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GPJ2AT.GREATE3 GREATESi BARGA IK 8 EVER OFFEKED 1859. 1859. MïpN . -JIn MiisCity, are how Ijcing offered at tlirs CIIEAP.CLOCK, WATOH, & JovFülry StororliHB8pborlbnr wmildeny to thitizani al A nu ArI hor. i particular, ana thé rem '■!' nbtenaw "minu n L'fiifP'l, "'■'" h'Min.ijist l.M l'Oii l'KI) Dl Brom BÜROPE.e Trcmendons Stock of Watchcs! Al. pjf whlch ki'. !,:i]llinnsHfti oei] OliEAPF.B thij cao be li''ii::iit vr:'t of K'W Vork City. Pnce Cyliuder Wwtches trom è to $10 iltk do L;ver lo do rt to 21 Eluntittg (Tase 'lo do do U ' do do Cyllnder do do 9 to 28 Irjü U to 150 I ;■-. ■ aTW tllC eHLUBRATKI) AMElí'CAN MATCHES, : '.vül bjli It 3". Every.VVatcb wurranttd to peffbfia w6, or the uabnoy i-olunded. docks, Fniirv OooHs i'ulil Peni, Música] Lastrumeuts ao'l ritnni:, Cutlery, .fea, :nd ín inri ñ varicty i . . . ; uyii-.illv r!fpt jy Jcw olnn cun I)' houghtfor he uexi nincty dr,, al vur O V N I' II I C E S ! Persona bujlng aiiything at Mm wil known ostabllsiiinn u! can r y -■'. : gnliiig ■ .as rp ■ y ; tuud ii. í'rt): í-urly thfl besi burgttïiw ever oiïered in thii 'ity. (;:it' word in regard to Repair mg : ■ in k e any n: ■!■ ■ a or eomJ món tVnrehps ■ v. n ■ t üry. licjuiii ;■ j ■ -t t ii rka id .! . iPU'il. Alto the mHii] iHctnrh g ol KING l'IM Kirt! -, ir Huy: ■ .Vrotii CflliforniR Gold" on short nottpft. I' ftlliU L-itujLlu-'ixi'.'iit(id withoeat iji-ös and dilaten. J C. W 'I 'l:1 Anu Arbor, Jn. 28 th 1859. 'ii-lw IL O RACE WATERS, OEN T 33 3 Rroadway; N ► w Y o r k PitblUUcr ( Ie hik! HuI XSooUs AM) DBttLER W Píanos, Melodeons, Alesanclre Organa Organ Accordeon, Martin's ceiebrated tnd other Guitars, Violins, Tnör Vials, ViolinoeMos, Accordeons, FJütinaB, Flutéft.FïfeA. 'rriapgles, Clarionettp, Tui tit FWlw.Pipes ani"fíammer&, i'Ü;Bow , best hulian Strings, IJas.s iustrufrehtö for Bands, Piano Ötoaln, and cqVers, and all kinds of' Musical Inètruraents. S h e o t 3VX xx O i o, ."rein ftli publishcrs in the V. S., Berlini'fl ; aA Modem School, and all kmdi ol Inrttrncttoa Booke áb)vo iQRti'uioents; Churcli s; Klusic ■ d u M ;-.r papor, au i all kinds of Mustc A t t ti e fj o w e s t P r i c e s. New I' i a ii o s , At S1T5, $200, 9225, $250, and up 1t $S0O. las, S-I5, l, .ui-I up to ?-■ i, witli Bvé stn] .. stops, S.'Sn, .- i; A liberal i ., l.uvrlK's, Sabbat}) Schools, Seminaries BUpplied ai thé usua] trade 'ï'csiliuonlals of the ïlorace Waters Píanos Kttjd I(!odooiis Jolin Hewett, of Cvthage, New STork, wbo U&a had out.' of the Hoi ' QO6, nritesaflifpüows: - WA friend of mine to purohawa ■ ;'T. sl.f likes the oiif yiui sold me in December, I 956. . p rpulai In tbú place, :w Í thiiik I ciin latro luce one or two move; they will be mure popular thíiu any other m;ike.!'. 'W6 have two of Waters' Pianos in usc in our Pcmi... .n sfvrreiy teetod for Utree ;,:;:t." - ld -d itGhii"!-y, Mownt CarroV, ui. :i: Ilavinj ;-(■■! ört(of ynnr l'iaao KorWs fnr two ir.r.1,1 ];it. I ïiaw foriud ii :i very ' ■ ', .