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Washington, April 12. Private dispatclics Lave been received from the South, whieh ldave lo reasonablo doubt that hostilitios were commenccd at Charleston at an early hour thia moraing. We are in momentary expectation of full details, Charleston, April 12. The following is the telegraphk) eorrespondence between the War Department at Mont.gomory and Gen Beauregari, immediately prccedlng UcstüUies. Tho correspondence grew out of the formal nytiíieation by the Washington Government, whieh is discloscd in Gen. Beaurogard's first dispatch : "No. 1." " Charleston, April 8. " To L. P. Walker, Secrctary of War : " An authorized messonger from President Lincoln just iuforined Gov. Pijkena and mysolf thut provisions will be sent to Fort Sumpter, peaccably, or otherwiso by. force. (Signed,) " G. T. Beauiiscaud." " No. 2." " Montgomery, April 10, " To Gen. Beauregard, üharle3ton ;■ " If you havo no doubt of the authorised charauter of the agent who commumcated to you the intention of the Washington Government to supply Fort Sumpter by foree, yr.u will at once domand ita evaeuatioo, and if this is rtfused, proceed in sueh manner as j-ou may determine to reduce it. Answer. (Signed,) " L. P. Walkek, Sec. of War. " No. 3." Charleston, April 10. " To L. P. Walker, Sac'y of War. " The demand will be made to-morrow at twelve o'clock (áigned) ' G. ï," " No -1" " Moutgomery, April 10. " To Gen. Beauregard, Charleston : Unless there are especial roasons connoeted with your own condition, it is considered proper that you should tnakft lafl dc-mund at an early hour. (Sigued) "L. P. WauvJK, Sec. War." " No. 5." '! Charleston, April 10. To L. P. Walker, Soc. War.Montgoniory s " The reasona are special for twelve o'eloek. (Signed) " G. T. Bk a aud." "No. 6." Charleston, April 11. To L. P. Walker, Sec. War, Mputgomry: " Demand was sent at o'clook. Ailowed till ü o'clock to answer. (Sigued) " G. T. Beaureoaard." '; Na. 7." " Montgomery, April 11. To Gn. Beanregard, Ciiarleston : " Telegrap tlie reply oí' Major Auderaon, (Sigotd) L. P. Walker, Sec. War. " No. 8." Charleston, April 11, To L. P. Walker, Seo. War, Montgomery: " i'sjor Andersjn replies, ' I Ikivo thu honor to ackuowledgo the receipt of your coniinunieatioii demanding the svacuation. of thisPbrt, ar.d to aay in reply theretu, that By seusa of honor, and my obligatious to my Government, prevent my comp!i;inee.' He addü, ' probably I will auait th first shot, and if you do not battur us to pieees, we wül be starved out in a lew days.' Answer. (Signed) "G. T. Bhaurs abd." " No. 9.'' " Montgomory, April 11. 'fo Gen. Baauregard, Charleston : '' We do not deaira needleílv tö bard Fort Suinpter. If Majur Audorson wifl state the time it wbieh, as indicated by him, !i will evacúate, aud agre that in the meautime be will not use bis guns against us unies ours should be cmployed against Fort Suinpter, you arq: thuslo avoid tlie tffusion ot bluod. li this or its equivalent bo refasod, reduce tbo fort as your judgment decides to ba the moit practicable. (Sigued) ' L.F. Walkir, Sec. War' ' Na 10 " " Charleston, April 11. To L. P. Walker, Sec. War, Montgomery; " He would not cousont. I writa today. (Sigued) G. T. Beaursoaard," 810OND DISPATCiï. Charleston, April 12. The bal) has opcnod - war is inaugurated, ïhe batteries of Sullivan Islaiid, Morris Island and other points woro oponed on Fort Suinpter at 4 o'clock this moruing. Fort Sumpter bas raturned tha fire, and a brisk eannonadiug has boen kopt up. No iuformation has been received fïoin the seaboard yet. The military aro under arms, and tlie whole of our populat'ou are on tbc streets, aad everj avaiiable Bpace abuut tljo barbor i.s iilled with anxioud spectators. New York, April 13, The Uerahl's apéoial diapatch saya : " Fort Moultrie bogan tho bombardim-nt with tvro guns, to which Auderson rejilied with throe shots trom bis barbetto guus. After whieh the batteries at Mount l'lü, Cumtuinga' Poiut and thefloating battery oponed a liriik pf shot aud sliéll Vndersoü replied ouly at. Ion;,' intervals