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From North North Carolina

From North North Carolina image
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Pbiladelpbia, April 29. A speoiül dispateh to the Herald says : '' A gentleman just arrived bere trom Wilmiogton, N. C, leaving thre Fiiday, and Kichrnond on Saturday, stated that the pepple of North Carolina wero all up ia arras, and were prepa. mg to come North with several thousand troops, for the purpose, as Gov. Ellis Informad Liin, oí makíag an attack on Washington. "The day he left, Gov. Ellis showed him a dispatcb whieh he had just re ceived from Montgomery, stating thut some 5,0U0 iroops were on their wuy to join those of North Carolina, about to leavo for Richmond, and that it was the purpose of the Confedérate government to make an attack without a rnoment's delay ; that f they were to attack it, it must be done belore the Federal governinent had concentralcd a largo lorce at VV'asii:iigton '■ lie cunversed willi Gov Letcber on Saturday riioniing, and the Governor tokl him it was the purpose of the SoutüWQ govcrnnient t.i attack Wash iï)gW)Ti at mee. He (Luichür) had advied asrainst it, bul the Confedei'.ati! ijovti liinent was lor an imniudiate He .is he lias no doubt the attack wilj be marie very soon, and thttt overy little village was bristling with baynet-', and tlju people were periectly iVantic. Ho says, turther, that (jov. E hs showed him a dispatch from P usucola, üGtli, Irom Gen. Bragg, stating that no attack on Fort PickenB up to had been made, and it was not his purpose to attack for some time."


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