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Spirited Protest Of The Dominicans

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The followhu: proelamation of the Dóihinican people in regard to tho moro than suspiciow inovemciits of Spaiii in that liepoblia lus boon publishécl bv the Haytio.i papers, tilos of which to the 9th uit. havo cometo hand. It is said to have boon in socret circulation for some time jost : .mtzai, to the xatiox. Poininicians- The country is io danger, nnd tliero is but one viy to save it - by rcvolution. Sanlana, since his last clevation to y.nvv.r liassöld tho Uepnbiio. J ho prieu oí' tho Yankees did ooi suit hun. To-day ho has adjndged itto .Spain, and 3 preparing to crush the Domfffioan pcoplu_ uuder 'the colonial yoke for the vilo prièp of a few puerilu dignities and of the gold which. will be distribuled to hiiu and livo or kíx principal accomplices. To moi-row trio Tártara will enjoy in quict tho riehes gairied by this criminal bargaia, a;id will welcome us witb an ironical mlo ou hearing the dauk of our uhains. T,)-nnrrow .slia:no w:ll settle on our hcarth stones, and the stigma of ignominy will sou our brons. To-inoi-row our wives will fly from our anus, our motliers will rofuio tJieir caresBes, an;l our children their smilos ; a deguncrato people mcrit them not. To-morrow we shall bc ablo to leavo to our families neithcr country, glorv, honqrj prperity, nor cveu thu repose "of tho doniesti.: To-morrow - to i-xprass t once for all- '11 havo ohanged tlu; noble tests of the cross for tho livery of slavery. What, then, shall be the way of rostoration ? llevolutiou. A revolution, holy, noble, just, grand, necausc it has for ita object the preservat ion of a pationality orcated at the prioe of tho blood and fortunes of its ei tizona a revolutiou, holy, noble, just, grand, becauso t is undortakon tosave our country auii libertie. " Fathcrland ! Liberty!" tl, is v-as the lieroic cry whicli preceded the revolution ol IS tl; and tho samo cry precedes the revolution of 18G1 ; the cry of a nation, whidli üow suppresst's forever tho oriei of more factions. Doniinicans, to anns. Let eaeli citizonbea soldier of liberty, and to the cry of Fra la Nación! tho tyrant will be forever aunihilated. Let the fire of patriotismbflr)) i:i our hcarts as the tropical suu Tivihus our exitoio. üoininican.s, to anns. Shame to those nr'jo dally iu tlie rear. ín lüig great day of our country there are but two classes - those who are good citiaus and those who are traitors, Doniinicans, to anus. We must conqncr or die : f r dcath i prcferable to ÖegraJatioti, amí if we romatn mpassible . pretend lo the dignity : 'il. Doaiinicars, to nrms. Let us riso on (lie same dny uuu ;it the sumo uiüinënt, is a single in in. Nu incrcy to t ia i tors Vc must con [ucr a( any pj-iee. I.i't nol ivrsos discourage us. It' vu ijriuiupl) nol ia the eines anap.iftccs, %s ■ will triumpli in ilio villnges, ui the dabiirls, in the plaius, in tlie forests. e ahonld oiato a tight of"giunts,whicb wil] astoiiish (ho vor!d,;:id mate the earth troinblo ulidct ouf toot. Doiuiuicans, yictorj' ordcuth bcfore tlio f;il 1 of tho Kepnblic. Let us pray to l':-ii', iilonce that bofore this beloved land of CöluflibUs bc ilis'iouorc'l it may be on gulfi'd in tlio ocean. EKhíi)coií, t') Btms! to combatí fo ictiir_v ! J,yt us woar the erown of licroes btforc wc clasp tlie niai'tr's palm.


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