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Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a conatitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomea vitiated, weuk, and poor. Befng in the circulation, it pervadus tDC whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free froin its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous tuint is variously caused by mercurial dUcasc, low living, disoid.nil or unlieaithy food, impure air, ftlth and tiltliy habite, the depreeting vices, and, above all, by the vencrcal infuction. Vhatcvi r bc its origin, it is hereditary ia tlie constitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it scems to be the rod of Ilim who says, " I will visit the iniquities of tlie fathcra upon their children." lts ofl'ects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho lungs, livcr, and iiiternal organs, is termed ttlbcrelea ; in the glamls, swellings ; and on tlie surl'acc, eruptions or sores. ThU foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depresses tlie energies of Ufe, so tliat scrofulous constitutions not oidy suffer from serol'ulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attacks of othor diseases; consequcntly vast niunbers perisl by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rondercd fatal by this taint in the system. Most of tho consumption which decimatesthe liuman family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructivo diseases of the liver, kidneys, brnin, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or nre aggravated by the samo cause. One quai ter of all our peoplc are scrofulous ; tlieir persons are invadcd by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To oleante it from tho system we must renovato tho blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food anti exuicise. Such a medicine WB supply in AYER'S Compoimd Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectunl remcdy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this everywhere prevailing nnd fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediáis that have been discovcred for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequonces. Hcnce it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also thoso other affections which arise from it, such as Eiiuptivb and Ski Diskases, St. Anthony's Fihe, IIosf., or EitYsii'Ei.As, Pimples, Fustules, Blotchbs, lii.AiNsandlioiLS, Tumohs, Tf.tteu and Sai.t Khium, Scald Head, RlNOirOSM, Kiikumatism, Syi'hit.itic and Mtuci'iciAL Distases, DitorsY, Dispepsia, Dehility, and, indeed, all Complaints aiusing ritoM Yitiati:i) oit Imi'vke Blood. The popular belief in " nipuiiti of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purii'y and regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound health is iuipossible in coutaniinatcd constitutions. AYEE'S Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Intermittent Pcvcr, or Fevcr and Amp, Rcmittcnt rever, Clilll Fcvcr, Dumb A'ur, Perlodioal II nclaclic, or HiJious Ilcadaclie, and lïilious Fevers, Indeed for tlie wliolc i-lnsn of diucases origimi t ï n xx, in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of Miu.smutic Countries. Wc ave enabled bere to offer the community a remody which, whilo it cwres tho nbove coniploints with cortainty, is still perfeclly harmlcss in aay quantity. Such a romcdy is invnlnable iu districts where tbeso afflicting disordurs prevail. This "Cühe" expela the miasmatic poison of Fever and Agce from the system, and proventa the development of the disease, if taken on tho first approaeh of its premonitory symptoms. It ís not ouly the best remody ever yet discovered for this class of complainta, but also the cheapest. Tho largo quantity we fjuppty for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districta, where Fever and Agux prevails, every body Bhould havo it and ueo it ft-eely both for cure and protoction. It is hoped this price will place it withiu the reach of all - tho poor