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Proclamation Of Jefferson Davis

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Tho following proelamation has been issued by Jefferson Davis the so-called President of the seceding States : MoNxaoMEinr, April 17, 1861. I'EOCLAMATION OF TUE PRESIDENT 01? THE CONFEDÉRATE STAÏES Oï AMERICA. Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, has, by proclamation, announcad the intention of invading the confederacy with en armed force, for tho pui-pose of capturing its fortresses and thereby subverting its independence and subjecting the free people thereof to the dominion of a f'oreign power; and whereas, it has thus becomo the duty of tbis government to repel the threatened invasión and defend the rights and liberties of the peopló by all the rneans wbich the laws of nations and the usages of civilized w arfare place at its disposal : Now, therefore, I, Jefferson JDavis, President oí the Confedérate States of America, do ssue this, my proclamation, inviting all those who may desire, by service in private arrood vessels on the high seas, to aid this governmeot in resisting so wanton and wicked an aggression, to make applioation for coinmiásions or letters of marque and ro prisal, to be issued under the seal of the Confedérate States ; and I do furtlier notity all persons applying for lettera of marque, to inake a statement in writing, giving the naino and suitable deacriptiun of the charaeter, toaage and iorce of the vessel, name of the place of residence of each owner concerned therein, and tho intended uuinber of crew, and to sign each statement, and deliver the sarao to the Seeretary oí State or collector of the port oí entry oí these Confedérate States, to be by hini transmitted to tho Seeretary of State, and I do furt.her notify all applicants aforeaaid, before any commission or letter of marque is issued to aoy vessel, or the owner or the owners thereof, and the eommaader for the time being-, they will be required to give bond to the Confedérate States, with at least two responsible sureties not interested in such vessel, in the penal sum of fivo thousand dollars, or i f such vessel be provided with more than one hundred and iifty men, tlien in the penal surn of ten thousand dollars, with the condition that the owners, uiBcers and crow who shall be employed on board such commissioned vessel shall observe the laws oí these Confedérate Statos, and tho insti-jctions given thurn lor the reguladon of their conduct, that shall satisly all damages done contrary to the tenor thereof by such vessel during her commission, and deliver up the saine when revoked by tho President 'of tho Confedérate States. And I do further specially onjoin on all persons holding offices, civil or military, under the authority of the Confedérate State , that tliey bo vigilant and aealous in the discharge of the duties incident thereto; and I do, moreover, e.xhort tho good pooplo of these Confoderato States, as they love their country - as they prizo tho blossings of froe government - as they feel the wrongs of the past, and those now threatened in an aggravated forrn by those whoso enmity is more implacable, bccauso unprovok-ed - thoy esert themselvep in preserving order, in promoting concord, in maintaining the authority and efficacy of the laws, and in supporting, and invigorating all tho measures vrbtofa may be adoptad for a common defonso, and by which, under tho blessings of Div'uje Providence, we hope for a speedy, just and honorable peaco. In witness whereof, I have set my hand and havo caused the seal of the Confedérate States of America to be utacbed this sevonteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousund eight hundred and sixty-one. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Rodebi Toombs, Seeretary of State J""Wliat would our wivos say i it' they knew whero we werc?"saic ■ the captain of a scliooner, when they were beating aboutin a fog, t'uarfui 1 of getting on shore. '-Jlump! ] 1 sliQuldpn't mind that," replied tin mate, "if we only knew where wen ourselves." í !?L' Thero is no bigotry so Mini as that which is founded on a Bupposei 1 exemptii n froffl all prejudioes,


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