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The Movement Of Troops

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Snecial dispatch to tliu N. Y. Times. ashingtun, April i . It is gèDwally believed, l'nat tho greater portiou of the annamcnt of' iroopa and auppliea Ikted ou. at New York is dei-tined for Texas. The howil'zersj horsen, and Flyipg Artillery aro of no avaliablo servico oxcept on land, and there ia DO point at the South, èacoept Texas, whera thoy eould be iuivant;igeously omployed. The Flying Artiilory would bocwntlo pone of the Gull imts, wbere only simple artillerists!, uceuslomed to manage licavy gea-ieoast guus, would bo ordered The "mountüd troópa will go to Texas to replace the forces niów Ihere, démornü.td by Twiggs' trunson. Tho rumor iinds credence that Gov. HoubIod, wfao is tlie only Governor oi' Texas rtcognized by the Federal gOJí ernment, recently sent a eontiduiitial iriend here to i eijucst eiiher that the presi'.it troops be maintained in Texas or new ones sent. Tho alleged faot that onc of the [ransport steamers at Nów York is fitting out with stalls i'or horses and prorisione in the hold, indícales that her in.ssion is to bring home the mounted troops in Texas. Cïov. Houston'.s re queat fortruops is bnsed upon the noeessity for pioteoting tho frontier irom the índians. Oí course once Hiere tho troops, in event, of dómestió inaurrectioti agaitit tbe htws; would fonn a naclons arouod which the Union foboes eould rally in detence of the governmont. It is still Hiipsosed, however, that part of the embaiking troops aro destincd for Fort Pieken.


Old News
Michigan Argus