- nory. ■ rh vut■ itü in the ". Va. 'Ml.c ' tri --:. I f.■ tv uu . ' lïev. J. M. M ■: ' G. ■ . ; pi ño was d COnditlOIl, nu'. am ..' . . r. -,-;,' niv tli i tïlca for yto ir pi rnip a ■, Uraetyèed Co, Po. '■Vu . . ■ in oi:r .mii]iy."-TuoMá3 CftWAa?ï'w.''-F ' ■ ';'' 'We are vtv maco Ki tch 8 'it , - 3-50.' - UA.K,HE!.n vV ('o., finffalo Ih'nrraf,, "The Hornee Water ríanos are known as&ïttong the vci-y be of tlic-f"1 instrunf their :.: tone and ilurbli quality." - -V. Y, Evangelist. 'Ve can spenk of themerits of the !'■ anofl tv i Kling tho very linest ■ lutctlixencer. . hob are puili of the besi and mO3i j. ■ oned material. We lip-e no floubt ,],:it b3 ['■■■'■'. r at tbisthan at berhouee in the ' oion.ÏJ - Advocate and Journal. i' ;.; mOS :i □ e fltíest mafle anyw&ere in the country." - Home Ja u rit nt l'Horace Witeraï Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich anl oven toao, and poTOBrfiür-JT, Y. M(OUI 5pd a1 Mr. Waters' store tbe rery ortmentof HnBio and of Pianos tobe funl in ,,'onr soutoern and re liim ;i cali whenever they go to New York." - Graham$ Magazijie. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bel], 1OO OOO faseert In ten Months. Tiio anpreceflented sale of thig bóok haa Io3acedthe publisber to &i I iome 8ö new tbneitand hymns torta pieh , without xtra charge,, except on the oheap editlon Among themany boa utifu] tunea &nd li in; may be Foúnd: - "1 onghi to löre my mother;" "OI'U ad etght othen trom tb ■ ■■.- at i'if Sui! !:iy School ■ the M. CÜiirch at theAcadem of Mu-ie, with i : .■ i'iii mm tuin - ñeariy 200 tanen aud bymnand is one of tlje best collëctaona evei . anily bouad, boen iutroUuced iuto manv of tl n.'in -uvill numbtfm entitlM Annivct's.i. v and Söüday School Mu-ic ' 1,2, 3, íc -i. :i i í to ace mmodate the iöilllou; pricef2 93 per hhindred No, 5 wil) bood be ifwuod- oónirtiencemenï of another ■ Revival Musíc Booïs, No, 1 & Z, price $1 & $2 por 100, o?tage Ir. More thai of above bookn have been issued the pas! elghteen monthfl, and the demapd ia rapidiy increaalng Published bv HORACK WATKH.-1. Agent, - adway.N. ï". Fublisod by Hor ace Waters N. 333 Broadway, New Voiit. Vocal,"Kïnd Words can neiverdie' "The At . ■ " of the Weatj "Thoughta ol God; ' i (iiv , i,, ■ ' fountaio H me;" "Day (;i "Dandv I . ' 'Tin wïth thee Btül;'Petname8;" lírhere'Tio darilng líke mine;'' "Haiali Jane Lee;1 "Etri- of tii-'c:" uVm leavingthee in Sorrow;-' "Bird.of Beauty:1 tLHome of our bfrth;'1 "Grave i Rosabe!,'1 and i ly, wnkf, piice. 26c each. iNriTttr.MKvrAi. - ' Talaee Garden, or ïnjein Polk&, ;" . " ' lOttisChe;" (MIrabel Pchott(scb;!' 'Thoroaa tíftlwr'í" ichottísch;" (Piocolomíui . ,...,, i eacb The abovepieceshavebeauttful e "Welnoer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cryMarch," Vai loviañna Doniells Mazurka; uReal: n ■ Polka"" "('i'inniiiic Waltz." ftnd "Lancei ■ " Qua 1 ; Ire of Reicha QuaiïrfRe;" a ik'w dance, and "ilie Uibernian Quarliillvf 85c each. m.imv ..i these ' obflrted : t witn gre&t applruse.JW" llailed free. A B balf pricc. Piano?, IHcIodoons UDd Opgan. Th Hon Wáterfl Piano nnl Helodeons, for depth, .. tone n i durability, ;i re naorpaswd. moes vt-rv low t-c-itihl Hand Pianos and Ml nu from $-'5 to '■!.!