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MhmiUtAN soctii kun & NUÍÍTI1EKN NIIAN'a:: Mt.ROAIl. IS60. WINTEK AKHAN'diMKNT. 1861. 1i';:is; nrcr run on thiï maJ, funtivs excpptvd, as fullu.v: ■ '■ In - ' : caga lailv ic'it l..'i.i;i 12 15 M . :i ! IJ. ! 1'. M - .. nl na' ni '.I Á. ',r. ].,,... ]';., f,. ,■ ();;,,„ i iO.'.ll A M.r.i-.l 9,80 P. M. Arrivinji in Chlo u n t ufedö aód !,■:. .■il at 10,S0 A M. aml 11,00 P. M '.....■.vt Ootrjit ffiwii T..': !,, at fi:15 A. M., Jt 0:00 I'. M. Airivó in Detroit ïïüu, '.'liicaL-orit .o P. jr.,aui!a.lö I-..M. Vire la Taludo trom Chicago ",10 1'. M. amH.SO A. y. rre Adrinn r..r Jackton at 0,16 A. M. anfl ,1S I'. M. ■ Jack . ; " ■■■' l. '■:., .il . i :...;. r. il. ■ ■ ■ ION&L A i , m rpo - v,th Clffvef.uil .v loloJti iUiil Road, witli IValavii Vallov Ruil Roftd. AT Detroit- Witb fíranil ï:unl; r.:ulv.-.iv. vi;h Grat I Uilllw.iv, also, vvith the Itolrcit mi Milwiuikce. K.iüi.-l At Nkw At.R'.SY J; F.iikm 1!. lï CltossiNfl- With Train.; rot I ftivolte, :-:■■■ .Ubaii.v ai) Loinsville. Kr -Cuicaoo - Wiiii Chicago un.l Rock;i;'.l, Galena, li !;i :i . . ('■ : , Burlington and Quincy - Vnrtli W-st H:iihv:iv - Chicago, Alt. .ii and Sït L-mi, Itliuois (■ii(r:il,nn I 't. all I o ut We I án'ISoutíl. fi Trnins nro run ly ClticpgD tinu't vrfateb i.- 20 miaut-s tban yoledp tini ■- i - w.xí Iru.ï's Patopt Slceping Cara acoompaoy the Xilit Ti-.Tins nu bHtaïloufe. Time and l'are the same as bv any otlier Rail H.i.iil Route. JN'O. D. CAMPPFLL. Oëneral Snperintihdinl. LJFE INSURANCE!. Tho Connccticut Mutual Life Inau ranea Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. ITTii.i. i.Vl"RK I,li: f..r iinv uiKMint Dot excoodlng VV $10,00 for tho wholo ti : ni ufLifo r for a torni of, dn ttio most fa ocable termá. Tilo Cü;ii;i:lhv Ï8 p'in-lv niiit'i,! ruvl th poltCJ hdldeni gl H il ■■ surplus over tl. e "xict coat of EnBur■: accpmoitatcs the Insiired in the BOttlemcn( of their pivmïoftiK ON LIFE POUCTE?; if destlred, by lakini; a ote ftir ono half tlic aniouni, Ijcaring tuterótft at 8ÍX por C-'iH, i-v ;i!:ii.;:i . DividenJs are Declarcd Annualhj! and since thej now amounl to Kimt por oont on tho premuit, eft'th and noie, nnd are mcrtiising tlipy inay bc ipplhÑI lo e&ncAl Ui4ootw( ÜCiiii 11" i'fttoi of p i"ilm i w m UTOftfl lOW as nny othor reüpnnibte Compnny and thclafé Rofiumn.bttm fiwd of L3,600,000 la ecutrely lovested, as may be aeen ly refcri'i;' ■■■ tu the statement maJe accordingto lawt on filo in Ule office of the Couatj Clerfal Aun Arbnr.-i .1 AMI 3 Gl ODÍ1 IV. Piest. GuvR. PHmtPSjSèey . Forparticnlaraapplj to JAMEfl C. WATSON, ',i .. i Agtnt at Ami Arbur Micli. NEW YORK LIFEINSURA.NCE COMP'NY. Acoumulatcd Jan, 1860, 1,7 G7, 133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. O. KKNTDALL, Vire President, PLIXY FREEMAN, Actuar y $100,000 DEPOSITED wMh thCompt roller of tlie State of New York. Divi■Umi.I.