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■to Cure Cough, Coht fí-rre,neeñ, JvjlnVJViV' cei frrilalioit or Surrtcss nj iht afBËÉmSmk Th mat; Ktlievt Uir Hackt mg Coitgh fTMRPmFlv í;í Consumpthn , Bronchitis, AsthIMjjTioJfllJlJ ïiO I;i Cata,rh. Citar a-id 'JBfflBBKg ?tf! ntnngfh to the voirc. of Íi7n!!3r PUBLIC SPEAKKUs, iill and SIJVGKHS, Few .. rare of the importsnce of oheoklng aOonffh or"Cominm CoW" la lts flrst stage; tht whleh in the beginning; wo uld yield toa mild reraedy, it' negleeted, ■oon attacksthe Lungs. fBroirn'i Bronchial Troches,1' con&inlag deinul cent Ingrediënt! allay Pulmonar and Bronchial Irrltation. BROWN'S "That troublu in my Throat, (for wliicli the "Trochos" art a ipeclBc) having madti rTTrnTTT?2 me olt(;I1 ■ m"G wliisperer." IKOCHÍ.S N R BILLIS. "I recommend thfiruse to PcbucSpkakRROWN'S k-" ev E. a chai in. "IlavR proveí! cxtreinely sorviceiiblo for TR.OOHJi.b rkv. HF.VRY WARD BKECETER. "Almost in.siant relief ío the dÏKtressing BROWN'S labor of Lreaihiiifj peculiar to Asttuha." ]:].v,a. C EGGLEbTON. Trrtrr-po "Coatain uo Üi-iuui or anything injuri1 KUOHlLb ous." DR. A, a. HATE8, Chfniist, Boston. BROWN'S " R'mP'o and pteasant combi catión fur dr. Q. F. B1GEL0W. TROCHES "Beaeücial ia Bno.vcnma." UR. J. F. W. LANK, BROWN'S ((T . . Boston. "I hav pro ved them excellent for m„„„„ Wnoon.ü Coücn." TROCHES KEv. u. w. warren', Büstoa. BROWN'S "Beneflcial wben compelled to 8pek. .suCFeriiig from Cuid.'1 TRnPTTFH RLV.?. J.P. ANDKRSON, "EfTrctual in romoving Hoarnentss and BROWN'S ''T'talion oftho ïliruat, so common with ; Ml'liAKliKSand ÏINUUK3.'' TBnrmq P! " TACT JOHNBON, 1 KUL-ililS La íjr.injít', Ga, ' Teacher of Music iuuihern RROWJfN Ft-Dinle Collejre. anwifn o (IGreftt beneftt boa taken b.'fore and afler prcachiup-, as thoy [MKT9DÍ : TLOGHLS iiess. From thcir past effect, 1 think tliej wiii bö of permanent a-ivantHo to me." BROWN'S JiKV.E.ROWl.j-.Y, rt M. DftU Presidwat of Athens Colleu . Tt-nn. _ Boldby all Druertsat TWENTVTROCHES FIVËCKNTSA BOX.=iLa 77Cmö ltjng&Tblood INFIRMAR Y. Fishn't Block Wroñward Ave Detroit, Drs. S. J. tARPESTKIt & RAIÜAIU). ■ Q DOCTORS general ly pretend tbat Conaumption is irjurable, líecause they cannot cure it tliutnseivea; but thii doMaoc make it tmo. Many meobanicN wül w rks on a jnb all daj and after doing notuing but spoütbe material they will teil yon it B -vit can be dom in the way you vant it. lïut byapplyinji to a better woikman- une who thoroughly understenda bia busixwm - ycu wil] get your work acsomplisbfid in bape. In thia respect there is the narae (íiíTerence to be found in alJ tradw and professions. The bting!-rs in raecb:inism, n the arts, in law, in theology, and in physic, wfll aay Buch thiogi cRiinct be done. An t is true that they could not bc if all men wure like themselToa. But fortuaately thore ii anathor class of men, and these, when tliey tako jour case in hand, do the jobas you want it, or rest ure you to henKli, accort ing to deal. We have oaly to rraomber tl ia act to understand whj ene physictan should pronouüco that incurable wliich another cun cuie. In mechiiiiics, wesoinetirncs üiul that bv a poasesaion of superior bieams, by some new invention, of which he has