■ audMugio l infltrttottQiw of all kin.ï-,at tho DORACK WATERS, Agent. Xn. 333 Broadway N. Y. Tkotimoxmts;- "TIip ÏToïac Waien Planos are known samong tbeTerj; beat - KwngdUu "We can Bpeak of their mérito from personal knowl"Nothln r ;i the Fair dlspUyed greater exceUenoe -f- Churrlnnan. Waters' Píanos nnA itóloueons challenge comparitton fiucst madeanywhervln the comury."- l!nae Journal. '1-'tt Irving's Works - National Ëditiou IHE9 EdMlon f the Korkfl "f Washington Ib iv.; (incjttdiög the life oi Washpgtt9 wilibe pub■:■ :n-'i for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montlily Volumca Prioe $1.50 Pajablo ou Délivery. Uj Ptinted ra heavj upertne iict, of tbi t qutMfi umi substaDÜally buuud n bKT] ICKaoh Volume llustrated with Vignettei on Steel and Wood. LB Koieherboclnïr'fl Nl"' York, etcb Boak, Cloth. Columba, 8 vmI-j. Braobt4de Hall, Astoriüi ■l'.ilisi.f :i l'r.iveler, CrayOD Coi Bonneville, , . or Soldamithj Ukhonjat ï vols. r"ia, AHi.uüVua, Róóst, Ufe of i(. ihia ton, 5 vol. S;i 1 iii:i -i Ulitli . Tllls odition wlH be .-M rxm-sivn.Y to SunscnbM! ! be Irtally supki to any OTt lieforc ssuod,A iT.y han Nomo sot oí tbM DnlmllJ popotor work. in tliii.i placed witblntho m n fnll. 1VS.N NcwY.rk. öity Oheap Erfimfoer LW, Doors Jflinrfa, Plast ? Paris Grand Rivet l'laatcr, Vater Lima, Nuils of all sises, Giass, Paint and Putty, (Sic, dkc, . D. BeForcst, HAVING Increrisrd his fiirilitfes for to!ig husi 'intï tiiibirgcd his Yard and tStock.ia pre pflicd tha present seaaoa, with ttt hi . i estteaaon . in thU :mritn to siiiiily the i ' .tions il alJ. Om motto is iio t to f6 anderoJctt'or cash on .; ■ I wi ; 1 not util'Ttakrtd frigbtenthi public by saylita thiii ih'ywüi gctshaved il they uu 5 eUen I ere. ïoi ■ume thftt oiberB willaelluaJow ae ticy can íirt'ord to . All kjUftds of Tiniber, Joists, and dcantltdgi Pine, Whitewo' ri , Hem ock, Plaiied and Ma.tched Pine, Whitewood Asb l'l'i'ji ii:;1. ('Irincii ini 1. : .1 White wood ■.;■''■ f. i'osta, Üak andCcdai Puutt and I'ickets ad ali kit d. pne f atl), anb UHjUeiuooö t. .0. I'tno, Aehüiii W'iitowood Sbiiiirlr?, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Flank, Blaek Wi.jiit.Hnd uli .-rrv and thin ttuft', Wagon ana BTJGGY AXLES and TOXUUEö, ftuxaad Bidy LutabertMaplê tog Timber, Uickory, Oais, jsh, Blm, Beech, Oi i:l.iiiükni;=ecó,.viilai3 und i..'nBiiit , Sic. Sic, Fi'aStfeï Paris, and tHaster ot Hllkituis. 