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City Cheap Lumbcr Sas7i, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris Grand liiver Piaster, Water Lime, Natis of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cfec, &c. , EX DeForest, HAVlNG IncreRBed hl facilitles tor do'.ig buainefs and onUrgod hig Yard and ritock,id pre panïd the present suaBori, with c bea,: lnr"-csl nnd cheai est ïttHsonod atock everln tbis marlue" te anti -il y tht reatonable oxpectatlont iï all. üm motto la not to be undersold lor ensh on delivery I wiii not undortaknto frightenthu public bysaying that thfty wilJ ge t sha ved it they buy ulsewhere. for wc presume tbat othero wil Jsellaslow aathcy can s fiord to . All kinds of Tirabcr, Jofsts, and ricuntling, Pin.e, Wiutewood, liasawood, Hom lock, Flaned and Mctched Fine, Whitewood .Ash Klooi ing. Planed 't nd rouijh Pin o and Whitewood ■fdlng, Pe ie l'osts, Oökand Ccdar Poats and Pickeu ui uil kinds. ijpine f all), anï) UUjitctüOúb ÍC. .ri J'tnti, Ash au'i Whituwood Shingles, Barn Board a and Bain Floor Plank, Blaek Wn..iUt,and Chtjrry and tbin sluft', Wagon ano BUGGY AXLES aud TONGUEö, Boxtind Body Lmnber,Maplc Log Tiinber, liickory, Oak, Ash, 381m, Beech, Of iill'-hicknesseB.widths andluugthSj&c. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. 3T,iXlSI Ot all sizes, Slc, &c. SASJI, DOOIiS, è BL1NDS, made by band to order b Iowhs fnctory priceB, on tho hortcstnotico by the bustoi workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ofall dcficription in tho above building line I furnishedontheshortíietof notice, lor We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A fulï anda perfect aauorttnent of the above anc other kiads of Ouilding Materials Constantly onhandatthtlowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced, A few rods soulhjrom R. R. Depot or, Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING. N.B. - I amnow operating Bxtensivelj in thePateat Cement Roofing. TflE CAMPA1GN OPENCarapion's !Platform ! HHE Rubecriber bas just rt'turnctl fr(mi the tast witfa 1 hls Fall and "Winter Gr O O 33 O Wbieil hc is Determined to Sell AT TUE LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH! at wliich, First Quality God s can do aírbrded in tliis city. My clolis are all of the FINEST QUALITY and as I manufacture them into clothing rnysell, I am enabled to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I sell, to be WELL MADE, which is a strong iuducemenfc to oustoiners to patrouize my stoi'e in preference to places wliere large quantities of half made goods are kept for sale. - I have ÜicLATEST RA8HION8, and can give you as Fine and well Fitting Gjrments as can b boutlU anywhere, I am buuiid to sell CHEAPER AND B-ETTIFIEt GOODS i than any other similar establishment in this city. Your custom is most respectfully invited, M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1860. 773yl LOOMIS & TRIPF, Successorsto Chapín ás LoomisndChapin, Tripp &, Loomis THE above firm of Loonllfl í: Tripp haring purebnspd the entire interest of the former companies will ooatinue business at tV.ecUl Btands, where they will be ready, od the sbortest notice, to fill all orders in the Line of Castings and Machinery, ín the most jrorkmanlüu manner, and on as liberal terms as any Other shop in State. Among tbc various articlesmanufactured by Ut, we would enumérate STEAMENGINKS of all kinils; Mili Geariug and Fixturcs, wrouglitand cast; all the various castings fur making aml repaïring Ilorse Powcrs & Threehing Machines such as are at present, or have formerly been in use tn thlfl part of the State, as well as all the various kinds of oastings aud machine tfrork r;ilk-l for by farmers aqd meuhanics inthis section of the eounlry. of all the v.irious p&tterns, op in Btawuulprioe8twil] bfl keptconstaotly on hand, got the most modern and iinproved styles. 