uatil betwcen 7 and 8 o'olojj wktn he oponed from two tievs of guns; looking -towards Muultrie aud Stevens? battery ; but at thieo o'clock failod to : produce serioui eft'eet. During the greater part of the day Anderaon directed !ii ghota priucipally . agaiüst 31oultrid, tho Sterens' and ñoating battery and Fort Johnson, they being the only ones opera! tin01 against him. Fifteen or eightoen i shots struck the fioaiting battery witliout eft'eet. Breaches to all appearances havo been inade in the sides of Sumpter exposed lo the fires. Portions of the pru-apet I were destroyed and geveral guns shot away. "The fight wiil continue sliniglit, - ' The fort will probably bo carried by storm. " Jt is reported that the Ilarriet Lano received a shot through her wheol house. Slie is in the offing. No other Ciovern-inent ships are in sight. " The troops aro ponring into the citjt by thoüsands?' ' TflIRD DrSPATCH. Ohaileston. April li. The fffing lias continued all 1:iv v.itïiout iiitermi.ssion. Two of Foif SumpterV jj-jiis have teen siieneed, m'd! it is report ék) that á bVeavh bus been made in tho South-easi. Wall. Tho ansvver to Gen. Beaurcgnrd's I dèronnd by Mnjor Anderson wan. thafc I ín; Would Mirr'iidor his wcre exhausted- tha,t is, if ho was cot reinforcedl No! a cnêualii lifis y-'t lo nnv oí l&e fonsiwi Of f teen, baiterieftin'ion, only Sevon liavu opened &te "i' Fort Sumptej; Uio ie maiu Ier aro held hn reserve for the c.xpoeted i' ■■'■ Twji t'.iousmui mui rcichcd thw tiiy tliis morning, and (iinb.irkei t'ir Jíorris Is'anU and the ucighboi i.'--d. The b.)n;b;,nlraent ronlinnes from . the il ■: tii g, Stevens and other I teiie.-i. Sampler continúes returning the fire. 1 ■ 'd that tlirte wur vetuls 08 RUW .1'. Charleston, April 12. The firing has cei.ped for tle night to bc rene wed early in tha itiotning.- - Aiívpía arrot'j cments aro made to prevent; anv reinfurcement of Anderson lO-i)'1 A special dispatch to the IL' raid saya that fcwn men are woanded on Siillivan'sLsland, and a munbur havo been etruck by ppent projeotilea. Thrée Bhips aro vinible in the cffing. It w bcliiVL'd tbat an attempt will be mudo to-night iü reiaforce fcort Sumpter. From the regularity of the firing it is believid tha! M.jor AndorsoD has a largor forcelhan was snppotíéd. It rained to day. Tlie bombardtnent is continuing with nortars, and wil! be kopt up all nigbr. It is su] posea that Andersoc is restiüg nis men for the night. The Government verséis oannot gat ii1, as a storm is raging and the se i is rongh, makitig it impossible to relnforoe tho Fort to-nigtt. The floatÏDg battery rorka well. Washington April 12. It is said that the expoditioq to rinforco Fort Sumpter was dispatohed ngaiDSjt tho advice of General _S;, whq urged the evacnation oí bolh Fuits Sumpter and Pickens. At Baltimore tho vv:ir news was re coived wil li recrat, thongh general sympathy with t!e governmeut is expressed. Charleston, April 11. Interceptcd dispatohes discloso the fact that Mr Fos, who had been nllowed to visit Major Andorson on tho pledge that his purpose was paciflo, i-mploj-td his; oppurtunity to devise a plan for supply'iDg the fort, and that this plan hiid been adopted by the Washington Government, and was in progress of exeention. New York, April 12. The Commercial says: Revordy Johnson, now here. espressea warm approval of the Pre&ident'e preRent moveinnnt, and eniphaücally affinns that . Maryland will'give the administration cordial support. lïarrisbug, April 12. A biil lias bcon reporled in the ITouso, approprialing half a million oí dollars for ariniog 'ind équipping the militia of the State. It, próvidos for tho nppointment of an Adjutant, Oommissary and Quaftor-Miiaier-Qenerals by the Harrteburg, April 12. Thewarbill passed bo'th Houses tonight without ariiendment; and bas been sigoed. by the Govornor. Louisville, April 12. Dispatches havo been received here from the War Department at Montgomery, to hold tho Kentueky volunteer regiment in readinoss to move at a inoment's notice. Montgomerv April 12. An extra session of Congres has been called for April 