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Army And Navy Items

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The steamwhip Ooatzuooaleos arrived on Thursday at New York witb 470 trnops irom Texas on board. Shu landed at tho vvharf of the California Steamship Gompany, and aiter landing the troop unohored in the etrenm. - The Coatzacoalcos leit Pum Cavallo, Texas, on the 3Lt of last nionth, and on the5ih inst., she touched at Key West, where were landed three companies of infantry, and thence proceeded to Havana, leaving the latter place two diiys later. At the time of leaving the Texan coastR she had on board about Feven hundred soldiert, formerl under command of Gen. Twiggs. At Brazos she met the Sttr of tho West, awaiting government dispatches. She remained at Key West but twelve hours. Everything was quiet vvhen ehe Ieft. There was no diaafieetion among the soldiers, and among the ciüzens Union sentiments wure strongly in the ascendency. The troops are divided into companies, as follows: Mer. Company I, Firt nfantry, from Pan Antonio . H2 Corapany D, öecoad infantry, from Camp pooper 59 C mpauy Et SecoD'l cavalry, Irm famp Coopei"....45 Company J, Second cuvatry, frum Camp Venle 49 Cdmpany H, S9CO1M1 cnvaliy, tïom Camp i'ciorabo... 64 Company H First infantry (not S'econd cavalry), from Camp Cooprr ...41 Cumpany tí, Second cavalry, from tliecity of Browns ville. 67 The follüwing vvero Ieft at Key Wfst: Cumpany F, Seccnd cavalry. from the city of Brownsville... 71 Cumpany A, First infantry 70 T( al.. 559 i Deducting1 che number of men lelt in the Florida forte, ihose who have arrived ut New York arrnaint to 417. The f olio u ing officers acaompanied them : First inTantry, Capt J(hn H Kmg. íeconci cavaJry, Capt. is N. Paliner. "ieconil cavalry, Capt. Guorge toneman. econd cavtilry, Tapt. AibertG. Brjchitt. Second ca valrj , Firi-t Lie ut. W-tlter H Jennifor. ecud cavalry, Lieut. Janif E. Hurr son. Second cavalry, L.eut. Manning M. Kr.ramol. First Lieut Williatn P, Chuinbliss, Ciecoüd cavalry, Adjutant. Asaiátant Surgoon, Richard ÏI, Alexander. At the Warren street wharf there was a largo crowd eolleoted, and the troop.s were lustily cheered as they landed. Frou the stearner they were at once taken to Governor's Island. Two companies are ordered to Wash ington, one to Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, and three eompanies of cavalry to Carlisle Barracks, Penneylvania. It is understood that the Coatzacoalcos will iminediately prepare to sail again South, itisrumored that Gen. Scott will embark in her oo her next trip. The soldiers are not pleased at haviug beun obliged to surrender. At sevnr;il of he posts they sent depjtations to their offices to hold out. The War Department ha issued an order dcclaring that, hencetorward, men enlisting in the army will be told nothing whatever ar to what branch of the service they are to be attached, whether cavalry, artillery or infantry. The reverse has been the rule hitherto follovved. All enlistinents wil! be for four years, unless a sooner discharge thall bo giveu ; and the government reserves to itself .he rightlo muke the men horse or foot soluiers, artilleriste, or sappers and miners, as it may see fit. The bustle and activity at the military and naval etatious continue On Governor's Island pieparations for the reception of leoopn, arranging of quarters, examining oí srnall arins, camión and ambulance occupied the day on Thursday. Several lons of shot, which were received a few days since from Boston, wbro overhauled and stored aw:ay. gyS' Thackeray, aiter Ptating that his gvandinother wouM often say, the best of women are hypocrites, proceeds to amplify by remarking that we donl know how rauch they hide from us ; how watchful they are when they seem most artleas and confidential ; how otten those frank smiles which they wear so easy are traps to eajole, elude, disarrn ; - I don't mean in your coquettes, bui your domebtio models and paragona of female virtue. Who has not seen a woman hide thedullness of a stupid husband, or coax the fury of a avago one ? We accept the amiable slavishness, and praise women for it we cali this petty treachery truth. A good buxbana is of i.ecessity a hutnbug and Corneüa's husband was hood winked, as Potiphar was, - only in a different way. BQS When Voltaire was told thut a friend of hi was studying to beoome a physkian, he exelaimed, " Why will he 1)0 so tnean ? Hu will have to thnis drugH, of which he knows ko little into a body of which he knows less."


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