3rEVXíSa ÓÍ all SÍZO, ie, &c. SA81Ï, 'tiÖÜÉS, Ê BLlJs'JJlS, mi Krl e h y '1 íi ud tv ordei as lowas tactor y pticee. on tuo ibortesluutice iy t:i tr ocsiot workraen ai:d liest Seasoncd Lumber. Billf u un in the aboye (uildig Hik . . , 1 DOto hl We have Mills Cutting llcgularly. A ful anda pèrlect iöbortment ui the above auc Dtbei Linde ui ISuilding Materials Constaiitly uiiIiaiidaL ih. lowesipossibleratei Cali and be Convinced. A few rods south Jrorn li. i. Depot or. Detroit Street, Amm Arbor, Mich. Il O O F I N G. N.B - I amaow operatiug Gxtensivelj in the Patent Cement Roofmg. Caixipion's Platform ! IfflE si:!ïi T.'üji1 hfta iii.-t r t rn'id froia the net with his Fali and Winter # Gr O OD 9 Which he is Determmed to Sell AT TUK LOi'EST PRICE FOR CASH! at v.-liicli. Fi!StQuaI;ty Goöscsn neahora eü iu t his city. My cl olis are all of the FINEST QUALITY aml as I manufacture thera into clothing myeell, 1 an enabied to WARRANT EYERY GAR1[ET I aell. to be WELL MADE, wl.ich is a strong indueoment to cusloiners to patronize uiy store in irofci'nce io j)liice8 where largo quantiti'.'s of hall mud guoda are kepl for salo. - I have iIu'latest fa iii'.xs. arnl can give you as Fine and we l Fitting G innents as can be bought anyichere. I ani bound to sell CHEAPER AND BETTFE GÜCDS 1 tlian any othiir similar eslablisliment in thi city. Ypur custom is must respectfully invited. M. CAMPIOIÏ. Ann Artior. X,,v. 1 GO. 773v1 JLUOMIS & TaiPP, Succt-i.sors to Chapín & Loomis. nurfChapin, Tripp it Loom is HE above iirm of Loomis & Tripp haring purchased Ui e ontfro Interest of the fonner c contini :.t old stands, wbere they wüi be rtady , od the ahorteet noticc, to lili all orders iu the line of Castingsand Machinery, .71 the most workmanl3w inanner, und on as liberal be various artUslöBroanufactured bv us, we would enumérate TEAM ËNGINfö of r.U kinds; ü!l Gearing and l ugfaTnnd cast ; all the parioua sasting mak ing mul rejiairing Ilorse Powcrs &Threshing Machines such v. ■■■■ui, or have fonnerly been in uso in ■■; of the State, as nreU as : 11 the varioiw kiins of lers _and ei intliis section of tho coun ry. of all the vari' ms p&itteiHB] in in Biieeand ir:ccs. will be kcptcoDstantly on hand, got the must modern and improved styles. HUBBARD'S WROUGHT IRON RiRAPKRS & MOWKR. EtaTlnff commenued da inufacturing thia sppeciorMaingle :uni combino ae furmi c ill ai)': i i machine uovt in our w : ■ urchai'ingelaewhere, behevinS tluit tlii.-; machine .1 to onnvioce the farmer of ITS SIIPERIOEITY over the Ri?:i pers nn tfowere in thïs m:nket, Thïiiikt'ul inr fermer atrwMga tothootd firms, w. aii.ii. -'■!:(.■: t :i codI inancc from M friendfli uw3 u trial by uil irishtng fdranyibJag En our ünpof buio te. LOOfiflS h TRUT. Ann Arbor. i;w ISth, 1859. 697tf SCIIOFF & MILLER ÜE 3TILL ON' HAND at tljcirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Bleek, with the most complete as-sortment of Books and Stationcry, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS. TASSELS, GILT OORNTDES, CÜRTAIXS. HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEW3 &c. Ever offered in this Market ! m.i tl.ey vouM s.iggest lothosc n pursuit tf anythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE liat they can secure a Doublé Ghristmas Present ! tv purchasing fr m tliis moclc, as o.teli pnrphaaoi gata ii itionaJ present of Jewelrj, &c, Eanging in value from 50 ets. to $50. ftS They trust that bhelrlon [ exp rrienoQ In Mlootíng toods forthli market, and strlct attootion to the [f Costóme, ms entftle tlu-m tu a litoral hare of ['.