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Virginia Convention

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liïclimond, April S. r.i' ii-gin a Stalj (Joavcution re .sie.blol this ti, n n.-. gccïtslog r.s'iiu ;-"s torn the p.upj... of fbarïottg. aud JvöiTolk eVnuties wgpe pie.iunt.od -Mr ll..ii,d.,y m!,! -],;,[ Iiüsigncrs.jto t'' .-. stifitod but a g.mill miuer,;iv tff tbc pfoplc ,.f the eou ty. Mr Joh i.siit i iV (ji.ted á pótition fur m1vm.i.!, s-gii I bj íápO púopjo of Li cii111 "■' ü'' sajdj.iiiat ilie sigi era ooiwtslutcd bt :boiil o:uMbird of il e votcr&oi' ihe city, tb'vjgh t had lgpa Vll :,- j , prcparalioi. 'Jho n;aiii rcsoluti.on was tako up in cmnu.itt of.tliü wlioU, and Uiv uiueudmonts uflutvd ycstcrday v.cro deiVated Mr. BiluMeii inuved to strike oul tJje Undo i-si.:;.í:,)!:, mJ iijjt ;i subrtitm, ;i dupkration ihnt tlie Siipmittu orüie secodug Statw oujilit tn b." :K-kiiOw;]cdgod without furtherdelay, anti .-n-!i nrrangcuscuis mailo aüd micIi 1-iws )u: pas.,i; ia iu. srpar ttiou m.-iy inakc iieco.s.-;,rv ;uHl propon; ï'bo mjiijiii:: t.-; iciW'.l to (stjikc owl, 1 v vc;is 68, najs 71. Otlicr atnendniuntfl wro rüctid, a A tlie nimli resokution Wüsvdoptcd, b_v !_' to '.,1. Tjia cpmmitte tlirn referred back tlio i -iglitli rqgolutiou, rccogiiiabg the right, i'}T ju.ït CJUSO. (J.irlsle moved to strike out. the resolutiini, and Vycri i sabstittit.-, ai yiog Wí4isoi)'rt lauguage,justrfying wcosBiou only w the cvent of tllfl' la'iJure of ftjrery constitntional resort. Theco.iimiii'c refuacd to .■tiiko out L'V nyes SJ2, nays 1 U. Tiiis voie iiidieated tho strenglh of the ultra unioiiisti. Othcr ameudnuMUs worc uipa ptopoeftj and rejeeted. Proding the rcoliitiou?, Bcyoat] Bnn coneervutives ilmngcd tbeir rotes añd voted for Mr. Jiuuldtn'd .siibsututo for the ninth rCSolü,tion. The cighih resolutioa on re atseinMiüir. was inlicii upin thecouvention. Om mötion of Mr. Souicra, the words " tliey coucedu" in the tbird line, wre strioken uut, aüd the ïcsolutkin was then adopted, ii nd the coiuinittcp rose. Iu tiie ooMveutieu, Mr. Prcstonj a cóii scr.wfeie, offurcd a resoluMon, sñpposed to liavc been occasionod by the late war luovcincnts, declaring thnt the feovernniciit has no power to subjugate a Sdathcm State, protosting ngainst ;.ny suoli eoereire j.oliey, and authorizing the npMMutmcnt of delégales to wait apon the Fresi#Dt and present him these reaolutious, and re.spectfully ask him tocommunicate to tlio oouïenlèoa the policy the govemment intends to puisne. The resolution was modified, on the saggasUou of Mr. l'aldwin, and awepted by Mr, Preston, as Foilowd : Wkreas, in the opinión cf this conven tion tho uneertainty which prevails in the public mind as to the poliev the gover. niei.t iiitcndspur.uintoward.s tbeseccded Otates, is extremrly mjartons to thecomlueroiaj aud industrial interests of the coulry.and tends to ko-.p i:p anexciteiner.t which is unfavorable to an ndjus tuien) of the peuciing difliculties, and tlireateng tho diBturbauee of the public peaco ; thercforo, llesoki'd, Tliat a eommittee of thrce dcldgstos be appointed to wait lípoo tlio l'resideot, &o. .Mr. Carüsle otTercd an amendnient, to iucludo a desire to kuow he policy of the sceodud States towai d the general government. llej;eted. Mr. Preston s resolutioa was then adoptcd as modilicd. Mr. Ja..-!;snn move'd to reeonsider, aud the couvention agreed to take anotber vote. Mr. Judian mal: a v'elieWnt speecb agninW the prOposition, declaring h:s c nstituonts would never eonsjut to i'oin iSoutli Carolina. Jteut. (Jov. Moutaguc maJe a spirítéd speesb in reply. GousideraWe fceliug was in:inifüsted on all sides., Souio of the l'nijnists consider that the adoption of Mr l'reston's resolutimi wil! anniliilatc ll hopos of adjustment. Wttböut taking a vote, the conveution ugreed to ad j mrn, h viing bí a more c:tlm sossio;i on Mouday. Richmond, April 8. T.;-d-iy,'Si-)it and Trcadway. conservntivon, dec-hir.-.i if tliu Presiden t's response was unfavorable, thcy would go for secossion. Tlie ïnovenitnts of fleets were fre quentlv alhuhd to. The gr oud d assumed was, that Virginia having iudicated heipolwy to bc against Bcdessiori, hIip lias a right to know what theso movcments ïiuan.


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