29th. Charleston, April 13. The cannonading is going on ficrcely from all points, from the vessels outsida and all along our coast. It is reported that Tort Sumpter is on fire. Charleston, April 13- 10: 0 A. M. At intervals of tweutv minutes, firing was kept up on Fort Sumpter. Major Andorson ceasod firitii; from Fort Sumpter at six o'eloek in thé evening. All night he was engagcd in repairing damages and proteeciug the barbettcguns. He comineuced to return the fire at soven o'eloek this morning. Fort Sumpter Beems to be grcatly disabled The battery on.Cuuimiugs' p jint Point does it great dauiuge. At nine o'clock tliis morniDga dense mnoke pon red out of Kort Sumpter. The Federal Flag is at half mast, signaling distress. The shells from Fort Moultrie and the batterics on Morris Island fall oto Major Anderson's stronghold thick and fast, and they can be seon ín their course from tho Charleston buttery. Charleston, April 13. Via Augusta. - Fort Sumpter has surrcudered. Tho Confedérate flag float.s over its walls. Nono of the garrison or the Confedérate troops were hurt. Montgomery, April 13. Gen. Boauregard telcgraphed to the Secretary of War last uight that there bad been heavy firing all day Friday; that four gnus on Fort Sumpter had been dis mounted ; that the Confedérate bnttcrics were all safe ; that nobody was hurt ; that four steamers wure oif the bar, and that the sca was quite rough. Nothing of to d-iy's date has beon received by the War Department at Charleston. Charleston, April 13. Two of Major Anderson's magazines have explodcd. (Jnly occasional shots are fired at liim from Fort Moultrie. The Morris Mand battery is doing heavy work. It is reported that only the smaller magazines ha"e exploded. Tlie greatnst, cxcitcmcnt prevails, tho wharves, steles, and every availablc place is packed with people. United States ships are in the ofüng, hut have not aidcl Major Andergon, and it is too late now to como over the bar, as the tide is ebbing. Charleston, April 13. The ships in tlie offing appear to be quietly at anchor. They have not fired a gun yot. Tlie Mitireroof of the barracks at Fort Sumpter ara in a vast sheet of fiamos. Skells from Cummings' Point and Fort Moultrie, are bursting in and over Fort Sumpter in quick succession, Th fedeial flag still waves. Mujor Anderson is only occupisd in putting out fire. livory shot on Fort Sumpter now scems to teil heavily. The pcople are anxiously looking for Major Anderson to strike his flag. It is stated from a roliable source that up to 10 o'clock toJ-iy no one at Moultrie was killed. Eleven shots froin Fort Sumpter penetratod the üoatiiig battery below the water line. The few áhots íired hy Major Anderson early this morning knocked ihc chimneya from the oñici'.v' (juarteri at Moultrie like a whirlwind. Major Anderson's only hope now is to hold out for aid from the ships. Two Bhips are making in towards 'Morris Island, with a view to land troops and silene tho batteries there, üharWston, April 18. Fort Sumptor is uudoubtcdly on fire. The flamea are raging all round it. Major Andereen has tbrown out u ft loaded with men, uho are passino np bnckets of Water to extinguish the fire, The fort ia scarcely dincernible. The men on the rafe ai"e now objcets of nrefrom Morria [ulaud. With gïasses baile can bo geen ekipping over !t;o wuter, strikingthe unprotiH-teii raft. IJ rea t havoc ie eicuted among tho poor feillows. Tt is Burmiacd thal Major Andenson ie graduull; blowing np the fort. lic Bcurcelv Qios a guo. At half pust 11 o'clock ñames wero buieiting from all Ihe i (irt-ho'os. The destrucción of Port SuroptoK is inevitable. Four vesKr!.-, two i thom largo Bteamers, ore n Hght over the bar. ïho largest apnppeare to lie coguging Morris Isíand. Tho fiamos have noarly subsided in Fort Strmpter, but Major Anderaon doos not fire anj guns. Gen. Beauregard left the wbarl jnst now in bout lor Mon-is Island. The ejeiterneot, if anytbing, ie increaeing. 