-itroinigo. Aun Albor. IC. 5. 1860. 77Ttf .EYE and EAR. DR F. A. CADWELLi jp'ül'ElUTOR ON TUK J.Vi: .ANP K.Vli. Por Dmfnoas. BlbldofiU, nuil uil cleiVets ot Slghi and fifearliig. DR C BEINt; A REGULAR r!iy-u-.i in. Il, Ï'.VKMV VIAi; .' èxcWre pnotlee in UwtMatmentof d,3. ,-,, ear.wi 1 I liiodto gire relief oreflécl ure li ■"' "ereioh of huinnn skitl , . . föf Ho rharsr f'ir nu cjcamln&tlon or anoplnion. orfor niuuceet'fal roo üa r ■ o IH Kt ND at!, nf 300 pp., ooutainiog refcromes, Tjitimonlal, Do rriptlonof lüsañd otli'T mi, r. illuylr.ltwl .-, to be hnl qra'.is, by Reoding2M Cm's In paj postago. Aildrcsa Dr. ClDWïLI., 03 Rnn1n1li Sticct ooraerDmborn, Chicago.!!!. M REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALH. STAT1 i v „ ■ Ani ■ VV I ■ ■■■'■.. t,,Vn,'' oí' V:i -.t;-n:i w, i:i tuértate nf. MÍGh-'gaLn.$linure, l' Nntic ice nf id oider L'harl cliim .l Un i ; I iv oí' Wash'enuv, cm the Bivk Aiill A. Ii. 1861, i ■ ■si bidder, at tho Uv.-u ;, . of Un . . he towngh p (-i1 ;, Cour.tJ i . , in said ï tatc, n Natui ni' Juno .. I'.' ota o'clock lo i! i "ii 'i ■ . ■ . ■ !■; t. all ■ a ' ■ r ■ i rw : fing m ihO fcme al the . .-. : theiowt] , i ... my .il' Wiii.i. h;i,v:,i,, :!i p;u t ol ■ ball of tbe i ■ lartcr l Pectiun no livc a tawnsnij np. foursouthoi níHiniiiij tv.euty scvcu acres ol land,l lore or loss OBARlJs w. SAXFuRD, Guardian DatedApr18th,A, D. tí 1. Morlgrige Foieclosure. lyr.U'l.T ! ■ made in the ennlltioii of ■ I' Morí ffttrisk SuHivM aii'l .loanna i.. A.D. i ■;,i, and rucordcd ia tho . 'íüee iu ' shtenaw ■ ■ ' -', April 1h, A. H.1858, t linlf pa : threí i clock, r. 11., by wHich default tlio poWer of a&le contaínéd ín ■.-tiii mort■ i ith . . n ! no; uit or proai linghatinz '"iim I ■■. fo recover {lie ]bt 8o;urotl bysald ■ "y pit thereof. an I the aúm of sx 1 Irpdand tliree dollars and nin.-lv si cent í' 03 96) Iherenn. Sotce s '■;. _■ m-ii tila I Múd morlgage iv j 1 ] be fnreclose.'.by a KiVn, ib Ib south-ue-t mmi-tiT of !htf n'irili-ta t uarter, ín1 Ihu Miuíh- ofthen rtb-westquaruwol Meten ! ii' i aerea of Itae a i (lartí .ii oorlhrfJKt quarlfir of jwoUoti numlxr n, ■'■ casi : n ! west, mi. l nortb and Bouth fitr enough to contato ten acra , all In township No. Koiitli ufmpge Hveeasiubeingin Webster; Inthe rviuñfy I Wasiitenaw .un] State of Michigan, or ton p u-i thereof, ai pablie reurue, at che i'imrt Hmisy in Hio cityofAnu Albor un tbe ';h lay of Jalv next tit uooo. Ll'THKIS JAMES, Mortgagee. i-:, w. Moscú, Atty. Pated, Anr'J 12, A. D. 1 Morrgage Foreclosure. DEFAl'l.'l' navms been made in the ct.nditinn of a 1 '■ S in KUwqrth and r ii. wife f Jabea Hibbard, rfi 1 1 1.. 