the solé use, or by the mater ingenity oi bis mind, one pAtflon will make or do whftt no othr can. Exactly it may be so in physic. And thia ia the very reason wby I have saco great snecess over all others in the treatment of Consumptiun, By hiifing the original genius, by posácssing the Lung-Heter, flhich enables ïïie to clearly dot rmino tbe nature of iliy ï.seaseand by haring sucii remedies for Consnn'iption s io otbat Pfay ician ever had, make bold te uy that I ïave, and can etfL-ct a cure of this dhease beyond lbo each of any other man. Tu prove this to have heen he case, I raight give you numbers upon uumbers f certifientes from men and women given over to the frave, wlio have been rescued and restored to beaUh y the perseví-ring une of my remedio ferCoaaumption. lut it to not Beet na y for me to do o liure, for Ib act of oneman doing what another cannot eanBot, i vidbst to ali mon of .en-jo. Ii' the Cousumpive wishes further proof tlian tliis, I can only say, ome and satify youraolf by crij of iny akill in tho ure of your complait Doctor Carpenter will Tiait Ypsilonti, and Ann Arbor, uring 1860-61 . Ann Arbor, at Cook'aHotöl, 3d and th of each month; Hawkins House, Ypsilanti, öth nd ftth of eacli month. The remainder of the time, be vrül be fouud at hiü I.uug Infnmaiy inÜetroit Iy77. isr e -w"1Za"p OF THE C0UNTIE3 ÜF Washtenaw & Lenaweej Mich., From Official Rtcords and Spécial Survtyi, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO., and GEIL & HARLEY, íeing íuccersor to Geil &, HaHev , Topogrnhical Eng's, A ut hora of Mps of the Conntiea of Hillsddle, Braneh. t. JoBephfCalhoun, Jackaon Casd, Van Uuren, Herrien, Vayne, lieneee, Kalaraazoo, Khiawnssee, Mi-nvoo, ilaonib. St Clair, &c.j .'Michigan; Loraine, Medina, Ac, )hio; Niágara, Érie,Cattaiaugus, Groene, Rantoga, &c, Vew York; Monmoulh, Sforris, i:c. , Xuv Jer.-ey ; City of LeaJing,&0., Penn,; Laporte, üac, Indiana - etc., etc. Tho undrsigned are preparing to poblfaih, by Subscrip:ion, a nw and c mbined .Man of liie Co u ui i es of WasHb.vaw and Lbxaweit, Mkuic.m, from curiful suweys oi ho ontire District, oiada xvrasflly for this work, ftad rom Omctal Kecoids nni other reliabtc iirormation.- Th e Map will delinéate minately th raritmi (ieognphical and Toiiogrnijhical features of theCountiea, araong which raay be uuumijrated the followifflg: 1. It will ühow all th TowDibip, Secciun, and Quarter Jam. It will gcn rally show the Boundary Lines of Farm, and the namesofreftídeot ownera 3. Ir will show the toc&tion of Public Roads, distin'uishing the open rads from not oponed. 4. It will show the loQAtiun vt Churchos, School ïouses, lioteU, MüIb, ManuiacLories, Dwellingo, Sbops, c. 5. It will give the eourse of Rivera tml Cret-ks, and böw the loca-tion and outline of all meandered I-akos, 6 It willcontain Plun- of tbe Principal Vü lagen, show. ng the SireetH, Lots, und location of Buildings. Each Villaje Plan wiil ulso contaia u Directory, giving the mmes and busloena of village pubscribern. The recorled add.tioaa to ViQagea will bc distínguiahed by colors. 