as woll as the rich. A great superiority of this reuiedy over any otlier ever discovered for tho speedy and certain cure of Intermittents i.s. that itcontafts nu Quinine or tniiu-ml, consequently it produces no quinism or other iiijurious efFects whatever upon the constitution. Thoso cured by it are left as healthy as if thoy had never had the discase. Fever and Aguo is not alono the consequenco of the miftsuiatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from ita irritation, among which are Xettralgia. Kheumatism, Gcntt, HèadacJtfy Blind?iess, Tootfiache, Earache, ÜAtarrh, Astttvia, Païpitation, Puinful Affectimi of Üie Splten lfy&terics, Pain in tíie Bowtls, Oblic, Paralysis, and Derangtment of the Stomacft, nll of which, when originating in thia cauao, put on the mtermttient type, or become poriodical. This "Cure" cxpels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all aliko. It is an invahiable protección to immigrante and persons travelling or tompornrily redding in the malarioiie districts. Il taken occasionnlly or dally while exposed to the infection, tliat will be exercted from the systein, and cannot accumulnte in snffleient quantity to ripon into disease. Henee it is even more valuablo for protection than cure, and few will ever suffer from Intertuit ten ts if they avail themselves of the protection thia remcdy alibi -Ja. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MAYNARD STEBBINS& WILSON, and by all Druggist8 and Dealers everywhere. J. BURR1LL, Traveling Agent. An apenen t Btomaohlo preparation of IROX puriefid in Oxy gen and Carbon by combustión in Hy drogen, ieUoned by the highent Medical Authoritics, both in Eu rope aud tho UniU-d States, and prescribed in their ïiractice The expericnceof thonsandfl d:üly prove that no preparation oi Iron can be comparad with It. bnpnrittes of the blood, dppresrtions of vital energy, palo and otberirise riekly oomplexiona tndicatee its necetisity in almost every conceivable case. tnnoxlonsü) all nacadles in which it has boen tried, lia. provcil absolutcly curativein each of the following Cii))]'!:pii1n, viz: En Dt-billf y , crvous AfTcctluns, Emadatlon I'J-jm p,l;, oiislipatlon, Diairliun, Dyst uf i.v Xnclplcnt Consuinptlon, ScrofulouH TuJm-ituIosU, Salt Jtkeum, Mismtnstruatvrn, White. ChlorotUf Ctmtplaintê, Ckronic ffcadaches, Iïkeit matte?n, httermittent Fcvers, Pimples on the Face, ft&, lM;i-:i.HMf i;K.KitAi.I)Kmi.iTY,whetliortlicr8ultuf acute disease, or of the continued (liniinulion of nervoun and muncular energy from chronic complalnts, one trial of thia roatoratlYQ faaa proved succostjful to an extent wluch HO deAOrtptloa norwrittcn attestation would rondor crcliblu. EñrslMfl ko loup bed riddon as to have becomc forgotten iu their own neigliliorhoods, havesuddenly re appcared in thebnsy world as if juut returned from protracted travel in a distant laud. Some very signal instauces of this kind are attestedof fecialc sulFerers, eraaciatcd victimsnf apparent mrirnsmus, sanguineou-s exhaustion, critical cbanges, and tltat complicalion of nervous aini dvBpepttc avertsion to air and exercisc for wliich the pliysicían has no nnme. In Nkuvoi-s AHFEmoxs of all kinls, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this propanu Uon of Irön mast ñecesnartly besalutary. for, unlika the oíd oxides, It Is vigorousjy touic, without beug exoiliiiR and ove rl u-at i ng; and genüy, regularly aperient, even the bost obstínate cases of costivcness without eve being a gastric purgativo, or inilicting a disnjfreeable Rensatlon. Itis thiftlattor property t among nthers, which niakos it BO emarkably efleoto&l aaa permanent a remedy fKr PÜet, upon whicb it bLso appeara to exert a distinct and speeïfie action by disjtersinj; tho local teudency which forms Uiam. In DvspBrsiA, innumerable asareit eiiURes, a single box of these Ghalybeato Pilis havo often dufltcd for Uu most habitual cases, iacluding thc attondent Cvitiocn esa. In unclieckeilDiARRiicKA, evon when ad vaneed