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Special Message Of Gov. Curtin

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Jüaurisudko, April y. The following is the message of Oov. Curtm iu full : ExEOlTIYE ClIAMBF.R, ) Harrisburg, April 'J. ) To the Señale and House of Representatief of the Commontvealth of T 'ennsylcania : Genïi.ïmen - As the period fixed for tho adjournment of the Legislature is rapidlj approaohing, I foei oonitrainod by r gense of duty to oall your attentlon to the coiiditioii of tho military organizatiori of the State. It is scarcely neeessary to say more than that the inilitia system of the State, during a long period distinguished by the pursuits of peaöeful industry cxolusivcly, has beoome wholly inefficiënt, and tho interference of tho Legislature is required to remove its defecte, and to render it uscful and available to the public service. Many of our voluntcer companies do not possess tho number of men required by our military law, and steps should be forthwitl] taken to suppiy these dofioiencies. 'l'here are numerous companies, too, that are without the ueecssary anus, and of the anus that are distributcd, but few are provide'd with the modem appliances to ronder them serviceable. I recommend, tberefore, tliat the Legislatura m ike immediate provisión for the removal of these capital defects ; that arms be procurod and distributed to thosc of our citizens who may enter into the military seivice of the State, and that steps be taken to chango the guns already distributed, by the adóption of such vrellkn&wn and tried improvcmenls as will render them effective in tho event of their employment in actual service. In this contiection, I recommend the establishment oí' a military bureau at the capital, and that the militia luvvs of tho Commonwealth baso modified and amended as to impart to the military organization of tho State tho vitality and energy essential tó its praetieal value and usofulness. Precautions sueh aa I havo suggested are wise and proper at all times in a government liko ours. But especial and momentous considerations, arisiug froin tho coiidition of public affairs outside the limits, yet of uealculable consequence to the people, and demandiug the gravcst attention of the Legislatura of Pennsylvania, invest tho subject to whieh your action is iuvited by this communication with extraordiuary interest and importance. We caunot be insensible to the faet that serious jealousies and divisions disïract the public mind, aud that iu portions of this Uuion the peaee of the country, if not the safety of the govermneut itsolf, is eudangered. Military organizations of a formidable eharacter, which seem iiot to be demanded by auy exlating public exigency, havo been formed in certaiu of the States. On whatever pretuxt these extraordinary military preparations vuay have been made, no purpose that may coutemplato resist auce to the enforcement of the laws will meet sympathy or encouragement froni the peoplo of this Commonwealth. Peuiisylvania yields to no Stato in her respect for, and her ■villingness to pro tect, by all needful guáranteos the Èonstitutional righta and coustitutional independence of her sister States, nor in fidelity to that coustitutional Union whose unexampled ben+its have been shovrcred alike upon herself and them. The most exalted public policy, and tho obligations of truo patriotism, therefore, admonish us, iu the exiatiug deploi'ablc and dangorous crisia of aifairs, that our mijitia systeni should receive froin the Legislature that prompt attention which public exigencie.", either of tho State or tho nation, may appear to detnand, and which may seoui in your wisdom bost adaptod to preserve and secure to the peoplo of Pennsylvania and tho Union, tLe blessing.- of peace, and the integrity and stability of our unrivaled constitutional government. llio government of this great Stato was established by its illustriouB founder " in deeds of peace. '' Our people have been trained and disciplined in those arLs which load to the promotion of their own moral and physical development and progress, and, with the highest regard for the righta of others, have always oultivated fraternal relations with the people of all the States devoted to the constitution and the Union, and always recoguizing the spirit of concessiou and compromiso that uuderlies the foundation ot the government. Ptnnsylvania offers uo counsel, and takes uo action, in the nature of a me nace. Her desiro is for peace, and her object tho praaervation of the personal and political riglits of citizens, of the true sovereignty of States, and the supremacy of law and order. Anhnated by these sentimects, and indulging an earnest hope of the speedy restoration of those harmouious and frieudly relations bctween the various membera of this Confederacy which have brouicht our belovcd country to a condition of unqualificd power and prosperity, I commit tho grave subject of this communication to your deliberation. (Signed) A G. CURTIN. The Fikst America v Poktry - Thore are few gir's or boys in this country v.!. have uot heard the nursery r'hyme suug by their mothcr while rocking eradle, ■' Lul-aby baby upon the tree top ; When the wind blova the eradle will rock ; When the bough breaks tbc eradle will full, And down will come eradle and lj(il_v and all.' But how many of you kuow Úío origiu of the simple linos ? We have the tol lowing account from the records of the Boston Historical Society. Shortly afteiour forefathers landcd at Plymouth, Mass., a party were out in tho field wliero the ludían women were picking strawberries. Several of these wou.en or sjiiaws, as thcy aro called, had papoose, that is babies, and having no eradles, they had them tied up iu Indian fashiou, as shown on pago 24, (January,) and lmng froin the limbs of the Bixrrouoding trees. Sure cnough, " y;hcn the wind blew, theso eradles would rock." A young man of the party observing this, peelcd ofiF a piece of bark, anJ wrote the abovci lines, which it is bclivrd, is tho iirst poctry written in America. - American Agnculturitt.


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