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FORT SUR1PTER EVACUATED. o Mack & Schmid I.33I3?J3BllO3FC333I3: with a Tremendous'Stock OF SÏAPLE AND FAKCY DRY GOODS! anocsmins, CHOCORY, SHOES, OAHPETS, &c,, &c. Hosiiliti.s Cemmíííiced intarnest! Death to High Prices ! ! MACK & SCHMID are noy receiving thcir SPRING AND SÜMMEE E3rOO X S 5 and will sell thera ior the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Che a per Than has ever been heard of IIST -AlSTUNr ARBOR. Come One, Come All, and Lee. C. MACK, 795 V. 80HMID. 18(i1. 1861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.M1LLRMC0. llave removed to thpír Brick Store rpcentfy occupied by A. Uel'oeest, and are uuw receiving a SPLENDTD STOCK OF GOODS fox the SPEING TEADE, Araong which ara Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAVTIFUL NEW aTYLES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &c. Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, & CROCKERY. AIso an enlire New StncJc of Carpcts and Oi' Cloths, af New and Beautiful Paiterns, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PANIC BRICES! An 1 we can natlsfy all who will cali and oxíimine our Stock, that Goodaare CUtapihis Spring fur CASH OR READY PAY. C H KOLLEN & CO. Aun Albor, March 26, 1861. 2in793 DO YOU WANT WHISKERSÏ DO YOU WANT WHISKERS! 110 YOU WANT A HUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELlINbill.Wl'S CEI.EBRATED SÏIMULATING ONGUENÏ, For tlxe Wliiskars and Huir. Tqp Eiib.icribcr-, (jlfasare in annouUCing to 1be (itizen of the UnUed States, that taej hare obtaincd the Agêncy lor, and are novv tMialiltMt to offiei tu tlie American pubUL the above justly celebrateil and worldrenowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGÏÏENT is preparvd by Ir. (-.'. I'. Hki.lixüium, an eminent pliy f-icifin üf LoikIoii, aiul is warnintcd tobriug out a thïck set of Whiskers or a Mustache in fromthree to tsix weeks Tbh article ia the only one of the kin-1 usedby ths Fn-nch, aud in Luudun and l'aris t is ín unitersal ufie. It isa beaotlfu, rcoiionm-al, sonthiug, ypt stimnlating cotopound a';liniiaw il'by magij. npun therontn, oanalig a beautiftd grow.ti of. loüturiant kair . [f aplied tu fin scalp, it will cur baldxess, an causo to spring up in place of the bald apota a fine powth of new hair. A pVed acoorïtag to liirectiona, it will turn rxd or towy hair dahk, nn-1 restore EraJ' hair to its original dolor lea ving !t Boft, smooth, and flexible. The -'Onuvem' i.i an iqdiipeiuable article in evecy gcntlcruíín'ó toilet, and aftor one weeks urie they would uot for any ooaald pnttinn bo Without it. The lubieribera are tbs only Agen ts for the article in the United Stati", to whom all orders must be addressed Price One 1 ollar a box - for salo by all Druggists an Dealers; or i box of the Onguent" (warranteii to hae the desired eflect; will be sent, to ;m who dóslrti t, by mail (direct), socurely packod on receipL of price au'. POBtagfl SI. 18, Apply to our addross HOK ACE E, HEGKHAN itCO,, 78Sni6 -4 Wi'liam Street, New York. DEFOREST.ARMSTRONG tfe CO. DRY GOODS MËilCHANTS, 76, 11, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Waw York. Worr.n NOTIFY THK TBiDEtïwt tnoy bpc optDii Weekly, inntv and beautiful patteraa,the ÍBM 'in e A New Print, whioli eicels every Print in tbr ('ountrv fo perfectiou of executlon and dmign in full Madder Ooi ors. - Oor Prints ar ehmpor tlinn auy in markrt,am i íueet.inií wlh extensivo nale. Orders protnptl; attndeu (n T82j?l qffm. C"rc Congk, Ctild UwBcncsg, hiflufiBBKO T'nnn'; l'rlu-r.i ,.- Ha.Jruif O'l'Jfh rfrJAnYrift i't C :' 'hi:!i , ïhmtifi, AthWIuUlmMVvw ma a"d Catarrh. Cb ar ani VHBjr&f #ir.' sirt it'ÍL ti) tir ri'r.-r of rwTiroar rtm.ic spkíkkhb, few ,i are ot' ük' Impw tanïM i roupli or ''Comuion Cold" in its arst-Rtajre: that vbid) ri thfl beginning would yieM toa mild remedy, f ik . the l.