-í -4 per ivnt. annually. ASSSTS. Cashin H;ink, $ 31,355.49 Ikm-sU-'I in aecjrff iea, creatad nnder tlio lavsof the Stali of N.'u York mul of the 0. ■;.. SSSTO.Tfl licnl F.ibite inj Kixtures, Hoi. 112 and 114 Broadway 15:,4r,n n4 B'inils and Mortgagea dnwlnffï per et. interosi ftS-JJlíS :'J tüotéa rooeiTe 1 for 10 per cení .of premiums on Hfe poltcles, bearing interest, 675,315.85 Qu.'iitirlv and SeoH-anmaai premiums, lue subsequent to Januarv 1, 18(0 20,550.38 fnforcsl aoorued up to .hn. 1. 1SC0, 36.4S8.7" Rentf aooniedutttoJan. 1, 1 i-60, 1,708.34 ['reuiiama on poficfoa ia liauds of Agente, 20,445.19 $1,767.I33.i4 T)r Wt:i.L ami Lkwitt, Medical Examinera. 743tf J. G1LBKRT SMI11I, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS TUK AGENT for thp tollotrlng firsf cUtas companlea: HOME LVSlRAnCE COMPANY of 'New York City,- Capital and Surplus, $1 ,5u0,000. CITY FIRE IJÍSURAJÍCE COMPANY, of Hartford. --Capita] mul Surplus, $400,000. COXTIXK.XTAI, I.ISL'HASCE COMPAKY, f X,-,v V rk City.- Capitil and Surplus, 8100,000. Three-quurtejrs of the neit proíifs in this Companj ia tlivided ;ii)]iuallv among its policv bolders. C, H MILLEN. Ann Albor, Daoemer 13, 1SC0. Cm778 L'onway Ft re Insurance Co., Of Conway. Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,410 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Seoretary. President. direcTtors. J S.WfriTNEY, L. BODHAII, W. F.LLIOTT, ASA HOLLAND, D C. McGILVHA Y, E. D. MORGAN VVAIT HKMKNT. JO?!AI1 Af.I.IS. A. II I!U' LEN VV.II. DICKINSON, VV.T. CI.APP, D. C. HOGERS. Aim Arbor Referencrs: Dr. E. WEI.LS, L. JAMKS. L. nnPOE, KNOCH JAMKS. OAPT. C.S. GOODRICH J. W. KNIGHT, Aptent. Ann Arbor. Michigan. THE PÊÖEÏA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - $500,000 OW oí HEAVIBST, SAFFST and BEST Insurance Cn'fl. in the 0. ïnsiireg on reiiKonable term, and il ffftyfl pay promptly. Theie is no better Firu lusuranc Coin pa uy. Mo ney Wanted, W li o w i 1 1 JL e ïi tl M o ii c y 1 IAM REtJUfSÏED BY SEVKl'.AL l'ERSO.VS to obtain monoy for tliem at Ton Per Cent I itere st, (Or More.) For any onc williníT to 1ími1, I Cao nt nnc.o invrst nn good anenoBtnberaa ftbunianl REAL ESTÁTE security anyxuma of inuuey mul Boethat tlie tiile and security areAT.L richt, &&- Tho borrower pay ing all expentog, IJielsdiDtf recording. E. W. MUlïGAX, Ann Arbor, Oct. 7,1860. 715tf General Land A gency - PEIÏONSwantingfnrjTiBjOrrpSidenceilnornea Ann Arbor, can by calüngonme select frorn a lia t ofover 1OO Farms For Salel Ofvarlous sizce trom 3, te 1300 acresoacb (lome ai good aiany inthis Connty.) Morctban 5O Divt'liiic llnuses nttaUCltyromtwn bundred to fourthousan ddo - uri oach: and over 2 O O riüll,I)l(; LOTSI Amongthefarm are the Blsbopstarm, i:i00ncree, the Potter fnrm, inOreonOak; the I'lacefarm, auJ l . ) nerca, ïheliltindonHnd Jenks farms, in Webster; the fitubSs, Mirhnel Clancy, Newton Beepdn, and F'alluhj. farm, in Ann Arbor; J .Kir.!eley'4 fnrm, in the IJitch nnd [lick farms in Lodi;the l'atrick ']:iyu iir:n in Kroejdom; W, . Davibon, B. Q. Bakers and Bnnk'a fnrma tnSylvan. Most of these and aiany utbcr3 can be dlvidedto tuit purobasers E. MO.IOAN. AnnArboJ, Jan lst.1856 S3 07 W.MOKGAN, Agent for Mutual I.ifeTnsuranceConipany, New York. Aeeninulati'il Assets, - r),3öO,Ü00. bhfl lijftdillff I.ifu Insurance Corapany in Uk1 V ■ S. Knickerbocker Ufe Insurance Company, N'ew York, - i