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Material Of Modern Warfare

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Tur Jame Kuukd Cansos. --Thí lew iiivi'iiii.'ü was .i):-.:"nu-,l by tien. James, of Rhy !■■ l-i ni.!, n ; iiid i a field fiïece tor light , lories, rifldd, and ulipticul boro, u'hh a sntticftl sfifit f oupíouh constniútioni - rile ' e:it ndvantüges daimed hy üert. I ;i:iii-. i) iliU ;', ntion :uv, '.lint, o i) the peculiar consíruution of liio !);ill, '..x passage through tho grooAied eham !or of tlio ]ii -v. -ive-i tÜc winti inving to thé í-imt i greuter rotation, jroator forcé-, and greater precisión - [tu rango is '2. to 3 :::il-jx, and ín the ixperimeutti trie 1 !iy a board ol ollicoi-í! cuiivi-iivd for that pnrptoe in 1 35 i, i,ne shot woa mude with li Ib ol powder, whicti piij xsted a elng bnll neurly 3 miles. The pres&ure. however, ti tremcnd ua, and it is tu bo doubttd v heiher it wonkl anewcr the purpose ol huil without daugur. It has i)'! boon adoptud by our.gnwrnirHfnt, we bi and we learu thal tho inventor i apply mg tlie principie to i breeoh-louding gun of eix pound calibro. bttil uned ia conioul in shnpe, liko.lho Minie biill, hollowéd at the bastí, vfiih Mi air chuiubor, i n whicb aie grdovt, whieïi prosses tho air by tl. o forcé oí tlio powdef on to i load and raovaa wm foroing the siicct load ioto tho nfl id grooves oí iba bhainber and siuKgiug the ball, th;is Ritviag tho indngy ah 1 ym Inotag tboefleoí as aUavydoecribqtí Wi.oUicr it will bo bronght into use by our government romsins to be eeeiii Tur. Daulguen Gln". - Is uscd for gliijs service and naval battories, and is the most perfect naval gun iver contructud. U was eotistructed by Gommander Jobn A. Dalilgrea, ot'tlic United Status Navy, tú be usv'-l either for sbell or solid shut. Its ruorits oonsists of a reductioQ of the proportion of metal betwccn thc iuuzzIu and the trunnions, which 8 touud in guns of the coiniiiou lattcrn largcjy in excess, J'ho greatcr part of metal at the breecli of a gun, instéad of i.ic muzzK', liot oñly gives strengt li at í lie part wbero the danger of bursting is the greatca.t, but also teoda to ditninish thc rccoil. The Dahlgren gu18 are S and 10 ach calibre in tíie éhip guna and tac best guns are of 2t and 12 lbs . calibre, íttid are used for firing shells, scbrapüdll, and caonister shot Ho satisüed have been the Board of Ordnauce with the Dahlgren 8 and 10-inch guns tliat all our ateani sloopsaud gunboals have been arm cd with them. They uro similar to the Colmubiads, and their weight, range. charge, and wciglit of shot are neariy piiuilar. They have stood very severa test of trial aud proof, and are andoubtedby the best naval guns nsed in the world. llifled canuon for ricld service are now attracting much attention araohg military men. About thrce yeara sincea ncw model gun was tested at Ames' nianufactory, Lu Cabotsvüle, Maasaohusctts, oolled. ColumbiaI) Gi:.n. - The Columbiad is a recen tly invented gun of great ; oombining the ossential .qualitiea of the ordinary sea coastgiui, howitzcr, and mortar. Tliey are of liglit and ten inch oal ibre, and are oa pable of projecting n solid shot er shcll with a larga oharge of powder at an angle of froii) 5 deg. below to 39 deg. aboye. the horizon. In outerapjearance the Columbiad iss:milar to the ordinary sea-coast caonon, but in interna;] sbape more likc the howitzer. It full range is about two mil?s with an extra range of three miles. The eight-inch weighs about 9,000 lbs , and the oharge of powder used is 10 lbs. The weight of the solid shot is -10 lbs., the shell 38 J s. Tho ten inch gun weighs 15,000 lbs., and the charge is 16 lbs. of powder, the solid thot weighing 12S lbs., and the shell 100 lbs. In 1859 thero were i2,519 eight and ten 'iich Columbiads and eea-coast hotritzois in use in our fortifiention?. of which over 600 were Coluinbiads, and wo wore infornicd by a:i offiser of the Ordnance that up to tho present time thero were over 1,000 in use, and new o:ics bcing manufaoturod daily. Must of our heavy fortifications froni Maine to Florida, have iu use these terrible guns. Mortak.v - MorLars are ns anoieot as cnnoop,and e eemployed to throw red hot iroo and stones before the iovention of sholl-í. The llr.