üli ;s. -'lïin'An V ]vr.iirhi:il 'l'i i .rln-s , ■ ' eonjainin n alluy Pulmonar; and Bronchial Iiritatiou. BHOWN'S "Tlint troublo in my Tlipnnt, (for whleh thr ' ea specific ) havingmack1 TROCHAS N r win, IS. "I riroiiiinelld th'ir uso to PrBUCSPBAKBKOWN'S REV E. ii. ii. min. 'ii:t -■ ;,r" ril ei ' :i.bii' for .„„„,„„ ÜO.IIIH "Almoat inoarii r'-li-'l in ili.-; i n; HTÏOWNS abor bfbreathine peculiar to Asiïim.a." KKV.A.C EGOLEsTON. IRUOHtbous." UK. A. A. HAÏÉS, Chemint, Boston. Tiiï OW'S "-A simple and iileasant combioatlon for !otTQH,Jto.'DR.O.F. BIGELOW. TROCHES "Benencialfn tooxcHms." DE. J. f.W. I.ANE, BROWN'S "I havo provB'l them excellent fór „ „„ Waoom-a Cuuau." TROCHES -, Boston, HBnWY'S "Benefieial when compellcfl to si. rak, IxtUYYl "„affeHngfromCoU)." I KUUllrs i-t. Louis. "Eflfectual nrcmovmg Haar eiu hPOTÜ'TI'Q Irritfltioa'of JJio Throat. m commun with blvUWJN Í5áraKtJls,,ol,:;Bi;l,e..I'i..'. U. STACY JOHJTSOIT, TKOCIIES l.a(r Teacfier oTHuaic tfouthem RROWN'S Female Collcurc "dreat bfjiffit when taken bfur an.l pteaehfng', af) they ïr-v.nt HioarseTROCHES ,iess. From theirpasteSpct, 1 think they .iil IJL' Of [t. Ti;i;il!t n1 tO Ui'--' ' TiT?nwv=; rev. e. kou 1 1 v, :,r. iiuvri k Pi-fsiiioiii. .,f Cclleg, Tenn. Si, SoWby nll Druggiatsat TWENTYTROCHES FlVKCKMs a iío.v i 7Tme INFIRMAR Y. FisJicrs Biock Wtodward Ave Dttroitj Dra. S. J. CAKPF.TEH A RAINARD, ;o: DOCTORA Eïn. rally pretsad I luit Oon-inmpiion is murabk', incauM bey cíimioi cure it tbcm-selves; but ill' doe ni)t ni;ike 't traeAlany in'c'líin-í "''" vv"r'-s (IJ1 n ."k sn'd&y and after doing not!iii:7 but .sp'ilthe material tliey wiU teil ron it never carbe dtow iu tfati ƒ yoa wrant t. But tyapplyin to ;l iett.-r wji Lmaii - ';no who thoroughly inlcrstnüK m :u wil] get your wurk ucooiDplished iu shape. In thiu respect thoro ifl ].c sAn; 'lillerpnee to bc f.mniliii ati troles :unl proieflöioaa. Tli,' l!uroech Dism , in the arta, in ia-, in Uu ■ jhynic, will sny sulIi thinga c&nnot be cUme, Anu 't 's xue that they couUl bo( Ém ü all men wère like rbcni " selTee, ButÍQrtunately there ia anothcr c!:is of men, iml, whpn tliry lake your ■:. ■ , do the bn s y on want il, or restore y uu to !;;-ilíl , acccr; ing s dOHifff. We have (,n!y to remi mix i ti is act to underatand -n-hj orte pësioftii slioiiM prnuunce tiiat ncasftble whicïi astttlraef can cure. In mochaiiics, vt sonictiiucs fiml thi l'V a písspssi(in of superior meaxts, by aome new ïnvwotloir, oí which he ia s the solé use, or by the preater ingeuity li.s ïiiiTvl, one peröoö wfll mal:? of !. wint no otber can. ExaOtty it ru;iy e iu j-liy-ic. And tl'is is the vp.ry roason wliy I ! ?at suecess i !u-r-, i the treatment of Uoitaaacrptioa. By ha ving .he original genius, by ]f leasing the I.ung-Motcr, i hicli i'iiables me to cloarly liseaseancl by haviflg sucb remi-dies foar CousumptioD ;i no otlipr Physician cer hal. roake boni Ba y tliat I iavp, and can etTect a cure of tlns (Ji.-oise bevond the each of any otiipv man. Tn provp tlns to tiave í-een c&BA, ! üiiht givfl you nimlicis apon numbers of certificates frotu men aod wnnn-r) p I ■ n over to tho grave, who have boen rescued and reatored i heaJth iy the )i(TseviTiy use of hay medita for Cosáui [ïut it is not neet ssa' y for ma to t for t he "act of om-man doing what another cannot cannot, is ivi'lent tu ah men of eomroon siihp. It' tbc ' 'nnsiiiiititive wi'sbes furthw proofifaaii thia, I can only smv. come and sati.-ty ymim-lf by tri il K my skill ín tïie cure of your complait Doctor Carpi-ntcr will vfcit YppiLinli, and Ann Arbnr, luring 18fiO-ül. AnnArbor, at Coot'8 Hotel, 3d and 4th of each noonlh; H;wins Hou?6} Vpsilantí. 5(b uid Titli of B&oh nnutb. 'lhp remainder of the time, he will be found at his Lang Iniiiinaiy iDetrolt lyVTü. 