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New "i orfc, April 20. TheUnioi; Sfeetiog ís nów teíng heM at Union Square, tiio ftsfiomblage is inmenso, ill the lowei; part (Jrtlip íity ia doserted. JolmÁ Dix ] n'.-ides at tbc chief stand, ilamilton Fiel), Win. F. Havemeyer, and Moses Grinncll at othore. Tlio Bpeaking includfesonr most eminont citizciiH. Resol utiona wero Bubn itted and will be adoptad pledging support to the Government, to ths t xtvnt oí' laying down their lives if necessary. A committëe ot 25 were oppointcd to collect fhnds and transnct STich otlicr bnsinc.-s in aid óf the Government a.s tho public interest recraired. Gov. Morgan has quashod all proccedinga againet Col. Corcorau oí thc Ot!i Regiment. lt iá rtported Hiat a large nmnbor of einpry cara were run clown from Alexnndrin into Virginia Thnrsday niglit, witli thc atention óf brinwíng iip troops for tho attnck on thc Úapftal. Thc steamer Colnmbia has been cbartéred by the Government, and vill sail to-mörroW tnorning lor "Va;hington. A dipateli i'roin Col. Léfiferts fnys, tlie Tth Regiment left Philadelphia bj rail for Havre de Graco, t henee to embark by Bteamer for Anna polis. District Attorncy Smith hae callad on thc Judge of tiie United States Circuit Conrt for a special Jury, to bringto justice partios syropathizing with the Sonth. The Schodner L. C. Watts has been sèizedwith a large (uantity of arms, sbipped at Hartford, Conn. for :be b'outh. Eiilistments at Wilmington, Delaware, are liad attlie rute of 80 to 100 per day. A secestiion pnper in Wijmincton was obl 'gi-d to hoist tho Ameritan Fia-. A Washington dispatoh to the Tribune, saya : Orders wero rece! ved from Gov. Letoher to sei.e tlie Custom House at Wheeling, but Whetling s Btroog lor Ihe Únion, and tlial last iiiglit it was guarded by tho Mayor for the United States. The citizons were greálly escited at the news and declaro that thcv will gtand bv the STARS AND STRIPES. Tbe same dispatoh says : Ilarper's Perry is oceupied by 3000 meu, and the wildest excitement prevuilt. Gov. _ Morgan has ordered the GOth, 12th, and 7Lst Regimeots to go to Washington by Steamer unless liailroad cotninunication is open. Philadelphia, April 20. Tho Massacbusetts Kegiments which arrived here yesterday, have gone di rect to Washington bv the Ky Stone Btato. Baltimore, April 20. Armed men are rnoving in everv diroction. The Mayor and Governor havo notified the President that no more troops can pass through Baltimore unless they light their way. Bridgea on thc Noithern" Central llailroad have been destroyed. The number killed yesterday are 11 Baltimoiians, and three Massaehusetts eoldiers, wounded, 4 citizens and 8 soldiers. The President replies that no more troops will be brought through Baltirnoro, provided they are allowed to pass around the city without molestation. New York, April 20. A' private dispatch from Baltimore says the Union raen have no hopes, unless the Government oceupics the City with an overwholmiog forcé. Boston, April 20. The 5th Massachusetts Regiment and Boston flying artillery start for Washington this evening. There is to be a public meeting in State street on Sunday morning to raise a voluntcer Regiment. Thc cali for tho meeting fs headed by Fiotchcr Wobster. Philadelphia, April 20. The Governor has taken possession of tho Baltimore Road. No trains are leaviug for Washington. The Union men in Delaware are in a bad fis. The population is largely Union. All the State arms are in tho hands of thc secos nionists, transferred bv the Governor, who han not responded to the requisition of the President and will not. The Uuion men hope thc Government will take possessioji of the upper part of the State, in order to secure the Powder Mills at Brandywine, at which the gecessiouists evideutly aiin. New York, April 20. Californians, resident in this City and State, are about to form a mounted com pany for the service of tho Government. The Pacitic Mail Steam Ship Company have supplied their Vcssels with canuons, niuskets,mcitlasses and amunition, to insure protection to the passenger and treasuro. Orders went out sometime eince to sheath their bows with ron, so as to enable them)to run down privateers