'HÜBBARD'S WROTIGHT IR01Í REAPERS & MOWEftS. Raving coromvnctid manufact uring this supt"riorM;ichine, single and combiued, the farmers are invited to cali and see a specimen machine now in mir ware room, hefore purchasingelaewherej believina thatthis machine ueed ouly to be een to convince the farmer of ITS SUPERIORITY over the Reapers and Mowers Ín this markft. Thaukful for fermer patronage to the oíd firms, w would solicit a conttmiiuicti from old friends(and atrial by all wishtng for auything in our line of business. LOOMIS k TRIPP. Aon Arbor, May 18th, 1859. 697tf SCHOF F& MILLEK RE STILL 0XI1AKD at tlieirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUM.ERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAIXS, H00K8 AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offercd in this Market ! aud they would suggost to those n pursutt cf anything m SANTA CLA US LINE that thoy can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! iy purcliasing from this stock, as ench purchaser gets tn additional present of Jowelry, Sec, Eanging in value from 50 ets. to $50. 43" They trust thnt theirlong experienco in ftelectïng goods for this market, and strict attention to the wants of Cuftomer, may etitle thtn; tb a _Uberal share of Apn Arbor, IVc 5. 1860. 777tf EYE and EAR. flH DR. F. A.CÏAÜWELL, J Ol'KRATOR ON THE EYK AND KAK. For Dcafness, BlInilnCHa, nml all Ifcct or M:;!i. aml Hearing DR. O BEINO A HK;n..UU'hy!!icUn,wmiTWENTY ÏEAKS' exclusive pntctlco iu the ireatment of eac8 of the F.VK AND IAl!, w.ll b .lualiftci lo gira i, lief or cüect a curo in any casu withm tho reach "' mYdïrge (or M ccamlnMor, man opinión, or for untuccefsfitt services. Dn C'i TrkÏto vs ïiek Kvk ,M Kar, of SOOpp., conUiniiifc' rcferenccK, Tertlmontol, Dcscnptionof Diseases Cases, aud otltor bnportaBi ni:itUT, illustrated with Cuts, tu bo hAgrati$, by scndinK Ten Cents (o pJ pOBlage. Artdress Dr. CadwEIX, 03 Kaudolph Slrect corner Deaborn, Chicago, 111. ly7C8 REAL ESTÁTE POR SALE. STATE OF klCHKMK, Cowsty 0 WasUtkiaw ■_ ín tho maUer of tire of Phcbo .t;uie GlUatT aino VV. Glllett, and Tora ia K. GUlttt, of the UmniJ ol VFashtenaw, ï i theSlate of Michigan, Mino. ÑottCe la hcrcbv fríven, Tnat n puntualice of an order grantadto uodenrtgnod, Charle W. Bnf6rd, 0ur. dlan of the Entile of aaiil Minoro Uy the lUm. JudeA( Probate fot the Cotinty of Waahtenaw, on the Eiirhi diiy .r Aptil A. D. 181, thero v.ill be old t PufiUo Vendae, to the hi.'hest bidder, at the dweiling home of the undersignMlnthe townalupof Freedom.fa the County ui Whsptenav, in said State, on Snturday the Bral ibjr of Juno A. D. iS(il,at one o'clock in the aftët noon of that day, (subject to all encúmbranos hv r othtraiiae exUtlns ;tt the una of I tbe following deacribsd Beal Etluto to wit: Sitúatela tbe townslnp of Brfdgowater, County of Washtonawand Statebf MlCBigan: - Being the nortii part ol the Bfa half of Uk; m.rtli west anarter of íection no (ivo n towuahip do. four south o? range four eaat,containláff twenty Seren aerea of land, bp tho aa more or ii b CHARLES W. SANFORD, Guardian Dated April 8th,A.D. 1861. Mortgage Foreclosure. TiEPAULT hrving been made in the conditlon of a 1 Uortgageexeoutedby Patrick Spülran aod Joanna SuUivan t(. Luther James, da ted April eJgUth,A, p .;-,s ml recoTded in tbe ftrá'aier' Office iu V;mhtraaw romity, In I.iljer 24 of Mortdagea, at pafte 422 April ■Jth.A. II. 1K5R, at half thret ocl-nk, 1 II., by vhlch doftnltrthe power of sale ccratained in sairl mortgage óeoame operaties, and noanil or peoceedjng haring istitutedatlaw torecover the debt se:urc-! !n said mórtgage er anjr part thereof, ia! the sum of hU bnndredand three dolían and nlnety-slx cents ($i;03 90) being ii(;v c.lüinicl tu lie due (heraon. Notico ia tiit-ii-r.uf h.idiv givon that aaid mortgage will be foreelqmdbya Baloor the mortgaged premian, to-wit: The süiithvf.