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IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THEHEALTd ,uu ,.u-tí uFWOMAN Is continually in pen! if she is mad enough to neglect or maltreat those sexual irregularitios to which twohirds of her sex are more or less subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILl.-i, prepare! from the same ormula which the inventor. TORN'ELIÜS L. CHEESEMAN M. D., of ïTork, has for twenty years used uccessfully inan extended private practice - immediately elieve without pain, all disturbances of the periodical ischarge. whether ansing from relaxation or suppresion. They act Uke a charm in removing the pams that accc.mpany diflïcult or immoderate me'Struation, and are the only safe and reliabls remedy for Flushes, Sick leadache, Paius in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpita tion of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken i-Mep and otner unpleasant and dangerous effecls of an unnatural conrlition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. To WIVKS and MATEONS. DI-(.CHEE;EMA.'SPILIareiilIeredas the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, bul. r.AUUCS MUST IIKAll J Ml.M) Tkere ia one covdition uf thcfemale system in which the Pilis ca :notbe taken wifiout producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The cov di' ion ref erredlo isPREGNANCY- the reeult, MISCMIR1AGE. Such is the irrcaialible trndency of the medicine tortslors the aerual functions to a normal con'iitio't, that even the reproductive poteer of nature canñot reMtt it. Ei-plint directions stating loAcn, and ahen they ihould not be used, with e ich Box, - the Price Oue Dollar each Biix, oónlaining 50 Pillê. A valuable Pa uphlet. to be had free, of the Agents. Pilis sent by mail promptly, by enclosinj? pnce to any Agent, fcold by Druggixis general y. R. ü. HUTCH1NGS. Proprletor. 0 CedarSt , New York. For =ale by MAYNARD STLBBINS i WI1ÜON, and URENVILLE & i-ULLER. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. JBUYAIN'S PULMOKIC fAFEES TanOrigiual Medicine Established io 1837, and the dr article of the kind ever introduced under the name o " Pulmonic Wafhr " in thli or in any other country all other Pulmouic Wafers are counterfeit The uen önneaCch'1wFE'tlWn th nameBUYAN beingstampe BRYAX's PCI.MOSIC WiFERS Relieve Cough,Colds, Sore Throat, Hnarseness. BsTAH'a POLKONIO Wavers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Diftcult Breathing. BRVA.V's PttMOMC WjFKns Killere Sputingof Blooi, l'ain in the Chest. Bktajt's Pclmomc Wafbrs Rílievo Iacipient Consumption, Lung Diaesses. Beya.v's Pci.monio Wafkss Relieve Irritutioa of the üvula and Tonsili. Brtax's Puimomc Wafers Relieve theabove Complaiuts in Ten Minutes. Bryax'u Pri.MONic Wafkrs Are a UeS6ing to all Classes and Conetitutions. liüYAx's Pulmomc Wafkrs Are adapted to Vocalista and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafkrs Are in a simple form, and pleasant to the taste. Buyas'8 PrLMoxic Waters Not only relieve, butoffect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Are warrantcd to give satisfaction to erery one. Nofamily should be without a box of " Bryan's Pulmonic Waferd " in the house. No tra veler should be without a supply of "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" in bis pocket. No person will ever object to gire for ' Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer " Twenty-five Cents. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Roohester, N. Y. Sold by (Jrenville h Fuller, and all good druggists in the United States and Cañadas. MOTHERS READ THIS. Tbe following is an extract from a letter written y the pastor of a Baptist Cliurch to the "Jourmil and Messeneer," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speakt volumes in favcr il that world ronoivned medicine- Mrs. V7ibi. L0W'a80OTBIa Sykip für Ciiildren Tkething : ';' M n advertisement in your columns of Mr. Wtnslow's BoothlngSyrsp. Now we never said a word in fin-or of a patent medicine before in Our life, but we ft-el CDmpelied to Any to your readers, that this ín no humbllg - W'Ji IL4VE TRIED IT, AVD KNoW IT TO RE ALL IT 9LAIMB. it is. probably. one of the most successful meilicines of the day, because it is one of the best. ind those 01" your readers who have babies can't do it bettor thiin to 1 y in a supi_ly " tíee advertisement in anotbn column 3 Col'Giik. Thi; su'liifii changes oiour climate are SOlllCfS f l'ULMOXABY, ÜBOXCIUAL.and ASTnMATIC AFFEC tio.vs. ExperieDce having provud that 6imple remedies often act speedily and certainly wbön taken in the early stages of the disease, reeourse should at once be had to "Brown'sBronchial Troches," or Losenges.let theCold, Cough, or Irritation of tlio Throat be ever so ulight, as by 'his precaution a more serious attockmay bs effectually warded off. PCBUcPEAKERsan'l Singebs will find lliem eCfetual for clearing anrl strfogthcnlng the rolee. 