7. I will give tlio coarM of Rail Roflda comiil:ed,and also such as asare now ín procesa ofootMtruetivn 8. It willcontaiu a Distasoe Tablo, giving the diitance y the most direct openroads, botween auy two Viliagca n the Diftxiet 9. It will contain & Busines3 Directory of country subcribers, giving theirnames, occupation, and the suction on which tluy reside. 10. Views of 1'rWate Residences nnl prominent Buildngs, will be engraved on the margin, by wpocial contract only. In order to securo nn insertion, early applic&ti(a houldbe mude to the Agente intheir respective di? triets. 12 The Map Wlll b neatly engraved, handbomtly colored, substantiftlly backed vritl muslin, and mountedon rollers No pain nor expense willbe spared to mnke tbo worb n ererr rwpeot worthy of public conüdence. The price of the Map will be at tïie lowrate of tfix Dollars per copy, payable on dflivevy. Authnnzi't" agents will vi-it rvery portion of tho Dis trict, for the purpose of perfeotlng ihe work, and, at the Bsrae time, to sohcit patronage to it. Upon their culi will, be the time to subscribe, in order to ubtuin the work a it wüi bo sold by subsoriptlen only Commubicatlons in regard to business pertaining to his Map, if sent to Ann Ahbor, Mich., will reeeive prompt attention GBIL & HARLEY, Publïsheis. A Premium haii been aW&rded by the Michigin State Agriculturalocioty. to Ckii., IIablhv b Sivkbh, or their County Mapa on exhibitionat the An'uual Fair, leid in Detroit, in 18fiü. j8ES" Sta Circulara which will bs dissributed. 789m3 MOOHE & LOOMIS Bfive Removed (o the STORE REOKNTLY OCCÜPIED BT CMA.CK, Phoonix Block.East side of Main St., AND ff HAVE In Store ÖfefiB A Larg BOOTS $c SHOES Of overy deseviption whioh will be SOIiD OHEAPBR THAN CAD1 BE BOUGH'J JA' Thii Citj. ilso a larg asiortment of HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds made in the met Fashionablc Style KT GOOD 1SD EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -OTJRPïENCfl CALF BOOTS are NTOT bürparsed tliis sido of New York CUy, ana &re warranted not to kip. Our PTOGASAND KIPSs aro made of the beat materials Our stock of Morocco liootees ForlAdiests tlie the test in town, with lieols or withou We Muite to Oiflor, andnerer miss of ririNO tlie íirst tima bo give asá cali iud we will show -ou ourstook free of charge We bare ï-enred the servieea (f tv. u V.x perienceti Journeymen whn clo ourmendiug in tlie eatpt Planner, and on shortost notfee. Our motto ie Quick Sales and Small Profits Tl. uk ful 'nr past f:ivors we hope bypJiyiog strictattent!".i to our busbuasto merit a liberal nhar of your patronjL.tr1 for tlu; [utart, Liff Kemeuiborwe ire Dol to be nnders-old. "ft MUORB & LOOMIS 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Sale Cheup nt GLJITERMAN& CO'S. Ayeres Cherry Pectond, AÑTOHER ft % AERIVAL AT THE 0JÊË 0LI) AN B ; RELIA BLE HfH CLOTHINC EMPOBIUMü Sügas-IIL 3STO. e phcbnix b l o c is: , MAIN STREET. hasjust returned from the l!a;.tern Cities, wiüi a bug , and duiirable stock of F ALL AND WINTER E3r O O 3O I vrbicb he is now offering at unuaually XjiOTTV FXI.ICES1 Amoug LU Asüortmcnt may bo found BROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERE8, D0ESK1NS, fe TESTIKQS, of all deacriptionp, eflpvoïftllj for ; FALL AND WINTEEWEAR! tüofa hl is cuttinpr and making to order, in tholatestanc bMt slylcs, togethc-r with a superior nssortment of RE AD Y MADE CLOTHING! TKUXKS CARPEI DAOS, ÜMBRKLLAS, &nd Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. wïth numcrous olher art'.clufl ufluallj found In Biraila: 6stublishinoQtj. Aa AN EMP0B1ÜM OF FASBIO, the subscriber flatter himself, tbat hislonp expericncc and genera. succort,will enable him to give the reates'. Mtla&LCtion toaü who may trust him ui Um way ofmauul ae t uring garmenta to ordtr. 