and pirates which niay attempt their capture. The Washington Slar, of Friday, says, that an attack on Washington with euch means as the nssailanta can have, would be simply a saerificc of their lives. New York, April 20. A dispatch from Norfolk reports the frigatc Merrhuae getting her armaments aboard with all possible dispatoh, under protection of thc Cuvabcrlaud's doublu shotted gnus. New York, April 20. A sword from the citizens of Taunton, Mass. was prosented to M:ij. Anderaon to-day Maj. A. attended the Union meeting to day acd was enthusiastically cheered. lic goes to Washington to-night. Tho Scott Life Guards, numbering ono thoüsaüd men have prooeedod to Governor's Islund Tho Government bus cliartered pteamers Jamea Adger", and Marión. Thpy sail to-morrow morning. Tho 8xh and 69th Kegiments aro ordered to he ready to inarch on Tues]iy morning. Gen. J. G, Swiff, formcrly Chiet of the U. S. Corps of Jingineew, nt tho age of 74 has tendored bis services to the government. Sturgis, Shaw & Co., haye preeented to 'Col. Wilson'8 Volunteor liegiment 1000 heavy grey shirts. Toledo, 20, Ten companies aro ready to leavo nczt waak. $5000 have boen subHcribod to uupport the families of volunteers. PniLADELpniA, April 23. A splendid uniform for a Major General, in a case bouud Soutb, was seized yesterday. Fort Mifflin has tieen garrisoned hy an artillery company and Kensingtou Rifles. A piratical veí.sel is said to have been neen in the bay, alleged to be mauaad by fifty men. It is als) eaid tliat she liad Mopped a tug off Chestor, and cornpclled the Captain to littiil down the American flng. Private jfofmatioii froni Ualtimore Mjl the sleuieut is powerlesa to act with system. Anus aro plenty, but no nmmunition. It is believed, however, thut tlie people and mob will uuito to prevent tliu paeaage of troops throngh the city. 'J'hc troops will be compelled tken to flght their v;y step by st;j. The railroad botween Baltimore and Washington was to lie obstructed yesterday aud sonio of the bridgos destroyed. I'i'oplo south of tho SusquehannanreloyaJ to the Union, and will aaeist in defeuding Havre de Grace against secessionists. New York, April 23. Gentlemen from Washington report that Baltimoreana liave telegraphod to Harpen) Ferry tor Virginia troops to come te their support. The house of llenry Winter Davis was eutcred by a mob, but ho haviug left, his family was not molested. The hall of tho Germán Turners was saeked. The citizens of Cockoysville worc holding a Union meeting, wheu two omnibus loadsof Baltimore police-soldiors eamc up to burn the bridge belongiug to the Peuiisylvania line. They were attacked and dispersed by the Union men, who formed guarda and proleoted the bridge until the arrival of the Pennsylvauia troops. Fears of an extended conspiraey among tho negroes existed in St. Mary's county, and the roads wero constautly patrolled by niounted men. Harrisburg, April 23. Caleb Cushing arrivcd here yesterday. He left Washington on Sundav. He says that Gen. Lee, with 5,000 Virginia troops, was covering Arlington heights. Lieut. Jennifer is reported as haviug deserted from Carlisle barraeks. He had full kuowledgc of the plans of tho Government. Dispatches ior his arrest have been sent d every direetion. Ualeb Cushing narrowly eseaped injury from the people of Carlisle and Chambersburg. He stated that he was on his way to JMassacbusetts to form a regiment for defense of the Union. CiNci.NXATr,. April 2-1. A Cíímpany of Seeessionista, 115 in number, luit Cynlhiana, Ky , Mondav, t join the Cod fedérate army. Whên the train arrived at Frankfort, Ky., they were ordered to show their flag, which thoy did, display'ng a Secesüion fbg from the wiodow. Soveral stones wero throwD at it, when the Lieutenant of the company fired oto the croivd. Immediately the car3 were attacked by tiio citizens, and boulders and paving stones raioed upon thein promisouously. They got off with but liltle personal injury. Great exoitement prevailed dunng the remaiuder of the day, and threate were made to tcar up the traok. ïbe citizens declare that no more trains bearing secession troops shall pass through that place.


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