City Election--Official
We nppend nn omeini smtciutMic 01 uie Toteoftbis City on Momlay, as dotermiuej by tho City Canvass held on Tuesday crening. The voto ia not a full one, bul is 125 largei tban thutofthe last Cliarter election vrhicli was linrdly fought and cullod out every vuter. Oor " statistic" loving fiiende can londir over tlie figures at tlioir leisure : 1 " ; 3 4 5 líaj. W.ird Wanl Ward Ward Ward !al. J.-or Wniior- „ ,,„ ]27 64 513 JSÏrïSi ' 17 1M 102 107 58r74 choiv, r, LJbmtl%íbfUíT.m 131 120 140 65 SB3- 27 ïlar'i.KS TwitebeU, 170 ISO 70 80 9 530 PUkin, 1 ! For Jvstict of the Peacc - R,al B bhaüe, 89 127 112 133 60 613 Kouben Khkt WO 1M 78 08 90 587-74 S'nfrFtnarü. 98 120 111 130 61 510 O M. MrtU, 187 120 80 103 3 5SD-73 Collier, 2 2 i'ür Colletlor - ■ Hornee A. iloore, 129 ISO 113 136 50 548- t Willinm Allahy. 143 129 70 85 94 639 lor StrirC Commiaiioncr- JohnVandehadcn, 110 154 113 141 56 574-49 Kii-hard G. DUlen 17a M 78 8 89 62o Fot Supervisor Is! and id Warde- Conrad Krapf M8 'M ona WiUianiA. lknedict, SS .19 208 Markl.ani. 1 J gjiSijsr1 s ? s For Aldermcn- l„tWard-Aiulr,.w.i. Mitlicrland, 1-. William MoCraery, 1 -40 2d Wnri- l'ull Torm- William S. Manyard, 140 - 30 Chrisüan Kbabacli, 110 Yacancy- LewisFriti, 131 -10 Gottloü Maxt, 121 3d Ward-Vrisou C. Xy,112 -39 K.lmuud F. Hall, 'j th Ward- Warren Jackson, 1 - 4 Edmuud Learenn-orth , 101 5th Ward-2 jetJT-M; H. Cowles, ■ 72 - 9 Thomas Irish, "■ 1 year- John T. Swathel, 100 -50 Charles H. KichmonJ, 44. For Conatabla- . lat Wanl--Chavles llovían. i' - " Emihis M. lii.haidson, 108 2d Ward- Put. Uonnelly, J .lames H. ltavis, ii l-1 3d Waid- Thimas J. Hoskinü, l1 -"O KobViae, ■ 4th Ward- Jolm Butlwi 120 -11 Uodl'rey 1 outli, 10' th Ward- N'athau Il.l'ierce, 67 -51 Mrron liige'.ow, ia
Old News
Michigan Argus
John F. Miller
Lewis C. Risdon
Stephen M. Webster
Daniel S. Twitchell
Rial B. Chase
Reuben Emery
Thomas F. Leonard
Oliver M. Martin
Horace A. Moore
William Allaby
John Vandehaden
Richard C. Dillon
Conrad Krapf
William A. Benedict
Richard Beahan
Dor Kellogg
Andrew J. Sutherland
William McCreery
William S. Maynard
Christian Eberbach
Lewis Fritz
Gottlob Mast
Nelson B. Nye
Edmund F. Hall
Warren Jackson
Edmund Leavenworth
Dr. M. H. Cowles
Dr. Thomas Irish
John T. Swathel
Charles H. Richmond
Charles Boylan
Emilus M. Richardson
Patrick Donnelly
Dr. James H. Davis
Thomas J. Hoskins
Jacob Wise
John Butler
Godfrey Fouth
Nathan H. Pierce
Myron Bigelow