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Letter Of Archbishop Hughes

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X;:u :.r,l 20, 1861. Dear Sm - Unablu tu attend the meeting at Union Square, ie cdi aeqoenoo of naiaposition, 1 beg leavfe fco state mysentinreuts on tbc subject of your ooiaing toe gother, o tiic foltowing worda : Miuis,1 ters of religión and min is tors of peooe nc[covdingto tbe iustraottonB oftheii Divine SÏaster have aot oeased to liopa and ' pr.iy tbat peace and unión migbt lie preI in tbia grekt and happy country. : At presoat, liowovor tbat question ;;i.s ltoon taken out - I ls of the pr:ceiiuikci'ii, and it is refèrred to the arliitrumentr of a 8anguinary contc8t. I urn not :iu!lii)ri.e:l to .-:e;ik in tbe iwmt of anj' of in - fellow-cit'iZBDS. I think, so far as l oa,u judge, thi ce is the eight pmociple all among ihem whum I know. lt is neV til'ty yeart sinos, a fóreigner by birtli, L tookt'ie öaifa of allegiánce to thia country, urtdar tho tttle of the Uuitcd States of America. [Lood (heers] As regards i consoienco, patriotísm, or jodgment I h;ivu no misgiving. Still, dosirous of peace, wIicm the providcuce of God mkiII have brought it, I may Bay tbat since the pcriod of my naturulization, I have known but onc country. In refei-piice to my duties as a citizeu, no dhange has como ovor.niy niiiul since thoii. T!;o govennnent oï tlio Uiiilcd States was thcii, as it is now, By. árbol Ised by a ïiational flag, popularly cailed " Tlie Stars anJ StripeB.'1 [Loud appkuse.] This has been my flair, and shall be to the end. [Cheörsi] I trust it is still destinod to display in the gales tliat sweep evary oceau, and amid tba geütle breszes of many a distant shore, as I havo seen it in foreign lands, its ovvn peculiar warirrg lines of beauty May it live and continue to displaylic sanie waving linos of beauty, whetlier at home or abroad, for a thónsaud years, aud aftcrv:irds as láág as heavcn permito, without limit dunition. JOHN HUGIIKS, Archbishop of Now York.


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