8 d r? rrlstmrot. ?7(mi FORT SUMPTER EVACUATED. Mack & Schmid riBINI'OBOEIJl with a Tremendous Stock OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! GROOüRIE 3, CR0CKE11Y, SHOES, 0ARPET3, &c, &c. flostiüiits Commi'nced inearnesü Death to High Prices ! ! MACK & SCHUD aro no;? rocoiving their SPRING AND SÜMMER aooD s z and will sell thera for the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Cheaper Than has ever been heard of IIKT -A-HSTISr ARBORDome One, Come All, and Lee. C MACK, 795 F. SCHMID. SPRING GOüDK PICH GOODS. OÜEA.F QOODS. BACH PIERSON HAVE juBt opened a large and well selected stock of Spring Goods. atest stjles and patterns including POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LAINES, ÏRIMMINGS, S U M M E R ST U F F S . DOMESTICS, STAPLKS, all Carefully seleoted, Waranted to pleaae, and Tor sale cboap. COME -A.1MID JS1333. BAOH t PIERSO1Í Maroh26, 1860. 793tf Hifle Factory! A. J. SUTHERLAND HASremovedhisGunShoptotheNuwBlockrHu ton street, south (if the (?ourt Hoxiee.outneseconi floor, where he is prepared to furnish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouihes Game Bags, anc Every other article in bis Line. On the mostreaaonable tering, and to do all kiodf o riEPAiniNG n the ahortest notinc.ftnd in the best mannei f duil af sortmeot al way ts Kt-pt on hand, ond made to or er. Ann Arbor Marble Works. BATCHELDER"& EISELE. TT AVE on hand a fine assortmont of American and 1 TA L I A N MK R B L E which they arn prpared to manufacture into UONUMBNT8, HEAO STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS fec, Ac, &c, fcc, In all their varietien, and n a WHKKMANUKE manner. Having had considerable experience in the business they ftritter thoinselves that they will be able to plea all who may favor them with their on'ers. Their price LOW AS THE LOWEST. jhose wishinii any thina in thn line ure rcspectfnLy n'Hedtocall BATCUELÜKK & EISf-E. Ana Arhor. March. 6, 3 861. 790yl CAED3I CAROS!! CARDSÜ! Haring parchased a Ruggles Rotíst Dumoxd Card PresB, with a Qne assortment of Card type, the Arque Ofliceiü preparad to print Card.8 of all kinds in the ; neatest possible stylo and at a great reduction from j former prices, including BusinesB Cardfi formen of all ftvocationB andprofessionH, Ball, Wedding and Viriting Crdi etc oiw. Call give us -ourB ordert en'l lio w ït ia done. 1861. 18iil. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GÖODS! C.H.MILLBNftCO. Eïare reinorerl to their Brtok Store fcently occupted by ADeForüüt, and are iiow receiving a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS TOR THE SPEING TRADE, Among which ftro Staplo Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEW csTYLES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &o., &c. Choice FAMILY GrocerieS, BOOTS, SHOES, & CROCKERY. Aho an eniire New Stock of Carpcts and Gi' Cotis, of New and Beautiful Putter ns, THESE GOODS WERF, BOÜGHT AT PANIC PEICES! Jnl we can satisfy at! wlm will cali a tui examina our tock,that Cloodsare Ckt.aplhis Spring ftr CASH OR READY PAY. C MTLLENA CO. Ann Arbor, Maroh 2(ï, 1861. 2m703 3 - Eïo for the Mmmoth Cabinet War Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, [TA VI JUST OrEXED IN THEIR new and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SrDEOF MAIJÍ STREET, A comjilete -tock of KOSEWOOD, MAHOGAHY SKTS OF PARLOR FURNTTURE INCLUDIKG Sofas, Tete-a-Tütes, Mahogany Bow-Wood, Black Walnut, l'lam aal Marble Toppert BOáEWOOD, MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNTT, FANCY AND COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &e. -Wt PS - 9 Elegant 1IIRUORS, BURKAUS, SECRETARIE -3, Complote 8BD-ROOM 8ET8, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -OFSIIHtláSS, MATTBESSES f tho best quality and Different Material In Fact thev" Have Fverything with which to i'urnUh PARLOH, BOUD01R, SITTINQ P.O01I, OR K.TCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO onger go to Dotruit er élsewlicre to find a laige assortmeat. Th is FUENITUKE musut be sold and will be so!d at VER Y LOW FRÍCES! Let every man and his wife or guing to be wife UMK A.SI) SZ&. ThcyalHO bave a HE A RSE ÜARR1AGE, And are always ready to ittend to the buria) of tha ead in the City and adjoining country. Ware-KoomHeant .de of Main Street, between Waliingtonaiid Liberty O. H. MAUTIX. Gra793 C. B. THOMPSON. L. F. RANDALL, CEALINQ IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Musie Sf Muiical Murchandite. JACKSON - - - MICII. VlJtTSSO FORTES from thp miinnfactory of A. H, OALE h CO. of New York, for whntn I am aprt. I will warrant Inferior to none, in style of finish quautity 01 quality of tone and irmntnesa of actiou MELODEOJSTS, manufactnred by TIÏKAT ft LIN8LEY Vw Haren "onn. & ESTEY h GREEN, of Brafleborn Vt. I will warrant superior to any in the markpt in oveiy res eet tlmt pertains to the good qualitiesnf a Mdodcon. I have oa hand and am eonstantly receiving from the pubHfthers l&i-e quan ties of the most popular SHEET MUSIC which I will srnd by mail to any prt Of the country, on receipt of marked pncen. A good asuortment of GUITAES, VIOLINS, TIANO Stools, Bows Strings, Instruotions Book for all instrumenta, CEUECH MUSIC BOOES Glee Eooks !x., Sp., !fc. The usual dipcount to thft Profe-BÍon. Musicsl Instruments iuned and repaireü anJ Ratisfactinnguaranteo in every respect. 1.T787 L. F. R ANDALL. WLXES & KNIGHT haTe reeeivcd their seeond purehoeof FALL A2STD WINTER GOODS, Wbich will be old nt th Lowest Possible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We invite all to cali and be satiafled that our GOODS ARE AS GOOD PRICES AS LOW as eau be found ia the city. Nov. 10, 1560. TTStf


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Michigan Argus