to Dysen tery confirmed, emáoláitng "U'l ap[inently malignant, t!i eOeota having been equally deotslve and' astonUhfog In the local pafns,lÓ8sof flasnandtrength,debilitatlng cough, aii'l remlttent hectic, which generally indícate Inapietit Consumption, in several very gratifyiñg and intere.stirifí [ntitanoos. In Scrofulous Tubcrcunlsis, Ihis medicated Iron has had fíir inora thaa tho good elfects of the most cautiously balanced preparaHona oí iodine, withuut any of aoelr well knovo Habílities. The fvttentinn of femalofl cunnotbetooconfidently invítcil tu thll remcdynm rêatorativciu the cases pecullarlv fttfecting tlit-in. In Ithcumaiism, botli chronic and inflammatorv - in the bitter, however. more dec(de4l7-it has been Invariablj ireU reportad, both Mallevütlng pain and reducing the swellingsand stififhesa of the joints and munecl. Ín Intermittent Fever t raust necessarüy be a great remedj and energeüo resturalive, and its progresa in the new settlcmcnts of the West, wffl probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy lias ever been discovered in the wholehistory of moilotne, vhlch exert such prompt, happy, and tully restorativo etfects. Good appetite, complete digestioa(rvpidacquipition of stren-th, with an immual dlapoaftloo for active and cheerful exorcise, imiuod!atly "'illii W i f S U 6 í , l'ut up in neat fíat rnetíil bnxes eontalnfng '60 pflls, price 50 wmiím por box; for sale by drugiüts and doalrrs. wlll besent free to any addrees on reoelpl of the price. All tetterSf orders, cíe., hould beaddressed to B. ü. LOCKKj&í'o . General Agenti. 477yl Sbö lïroadvay,N. Y. For Sale Ly GRENVJLLE & FÜLLER, Ann Arbor. Howard Aaaociation, Pliiladelphia. A Ticnrrolciit Inslitntion establishcd by special endotrmen for uu. relief of the Stek and DÍStru$td afflicted toUh VtrulenX and Epidemie D'tstatet and especiaUy for the Cure of Distases ofthe Sexual Organs, Dispensary frte to pat una tu a} I parte o f the United States VAIAJAULE IÏEl'OKTS on Spermatorrhoea , and ni her Diseasos of tho Soxnal Oifcans, and on the NSW BEUEDHS emyed, ent to tlio aflücted in sealed envelopes, freo of charge, l'wo or threo Stamps for jiostJige b will bo teptabto] Lèr AddrosfcDR. .1, SKILIJNHOUGIITON, Acting Sur geon Roward Assuciatiou Nu 2,Kouth NlntkStreetj Phildulphia., ToOyl 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For Sak cbwip at WITJaHMAN fc Co GREAT. GREATER GREATESJ, BAKGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. J-sJ859. In tl)i3 City, are uow being offered at tbe CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCU, & Jeeelry StoxOTIIRSnbscrlbor wouldsny to thecitlznnsof Ann Arbor, in particular, and the rost of WHthtenaw Cmintv In general, tbat hchaüjuet ÏMPOKTED DlHEOTLY from KUHOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ah of whlch lm Ijinduhimsclftoíell CHKAPEK thnn Cïin bn bought west oí Now York City. Opon Knct: Cylitidcr Wstcbes Irom 86 to $10 do do Lever do do ti to 21 Elunting Cue do do do 14 to 35 do do : lin.ii-r do do 9 to 28 Gold WhIpIipb frorn 20 to 150 1 l.ave also the C ELK BR ATE tí AMEWCAN WATCHES, wbichl wlll solí ter 835. EvcryVvatch warraated to perform welL or thu monoy refunded. Clocke, Jcwelry, Piatod War, Fnncy Ooods, Gold Pens, Musical Instruments and dtringo, Cutlery, &,c, una in fact variety of everyhini uUH])y kept ay Jewelers enn bc bought for the uext ninety days at vur OWN P RICES! Persona buytng ntiything at thie welt knowii oetahlidbmo nt eau rcly upoQ getting goods exnctly as representad, or the monoy refunded. OaJlenrly and secure the best bargaius ever oflered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We ure prrparod to mnkc any rep nirs onnno or comtnon Watches, even to miikingoer the entfre watch, Í necesenry. Repairing of Clocks nd Jewelry as nsunl. Also the rnsmifacturing of KINGS, RROOCH8, or auything doared, from California Gold onahortnotlce. Enfrrarine in all lts branches oxcented withneat neus and diëpatch. J