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Death Of Hon. John Mclean

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FromtbeN. Y World, April 6 Auother eminent American jurist bas gone. Tlic ilon. John McLeau, the oldest of the uiue Justices of' tlio Suprcme Court of the United Statns, tliod yosterday, agod seventy-six years, at his residenoe iu Oincinnati, Ofaio. Tiie deeeaaed was bom in Morris eounty, New Jersey, Maroh llth, 1785. - hile lie was yet a youth his father removed to the theu almost unsettled baekwood of Oliio. After sueh education as the resources of that región aií'o.-dud, he bogan lifo fpr hiinself in Cincinnati. - Choosing the iaw for his profession, and OJtainmg employuiënt in the office of thu Clerk of Ilamilton couuty, lic found time to pursue his studies uuücr the diroctiou of Arthur St. Clair, a prominent counsellor aud son of the Revolutionary Geiwral of the same name. Iu 1807, youug Mc Lean was adinitted to the bar, and eommenced practico at Lebanon, Obio, havi)g juaï previously marrieq llebecca, daugiiter of Dr. Edwards, of South Carolina In October, 1812, he became a candidato lor Congress and was elected by a largo majoiity. In 1814 he was again elected to Cmigress by uearly a UDaniujous vote- acircumstance of rare occurreuce ; aud remained a member of the House of Represontatives until 1816, wheu tho Lci slature of Ohio having elected him a Judge of the Supreme Court of tho State, he resigned his seat in Congress at the close of the sessiou. He remained six years upon the bench of the Supreme Court, and attained an cnviablo position as a sound and able jurist. In 1822 ho wasappointed Commissioncr of the General Land Office by President Monroo; and in 18üÜ he became Postín aster General, both of which offices he tilled with abiüty. In the year 1829 he was appointed by President Jackson a Justice of the United States Supremo Court, aftcr ho had refused the War and Navy Department3. He entered npon the discharge of his duties at the January term of 1830i and has perl'ormed tho duties of that station for a period of 31 years. Iu politics Judge McLcan had of late years alHltated with the rcpublican party, and was understood to bo itd secoud choice for the Presidcncy in 1856. - Whcn tho lJred Öcott caso carne up before tho Suprome (Jourt, he dissented from the inajority decisión of his assoei.-itcs. In bis social relations Judge McLean was beloved and esteemed by all who cnjoyed his companionship. From carly lii'e he wa.s a consistent and earnest Christian of the Methodist persuasión, and ever prominent in religious and bonevolent movcmeuts. lic leaves behind him the mcuaory of a wise and virtuous man.


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