769tf Wil WAQNER. 8,776,994,650" VOLUNTE1RS WAJsTED! TO AS3IST INT THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! A'liite folks, or of whatever color, Oaste or nativity, wnether ïr.arriud, single or of douiitful oonnexion, will beenluted in the nuble cause of EMANCIPATINO THE COt&MUNlTH -JTROSi THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH FRISES ! and will rtceiva Iheir outñt at tha Extensiva Furnishing Establishment - or the- O V ITERMAN'ü HEAD QUARTERS! having been establisbed for the LAST TEN Y E A E S . our known rule of warfare is an I' ii il i s suis cd Destructioii OF IIIOH P RICES! ion c Xj o t ii i es For all ges! Sex and Condltionsl In consequcnoe of the vory flittering oncour agcinent wliicli we have leo-ivcd Muoo our lücation n t hia ci:y# wt have increasal our Slock of FALL AND WINTEB CLOTH I KC ! To meet the demande oí our cuotDraers, anJ having become more fully eonvineed th&n ever, tliat our modi: of deal ing, na'iiely: at ihe lowest poesible rati.8 for is the only true plan; wi will oontinue t: erve the public as heretofore durirg the coming frtll and winter. Our stock coiïsiati in every vin ii-ty of READY MADE CLOTH1NO! Plein nnd Fncy CLOTHS. OASSIMKRS, SILK. AND 8ILK VELVET3. A large lot of GENÏLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, which are all warranted DON'T FAIL TO For past fa vors we are grateful U all, Theeame for large ones in proportion, And tliose wl o see rit to cali Shall receive our best emiles and devotion. M. Gmterraan &.Oo N. B. Students and all others who want to aee SONDHEIM'S new "mode of cutting will do well to cali and leavo their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! GUITEnMAW cftj Co. Ann Arbor, Fpt. 28, 1860. 767t D. L. WOOD & CO. Havo X.ocsi-vQci. JK. X,.A.H,G:E STOCK OF Seasonable (Joods I F ALL MiH WINTER TRAVE, or ïaco; WHICH THEY WILL SLLI O HE AP F Olí CASH, I Olí READY PAT Cali and ace Be f ore Furckasing JüVieichere. T. I,, WOÓD. W. G FOSTER mrs. WINSLOW, naxpertt H Num ifKl Femóle Myrm'clas, froEüt to Lhe ftltentioB oí nctfiera, hef SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREW TXXfBSlMk whicli greatly facilitates the process of tfeettting, lf ■ □ _■■ tha gunifl, reJuciag ■■ wi4 uÜJiv ALL PAIN and ipannodte nctios, and is EURE to REGÚLATE the B0WEI.S?, Depend upon it; iQ' t'eo1, it vrl!l 3ye ror.t to oufaeirc rad Relief and licnlth to yonr Infants WehftTttrat up anil ?.nd sold tlii- irticlc for creí1 ten tm, and CAN 8AY, IN COKFIDfcNCE ANW TRUIUofit, wlmt v.o lave neTCT ln ble to Hi of, any otli'-r mtrti. -:n- NtVHi HAS IT yAll.ED IN A. BIXULB lN.vl.Nl'l., TO I1IUT A CURE, vhoa tuif'v upd. Nevop dïd we koov an nstunco of dwsataiactidtj fej any ;Be who uscJ t. Cn the cttlrarf, all an deliglitcd wifii ita opi r, ti