C. WATTS. Ana Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7L4w HORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Broadway, New York I'ubllshcr oftlmlc anti Muslc Books AN1 DEALER iy Pianos, Molodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Marti n's ted and other Guitars, Violina, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutcs, Fifes, Triangles,'Clarnnetts, Tuning Forks,Pipe8 andHammera, Violin Bows best Italian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Intjtruments. ÍS li o o t 3VE ix S i o, ÏM-oin all the publislieri n the IJ. S. , Bertini's Huntin's, snil Mu.liMii Sclicvol, and all kimls of lastrnction Booka for tlie ibovu instruiueuts; Cliurcli Music Bonks; Musie olegüktty buunu; Music paper, and all kiuds of Music Mt-rchuiulise, Att hcLowest P rices. New Planos At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Secoud Hand Pianos froin $25 up to $160; Xew Melodeons, $45,' $íí0, $75, $100, and up to $200; Second Hand llelodeons fn.m ?:0 to $80; -UcxandreOrgans, with fivo stops, $lt0, DÏne stops, $185 and $225; thirteen stops, $250, $275 and $300; flfteen stops, $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Clergymen, Chu relies, Sabbath Schools, Semin;iiiis Utd Teachers. The Trade supplied at the usual trade discount 3 Testimoniáis of tlie Hornee Waters Planos aiitl Melodeons. John Hewett, of Carthaj??, Xew York, who lias had one of the HoniccWatent Pianos, writesas follows: - "A friend of mine wishes me to purchase a piano for her. She likes tbe one you wld me in December, 185(ï. My piaDO la beoomlng popular in thiiï place, and I think I can introduce one or two more; they will be more popular tlian any other makp." !lWe have two of WaternJ Píanos in nsp in ourSeminary, one of wliich been severely tested for tliree yearn. and we can testify to their pood qualïty and durability."- Wood k GreRoVy, Mount Carroll, RL "H, Haten. Ksq. - 1kar Sik: Having used oneof your Piano Fort E'8 for twoyeara past. I have fonud it a very superior Instrument. Aloxzo Gbat, Principal Brookïyn Htights Stminary. 'Tho Piano I rcceived froni you continúes to jfve mtisfaction. 1 regard it as one of the best instrument in the place." James L, Clarkk, Charleston, Va. The Melwleon hun safely arrived. I fet oblige1 to you fory uur liberal discouat." Rev. J. M. MrCoiiMick, YarquescilliS, C. "The piiiuo was duly received. Itcamp in excellent condition, and ia vory nmch admired by my nu mero uê famtiy. Accept my tiiankd for ytmr pTomptuesfl." - Rubhht CtxiKB, Wdrrtnkam, Iiradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano picases us well. It a tlie best ono in our cfunty."-THOM;iS A. I.atham, CampbtUion, Ga. "We are very much oblijd to you for having sent ■aeb a fine instrument fur $250." - Brank.IIkli & Co., Buffalo Democrat. "Tlie Horace Waters Pianosare known as among the very best We aro enabled to speak of these Instrnmenta with confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and durable quality." - N. Y. Evangtliftl. "We can speak óf tlie meritü of the Horace Waters pianos trom personal knowtodgef as bding the very fbimt quality." - Chriêtian Inttítigencer. "The Horace Waters pianos are ouilt of tlie best and most thoroushly ieuODM material. We haT e no doubt thatbuyers can do as iroU,perhapa better, at tbifl than at auy otherhouse in the Union," - Advocate and Journal. Ki-v' pianoü and molodeons challenge comparison with the fiuest made uiywhere in the country." - Home Journal' "Horaco Waters' Piano Fortes aro of full, rich and even tone, and powcrful - N. Y. Musical Rareic. "Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' store the very best asfiortmont of Music and of Pianos to be found in the United States, and we urgp ur southern and western FHonds to pive him a cali whenever they go to Xew York." - Oraham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba th S ch ooi Bel], ioo,o(M issued in teu Mouths. The unprecodented sale of thisbook has induced the publifther to add some 30 new tunwand