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Working Both Ways

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The Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Times lias the following argument on the conflicting workings of the Northern and Southern tariffs : The Confederated States having made thcinselves foreign to the rest of the ! ion, andestablished a reronue system ' sod on imposts, there seems to be no es cape from a collision with them on the part of the United States authorities, unless they permit their tariff to bo a doad letter as to the citizens of the Union. They may succeed in imposing duties on goods sent them by sea from the Northern Union, or inoro probably thoy will suocecd in destroying tho coastwise trade, but what will they do with the internal trade v Will they, before being acknowl; edged as independent, venture to estab lish interior Custom-Houses upon their Northern borders? If they do, they will at once come into colusión with the Border Slave State?. It will be tho interest of the merehants of North Carolina and Tennessae, as , o'l as other Statea on the Mississippi, to supply the Southern Confederacy with Northern made good, which have been specially adapted to that market, and iinmemorially used by the planteff Ilitherto these goods have been carried by sea to Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleaas, as well as down the Missisisippi and aoross the country. The effect of the Southern tariif on these Northern goods will be to transfer them to the Border States, for introduction iuto tha Kingdom of Cotton through interior lincs of communication. The attempt to tax them on tho border will be resisted, and tho effect will be alienation between the Northern and Southern Slave States. It will be as much the interest of the buyers on the South sido of the line to receive the goods free of duty, as that of lie vendors to sel! them without restr:m.t. Iere, then, must be a leak in the Southrn treasury, which they will find it dilficult to stop. Tho forcé of custom is very )owerful, and it will be a long timo buture the people on the two sides of the barder can be reeonciled to the idea of havinga tax laid upon their trade. Unluokily for the success of the Southern revenuo law, the people on their own Northern border are generally disaffected ïhis is the case in North Alabama and Georgia, especiall}', while those of Northern Mississippi are lukewarra in the cause of secession. The revenue system of the Confedérate States will be a practical nullity until theae interior Custom IIou3es shall bo stablished and the Federal Government may therefore wait patiently uutil tby mako the attempt to levy duties, in the coníident.assuranco that the oxporiiuent will aliénate their own border citizeus, and trading classes, while they, at the same time, serve to estrange the same classes, and all classes in the Northern Slave States.


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