D', nml ry-i uk in trfni j, n ol mttgien] tücc' end modicftl rirtaet. We rpeak in tliia mttr "WHAT WE LO KNOW " aft'-r tfn vnsts' n rii nee, AND l'LEBM OUH i'.i 1 -LIA'IH N 'FOH TiÍK ILI.HLLMINT Of" WHAT WK HERE DECLAKF. In nllniwl vcrj inmnw ffhere tbe mf ntisi i n' firom pu n tnd exlmusti' n, relief will bo irtunl in fiíteen r Iwi-ntj minutes ftf'.tr the syrup i admlaisti rfi iTuis valaab'.e jjreparatlon is tlio prowsii tíon 01 coo of the most KXPKKIi.Nl.KD asd M.II.IFUI. NVF'-W in New Enlanil, and haa bceu utd With Ni-TIlü FAILIM6 SHC0ES3 in i llülJSATs'D OP CARF.S. Tt not ot!y relieves theobíld froin pa-u, bur Invig' rat the Eomachan i srelu, Correct3 acid ty. a&dgfrig im CBd eowtj to tlie whoiasyatem It wlfl a'-usit insttEt'relieve GKIPIMG IN THE BOWEIS, ANT) WIND COUO anl ovrrcomo cor.vuUicnJ, irliicb ii' 1 speedly remi died, wd ín dcath. We believe it tl. o Bil nj SUREST ÜE.MEI V IN 'HIK WORI.I...ln all case oí DY.JENTCRY and PIARKHOCA HICflILllM, whetht it ariscs ir nu tsething or fros an otber cause. W ironld Pfiy to rvery mofher who h s a cLild suíTtrlnff i'rom nny of r " ! r "■ n [ C' n p ■-; r.t - ! J NOT IJ-T R PKEJUI ICES, NOR TUE PRÏJUDIOB Ok' OTHERP, stond between you anJ voi:r uüi r nj cliik' and the relief tlatt wlllbe 8URB- YE. Al! O1.L II IA' -. tu Pollow the use of tliirf meJicne. if t:n:ely iutd4 I'ull lii'-it ns for wi'.ni will ace njpany eaek bottle, onegemh facsimile nf CUBITS Si J-EKKDfS, Kew-York, is on tlie uuii'l( irrappfr, Poliï bp Druggllta througout tHe worM. Principal i íñee, 13 Ccdv Strett, ST. tt.' PRICE ÜNLY 25 CENÏ3 PKR BOTTLÏ. Fcr sala by EUrbacb S; Co. 177. TO I1OUSEKEEPL1ÏS. SOMEÏÜING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'8 Best Medical Saleeatus. Ia manufacturad froin commun salt, and ia prepare entirely dilTcrentfrom other üalcratus. sJ All the fleletcriuus mattr extractad in such & y} inannor as to produce Bread, Iïiscuit, and all O tindij "f Cake, wiiti Dg a partióla ol w Sftlffrataa vlien the lircatl or Cake iü b&ked; ft then-by producías vrholesonse renult. Kverj T partióle of Saleratai turnod to c:s, aml pa J ftdtbrouglj the Bread aod BímuU while baking ocueqaomly. noÜiiigremaiusbutcopiiBonSaii 3 ''O ïV'atcT, an-lVlMur. You viUreuHiy pèrceire, fctv 5 the taste of tbw Saleretus, tbc . it is entiroí) m liSerent froin other Soletatu. H Ufa paekedln on . ■ ■'.i H brandad, UB.T, B&] ■ ' Bea1 Hit ■ ctoa! . íí & Tiileratus j ' áUo, picture, tvw'cd i af ui bread. M J O viíli a g.ass of cfferv8cmg water on the up. - n Then yon pul cbase one paper jrou ihould pre i ierre Che wrapiier. and be particular 1') get tbt neit cxactly like tbc llrat brand boro. í. H f Tull DmkingBredJ witli tbia p I 1 etatos and Sour ITHfc ot Croair Tai lar. willac . 'nnpnnv eaeb l)a1kito; also, dirt-ctíüiio for ft jaU kinds oí Pastry; alaQ, for uinkiug . Suda Vfaler and Seidllii fowder. O MAK F YnritOWV SOA? mtli U 3. T. BABBOT'3 l'UUK CO.NCtNTP.ATKI f POT ■■ ,J Wtirrinípd doabla tbe rtrcngtli of ordicarr H "utasli: i,ut up lo casa - 1 lb,S Iba, ; Ibs, i TJ ba, and J2 Iba - irif-b full dir 1 1 nsfor mRklng " AN'D Hurfl ané Soft Snap. Conyinrcrj will üliü this ■h1 c}iRR}''s1 ürticlp in mirkeT. V uáuufáctared and for aale by H RABBITT, 2 54, 88,68, 7Ü, S "4 Waabin i in at. . Niw York n ri A nl No 88 Indi a'-, Botton, 4 7yl Í Fbr Me Speed) ánd Permanent Cure of Seminé Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emission Wervous and General Dcb'rfity, ImpoUnc and all Diseases arisíngfrom o!