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Arrival Of The Steamers Bremen And Arabia

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New York, April 'JO. The steamer Bromen has arrTved. - Shë brinirs London advices of' the lTth. Tbc Árauo and Vigo arrivi d out 011 tbc 14th, aud the Canada on the löth. 5Ir! Gladstoije introducta the budget loto the House óf Oommons on tné 1 5th, showing a surplus of L1,920.000. Ho prcfers using it thus : A reduotioii of ld on the incoiiie tax ; the repeal of the paper duty, which will amount to L1,600,000, leaving a surplus of L400,000. - ïlio tea and sugar duties to be continuad. It is duaied on the most positivo tonus that Austria intends granting au independent ministry to Ilungary. A fearful inundation had occurred at Java. Mauy thousand persons werc drowned. whole villages destroycd, and 50, (UK) people left destitute. The siHcian Diet demande self-governmcut for that part of Poland. New York, April 29. The Arabia froui Liverpool 20t.h and Queen-tnvn Hst, arrived at Halifax this 1'. M. The City of Baltiiöore reaebed LfVei-pbo) on tho lth, ;md tho North Auicrii-an on the lOtli In the House of Lorda it was stated thát the government was engaged in uo Cegofiatioiis wiïatever towaras rèconciling the King of ItMly and the Pope: Their policy was not. to interiere wiih Roman Catholie questions. The Itaüan question in general was debatud, and the Fiench oceapution of Home wasdeplored, and thu prospect of a collision between Austria aud Italy was deprecated by all the speakers. In the Commons, Lord John Russeil staU'd that all the foreign ministers exeept the American, had left Jeddo, to be proteeted by ships of war, in consequente of intimidation haring been used towanls theui, which the Japanese götetnment had not eudearorcd to check. A report that President Lincoln was dead, was extensivoly circulated in England. American news was anxiouhly looked for. The London Times cditori ally reiterates hopes for the tnaintenanee of ])face, and says wheu the sOil and peas ot the New World are likely to be staiucd with blood, foreign nations may guielj reinonstrate in the cause of humanity. The Paris correspondent of e Daily Neivs says llus.sia has informed Frauce that in consequeuce of events at Warsaw, it will be impasible to joiu in any measure lor the settleuieut of the Eastern question. It is alleged that Rassia charges Franco with beiug an accomplice in the Polish disturbances. Bourse higher, rentes Ö8f 20c. GiirLbalJi took his soat in the Italian Parliamènt Business was temporarily suspended by the applause. The action ot' the miuistry in disbanding the South ei'u army and measures taken for reorganization, was debated, and Graribaldi made a speech so violent that it excited a tumult in the Chainbers. He made offeusivc allusions to the miuistry, against which Cavour protested. Garibaldi, iu resuming, spoke with more moderation. Cavour s;iid he aecepted words of coneiliation. Garibaldi designated the Freneh army as the euemy oí' Italy, beeause it oceupied Rome. The Spauish official paper says the goveruuient will accept tbc urmesation of St. Doiniugo as soon as it is coufirmed by a voto of the people, it uo foreign power objects. The steamship Arabia bricgs L13,500 iu specie.


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