-.t quarter of Ihti north-ejist quaru-r, and fhe aoath'eaat quarter of the north-weat qnarier of aeoqgri No. seven, and the soutli-east ten acres of the BoutlfMïlt qnarter of the north-cast iuarter of section nmrjbcr nine extendfng severtyroda eagt an 1 west, and north and BOUthfaresonghto contain ten acres, all In tomuhjp Xo. one Boath of range five east,beinjr In Webster. In tlte County or Waabtena a:nl State of Michigan, or some part thereof, at public vencue, at che Court BpUM n thé city of Aan Arbor ou the ''til day orjiily next at noon LUTHER JASJES. Mortgagee. E. W. Mobgíx, Atfy. Datcd, April 12, A.D. 1801. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULÏ having been made in the conrlltion of a Kortgage oouted by Nelson KUeworth ,„„ Eleanor his wife to Jabez Iliubard, dated the SOth dav ol August, A. D.1856, andrecoidcdin the Register' office in the eonnty of Washtenaw in Líber No. 22of nuirtKajres' nt pago 770, onthesecondcay ef September , .1. V "jBrj at li oclock, 1'. II,, and assigned ly Jabez Hlbbkrd to s' W. Kneeland by assí;nment under seal, dated the 9tli lay ofl-'ebruary, A, I. 18G1 , and record d in said Itejis. ter's office in I.iber Xo. 22 Of MortgagesVlt pago 770 on the LOth 'la.v of March,A. I). 1861, at4 o'clock, P. M.. 1V which dcfault the power of saie contained In said mort gagebecame operative, andnosuit r proesedbig harhu beon institut'-'d at law to recover the debt secured bv said mortgage ,or any part thereof, and the sun of five l.utiih-ril ana three dollars and thirty-three cents Mos now claimod to be due thereon: Nfitice U tÏM'rcfore heie bygiventhat the said mortgage will be foreclosed by n sale of the mortgaged promises, to-wit: All that certuin tractor parcel of land fsituate n the Town of I.vmlon in the Couuiy of WashVeuaw, and State of Michigan1 leundedand do&cribed asfollowg. The corth-wt .t pari of thesouth-west fractional quarter, and the part north of ihe State road running froni Pexter to Grand the south-west part of the south west fractional quarter all on section six (G), townslnp one south o{ raufrt number three (3) east; containing fifty-eight (58) acres and 53-100 of an acre, moreor less, or some part theieof at public vendne at the Court House in the city of Ana Arbor, oa the eleventh day of June nextat noon S. W. KNE1JLVJÍ1), Assicnoe. EraoautY & JIoroax, Att's. Bated, March 19, A. D. 1801. V92td Mortgage Sale. DKFAUl.T having been made in the condition of a certaln Mortgage executed by James Connellv, .!i , and Catharine Connelly his wife to Hiram O. Warren, dated the tifteenth day of December in thevear tighteen Imnrlredand lifty-lhree, and recordedin thé Office uf the Kegiater of Deeds of W'ashtcniw ('rmnty, Michigan, in I.ibT 20 of ifortgagos on pa,-;e 156, at eleven" and a quarter of the clock in the forenoon on the niueieentli day of Decemoer, A.D., 1853, which Mortgsge was .m the thirty-firatday of October, A.D., 1854. duly assigneii said Warren Ui Zebedee Waldron, and said aaalgnmenl waa recordid in tbe said OITice of said Register on the twooty-tlitrd Say of Fobroary, A. I)., 1861 at nlne tod a half o'clock in the forenoon, in Liher 20 of Jlortgages, on page 157, and the said Hortgage was also on the Eightecnth day of Kehruary. A. I)., Igfil, duly assigneil by said Waldron to Alpheus Felch, which last mention! i niMcnt was recorded in the said Oinco of said Register on the tivrnt v-lift h day of February, A. I)., 1861 at nincand a half o'clock in the forenooñ, in Liber 27 of M on pi ge 