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SÜGAR COATED or ' ''Improved Indian Vegetable pills. For Jntermutent.Remiuent, Bilious and Infl,, matory Fevers; Headaehe; Indigestión; ]S2" . pesia} Heanbuúi; Perverted Áppetite C tivencssi Diarrhcea; Dyöentery; Bilioun Cp Worms; Pnin in the Head, Side "ÍK F Í Stomoch: Scrofula, Scurvy, or n'„y gjgg of he Blood: Obstrucuons, and Fen.ole m pinmts genernlly. c V0In# rpH-ERE has never appenred a mA; ■ 1 which. wb;ie it can do „o hnrm. 8 ? to dosom.ich good. They excite a héalihlu" „L ■spiratioh, and open ail the natural drains of 1 sysicm. The obstruction of Imsxnsijile pJJ is thecnuse of a grcat proporrion of k mansufiering. These pilla jSuLiSt" in ah extraord.nary degrec. of removing all & structions, and reatorjng a heahhlnl circulatiön They must undoubtcdiy s.ipercede al] o.her nUr gnuve medicines, as they havea fourlold actionl Children wü! nothcsitateto takethenr nA tl ey mny bc relieden beyond any other remedí, as an efiectuRl and safe medicine for WORJis and all complaints incident toclnldren Mor children have been cured in New York the Drwt ent year, by the use of Dr. Smith's Pills ,},„ " all other medicines combined- as ihere 'ia n need ol forcing them down, like otfitr medU eines. Orie important advantage tn takinc thestf p.lle is, they do not erire, nor produce nausea! nor any o her unpleasant sensaüon. Pill8 ia.J in thousands o instancea, proeïoeed Pitr.s nmf other conspquencca far irorse thán thedfcéasï or wl,,ch they wc.e administered. This ia p„, tiadarly gvardcd agmvstm the combinntion of" the many ingredients of which Dr. Smith's nill arecomposed-thus rendering ,hem HARMThese pills are made of the purkst mnlerinhi n uWli ",'ï? satisfaclion l' laving proverf S theV PFSee8 neommonThe directions and treatmen of diseasee nc companying every box, in a circular of 'foupnpes. No '=SUGAR COATED PILLS" can be genuine without the signature of the sole inventer "G BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D.f President of the N. Y. College of Health," upon evcry box. Office devoted cr.dttsively lo the sale of this medicine. I7Í) Grenwich etreet, New York, and No. 2, Wnter street, Boston. CERTIFICATES. We nre not in want of cenificates of a high character,. coming from tbc most respectaba sources. [From a Nepliew of the late Jurige Thompson.] Niw Yonx, Mny 15, 1844. Dr. Smith's 'Iiuproved Indian Vegetable Pilis' have proven i'.vplunhle to mvself a'id family, in ihe cure oí' violent hkauachk. pnin in the side" and stomiich. For children, no betler medicino can be prorluced. In the case of our linie girl two years old; the most happy effectshave reeult' ed from their usc: 1 Sinve never known a medícine whjch J could se conlidentlv recommeiid a t-hese plus. R. TIJOVrSUN, 56 Northmore Sf. The following lady is too" weli known in New York for her intelligencc and phiíamhropy to be doubted: [From the Matron of the ü. S Naval Hosrttai.:] Accirstomed as I ara lo administer to thciick, I can appreciate o valuabie medicine. I( there bo a medicine adaptcd to the numerotis ailmcnis of mankind, it is Dr. Smith's 8u;gnir Pills. I hnvc used ihcm and seen them used with the most r,stonisHing resnlls. iii several insinnces within my knowiedge. restoring the pat.cnt from exiren e lowne'ss and sufiering lo strengih and heahh. For ladies during pregnancy. these pills are a frrcrdgn halm. 1 rec-omsiend them to all as a valuabie kamily medicine! SARAH A. GOULD. Matron of ihe U. S. Naval Hospital. . Bronklyn, Jiine lüth, 1Ö44. [From the Deputy SherifTof New York.] Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pills" have been used in tho Eldrigde-St. Debiors' Pnson with uncommon saiisfaction. I have never heard a medicine spoken of with more-inierct by the sick who have taken these pills. JAS. J. BEVINS, Deputy SfeeriP [AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] T R:ave to record an insta nee of unj)aralleldd suf iV-r.ig. which must have terminated my exiet lence, had not Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indinr Vegetable Pilis'' come to my rescue. In the fali of iöA'.i, I had a scrofnlous arTectior, which nearlv covered my body with sores, and rendered me tinfït for iife. In the course of two months I was atlacked with ever, which raged with great violencc. I ti'ok mnny prescriptions, but without relief. Mv sufTering was great. Mrs. Gouli (whpni I shail ever remember with esteem) advised me lo use these Sugared pills, which I look in Inrge doses a few days. wlien the fever nnJ pain alated. I continued these pills in sniall do ses, about five weeks, when my fever and scrofuln were cured, my blood completely purirltd, and my general heahh improved. 1am coiiain I owe my Iife, under Providence, to the use of these pills. . E. M. PARK, New York. [From Jjs. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. Navy.] I have been afflicted 6everal years with a weakness in the breast, cosliveness and a difílculty oí hreaihing. 1 wns lately more than ever troubled, though 1 had taken many presciibed remedies. - I Throiigh ihe advice oï a íriend, I procuied Dr. Suitb's Patent Sugáred Pille, which lused. oud they have not onl reüeved, but entircly cured my complnints. My wiíe has also used ihem with the most happy efïects, I believe them thet best medicine in the world. JAMES M. TURNER.. 5S1 Gieenwich St.. N. Yl Refers to Hoir. Silas Wripht, U. S; Senate. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Qur litile girl, 6 years old. hae euffered all tho' worsi stiiges of wonns; and we have never foundan cffiïciual cure, umil we administered Doet. Smith's Sugar Pills, which our littlc girl toot wiihout the least rtsistance, in doses of two at ' time; ond we nevrr witnessed such ka chango in so short a time. The pills brought away n mn! of worms, and she at once improved. She is nuw in joyous heakh. We have also ound the greatesl benefit from (heir use. 3 JACOB CA RLOCK, SStapleet., N. Y. We have many certificates of cures in case ef WORMS. [From a lady.well known in New York.] I have heen troubled for years wiih dizzinessand pain in the head, attended with depression, dimnessof sight, &c, which have been entireiy cured by Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pilis " I prize this medicine aboveall othera SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner of Ludlow and Walker-St; [The foilowing is from one of the oldest nnd tiR6t respectable iarmers in Madison Co., N. Y.]i Cazknovia- , July 28th. J844. I have used 40 boxes Brandreth's Piils, and' as many ruere of different kinds, and I have never found thai benefit from the use of the wholo, that I have from thè use of two boxen o Dr. Smith's "Improved IkdYan Vf.oetablk" rt,i.s. They seem fo strike at the foundation of my' disease, which is of a bilioiis chnractcr. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord riif. with another, the first Mfr? tier of the r .uiiiul villago of Cnzenovia, about 50 years ago.] OLD MEN and YOÜNG MEN have, without nuinbnr. given their trpiiinonio's foi thee excellent family pills. And MOTHERS 1 we wish we could lay befuro the world all the-ex-pressions of approbaifon wliich we have from (hém iñ New York. They would alone ñU thív page. The fnct is, thcre never was such a medir .cine for iho complainte of Childre.v. For sale by G. & Ji G. Hill, Detroit; Thos. May, Jr., Plymouth: Perrin &■ Hall, Northvülbr Lund fc McCollum, F. J. B. Crane, and W. S. .& J. W. Maynnrd.nnd G. Greuville, Ann Arhorr also in Ypsilanti, 'DexVer, and throiigliout the T-nitcd States. OfTloe devoted cxciüsivcly totheee Pilis. J?9 Grcenwich-St., Nw York. CAUTION.- Bcw?re ofimitations. P '


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