30th Tav nf Aufru.t, A. li. IV,-, and r-'Ooi-ded m s office, in thfi countj QLiberNo. 52of m èond ( ny fi ■;■;■ iu!"T. a fned i y Jabez 1-Iibbard to B; ' . Kncfhui 1 l'v agiiignmnt uri(k-r BpaJ, daleii day of Febfu ,rv, A, ü. ! . no recordtd n aW :n 1 . '. ■_-■ at page ";], un tlir lftth .Lu of Match, A. D. 1861, at i o 'dock, P.M. y vhicb defitulttbc power of nale cunta ned in aid mortauauit oi [jrocendiug havin been fnslituted at laVto recov'ertbe dcpl .vcurcd W tixibi pa 1-1 tht-P'iif. nul tlii' Mini ol in bundred and three doUr n 1 tbirty-th?e cents being now eht n-.iM to be ■ÍTH' t[!'-Me..ri: N'ot ce h then I - byííivciiihat tbeBaid mortgaewiU be foreclosni hy a ■aieof themortgaeedpromhes, to-wit; All tb trartorpimi We in the Ttiwn of LrndtTo 'u Ihv (oiinlv of VVitsblenaw, andtuteof Michigan to'n'hvland le cribcl as follows. The cortil west part of the south-iA I iu:hiit, twi the pa oftheS ateroad rmiaingfcum Dexttr to Grand liiver ia the aoutb-wpMi pait Roath west fracttonslquartér all on secti n si f6). towusbip "tie si uth . t;conlaining ;.l y .■ .■ i (58) acrêi and 5; Ion ol ;i o acre, moce or lesii, 'T soilre pari 1 iieteof, at pabl ■ mi the CuurJ House in the city of Auo irbor, on tbi ■ day of Juoe néxr Al obön. . . K.VULANi), Assignee. X: MORGAX, AtfJ. Bated, Mttich 19, A. 0.I861'. "92td Mojtgüjfe S;ile DFFAÚI.T 1 -, made in the comlition of a "I .i;iiM,... Con'nelly, .li., and Catbaiinc Couneli; li wil.. t U rui (. Warren ■latei the lilteenth itay of December in fheyear Kijchteen hundredan'i liv il, T ex) lo Ut Offlce of tb D tVaab'on w Couoty, Uid '■ ''T ' ' il afili :i 'I a I r of the rl' rk ;[i the C. .r. mooi, on tho n daj ■■; I cci mni'i . A. I ., ] i-.".;;, ubicli llortgage w -ia , A. H.. IS,":I Wam ii to 7, raa recorded m the uU Office ol" said Register ■ twent.i ' . . ■ . .- .■,:..:-; ,.:, ,, . half oxloc in thé foren uu ín I.Vr 20 of ?,IortLafres on page Ii7, ani said ■ . oo ,,, ■ aj Of K.bruarv. A. I.. 188íi dttlj .- n l.. Alpheuj. F.-lcn, wjch last m ■■ m v,.i r c n'ei in said (Ree bf saM t-.v. n -y-liflh ■ ■ . ..■, .i . 1-, at a ■ : ,. forenoon, in 1 of Mprtge m Bget;14, by whlchderauli Un power ■ ' i ■ '"I i;. iaid mortgage becam opprative, nd do ■ : i:,ih,n,. o Institutwl ;.t liw cured the ■ bv or itnv part f,and tbf Urn of three hundred iltv-rio dollar . centa betng daimed to bê dj tin-i n ai the late of thís o itise :- is tl.erefire hereby given that said mortgago v.-iü forec.i ije.l by alsof the mor tjragod preroliej tó i : Wes1 balf of the South NV-t Quarter of Section N ilnb.-r '1 ...... in 'iin-lp I ne Sonlh Of 'itafige : : eld, in tb C.uuly r Waxhtenavr tl, ór ui miich thereof as will bu ryto paythesom elalmed to be due witn the nleresl i...-i and charges, at public ' at tne öról ' . Cfiun llonse, in the the City of Ann Arbor, in jai ICouuty ofW ihtonaw, on Ibe ténth dsy sf iy. I..lS01,at ten oftheclocK in tbe foreooon of ■'■ AWaetíá KÈLCH.Aasign'ee Dated, March 7,1861 fmtd ShëriiPs SalO; BY VIRTOE of an execut'ou Issued out o' and "" erth ulof f ( ' T-..TÜ ï i Courtfor the County ' " ■ H ■ i Michigan, be r i ■ ■ i .