614, by which defaiill the powet of sale contained in said mortgage becamo npc-rativi:, and. no suitor pioceedings have been Inatltuted at law to recover the debt now secured theieby or any part thereol, and the sum of three hundred and fiftv ono dolían and fifty four cents being claimed to be due thereon at the date of thfs notice : - Xoticc is thercfore hereby given that said mortgage will be forcclosed by sale of the mortgaged fremises to wit : the West half of the Soatb Veel Quarter "f Beotion Nuinber Two . in Township One South of Range Six East, being in Northfield, iu the Countv of Washtenaw and State of Michigan , or so much thereof as will le necessaryfi pay thesmn claimed to be duo witli tho Interast, opata and charges, al public vendue, at the south doorof the Court House, in the the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtonaw, on the tenth day of June, A.O., 1861, at ten of the clock in the forenoon of said day. AU'HEUS FELCH, AMignoe Datad, March 7, 1801. fglt1 Shtirfi''s Salo. BY V1RTUE ol an execution ssued out of and undcr the seal of the Circuit Court for the County Of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, hearing date the 2!l day of July, 1860, and to me directed and deliveted, agaiust the goods and chattels, and for the want thereof land and tenements of John T. Raywaultdelendant thcrein named, 1 did on the 29th day of July 1860, lciy Bponand sebe all the right, litle and interest df the said .John T. Raywault in and to the fOllowing de.-cribed land and premises to wit : commpne. ing four rods North of the weet oproer ol l-"t o. one, in Block Xo. one, in the Village of CJiclaea in said County, and running thence North along the Eastlineof the highway running North froro 8aid Village of _ Chelsea eight rods, thence Northeast or parallel with Xorth street, in said village, four rods, thenoe South or paiallel with said eight rods to the north line of said North street, thence South-west along the Xorth lino of said Nortb street four rods to the place of beginniug, containing thirty-two rods of land, betbesame more or less, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, all of which premises I shall exposé fir sale at public auction,as the law directa, at tho front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, that being the p'ace for holding the Circuit Court for the County ol Washtenaw, on Salurday the lBthdayol May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day. THOS. F. I.EONA11D, UI Sheriff; Dated, Marca 27th 1861. 7a3tj Sberiff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN' EXECUTIOX is sued out of and under the seal ol tbc Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Mícuhmh hearing date the lïth day of Janmry, 1860, and to me directed and icüvered,against the goods and chatteis, and for want ihereof lands and tenements or Richard Conaty, and John Conaty, defendants thcrein named, I did on the 13th day of January, 1860, levy upnn and eizc all tbc right, title and interest of the said Richard Conaty, and John Conatjr, inandto the follnwing described land and premises, i o wit. Tl, e west half of the south east quartvr aection thirty-two, the south west quarter of section thirty two, nlso, the eouth part of south east quarter o section thirty-onc, n the Tnwnship of Lmdon intheCoontyof Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, ali of Mhich premises I hall expone for aale at public auotíon, aa the law directe, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann 'rbor, that beine the place for holding the Circuit Court for the County ol' Waahtonaw, on Monday, the sixth day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said d.iy THOMAS F. LEÓ.N'ARD, Late Sheriff. nated, March 13, 1861. 