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BnstuesB lirertoq. I. O. O. F. WAfiHTENAW I.0IX5E No 9, of the Independent order of Odd reUowaraeeta at their Lodge Room, ívery Friday evenin;, at 6 o'clock. U. B. WllSON, N. G. F. Sonó, Sec'y. 8. G "SUTIIÉRLAND & SON, tirnOLESiLE AN'P RETAII. Grocersand Cornmission W Merchants, F.ast side Main Street Ann Arbor. B. HËSSE, Physiciax & Suhmww Respcctifully tender his pro. festonl services to the citizenB of Ann Arbor ud fioinity. W Office in Mack's New Building, Mam Street, Ann Arbor Micli. N. B. Night calis promply attended to. TWITCHELL & CLAEK. t TTORNKY.S and Counsellors at Law, General Life and T. Fire Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Block, n Hurón St., Ann Arbor . Collections promptly made Jidremitted, and pecial attentlon paid to oonveyanoíng. D. S. rWITCHELL, f743tri E. 1-. CLARK. JAMES B. GOTT, r AW OFFICE, No. 2, over Slawson & Gter's Store. L . J. M. SOOTT. mbuotype & Photogki-h Artists, in the rooms (V formerly oceupied by Cordley , over the store of Sperry fc Moor l'erfect satisfaction guaranteed. W. N. STRONG, Dealkb in rry Gooda, BootB andShoes, Groceries, Bonnets, Faiicy Goods, &c. Exchange Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNÏGHTr DBAi.KRsinStaple, Funcy Dry Goods, Boots and ShoeR, he. &c, Main Stiyet Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSOÑT" FCR-MTURK Wark-RooMs, Dealer in all kihds of Furniture, &c. New Block, Sl.iiii Street. RISDON &HENDEESON, DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, houst furnishmg goods, Tin 'aro &c. &c, N'e Block, Main Street. A. T. MILLS, Dru.kk in aple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Ready Hade Clothing, Huron5treet Ann Arhor. JOHN W. MAYNAED, DKAI.KR inStaple Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoen, Sc. &C. , Main Street, Aun Albor " BEAKET& ABEL, A TTORNEYS & Cou nsei.lors AT Iw, and Solicitors in f. Chaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster & Co's Book Store, Ann Vrbor KINGSLEY & MORGAN, A ttorseys, Counsellors, Solicitor, and Notaries Pub(i. lic, have Books and Plats showing titlea of all lands In the ounty,audattend to conveyancingandcollecting .emands, and to paj'ing taxes and school interest in any part of the State. Office east siie of the Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES R. GOOK, JV8TICK of the Peacs. Office near the DeDOt, Ypsilanti , Micliiprun. Wm. LEWirr, M. L., Phtsioan & SrRGEOS. OiBce at his residence, North Bide of Huron street, and 2d house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, Masüfactcrer ftnd deaïer in Boots and ShoeB. Exchange Block, 2 doors South of Maynard , Stebbins k Wilgon's itorc,Ann Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. UTiNCFACTUREBS a.n$ Jealer in Boot and Shoes, sVl Phoenix Block, Maia Street, one door North of iVaehiugton. Wm. S. SAUNDERS, DKAI.KR in Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot & Shoe Store, nouth side of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, WHOLF.SAI.E and Retail dealers and manufacturera of Ready Made Clothing, Importers of Cloths, Casslneres, Doeskins, &c. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, ■vw SrRGEoy Dextist. Office corner of Main JE 9 and Hurou streets, over V. Ifccu's store, 7MBMB4 Ann Arlior, Michigan. -LLULT April, 1869, Wm. WAGNER, PVEAI.ER in Ready Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and ) Vesting, Hats, Caps, Trunks, CarpetBags, Sc. Main it. , Ann Arbor. M. CAMPION, 1 jTerciiast Ta vlor and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, VI No 41, rhcenix Block, Aon Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. DF.Ai.RRH in Dry Goods, firocerie, Ií;irdware, Boots & Shoes, &c., Main streel, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., Dealers ín Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs & Medicines, Boots & Shoes, &c., corner of Main and Aan streets, nst bel w the Excliauge, Ana Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER," Irocrrs, Provisión k Commitgton Mercbant,Mid dft.1 Iers in Water Lime, Lanij Plastes, and Plastkr of Pa ris, one door Kafitpf Cook'B Hotel. __ C. BLISS, Dealer inClocks, Watche, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at thesignof theBigWatch, No. 21, l'hoenix Block. J. C. WATTS. D kaler in Clocks, Watches , Jewelry and Silver Ware No 'il, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. Barrer and Fashionable Hair Dresscr, M.iin Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Front and Curls kept sonstantly on hand. SCHOPF & MILLER. Dealrrs in Miscellaneous, School, and Blauk Books Sta tionery, l'a.(ieT Uangiugs, &c, Main Street Ann Arbor. D. DeFOREST. 1I7H0I.ESAI.E and Retail Dealerin Lumber, Ijlth, Shin Vf (fjes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand Rivei ?laster, l'laster Paris, and Nail of all sizeB. A ful and perfect nBortmont of the above, and all othei rinds of building materialR constantly on hand at th Jowest poBsible rates, on Detroit Street, a few roda fron the Railroad Depot. Also operating extensively in thi l'atent Cement Roofing. WASnTENAWCOUNTY B1BLE SOCIEH. Dïi'oaiTOuy of Bibies and Testament at the Societ; prices at W. C. Voorhuis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO. SUCCK38OHB TO MANUFACTIJKERS OF I'x-izxt, EooK, ANDPOLORED MEDIUMS, AKN AltKOK HKH. MISS JENKIE E. LINES, FTIEACHKR OF I'iano Forte, Guitar, anti Binging, bt-ing X dewiroun Of enlartfi ngher clans, will reemi; puplli u íhe resiilence of Prof. WlNCHELL, which bang qmi OnloD School, wil! be verj eonveiüent for saeta ubal' arüattfiifling there who may wisli to ptirsue the atudy of innsicin conneetiuu vriih othar brancfeM. Ter ma $10, half to be iaid a,t the m i ú die and the balftuw at ihe close fo the term . Livery Stable. Bi GREEN, it liia I.iury Stable, rear of Frn.iklin, l liuld hinwelf t furnigh thu best "turn out," inglP or doublé, &t ihort imtice. Cali and sao lili Home and Csrrugea. Office Becond door west ol ffebiter'a Buok Store. CARDS! CARDSü CARDSÜ! Ilaving pwrehased a RUOOIJB ii()T.ut DiamoM) C:n', rrt's, with a fine assortment of Card type, the Ait;rs Office is prepared to print Cards of all kindw ip tb( Mfttatt pogslbja style and at a great reduction frort former piicc. mchnling Kusint-ss ('anís formen ufa] ;t voi-;itioiis aml [rotVissions, Bill, Wsddtng, ftnd 'isitii, Cr4, ete., de. Culi, givu us yours order auU m l,-i ü is 'luije.


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Michigan Argus