-t shells used were in 1843, when Naples wad besiegod by Charles VIII, at which siee they were aid to have made terrible hav o fimons; the eneiny. Tliey are manufac:iQred of ir.m and brass. The roñare 8. 10 and 13 inches in culibre, and tho brass 5.} íiud I 4-6 indios in boro. Tho 13 inoh iron requiro 9 pounik to the charges, tho 10 inch 4 pounda, and the 8 inch 2 pouDdn The largeet mortar in the world was cast by .M. .Malle!, for the Briliih Government, to cnrry a êholl weighing lG pounds, but t prove i afailurc. It was 33 inch bore. Howitzbss. - Howitzers aro pieees of ordnanco of medium Ieii2fth botween tho onnoon and rnortaV, used for tbrowiog shells or lar ge b;ii!s at point blank raige, or at smatt elevation.t T!i'-y ;vi usnally madte of brass. The first howitzer was Baid tohave boen invene.l by Uah dor, in Germany, and used a' tho siep:o of Afh in Í6971. Howitzers ranafé hs 32 1-, 12, and 6pounders, the latter size being ueed for ! itterics iri field servieo. There are a's') 1 and lj-pounders, vvbich are :'ivo iu a cnountainooe or hilly , md are oalle I mountod how fbey dan be transportod by peti or paked on the baoba óf 80 ligbt s thuir c mstraelion. and smatl shot aro use 1 fl tliorn id mountaia p-tssbs. They were iWi;t ivo in the last war svith Me.ti i liient. Ren of the Oni: i i netit, HPo-1 the:n with success ;-).)cnnl howitzer raqnires 3A U oí powder for a oh ar ge j a 2t■ 1 2ipoands; 12 poiind zar, 1 pounda and á 6-poond -r I ) o'.incjsto aohargo How :, i-s id more f.r firinf,' slioüs ihan the (■, and tho Uaitod Sa' es arrny iiovidod with a lurge num'ier óf ihowitzeri - i very I ea-y guq. rrtoJECTii.ES of War - Projeetiles of ' i are round shot, spherioal case shot, ns, Bobrapnell, grape, oanister, and ■ iin shot. A shell i.s a hollow sphoro cf iron filled with gunpowder, iron, baila, &c. fired from a howitzer, mortar, or colutnbiad. The charge is inroduced into a hole about an inch in diameter, and fired by means of a fuse - thoro ia a t.ibo of' wood or oompoeiLion filled with mealed powder, sulphur and saltpetre, and a cut at just the leogtb the 'heil isoaloulated t.) explode. Great precisión and acuuraey have beon atlained in tho measuring ftod oaleulatioo of distancos by scientitic artil;rists. öohrapnell shells aro uhells fi.led with a qiiantity of musket bnlln, (vbieti, whün the sholl explodes, are pro i nd at(tut oiiu huodred and liliy :;s furtlier. They are fired from :;].i-i, naortara nd hovritzera, and are Lerribly efleetive. A six pounder ipheriêal case hat uoiitaios twenty-oven musket balls. GLrape shot is a ju lotity of small shot put Lnto a canvas bug and cordcd together in a pylindrioal lorm, adapted to tho calibro of jad piee trom which it is (irecl. CKui ster shot is n number of metulic shot etiolosed In a n;-'.:i!!i: C!l . ! t. ialibro of tho :;ini, whieh, "hen il liuisis, Roatters tiiusliiit :. ovciy direcOh.'iin sli ). ccmsi.-.t.s oí i n i of haÜA nonne ;■ 1 ttethér by a smal] ch;iiti, which, wlivn fiped IVo:n :icn ■ . Otad i(i::i it ili :l l'otal'Y !U:sn!lcr, pnd li Utfoif into a cl iso colu n i i terrible desirjiction. Ciuiüi shut ;;:.-, tiowever, hut iiltlo useirá' tlie presen! (!.iv. Rmuid ;tnil uonii 1 shot lore purticuhiriy n siegé batti'ii.-s, aii'l are tho most 'co:ninon tï! :u' projcHitilos. ''lierü iro nido hand givnudos used, bein sbeö ftlled with s :i;ill sho's ikhI craps il iuon atvd gl.,8, which aru vory destructivo in closj cofiHict. i ■ ' [en inch wm forraeïy 18 IV. but it mor Um ■ il rOil li'f'i ■ Of tin' lJ-IiK'li i frun '2 t.. üp.. s hoi ■ ,,i tutti ■) - t i'"1"1 ■ 3t is I nr.o 1 :i a i ■ (on


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