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A large meeting oí tho Union-loviDg citizens of Dexter and vicinity was held n Warren's Hall, on Saturday evening last. 1Ï, S. Bbal, Esq., was eleeied President, Mesera Dbxtub and Wygant Vice-Presidents, and C. B. Thomas, Secretary. Party Unes and party creeds wére entirely ignored, The meeting was addressud by Messrs. Crane, Dexter, Ewing, Grcgory, Ihríg, Blood, Hoskins, and olhers, and tho following resolutions adopted : Whereat, A seotion of Ibis Union ia in arma, levying actual war ugainst the Federal Uoveinment, thercforo Resolved, That wo, tho citizena of Dexter and vicinity, irrespective oí party, and without desil'e lo enter into the causes which havc produced this un bftppy s'irife, or tho proper modo oí redress, heroby declare that it is the duty of every citizen to sustain the arms of tho government so long as war actually exista. Resolved, That we pledgo our individual loyalty to tho maintenanue of' tho government and ita lawa ; and, in the existing state of afiairs, avow our united determinaiion, ií need be, to devote our Uves and our money to tho support of tho government and the honor of its fia-. Two hundred dollars was subscribed to the State loan, and a number of volun teers enrollad themselves under Col. Grane, who announcod tho dovotion of himsolf to tho defense oí bis country. The Company will be filled up and its services tendered. And as it is in Dexter so is it throughout the Stato, and tho enlire North. - The peoplo aro for tho Union and notiiixo else. &%g The Ooraraon üouncil of Detroit, on 'i'uesday evening voted an appropriation of 20,000 for the support of' tho families of those citizen3 of the City who join tho military companies and go to tho war. d5 Dr. ïïm. Bhodie, of Detroit, late Editor of tho Michigan Journal of Medicine, - and ono of tho Breokinridge guard last fall, - has tondered bis services to Gov. Blaiu as Surgeon of the First Regiment j and they have been aecepted. C Bishop Clakkk, of Providence, oneof the most prominent Episcopal Clergyman in New Eogland, accompanicd the llhode Islaud regiment to Washington as (Jhaplain. in m i - ty Tho Common Council of Nuw York votcd Bi] appropriaton, on Monday evoning, of $0100,000 to arm and equip the regiment from that City, and afurther appropriation of 500,000 for tho aid of the families of volanteen. On jTuesday, tho Common Council of Brooklyn voted 100,000 to equip the 13th regiment. 4VH-4 ï Oíd Fort Monrue has been reiuforced with alull Regiment of Massachusetts troops, and Fort M cllenry,at Bal timore, has also received a f uil Regiment irom the eame Stato, under the command of Gon. Bgilee, a períect dare-devil. T lioso Haastte h use tts men will retnoinber tho attack on thoir comrades at Baiümore ii the occasion. ever offers. 3P It is reported that Commodore Vaxderbilt has teudered tliegoverumeut tho freb use of all his steamers, fully manned and equippcd. U" The authoritios at Washington have ordered the Governors of tho several Northern States to take military possession of tho varióos telegraph linee, and no Communications relativo to the war are allowed to be sent without first boing submitted to tho examination oí an authorized offieer. This is to prevent important iniormation from baing forwarded to the Confedérate States offleers, L Te President oalled en the Stato of New York for fvbout 15,000 men ; the Legislatura passed a law for the raising of 30,000, appropriating $3,000,000 lor t.ho purpose ; and the State authoritiee havo deterrained to raise, arm, equip, and put in the field, I tho fuil force. All tho olher Northern ! States havo responded in about tho samo ratio. 3C" Louis County is onrolling iroops and prgmisee tofurnisb thciull ]iiota of Missouri. ï Waehtenaw County iurnishes hree Com panios for the First Eegi nent. Washtenaw is truo as steel and lever lage.


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Michigan Argus