üaty Habits or Excessive. Indulgcnce, THEIÏE are thousands of Yocxg Mes, as wull u Jíiddl. Auei and Old Mecí, who are suffriug to soin extak from the above diseases. Mam, perhaps, are not awart oC their truö coadition, or when assistance is roaily needs'i. For tin benefit of such, we herewith givo a few of tha w.M eommoii ayinptutns, viz; ffaJbww o í;e BeÁ and Itmbtt, Pain ia tit Hwxd :liií Sidí, Dimnt of Sight, DoU avl '- Kfn-n ?.. Pafnit.ítíon of the Jturl. Dlispeptia, -"" -V Mernort, Confusión af ideas, Depression of .Spirits, Atr9%m tQ Society, Self-Dintnisf, Tiniditu, etc. Fur each ami uil of th$ abve symptoms these remedies will ba íouud a "Sovr tign Balm. ■ . m These remedies embrace tliree presen ptions : A trtx ir .Pasfefc, a box of Nervous Tonic Filis, imd a box of Ktrtfa Tonic Pin, all of whioh have Importaut offieea to pel and should be uaed together in every case. Thoir supenonty ove. other modes of treatuient may ba bnefly stateü u failows, viz : jtá They diininish the violencs of sexual axcitamon. jjy They iinmedjattily arrest nocturnal mul diurual uliiiond. jfcS-Tliiïy remove local wpakness, causing th organ t usume their natural tone uml vigor. J83f They atrengthen the constitution by orercomins nwous debility and geueral weakness. Tliev enliven the spirits, which ara usually dproM, by expelling all excitinsf causes from the systein. &S-By their iiivi.n-atiu prprtiet t'iey raator bkt patiënt to his natural liealth ami vigor of -ná. jBCm" Thev cure when all other meaus haT t'uilea. They contain no Mercury, no Opium, uor anyLhlnj Ihat can in anv evont prove itijnrioas. j(Lg They are e'i.v and pk-a&ant to tse, and wi.I not ïufcwc-ftre with the patieuts usual bustuen or pleasnro. Jtjy They can be used without auspiciou, or snowlsaj ■ Ten a roora-mate. . - That they may come within the reach of all, w hsvs ft se IhQ price of the Pastei at $L per box, and the I'itl at 3 cents per box each. In ordoriug bv mail, ia adctitJon tB th price, twelvo cents ia stampa shon'ld bo iaclosod for rchur vostage. ew. I-ADIE3 ia want of a safo and effectH-d Pö remedy for Irretjuüiritie, S'tppresaion of fch flKar-11 Jfrn5, tr any disease peculiar to their sc.t, ■fm"0 should se ï). Gates's Fsmals MosTitLf A rii-r.s. I'iice, by mail, 51 and f me stamp. yWLJ-jfc ■"-,. CAL'Ttox.- Thl-se Pilis shoiild not be k BHpirwjÊ during pregnancy, as imMorruq will b Ui ■wS ._rt!?v conseononoe. nj ,-i LADIES who, from ill-health, deformlty, Or any other humane and reasonable cause, deern it nacwary to avoid a-.i inorease of family, can do bo without inour-. riniï daofter to health or constirution by the uso of , L+ Craux's French Preventiva Powders. Price, by mail, $L aai Iwo stamps. , ■ These Powders can only be obtained by addremng tfc General Agenta, aa below. Send for Dr. Gates's Privato Sitdical Trcattté mi Smm Üiiecuu. Price Ten Cents. Address, H, Q. MILLER A CO., Onftl ARenW( Lou;riht, &, For -al by MAYNaHD, STEÖBINii,b WIÏ80X. yTSSia Ann Arbor, Micli. PTi'OA'. Z. MILLBfPS IÍATH INVIGOIUTOK. an effecth i:, sajb anb :; oxomical compovh FOK BKSTOKJNU GRaY il.Ulï to ita ftriginl olor wA'ae out dycmg, :ni 1 prevents Uuir frura turning gry. FOR rUKVhNriX'.; BALÏ NEöS and curi twben tberï is ilio k'; partióte of vltaltij or rcupt-rtri uuergj k inaininjr. 