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Portland, April 8. The stemmer Cnnadian left Ijiverpool OBthe28th nhd íjondonduirv on iho evening 'f tho Üiitli u'.t., an 1 irrived !it Portland this moruing, in oighi and b hall i'ays froiïi Londonderry. Tho steamship Kdinburdi Bailod from Liverpool for New York on the 27h wuli L102,000 in opeóte. Great Brttain. - Parliament stond adjourned tor tho Easter soaso n till April 8th. The strike in Londón of the buil (rade ngaih as.-ui.ic.s serious propor1 tione. Turn ou's amorig the Lanoasbire wênvers were incrcasing, ftnd söme rioting was iivirci!. ín oinsequence of Friday rtml Baturday being hólidays, tho market news by the Porein will bu no later thsn that received. Prance, - Napoleon received the corps Legisltitin on tlio 23 d uit. In rolurnini thanks, be said that notwithstanding the debate, ha by no means regretted to see such a discussion, but ho hoped the Governrrtent and Legislatufe would mutually aid each other. 'i be speech is regttrded as ainbigiious. The last allooution has been supersodüd. Frunce is fnr loss eonciüatory than has been represe nted. The order for Bending rooRÍorccments of French troops to Rome intended to counteract Iho movementa of Austria, lias öeen coiintorinanded, after an explarration t'rom Austria. Italy. - Oount Cavoiir, ia his speech I Qn the Roman questiODj cluimed i'nat [taly had arightto have Romo for her ! Capítol, and that the ünion of the temporal and spiritual power was the sou ree of evil. Grkat Britain. - li is officially utated that Prince Albert vvitl visit Canada this Bqmraer, arriving thoro tho raiddlo of June. 'iho. adjourned general meeting of the Galway Rtcamsbip CJompahy, was held in London on the 27th uit. 'J'lie Directcrs were authorized to raiso an additioual L000,000 at 7 por cent. They proposo landing the mails at New Foundland every voyage. Negotiaiions are being made with lïie Great ISastérn to convoy to New York 1200 Germán emigrante, bonnd to the Mormon territory. 1'ho London Building strike th.reatened to assume formidable dimensión. Grcat contraotora had determined to close their yarda if tho men continued to refnse their ofièrs, thus throwing some 45 000 men out of employment. I'reparations were being made to import laborora from Belgium. Tbere wages were lowor ilian in Engïand: Kov. D. Cheever had been lecturing in Liverpool on the queötion of slavery and ihc American ciisis. The Times' Paris correspondent says ibat General Greg-r has been nuthorized to uiako contracta for tho French army at Rome for six montbs onger. Tba rumor that Austria in ten da nggrossion against Piedmont, and tbat the French movements were in response, :s pronounced to be false. Italy. - In the Chamberol Deputies, eevoral speakers on Iho lef;, proposed tho simple proclamaron ci Romo as tho Capital of Italy, and ealling on Napoleon to withdraw bis troops. lt is reported that some disturb.ince took place at Warsaw, but nothing 8erious occurred. Tho present régulationS for public instruction in Poland were abofished a special Commissioner for public norshij) and inatruction is appointed. A council of State is to be app)inted, composed of membora of the elergy, high dignitaries,. and the most distinguished persons of' Polafïd. The right of petition to tho National Governmout us granted. TuiiKKY. - A sciemppf i f-r ed loan i.s pub'ished. It was stated that there was to bo onother Turkïsh loan guaranteod by France, for c impliance v.ith PrencB views in Syria. China. - China tolograms report teas advancing, but are dull at Cantón. At LoihIoii tho funda continue dul!. ('onsoU on tlie 22d decliried . ld the discouin market the demand lor rnoney was active, ar.d at the bank tho appliculiöns were large and numerous. LaTEST VIA LoNDONDERltY - LoNDON 20th - The Times' Paris correspondencc writoti that bpstilities appear immiifcnt between tho Austiians and Piedmontese. Víctor Emanuel is said to havo written to Prinee Napoluon of an altaek, and urginghim to represent mattors to tho Emporor in their truo liebt. Tuiux. - In tho Chambor oí Deputios signor Cheevcs spoke against a transier of' tho Capítol of tho kingdom of Italy to Romo. Count Cavour urged that Romo should be immodiatoly declared tho Capital of Italy. The transfer will tako placo in consequence of the law adopted by the Chamber, without any disturbanees, Tho time will be fixed by law.


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