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From Washington

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Washington, April '29. Tho President has issued the followïng broclamatioB : " IVhereaa, for rensons assined n my proclamación of tho 19tli iust., a blockado nf the prn-ts seecding States was cstablished; and " Jl'kereas, public property has been süized, collection of revenue obstructed, and duly oommissioned office rs while execut'iag orders, have boen arres tedaad held as prisoners, or impeded in their official duües without duc legal process, by persons claiming to act under the authorities of Virginia and Nqrth Carolina : an effect i vu blockado of the ports of thoso ie established." (Sigucd) ABRAHAM LINCOLN! President of the United States. Gentlemen of Virginia say the ordinanee of iBeession wilï b'j conlinned by over 100 000 majorityi The rumor tliat batteries liad been erecteil at tin: White House, noar Mt Vcnuni, by Virgimans, is false. The placo has been thoroughly examincd. The Charleston Mercury enroóstly protesta agaiust the advice of OOttöin Southern jiiunials which urge an Iqiaiediatö I 3sault on AVasiiiii,ïtoii, and lts oecupatioa as the capital of the Coufedernte States. Tho Alexantlria Gmette says that Gfin. Lee has ordered the release of Gen. Haruuy, who was stppped at Harper's Ferry, OD Ins way to V 1, and OiOUtioug as a rumor that Jeff. Davig is to con;i! t,i Richuioud ÉI1Í3 we;'k, and til at Vico idet Stephens has returned to Montgomery. Fivè employees of tho navy yar;l woi-e arrested for being found lilling sliells with sand. 'l'hey wiL be tried, and if couvicted, shot. A Ñew Vo:'k nessel arrived from Wil luiugton repurts the seizure of the steauiele líen, the crew oi 'which ure imil as spits. Vesscls froiu up the channel say lliat Fort Mclieury was roioforced yesterday. It is said that two ships h.ivf büi'U seized at Rappahaunock, Va. nd tiie cir-.vs imprjsoued and reuired to tuke tho o.ath oi' allcgiauce to the Sou.ii. The goveruuieut fornjaily deeided to reccive forty thousand oi the sevonty-livc thousand voluuteerS callcd for for the term of three years, and twenty-üvc thousaud reguláis Ioï live jeaxs. An Annory is to be establisbed at Rock Iblaud, Illinois, iu piace pf llarper's '''eiry. It is btatcd, also, that the Naval Academy wili be removed tjmporarily tu Neirport, R. I. Kü more consular or diplomatic j poiiitmouts wlil bc wacle tul every ' liue to tlie Capital has been opeued lor issuge ofcitizens and troops. Col. Mauatiuli . ■■ 1 States Bngineer, commands the torces bere. Tho Thürscla 's Mcintgonaery Mail Bays, a portion Of the crew of the Stur ui tl, e ÍVS1 ai-r iiiiiris med. Tho troojis culled out by the order ot' to-day, are all ailditiunal 10 the 76,000 ulready reijuired Tlie wliolu niunber called for by the goveruuieut, tlms Fr is : vólunteér?, Ir, pioolamatiou, 7;"),üUü; volunteers, lor threo years' sorvicy, 40;i)00; regulará, ftI fivB years' service, li.'i HO.) ; seaiuan, do., 18.000; being a total of l&8;000nien; that ís, 76,000 tho week beftjrè last, and 88,000 to-day. Even chis la lis short of the real nuuiber, as s. overal States srnd doublé the nuuibor of regimonts asked for.


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