Arai clans safe Co. - terms rt':i.suuble. liiimb ilili Fire Insurance Company, Kew Y'trk. Capital, witlnilarstesurjiliui, - - Í300.00O. PeOTUI Marino .; Kire ftïiurance Co., l'eoria IU. r No. 1 Kirc Insurance Co'u. 707tf Capital, .... t500,UOO; DE FORKST, AKMSTHONG t CO. DRY GOODS MERCHAJVTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Stroet, WawYork. WOUI.DXdTn-V TUK Tli.UiKdiat Inoy are openin Wet'kly, ín ntw aml beautiful ])attcrn, the ■USO TUK A NW Print, vhi.-ii KCCOlfl 8Try Print in the Country fu porfoctlon of 0X60ation anllu.signin full M;iU1t Oot on. - Oor Prints ro clicuper iK.nn any iu marketfajid meeting wth extensivo sak1. Orders prompt ly attenOetl to 732yl gEYE and EAR. Sp DR. F. A. CADWELL, fe" OPERATOR ON THE KVK AND EAR. For DvaiiK -ís, lïllmli.i -., nnd all dvfects of Slt;lt and iltiii lny. DR. C. HEING A REGULAR Physicf in(with TWFXTV YïlARS' aaeloalve pnotlcein the feréatmentof disaiMfl "f the EYK AND EAR, wil] be found qoftUBttd to ive rfliwf or effect a cure in any case within the rcach ut' hum;m skïll. No charge for an exnmln&tion or anopinto?i, or for nnsucf.eiftjul ecroiceê. Dit. C.'n Thkahsr om THE Et! 1HD Kar, of 800 pp,, ititn trilling rofernce, TMtUnonIslB Dswrlptton of Du cu.Ts. Clines, fctid mUmt important matter,;itc'l with Cuts, to bad gratis, by Bonding Ten Cents to pay postage Aiiilrtss Dr. OúWHb, 9Ü Haadolph Street corner Deaborn, Chicago, 111. Iy768 Oval Picture Frames A ]X SIZES, STYIJCS and PRICES just receired and for ïiftlt. clirup ;t "CHOFF & MILLBB'S. PC..2S, 190. ;8Ml & . J ■ . ■ - 'Á. i - AREXOW orr.MNG, itïkct FTO51 PTBUSHERS AD Manufactúrenla New and Cotaplete stock o LAW & MEDICAL liOOKS, School Books, Miscellancous Bnnlts, Blank Books, dan STATIONS H. TT ! Wall and VTladow l'üpor, Drawing and Matlipiiintie;l Instruments. JUslc, Juveolle Ubrarièa, Eurtlopea, Iuks and Carde. LL,: ■. ..-._ ._ - )■:- ■- GOLD yJwíZ a oAw kinds of Pens and Penal 's Vttii]i)v Cornlo6, Hiladas and Iixtun?, POCKET CUTLEKY! And evofytWns pertalning (o Uh trade, awl mure to whielitiiry wenUl ir.vitf tltti SttentiOD Of the country, En eondactiDff our business, we balido all that can lp that do rcasr n iblo inan, wouian ur chlld sball tiD'i any fault. We posattB f:icilitie whleh WÜ1 enable uk to suppl; our stomers nt the Loweet Possible Figures. propO8E toaell fot READY PAT, ata small aUance. W'c . j.i et ft proüt on our gooils, but Cash Sales wiil Admit of Low FIGURES. ■Vo havo ciipcl the services oí JA1HS F. 8PALDEÍG, breforAaro preparad to furnish tïtiting, Wedding and all other Cards wriltin to order, with ncalness and dispalch, by mail or otherwise. The "ExpibeBooe stokk." is inanned by ngw 'cww.' ad tli'y uil] alwjivs bOTOtmd on thfl "qnartx il-ck," roaily and willuvr tó alt-rul to all with pleafiure,who wil! favijr them with a cal!. llemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann -irbor, May, 1860. 