1 have read a letter from S. C. Br.ylston, dated Moultre, 6 o'clook A. M. He b:is not ona inun was killed or wounded, Tho iron baitory has been dnmaged. The rifle cannon of the battcry did great exocution on Sumpícr, and were all aimed into Anderson '8 puit-holes. Threo of Sumpter's barbo'.tc guns wcre disinounted, ono of whiob waa a 10 inch Culumbiud. A corner of Fort S'.Unpïer, opposito Aloultrie, w?.a kuooked otï, The steamera Water Witch, Mohawk ar.d Pawnee, it was thought, were the threo firat vessole seen in tho o'ffing. Auother correspondent says the bombardmeot has olosud. Major Anderson bas dravvn down tho Stars and Stripen and dieplayed a white flag, whioh has been answered from the city, and a boat is on the w:iy to Sumpter. The breachea :nadu in fjrt Sumpter aro on tho 6de opposite to Cumming's point Two of its port holes are knocked into one, and tho wall from the toj, is cninibling. Thrce vossele, ono of thera a large tizod steamer, is now ovtr the bar, and seem to bo preparing to participare 'm the conflict The flre of Morris L-land and Moultrie is divided. botween Sumpter aiid the shipe-of-war. The sbips havo uot yet opep.üd. Charleston, April 13- A. M. Tho bntteries of Sullivan's Islands Oummioga' Point and Stevens' battory aro pouring shot and shell into Fort Sumpter. Major Anderson does not rei urn the fire. Fort Sumpter is slill on firo. There has just been two espiooions ;it Fort Sumpter. Charleston, April 13- P. M. The federal flag was ngain hoisted over F rt Sumpter, wben Poroher Miles with a flag of trucewent to the fort. In a lew minutes the flag was again drawn down by Major Anderson, and tho white fiagagain unfurled. Charleston, April 13. Beauregard has just gone to Sumpter; alüo, three fire companies, to quenpfa the fire beiore it reaches th magazines. Charleston, April 13. Sumpter has unconditionally surrondered. The per.ple aro wild with joy. No Carolinians were hurt. Two thousand shots wero fired altogethi;r. Anderèon md his men were conveyed to Morriu Island underguard. Anderson has roached the city, a guest ol Beauregard. The people sympathize with Anderson, but abnor those in the steamers in sight, who didn'toven attempt to reinforce him. The wood-work and officers' quarters at Sumpter are all burnt. No officers wero wounded. The fort w:'.s taken possession of to-night. Charleston, April 13. The firing ceased at one and a half o'clock, and an uuconditional eurrender made. 'Ihe Carvltnimis are surprised that the fight tvas over so soon. After the flag-stafF was shot away, Wigfall was sent by Gen. Beauregard to Sumpter with a white flag, offoring assistauco to subdue the flames. He was met by Anderson, who said he " had just displayed the white flag, but tlie batteries had not stopped firing. Wigfall replied that Anderson must haal down the Ainer taan flag, "Surrender or fight was the word.': Anderson theu hauled down his flag. Gen. Beauregard's staff came over and stipulated that the aurrender should be unconditional for the present, subject to conditions with Beauregard. Auderson is allowed to reuiain in actual possesiou for the present. Charleston, Sunday, April 14. Negotiationa wore corapleted last night. Auderson's comuinnd will evacuatethe fort this moruing ,aud embark on the war vesseU now off the harbor. Five of Andersou's men were vvounded, one, it is thouglit, iij'irtally. After the surreudcr a boat with ten men was sent from a ship-of-war outside to Morris Ialand, requesting permission for the vcssel to euter and take off Anderson's couimand. It is reported that Anderson surrend ercd because the officers' quarters and barraoks were dustroyed, and he had no hopo oí reinforcement. The fleet lay by 30 hours, and could not, or would not, help him. His men were prostrated by over exertion. The explosions which were heard in Sumpter were caused by a lot of shells igniting. Tho barracks caught firo three times from hot shot thrown from Fort Moultrie. Everything is in ruius but the caseraents. Many guns were dismantled, and tlie walls look like honey comb. Fort Moultrie is badly daniaged, and the houses on the Island are riddled. A boat was sent from the fort to night to officially notify the fleot of tho Barrender of Fort Sumpter