uymns to its present size, without extra charge, except on the cheap eilition- Among the many beau tí ful tunes and hymns added may be found: - ('I otight to love my mother;" "O I'H be a T""i child, indeed I will." The.te and eight others from the Bell,were sung at the Sunday School Anniver. ary of the M. K. Church at the Aoademy of Music, with „'iTii The Bell coctains nearly 200 tunes and hymiiü, and is ouc of the best collections ever inuel. Price 13c; $10 por hundrod, postago 4c Klfgantly bound, cuiliiwsc.l gilt, 25c, $20 per 100 It bas been introduced into many of the Public Schools. The i e ■ is published in small numlwrs entitled Anniversary and Sunday School Music Books, Ños. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to accommndate the million; price $2 & $3 per hundrod No. 5 will soon be i&Bued - commenre ment of another book, Also, Revival Music Book, No, 1 & ', price $1 & $2 per 100, postagtt lc. More tha 300,000 copies of the above books have been issued the past eighteen uumths, and tbe demand i rapidly increasing. l'ublished bv HORACE WATERS, Affont, 333 Broadway, N. Y. RhTe-TOT OVE xx e i o, Publised by Horace Waters Xo. 333 Broadway, New York Vocal, "Kind Words can neverdie;" "The Angels toM mo so;" "Wilds of the West;" "Thoughts of God;" "Giva rae back my Mountaín Home;" "Day Dreaim;" "Pandy Cock Robín;" 'Tm with thee stll;"Petname8;" "There's no darilng like mine;" "Sarah Jane Lee;"11 Kv. er of thee;" "I'm loaving thee in Sorrow;" "Binlof Beauty;" "Home of our bïrth;" "Grave of Rosa bel," and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' prico '25c eaoh. ' I.vstki"mk.vtau - ' 'Palace Garden, or Sinjiinj? fiinl Polka, 40c; "Swinging Schottisohe;" "Mirabel Schottiüoh ;' ' 'Thomas Baker's Schottischo :' ' ' 'Piecolomiui Polka, 35 cents each. The abovepieceiOiavebeautiful Vignettee. "Wehnor Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry March," the very last; "Vansovianna Iioniells Mazurka; 'Rea.t: ing Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Ijincers Qua (lrille,"25c cach. "The Km pire of Reich's Qnartrllle;" a new dan, and "Tho Hibernian Quadrille," 35ccach. Many of those pleces are played by Uaker's colebrated orchest ra with great Mailed froe. A largo lot of Foreign Music at half price. pianos Hfelodeons and Organs. The Horace Waters Pinnns and Melodeons, for dcpili, purity of tone and durability, are unsnrpasse1. Prices very ïow Second Hand Pianos and Melodeona from $26 to $150. Music and Musictl Instructious of all kintU, atllio lowest pricoB. HORACE WATERS, Apnt, No. 333 Broadway, N. Y, Testimomaií;- "Tlio Hornee Wators Pianos are known as among thevcry best.' - F.v&mtelist. "We can speak of thoir merits from personal knovrledge." - Chrisliaxi Inlzlligcncer. "Nothfngat the Fair display cd groater escellnce -1'- Churckman. Waters' Píanos and Meloáeons challenge comparion with the fiuesi mado anywhercin tho countrv." - Home Journal. 719tf Irving's "Works - National Editiou fpHffl Fine EdltloD of the Works of WpiiikCton Ia i. vim: (including the lifo oí WaMhiogUot willbe pubishcd for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Mouthly Volumes, Price $1.50 Payable on Delivery. fíoautifully Printed oo heavy superllne paper, of th very quality, and sub.stautially bouud in heavj bevelled board. OEach Volume HlustrAtcd with Vignettci on Steel and Wood, J$ Knickerl'ocker's New Yurk, sketch Bufe, ctoth. Coluin'üus, il yoIr. Hr.H'.eliikljj-o Hall, Astoria, T:il'.sur t TravelT, Crajon Misollauy, ('apt. Bonne-vill.-, Oliver Goldsmitli, Mahoiuet. 2 volu. Grenada, Alhiinibra, Wolfert's Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vols. s.ilin.i-,'undi. Thi editiou will be iold IX cirsivRi.Y to Subscriberi ;uul will Iij greiilly siijierior to any ever before isaueil,- A veiy wet of tliose universally popular vrork. iri tUus placed within tho mean of all. Q. V. PIJTNAM, Agt., PublUbor, 115 Xassuu ötrect, New Vork.


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