7J( THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - or- 'FAJI-JL 5c "WIKTTEE E3-0 0 3 ;S. GOODS FROMAUCTION. Facts for the People -OF■WASHTENAW - ,Nn- ADJOIiNING COUNTÏES! And thcir numcrous questions (inswcrcd. Why f Everybady trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Because A. P. MILLS, the Propriotor of that Establishment hasjust returued from the Easlern Citieswith thfe Largest, Uandwmest, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to thiüpart of tbc Stato.] Why is Ee&rybody plea&ed wiih hie Stock? Becausp liisstylos are moro beaatJfnl, quality Dettcr,and prioM lowéï tïian at any othcr store n the couuty. Why has lie always Something New and Chcap to Showt Hoeausc h. b.isft fricriil ennnectod with one of the ly pest DryGoorta üouflos in New Yürk, wJjo ia continu bït " BOBBXNG itOUND" rr cheap bnrgainaánfl Hic lat e stjies, :.s tliev appfiftf from timo ! tbnOj Ud intbia way kepn bim (tiippted vritia 8'ylcs, and eonsuiiutïuiïv cvibtomer3 can alvaffl tituL someÜuDVrwi, NEW CUEAPand DESIRABLE Why does he seü ot much Chcaper than the rest? Ilcícrnise ho han a buyer Ín the city all the time to t&kft adfantage off tlio continu! ohange of the markot, aad in that ay buys liis gKMla iniicli cbíía per than othera can, iind thee hemarlu Uu-m down to the WAy oe Ac sell Ladiet' and Childrens' Shoesso much che.aper than was ever kettrd oj by the oldest Shoemakers ? Because he bqyfl bis stock n the lanvï of .Oioemrvkers, of tbe ni:ni!if:i-iurers, fully 25 per cent cbetper tlian the f.v Vort Jobbers Bel] dic-m, and much better vork tban üwygenaraUy keep. ïhlscourse eniCblés hlm to sella better Gaiter for 35 Cents. tban otherssell at 50 ceota.and et better FOXED GAITER at 50 ceaU) thau othero scll at 75 cents. fías he any liats and Caps? Yes.I ebonld think he hafl stacks of tbem, entugh to RUpply the State, ;U prioea towec than was ever hearüof rouml til'.---11 ];ii"ls. Why is his Tea so much betttr for tlie pricc you pay than you get at other places? BuftiUB he taJoMgfOat care in scluctini; it( umi iveshi? customers the beaefltof a real good75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is a way lie has gut. Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have tliem Cut or Made? To the RANNXR BTOBB, where the l'coiilo's Banner ii unfurlelfor the Pftople'sgood. intli side of 1'ublicSquuie, a few doors west of Cook'l Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Scpt. 18, I8C0. TOStf MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Puhhshed in a Sealed Enwlope A LKCTDBE ON TUK NATLMïK, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERrfATORRHOEA, or Seminal Wvakiiemi, Sexual Uebüity, NeryOttanesa and Invoiuntaiy Qnlssjons ú.clucíng lmpotcncy, and Mental niid I'hysical Incaiiacity. BY ROB. J. OULVERWELL, M. D. Author of the "Green liook," Je. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lectnre trloarly pro ves fiom 1 1 ík own experienoe tbat the awlul consoquonccfl of self abuse may be effêctually removed without niotlicino and without dantCttrouij uríical operattont bougtet.fautramosts, rinpt or cordial!", pointiog out a Diode or cure at once certain and ttOhotUAlt by ivhích every suíVorer, uo mattor wbat his condition inay be,may cure hinihclf cheaply } privatdy and radicalïy. - Phis Lecturt will provo a boonto thou.