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Proclamation Of Gov. Blair

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Gov. Blaik visitod Detroit on Tuesday to initiate meaeurea to comply with the requisiüon oí the President. A meeting was held and a resoluúon paesed to raiee 8100,000 as a temporary loan to tho State, Detroit gu Ara oteeing ono half, and subscribing $5,000 for inmediate paj'ment. At the close of the meeting Gov. Blair issued the following - PROCLAMATION. Whercas, Tho President of tho United States has made a requisition upon the State of Michigan for military aid in enforcing the laws and upholding the oonsti'ution and tho Union of the United States ; And Whereas, The laws of this State already authorize the raising of two reginientR of military for tho service of the Federe! Government ; And Whereas, Suid laws contémplate thfit the uniformed volunteers shall firat be called in such exigencie; Now, therefore, the Adjutaol General of tiiis State is now anthorized to accept tho service, first, of ten rompaniea of infantry, t) be rr. ustered iota tho service of the Untied State-t for three months (unlesa sooner disbanded.) To thii end, those coinpanies of the uniformed volanteer militia that may de&ire to tender heir services will forthwith report, through their cempany cotnmander?, to the Adjutant General at Detroit, the namns of oom panv officers, and the number of the rank and file, leady for service; thf number, kind, and condltion of their arms; and the number of ofleers and men already in uniform, the kind of uniform, and the number in want of uniform. Out of' the whole nnriiber of eompaniee tho Adjutant General will first select ten cempanies for inmediato service. The companies which may be accepted will be required to fill np according to the following schedule : For eaoh company, ono Captain, one First Lieu'.enunt, one Second Lieuten ant, fur Sergeants, foiir Corporal., two musiuians, and -ixty five pri vates. All companies formed and to be formed will be instructed and put in serviceabla conditicn as soon as possi blo, nnd wül ut once begin drilling acoording to '' llardee's Taotios," Those not iramediately required will be formed iQto one or more additipnal al regiment, a the osigencies of the service may demand. It is confidently expected that the patriutic citizen-soldiery of Michigan will come iorward to enüst in the cause of the Union, agarnst whioh an extensive rebellion in arms exists, threatei ing the integrity and perpetuity oí the gov ernmont. The Adjutant Gcr.eral wi 1 issue and enforce tlus necessary orders to carry out the objeota of this proclamation. Givtnat DetlOit, the 16th day of April, A. t) 1801. .1 BLAIR. Oo%-prnor ati'l Cmmnn'ler-ia-Cliief. JNO. ROHKinVON; A.ljmant 6wnL,


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