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(I iv. Denuièonyof Ohio, has beta offered 81,000 volant, tra, and hu.s eondit: mally accepted 81,000. ïlio Presiden; ha Dotifíed Gov Letoh thai an of tho Confedérate liin ;ton w u!d bo tho sigoal of an attack ou Richinond and Norfolk. Tlic Union íuen of Western Vir ikine measures to so.cede froiu tlie State The Virginia Convention has appointed Messrs. Senator Ilunter, W. C. Rives, V'. 1) Preston, iiud Jndges (Jamden and Broekenjsrough delegatos to the Confedérate Coi:. It ís asserted that 50 members of t!ic Virginia Convéíitíonj instéad of 16, voted agniust the urdiuaoco ot' : A Uf.ion ujeetiDg vas held in East Baltiinore on .Monday uigíitlast 20,000 were preseut, and lije entliuiiasm iidboiiuded. Tile reactiou ia .Maryland is couipkte. The 31 a rl and Legislaturo has, by n-solutiun, aiíii'üK'd iIkí rigüt of ilití FedéraJ Govaramoaí to tako ttoopis tlnouuh the Stato It is said that Jolin lïrown, Jr., ispriBparii.g to invade Virginia it tln; licad if 1500 negroea tíope hy vñll ëocotanter (un. Butler. Goy. Donnison bf Ohio, has refused to acce)t the service of i volunteers. The i ifDotroit have resolved .to ofi'.'r their Cervices tu a military capacitj wlien tlie Mate tliall rccogiüze tliem as citizena (iiicsá tlicy will awhile Gen. Ilaruey has been arrestad at Ilarper'e Wiry by the Virginia tioops, and relfased aguio. On the lix;h ult. no newspaper mail had been reèeived in Washington lor six daysi The Government ha? taken military ssion bf thé, Atlnapolis raflroad and of the roads leiding out oi' Baltiinore. ; The Confedérate troops 'are withdrawing from Pensacola, uot daring lo altaek Fort Pickens. Gen. lint !r aiiuouiH'od Lis intcntion to arrest the eutire Maryland L ture it' it atfem'ptüd to pass an ordi ot aeces.siúi. And he h ould liave doue il. The 'irginia (Jonvantion haa passe'd ■■: lio i U ir i: ia ice of am.exatiou to the iSouthern Coni'ederacy. The twenly tiajs' hoticë served l,y the President on the Southern rebels and traitor will expire on Sunda-, and then ■ look out lor breáketB. Gen. Scott iii to esfablish his head ouarters at Philadelphia. Savs renort. 3 ,000 troops aru to bo couccntrutud at Washington. F. W Seward, Assistant Sucretary of State, telugraplis a donial that. any armistice bas been propoüod eithei to MarjlauJ or yirgluia ltailroad oouiniunication to Washington via lialtimoru will Lu: opeo in a day or turo A large forcé is ongagod i.j rcconstructing the bridyes.


Old News
Michigan Argus