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Incidents Of The Campaign

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Mr. B. E Ilutchinson, of Visconsin( who left Washington on Tuesday afteruoon, at 3 o'clock, kindly callad upon us yesterday, witii details oí' (he latest news, Tliu Sjvonth Regiment of New York arrived in Washington 011 Thursday noon, havihg inarched twentv miSl to tlie junctioD, without escort. They wcre 11 fact, the pioneers of the route, and went bccauso they had inade üp their ïninds to go any way. Tho Eighth Massaebusetts Regiment, meauwhilé, had been at. work repairing tho railroad and SDgines, aad arrived at Annápolft soon after the Seveuth, havfng laid the rails, repairod the eugine and run the tram. ïhe Seveuty-first Ilegiment of New York also m'arèhèd tweuty miles froni Annapolis to the Junction. ïho road was, however, open from Annapolis to Washington, and troops were gping as rapidly as possible. The conduct oï tho Eighth MassachuSL'tts .Regiment is deserving óf the greatcst praise praise. hen Gen. Jiutier asked if any of' them could sail the Conslitaiiai), ffty-four men sUpped from the rank, one of whoin was the son of f' ivho built Kaf.. A similar incident oocurred when tho General called tbr mechanics to put the dislocated engine togfc'thet One stalwárt Yankee stepped from the r fluks and -said, " Weü, Oenera, I rather (hink 1 can - made thét mtgine;'' and in two b'oura the engine was at work drawing trains with tlie troops towards Washington. The e'li-iiiii-v of tho'vart sixfooters wilh whieli the regiment aboundf?, was a most fortúnate thmg for tho vast body of troops concentra! ing there. Mr. Hótohinsön Bftw the Seventh lleiïnent murohÜTg to the White House, amid the unbounded euthusiasiu of the pèople lie also sbw tho Eigjith Masaachusetta, the .Seventy-lirst of New York, and Gov. Spraguü's ilhode Island troops, en route for the Capital He left Washington cm ThursJay at 3 o'clock, and savs tho delay is from four lo six hours from oing round Baltimore - the boat ocoupying tuat time in going from Auna polis to lJwrjville, oppósite davre de Grace. Mr. tíutchinsou denies in loto the statement tliat ïsouthjéru troops are iu thö vicinity of V asningtun. lie has seeu numbers of men who liud beu at Alexundria, and did uot see any seeessiouist troops there. Gen. Uutler, eommanding the forcea at Aiiuapolis, says that if the Alarylaud Legiglature passes au ordinance of seeessiori, he will arrest the cntire body.


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Michigan Argus