■ r. . ■ . nd deüv. eied against flie g Ia andcbattels andfnrthe ifánt thereof land and ienni of John T. lia Iherein naroèd, did on Hjc .!'ih rtav nl Jult . ■ upon mhe all the rfcht, tltle nd nter'■■' ' ! "ie sa ■ . ■ a i . 1 ■ i ■. au II in sod to tjicfolloirlng de end il laad and ■ r-u nes to wit : ne■ "li XurDi ol the ..r:li-i-l corner ol Liit :i Block No, une. in the Yil', and rundtng ihc-iiee Noith along the Biatlineof ti.e hlgturaj runniuiNurth fmni saidVill: roda, tbnce Nortb-eat or jiarallei ■ I viüaee. fcur rod, th.-n-o South or paiallel wil .tav pii'lil rnds (o tho norfh lino ui taid ! alune Ihe Xm-ili line ol aid Norl. -rreei lour n. ■ , ':L aniog, conlainingthirty-tworods fUnd, bethe-ume . r less. in the ei un;y cl Washtenaw and tate ..i Michigan, all of irhich". I ahall Hspose for salí aLjiublic the law directe at the front Soorol the Court House. 'in tne Citvof.-inn Arbnr, tbal i i,,, holding the Circöit Court ior the ( ounty ol W:i-lili. aw, pn .-aiurday thjl T-ih .l:v .1 Slaynext.át eleven o'clockin the f 01 -aiil.'.ay. IHOS. K. LtUNAKü, tote Sheriff Datc-d, March 27tU 1861. 7931a Sheriff 's Sale. By vir.ïn: of n ssecbtIon iom out of and uu the seal o! the Circuit Court fi.r the oiii.iv ol '.i-htenaw, and State of Michigan bearñág 18tb d7 of .l.niuiry, 1890, and to ms directed anddeüvi tthego.,d and challes, and fur want tli.. !■.-.. 1 lands'anri tenementa of Richard Copaty, i.iiilJoiin Conaty. defesdam thereio named, I did on thelSth dny of January, 1860, levy upon an scize all .titleand interest .f the said Kic and .iohn Con; . .... foUowiuff described land and premises, to wit: The west half of the east quartor BSCtion hii-y-tw,, the south west quaiter of section tllirty two, also, ll.e, ,a:t f)f south east iiaiter o SCCtion tiiirty-one, in the Tiwn.0ip o? l.vinlim, in theCoonty of Waitfenaw, and tate ol Mi.-liiïan. all of whlcb 1 shall èzpose for sale at public auction, a.s the la directe, at the front door of the Cmirt 3J"i;-e, in the City ol Ai.n rnor, that being the placo for holding tbe Urcnit (Jouit for the Cnunt; .. tenaw, on M.n.;,v. the -i!h dav of Maj nex't, at eleven o'clockin theforonoonof said d r. THÍMA8 F LEUNATRD, Ute Sheriff. Dated,Mar. 7ntd Mieriff's t-'a'e. BY vïrlnp o(" an e. ,,nt fif and unilcr tlio seal of tha Circuit Coure for th Coanty ol v. n:i.v. nd SUie ol Iliohigan, beanng date tbe tentb (y of July. 186 1. an ;,, me directed and dellvere.1, gaihBt thegooisaudchatteb, and for want therofUÍndí and fendant tberein nam. 011 Ibe eleventh d y ol ".hilv, ISiK), kvy npon and seizo all the .icht. title and interest of the said lm Beckl in and to the following dese.ribed land and premises. to wit : 'I'l.e nortb lmli of ibe northw8i quarter of s.ction aambei gixteca, En Townphip aurober two, south of COntaïntng e ir tv acres, in ihe county of Vraahteoaw and State .. Micbigan-. all o which piemale ;tt public auclion. as tiie law directa, at thf rimu door ol the Court Hou .