It is not known what will be done wi!h Sumpter or tlie vanquished. Charleston, Sunday, April 14. M;ijor Anderson and his men will leave to-night on the Isabel for New York. The fleet is still outside. New York, April 15. The Xew York HeraU't special from Charleston says : " Anderson ealuted his flag, formed his command on the parade gronnd, and marched out on the wliarf, the drum and fife plnying Yankee Doodlee. During the saluto a pile of cartridges burst in ono of the casemates, killing two and wounding four. One was buried in the fort with military honors The other will be buried by the Carolinians. The wounded men will be taken to Charleston. " Tho fort was burned to a mere shell. The guns on one side of the parapet were entirely dismounted and others split, and the gun-carriages knoeked to spliDtcrs. " iSumpter has been garrisoned by tho Palmetto G-aards, uuder the commaud oi Col. Ripley. ''The firo has again broken out in the ruins of the fort, and the engincs havo been sent down." Charleston, April 14. The steamer Nashvillc,from New York, arrivcd here at 3 o'clock Saturday moming. An cye wilneys of the firing on Friclay nightsays: " It was terriflically grand, and reaobed the climax at 10 at night, whcn the sky was ovcrcast y rain afid clouds. Tfie Btreeta wère filled with people neai'ly all night, ftlso covering bouse top, shipping, and ovcrv available ploce. Towarda morning the iiring diminishod. A few rondom shots only were fired, and replied to or.'y occasiomilly by Sumpter. Wlipn the fire and smoko were fiwt seeo issuing f rom Foi t Suniptcr, it nas supposed to be only a signal to the sliipa wbieli were in orfing, apparently blooku ding the port, as thoy remainod quiotly Every one anxlously waited to soe what the vessola would do, and fully expected tha engagement would boeoiuc general. At 10 o'cïock, A. M., Suinpter was j plainly seen to bu on fire, flamea bureting through the roofa of houtes withiu it. At this time 31 .ij . Auderson soarceljr fireci a shot, while bomb-shells andgrapo scattered like hail over him, and drove the soldiera ander cover. Tlie ïron batterj at Cammiogs' point, only 1,500 yards f'roiu Smnpter, keptup acontiuual tirefroui its rificd cannon, ïhc fire from the floating ' battery and Moultrie was regular and ac i cúrate. The sand battery wat soar:ely injured by the wcak firo kept up by Andersoü, wailo "fjly a m'uatie trom this túttery missed Suniptcr. ïho floating battery proved impenetrable, but every shot from it told oa Sumpter. Sliclls from mortars at Mt. Plc.nsant battery were throwu with great precisión While Sumpter was on fire Andersou was obiiged to cease bis oapnonadiog, to direct all his cfforts to put it out. Tuice he suocecdüd, and to do this his men had to go twice outside tho walls and pass water through the port holes, being exposed to a terriffic fire. This was not resorted to till the fort was on fire for the third time, and when tlio fiamas had increased to an alarming extent. After a few momenta he ofdered them ia and shut the batterios, as the smoke was too thick to worlc there. At noon the flames burst from every part of it, and the destruction was complete. Charleston, April 15. Major Anderson is on board the Isabel, and leaves to-night. He will go on the Baltic. He expresses regret at the destruction of property. Captain Doubledny fircel the first gun from Sumpter. All the men looked hearty and well fcd. He complimeuted the firing of Stevens' iron battery, but did rot thiuk much of the others. The walls of the fort are uot much injured, and eicept iu appearance are as strong as ever. Anderson said he expected aid from the Carolinians to put out tho fire. He was surpriscd that uo blood was shed It was tbc best evidence of skillful engineering. It is not believed here that the fleet will prevent ingres3 or egress from the harbor It is roported that a Britieh brig was prevented from coming in. Major Audeson evacuated the fort with tho honors of war. The American flag was brought down with a saluté of fifty guns.


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