, v.-ficn moiat iritb tbn Inngi rator can bo drwacd in ntiy reqtilnef] fnnU b ah feyprwm iCn phu-e, wbether pluia or iu lienc?U (freat den! for il by the latlies un n standard toiUi articte whfcb tiont öughi to be Hhout, ni tho priee" placft; it witjiiu Ihc rcirii of ail, bung ONLY TWENTT-FIVE GENTS por boftlf, to be hal at all respoctabfe druIit1 aurt perfumera. l RILKKR wonld iil tfl atfenHon rtf ratrní ntl Gtwfdianri to tlw use of ban cjiwi vhn the cbililrent ' llalr inclini ■ to be wrak, Tfieuoeefft lays tho fouhdation for a god Imvi'1 of hjiïr a rt fpmo-Tf ;iii' ii,i ni iitics lll:lt mny bnre ln-i-i ui1 ■ .. miicflt')! M-l'll p, i he rrmoval ■ j both Tor tV. hóftlttj ui' 1 child, and tlie fatñra t i eai auee of lti' Unir. C-Arnox .- Xone penüiae - I ciehnlle IOTni MTl.M.-; iieins on !!■■■ ontr .'i-'.vi ft; ulao, L.'S IIAÜÏ 1 ■ ■ ■ N. Y. blotti: in Ui ■ ({ïaRi. Wbolesali f)f pot , M ÏVj Pt. in I - I'1 byaH Ufprinci-ple Horchani - mud Dmggj.vra tur ■ t fbe n'orld, IdiRCOunt to purchfl ■ ■ . (1e uantity, I atko úi stre to resent t th Ami-i icaa Pu"bïk iñy New & Improved Instantancous Liquid Hair Bye ivhi.'li rtffer reaw of pofcntifte - ■t1i:k ntirpr T lwr brought t" perfetítíooi i lïyes bluck or brown in.str.ntiy ivithoiif iniury Iu the HalrorPXlu narrsiited the beit' of the kind ba esclstajici. PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 50 DE Y ST., Xcu Tory. Orune lant, a p TMnw F) Q.irrrtw hortis, turn6iï Tip . 'r t prove prnpiMty. p- 1 1 her uw y JOEKSMTTHJ, Vel Li . J .Tl, O


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