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The Sentiment Of Washtenaw

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In our báit isMn; wc aketühed tho pro. ceedings of the inVnOense Union Meeling lu-ld in thiw Ci'v, on Th.ursday of last week. We recur to tho meeting : to introduce the loliowing resoluliohs v, hicii were adoptad unaniiuously : IJ ht-reas, The Stenben Gum-ds of tliis c-i:y have been accep ed in thefirnt Kegiment of tliis State lor the defenee oí tilo country, Resolved, Tlirit n Committèe of tforee: to consist oí W. S. Mrtnyard, Saranel Q-iisson and Judga Vahcleve, be"af) pointci! to uit upon Oapt. Roth of the Steuben Guurdsto tender him a farewell meeting from our citizena before ■ tlio field. Philiip Winegar oftored tlio following resolution, which ".vas adopted : Rettilvedf That tliis conveütion now aséernbled (hreapective of party) ! oarnestly reoQmrnend to the sevsral ïovvuship OomiDittees. both Domocratic and Kepubücai), to jointly cali a L'riion meetiog n each towoship as soou asp'issiblc to furnish aid to iho lainiiies of thuío who have vo'.ua'.ocred to dofond ineir country. Ilon. J. M. Grogory submitted the fullowing, which was adöptod : Resolved, That it is the sostiment and opinión oí this mcuting of tlio Unioii-luving citizena of Washtenaw county, that Michigan shoujd at pnce raise and equip live règiineots f'or the service f the Fedei'al Govoi nmoi'J to aid n eunpressiiig tho oeiurious rebo!lion which is aimed agiinst thu Union and the ü of our country Resolved, That tho President and Secretarios of this meeling are instruí;ted to coinn'unicatü the foregoing reso lution lo the Govtrnor of the State. We vvill also add fhat during the exeroisea Judge Líwrbnob administered the oath of allegiance to tho a.sembled aiultitude, and it will be ohsevcd to the lust.


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Michigan Argus