791 M Sheríff's Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued out of and under tho seal of the Circuit Court for the County of WaChtenaw, and State of Michigan, hearing dato the tonth day of July, 1860, and to me directed and delivercd, against the goods and chatteis, and for want thereof land" and tenements of Ira lieckley, defendant therein named, I did on tbc eleventh d y of July, 1860. levy upon and somall the right, titlc and interest of the said Ira Beckly in and to tho following describod land and premisos, to wit Oio north half of the north-west quartrr of section number eixteen, in Township number two, Bouth of range six east, containing eighty acres, in the county of Waahtenaw amístate of iíichigan. all of which prernis''s I sball expose for sale at public auction, as tlie law directs, at the front door of the Court House, in tho City of Ann Arbor, that bciugthe place for holding the Circuit Court for tbc County of Washtenaw, on Mondaï thesixth dayof Hay uext,at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of all day. TUO.MAS F. LEON'ARI), Datcd, March 13, 1801. td791 Ijite Sheriff. Marsbal's Sale. pIRCUIT COURT of the United Statea, District of J Michigan, bb:- By virtue of an execution Issued out of tho Circuit Court of tho United States for the 'lMrict of Michigan, hearing date December 29, 1858, tome directed and delivered, 1 did on the first day of Januarv, A.D., 1859,levy upon and seize all the rtgbt, titlo añd Interestot Preaerred Bufflngton, the defendant therein named, in and to the following described lands or premImSgto'wit, l.ot number two (2) in Bowers ad'lition to the city of Ann Arbor,.in the County of Washtenaw and District of Michigan, which I shall soll at public auction or vendue, at the front door of the Court House in tho City of Ann Arbor, in said Countv, on Saturday, tho tu,.,ty sovonth day of April, A, ï). 1881, at iwclve o'clock, noon, of said day. JOHN 8. BAGO, 1". s .f Marshal Hy N. II. NVK, IVputy. Dated, at the city of Ann Arbor, this 13th day o March, 1861. 7'.Utd do you want whiskers? do tou want whiskers? do you want a mustache? do you want a mustacheï BELjLINGHAM'S CKI.liliH.VTED SÏIMULATING 0NGUENT,, For the Whiskers and Hair. Tho giibscrtbcr.s tukc plMkBQM iu annóüntUng t lh dtlsens of the Unitod StatoSi that they havo obtaioed the Agencj 1"r, and nre now cnablod to oiler to tho American pabilo, the above justly celebratoil and worM . rciiowncd article. THE STIMULATING 0NGUENT is preparod by Dit. C. P, BlLUNOlUK, an eminent physiciauof Loudon, oml is wainuitcd tobring out a thick Bet of Whiskers or a Mustache in íi-i wcekfl. Thifi articlv ia the only ono )f the bind aied bj tho French, and in London aud :'aris it la i ontvers! usc. It isnbcautiful, oconomicaljSoothing, yet stimul.itinp compound nctiugas if by magie upon the roots, oausing beaatifal grovth of luxurtaut hair. lf appliod to the scalp, it will cure bi.hxess, and caubo to siriníí up n jlace of bftld 'pote ft fine growth of m-w liair. Apliod aeoordlag to directions, it will turn kkp or towy i;üriu:ii, an. restore gray hair to its original colort oaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The "OVGÜKIiT" s .iu indispensable article in everv UA% and after uno wctk.s use they would not for any coii&id 'ration be without it. The Are üe only Agenta for the nrticle ia lic United States, to whom all ordent must be addressed. PrlceOno Dollar a box- for sala byali DrugpBta and lealers; or a box of the "Onguenfc" (wannted lo uve hedosiredoílect) will be nout to any who deslre it, hy uail (direct), sucurely packed on reccipt of pricc aii'i iostai:e$1.18. Annly to mr addreea llÓiUcK L. HEGEUAV 8i C0.t DROOOttBB] AC, T88mfl 'i VPliam Street, New York.


Old News
Michigan Argus