-;audn auü thousands. Sent unler seal to any addross, post paid, on tbft rrceipt of two postage stamps, DJ addrenlotf Dr. CH. J. O; KLIXK, 127 Bowery. New York Post Box, t,586. . '85 BUY YüUR CLOTHING -A.t tlxo Cleveland Clolhing House hcro they now seil Winter Clutïitn at greatly REDUOED PRICES, A few duors cBt tj( Cyok ïjtel, Uuron Stroef, Auu Arbor. TSütf A, & C. LOBB. URE AT BARGA I NS AT Maynard, Stcbbins & Wilson's. WK IIAVK AG.UN REPIEXISHED Ol'R STOIIE W1T1I thy munt spiendtd Blode ■: tlrit WAS ever oflerori i:i (ny one establUImn'ul il Üle bttttu, uil of wïiieh yw OÍfej ■■■; O&Om @k [p[@(g)mjOi iMow M C&b bu fouml in tlie Union We want Mcney ! uifl will make Grcat Sacrifices on Anytliiii wo_huve io obtaïn it? not ceptlnfl OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wc cordiully invite ALL CASH (JU STOMERS torall and examino our Cbods and Priccs. ïq al.-i invite our Prompt Paying Customors to como and buy tlu-ir tfuppltafl ftft (lie Wintrr. To tfaow Bashfiil pnea tliat are afraiü to caJl, we nay tu ihtui, t;ik. cdur&gd gJ5T,fT i TTour 7rXX33!!1 ■vitlututlonger waitii g for liijfher prlces, coine in, oM scores, and then at stich pricea as wil] ni :ke np alt loases It is hardl; necceasary to enumérate our Gootls, for "We have Evexything! A large Rssoitmont of CARPETIXG, CKOtKERY DKY GOOJJS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, [IATa, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c,, &c. Oz[L[L K] O11 (UJOv(Ti.itl) HAVNARO, STLBIMNR k WttflO Stoves & Hardware ! h4 A_ ilili ilfts i Cí r. jt['"'-'l'-vL7'í i L (1 RISDON &, HENDERSON Jl.ivc mnv in Storen largQ assórtinttSl oi jsi@ rar 09 mz" jej @s 9 Hardware and House FurnisMng @T LB C Ja SS. All üork willbesoldssCIIKAI'.-natany otlior Esablisliincnt in Mtcliiganj ritoy have gntthe Best Assoitment of Cooking P A li ZO R A ND VLA TE Si TOV DEÏJES I3XT TUIS STATE, And will sellthem Cheaper than THE CUE AP EST, I I' n i' rail and see. All kinds of tin ware kopt ou band. Particular attention miel to all kinds of Whicli will be done wlth NEATNESS KND DISPkTCII. ít; -Yvw calland seo thcir STOVE ROOM in 'JU story of New Block. KSDON linNUKliSON. Ánn Arbor. Jan. 5, 1R61. O. BIiISS üLmuiiniiLuiiiinKHiinnniirciii'imiinütraniiniimimmmraiiar.niiiii Still in the Field! WITH A LAEGE STOCK of QOODS in my line direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturers! I have just roooiTOd a large and well t&lectcd asflortment CLOCKS, WATC1IES, O" 3E3 "%P7 33 JLm ï. "5T. SILVElt & PLAÏED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And n grciit vnriety of Yankee Notions, &c. I would cali pnrticulnr attention to rny large stock of SPECTACLiBS, of Gold, Zilver, Steel, aud Plated, i with i PEESCOPIOGLASS A superior artlcle, and a groat variety of articlcs tu tlie ■ line, CHEAP for O.AJSIX. Persono bavug diffcult watcbvtofip withglAHas, c.n le accomni'nlati'il as my stock s large an 1 complete, P' S, l'articulrr wtU-ntion paid to the EEPAIEING if all kinds of Fme Vfatches, Bacb aa Making & Setting New Jewels, WNIONS, SÏAFFS and CVLINDERS, alao CLOCK8, AND JEWELRY, S'catty Repafirefl aud warnmtcHl. C. BLISS. Augufit28, 18G0. 768ti Ayer's Agüe Cure.