-, n the City of Ano Al bor, that being the place for holdjpg ,hy Circuit Court for tho Pounty of Washtenaw, Dn Monday the sixth day.oí -Mav :est,;.t eleven o'clock in tho fore noon of said doy. TbOJlAfl F. LEOVARf) liutiid.Marcli 13, 1S61 tdvai Ute Sheriff. Marshal'fi Sale. TÍmoUIT roi"RT of the United Srates. DWlrftt of w Michigan -s: - B7 rfrtne of an eecutiim iaauedout o! the Circuit Court, .f the United States lor tbe district oi Michnp 1, .. .11 11: Sat ■ rj 568, t.. rae di. i.l delivered, 1 did on Ibe l'.r-t.'.ay of .lannarv A.P., 185, levy upon and 1 11 the nght, i . ■' 'r tof PnVMTved linliiv.t n rhe dsTendant tjierein named, in and i., follow n.-' described land or prembe, tn wit, Lotnumber two i2) n Bow oóMition to tho city of Aun Arbor. i" the County ol Wahten Ulatric) ,,f Michig n. rbich Ishall sell at public aüction .-. at the r int door of ti.e ('oiirt H. o cty ol An-i .ri r. in said Coonty, un Satwday, Uhe .i-iih.lay of April, A. b. 1861, ut twelve o'cloct, uoon, of B&idday'. JÓHN S. BAGG, O.S. Marsbal. l!v N. II. WK. lleputy. Dited.attho city of ann Arbor. this l.Hh da; of Maxch, is 1. T91td DO Y OU WANT WHISKERS? DO Y0U WANT VVlllsKEIiS? DO YOU WANT A MtTáTACHEt DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? m:LL.iNwiiAi's ct:i ossuneó SïniULTIG OXGUEXÏ, For the Waiskars aad Hair. The eubsorlberfl take pleasure In anaoonoing to ihe Citizensof tho üoitcO States, that the)1 have obtafned ncy lor, aii'ï ;-.rc nuv tMÏabled to offcr to tlio Aradrteao putdic, ihe abuvo jn-i i caHbr&tod aüd worUlrenowned ;irticlc. THE STIMTJLATING 0IÍGÜENT n prepareè bj Ir, !. P. Obluxohají, a?i eminent Rliyvician ui Loudon, anil is warrauicJ 1-j brin out a thicic set uf Whiskers or a Mustache in fr(m three 1 al weekfl article s the only one of th kind used by te Freoch, aud in I.onlon" and i'ans it is in unherMil use. l! isabeautirul,eounoBiical.ftoothing, vet siiinulnting mpound actingaa if by magie upon tlie roots, causiog ;i bdautifül growth "f luxuriant hair. [fappHed to tho scaip, tt wil) cure BAlDNfiax, -n eau e to spring ui ia plaoe ol the bald pota ;i Bne growlh of new tíair. Appliotl atïcor-linjï to ihiectiüns, it will turn kkd ot towy bairDAXK, -ii i rostora grav hftir to ttg origin&J color, leartngft doft, smooth, and il'ih!e rhe ''OsÖürst" to an tndiRpensablQ ftrticijB ín ■ cj ccentlt'mnnf.. toilet, and after one weeks uso thejr would ooforany :"■ '■ 1 ou1 ii. Thennb te nniy Agttntn fbr the rtïcïe in the Umie . irdern must be adilrv-od. c-i-forsale by all Drnggftrtfi and Dealers: ora box of U (warmnted Vo have ihodeniredcQect) rUI be-ent to an who delire it. by mail (dfroct) , èeuivly paelted on peêefbi-ol pticc aod po8tage$.l$. Apnh toour b ilOÍUCE L. m-GEMAN&CO., iki dm UB) 4c., 788njfi 24 WiUiamSrtot-, Xew Vort.


Old News
Michigan Argus