0. TOR REMÓvmr: SCURÏ1 ANB DAXD'BCFF, r.d all eu-.v neous affwcïiona i tli icalpi FOR BEACTIFYING TBEHAIIÏjimpnrtïrgtoU nu. equalled gtoss und brilliancy, makiog mflmudwükj in ts tszturfl &d l cauoing i to enrl rcadïly. The gfreal ceh 'ity ;uni t iie i:i ■ m tod for (hi UEMq'ialled preparatïon: convince tbc proprittor Ui at un triiü Ie onl; noce-s:u-y to satisty a discei ttng "( ; , ■ Í it ■ ■ er anv other prepa rattoï :í ( pr :cnti lause. It olea ■ rom dnnd nJTan4 othcr cutáneas (iterases. Cau&Ofl tliü Lair togrow luxunantly, Dd givesít a rích, soft, glossy and flexible rpn Hvwnzff and afeowhere 'lu1 haii . u Ibin nin;. it will givc strongth and vigor to tbc roots, ftn4 i r the groivtb t thone pnrtn Wbicli bar 1ccjiü ba-M, causing it to yleld iif'rsfi corcivg of Lair. Tderean bundreda of uul tes and gehikBiea iu Ntr Voik who havo had tbeir hair restored by tho use uí' this lavignrator, ivhen all other prepnrations tad fnütd. L. 11. Las la bis pos e.-..iu:i lettoas innume: able tetifyiQj to tle ;ibovp factfl] from persons oftbe higbest rpspcctí büiiy. It Wi ■ :■ the h,irfr(.mt tvrnht gray nntil the latesi pciicd ofJife; innl in caaes wii the hair haa cbanged ftn colnr, tho une of tbc Invigorafor will wltb!Joertftipty rattn ü u ü$ origine) hü-, glvltig it a dark, yïossy appenrai ■i. As n erfi me for Ihe toileö and a Hair fUtstoratlve il is par. ■ i iflêfl, h-ivinp an agreeablf rm granee; mul tbs grrn; fjicilitiep it afforjs in cb'atii the hair, irhich, when moist w h IaTigorator can bc drepscd in miy requlrèd foim 5 - to preserve its lacc, wh#íber plttiu or in curte- bfmr tlie irreet damasd for it by tha ladiofl a-; a $iah4ard toltA article whicli ntü;1. ouprli t to ba without, a tbs prïc ' places it withlo the reaeh n all ' ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to l)o hal at all reapeolftble druggtcta1 and prrfarnRrs. L MILLER would cali the attention nf pa venís and Gn&rdi&na to the uso of hl i Invigorator, m oases vherc tiio chilflrons' Hair inclines to be ireak. Tliéuneoflt lays the frmpdatiqp for a gqod fiead : Uair fts tt rfmovri ítny iropuritiea 1liaí ti;I rune cynnected wiih thè scalp. the of nhtcti - ■ I th ftr tb healtbuftbs chiM aud the future . ■,■ of Ui Hair. v. - Xonc cnuinc wKbrutthefaesïmrïf' I.OriS MÏI.I.l'Ü ':■ i, L, MlII.Uï'S HATR IN -. ' ■ ■ ni the gïRse. okl luittl thrrriodi Ie Xler : I t tbe worM. I.lI;.-i..' ■ ■ intity, I al. i l'ublic my New & Improve-ï Instantaneous T-fquïd Hair lïye which nftpr yeftrs of Pcieni T fcort" brought to pffrS ' ■ rn :nitantly Titboutil l i-.aranted il;o bvtt artic!e nf '' icp. PRICE ONTjY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 5G ÜEY Sr., iüir 1 762yl GO TO GÜITETÍMAX & CO'S F OS fm:T-I,Y'S I AT'"NT PAUTP- i nèw ittlrV Wif iust fus UlÍTto-. XbyJULTO tO ïfC'uiÏTI '. - ei' Citr. Aldo ful ' '


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