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Incidents Of The Bombardment Of Sumpter

Incidents Of The Bombardment Of Sumpter image
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Charleston, S. C, April 1-1. Tho last act in the drama of Fort Sumpter has been ooncluded. Major Anderson has evaouated, and, with his coromood, has departed by tho stuamer Isabel fi-om tho harbor. lío salutcd his flag, and tho corapany, tht-n forming on the parade grouod, marebed put upon the wbarf, wuh drum and tife playing " Yankee DoodW The fort is bu rneá to a mere shell ; not a partida oí woodvvork can be íound. The guns on one side of the parapet areentirely dismounted others split,, while tho gtin-carriages are knocked nto splinters. Major Anderaon saya tho aecuracy of the firing surprisod him, and that, ií lio had had tivo hundred inore men, one-half would have been killed for want of snitable protection. When Coronel Ohesnut, Aid of General Beauregard, went to offer assistaocê ai'.er the fire. he says the fort was like an oeen, and he could hardly breatbe. It wae so hot tb at Major Anderson received him in one of the casemanta. Inqniry being made how many were killed, he said, "None." "How inany on your side ?" " None," was the response. '■ Thank God," replied Major Anderson ; " there has been higher Power over us.': Major Anderson says it is prepostercus to fight such u peoplo. One ol the officera in the fort retnarked that they had endoavored not to fire on exposed individuáis. " Yes," said Major Anderson, " I gave orders not to sight men, but to silence batteries." The batteries whieh have done the most luischief are the Dablgren battory, Stevens, battery, and the ritled cunnon. Tho lort was set on fire three times with the hot shot on Fiiday, but was extinguished. On Satura uy it was again in llames, and Uien beyoad control. Alter the firo ceased the Siirgei)n General of thu State troops went down and offered his porsonal services to aid the wounded. As regards harbor defence, tho fort is jijst as good as ever. The casemates are perfect, tho guns there in iiime condition, and Bear on both sides. Major Anderson Jvas obliged to throw overboard a large quantity of powder to prevent explosión, and ii was fioatiog around the fort lo-day. One of the Aids carried brandy to Mfljor Andergon in a boat, after the fire, and the latter said it was very acceptable, as the uien wero completely exhausted by their labora. I mtutimi this toshow the kind and chivalrous relations betwéen the officere. Just before tho demaod for the evacuaiion Major Anderson reneived a letter from his wife, informing him óf the Herahl reporta that tho detnand would bo made. Ho was much surprised, but more so when tbe fact was Vorified thrce minutes aíterwards. The fort has been ganisoned by the Palmetto Guarda, and put undor comniand of Lieutenant Ooionel Biptey, who commanded Fort Moultrie aiïer the departure of Major Anderson.


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