2ST E -W MAP OF THE COUNTIK3 OF Washtena# & Lenawee, Mich , From Official Ricords and Special Surveys, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO, and GEIL & HARLEY, Being Succensors to Geil & !! rV-, . TotKigrapttoal Kiig's, Auiliois of Mape oi Branch, ■; ii.i'al'tHJU-.i. Jackson i':: --, Van Bure'p, Berrien, WayBö. Genesee, Kalamazfo, Sliíáwífe, M'Hro, Maciimi). St, Clair, &C-, Michigan; Loraine, ■ New Vork; Monraouth, Morris, tVt-., N.'W ïersej ; City oí Heading&c, IVnii.: Láporte, iVc. , Indiana - etc., etc. The unáraigned al-e pj-epang lo publish, by Subscription.u new and eombined Mai latíeB oí Wasüti:.vaw aml I,i;-ví:h, ÍR]1[;;.'.n, flODl Careful sin(vs ol the 6Qtue District, made expressïy lor tliis wort, and Erom. Official Kecorde aud Qther rrliable in'orraation.- The Map will ielineati mlnntely th varioua Geograpbical aii'l Topographicül ícaturí's of theCouutfefl,&mong which noay beenumerafed fallowíng: 1. It will .show a!l tb Townsbip, Sectíon, an'l Quaritr I.'tü'S. 2. It will frenerally sliow the Boiïnaï(ry Lines ofFarms, and the ñames ofreftiíent oVn'efs. 3. It will show the locatkm of Public Roails, distinguisbing the open rouls from those not opeocd. 4. It will llow the. locaÜKB of CUnrchcs, School lionas, Hotels, Mills, Baaufactciries, Dwellinga, Shops, te. 5. It will give tlic coi:r- of Tïiver an'l anti shov 11 local ion and oiili!i" of all meandered ! u'a s. 6 It willcontain l'Iitn of the Principal Villa es, ahowIngthe Street, tot, aml locaüon of BttlHim i. ViiliLt'C Plan #D alao oontain i i irectory, ving the namest and bu&ine of ii;;. era. The reeorled add.tlonsto VilDigin will dbtinguisheel by colors. ï. I will give tho course of Rail Roads comple'e(3,and also SLic-h ; as are dow in procesa of conatruoi ion 8. It willcontain a Diïtance Table, glTing the .listance by most direct open roads, between any two Village.s in the District 9. It will contain a Businens Directory of country ub scribers, giving tlieirnames, ceenpatiun, and the sectioi) on which tln-v rerfdft. 10. Views of Private ReskleDcos ;;n 1 prominent Build[ngfl] wifl bc engraved on the margin, by poeial contract oniy. In ord . tosecure an inaertion, early appl abould be made to tliu Agents in tl.cir respective iiif tiicts. 12 The Map will be neally en ca micly eolored, substantially backed witl muslin, and mounted on rollers No pains nor expense will be spnreil to make tlie work n eyery respect wortby of public confidence. The pric of the Map J1 bi at tiie loiv rato of fix Dollars per copy, payabie on dalirery." aaents will vlaitwery portlon of the ': trict. forthe purpose ofnerfecting Work, and. at the same time, to solicit patron:ti' t" it. L'p n tufjr cali will, be the time to subscribe, in orderto ubtaiu the work as it wiü be snH liy sutnorifttiiw onl.v Commiirncations in regard to business pertaining to tbts M;ip, if sent to in AlmoK, Stich., will reeeivi' prompt attention GEIL & HARLEY, FuLlisheis. fl, A Premium has beun awarded bjr the Michigan Stat1 Agrii;olUiial Soek'tv. to (.Kil , Ha.-ikv .t SlVKJU), for their Couiity Maps on exhibition at the Annual Fair, held in Detroit, in 18C0. #y Seo Circulars which will ba diasributed, 789m3 mooreíTloomís Have Removed to the STORE RECEN TLY OCCTJPIED BT C, MACK, Phcenix Elock.East side of Mnin St., AND ty HAVE In Store 3g il A Large and fL Tv' lk'te cjTnPTT t! '"'%L op BOOTS fe SHOES Of every desoiipiion whieli will be SOXjX CLIL!AF]3Fi THAN CAN BE B0UGH7 IN ThiüCity. lso alarge aaiortment of HOME MANÜFACTLTvE, Of all kinds made In the ir.f st V a s h i o u a b 1 e S t y 1 e BT GOOD AXD EXPERIEKCED WOKKMEN, -ounFRENCH CALF BOOTS aïe SrOT surpassed tliis Ejido of N'cw Vork City, and art warrntod uot to RIP. Our STOGASAND KIP Sa are made of the best materiala Our stock of Morocco Bootees Foi Ladiea la the tlio best in town, wilh hcels nnvithmr We Malte to Order, &n3never diIbs of serrraa tlu ñrst time go v aas ':i !I ft.nd ff 8 will show yti our stnet Ptee ofoharffe Wejiave oared the servlcta of turo Ex perieucfid Journeymen, who do our tnendloa ba the cnt est Alamter, and on shortest notice. Oor moitoifl Quïck Sales and Small Profits Thankfulfnr past favors wp hopebjrpfcying ti I ticni to our business to niorit a lmral tthairé of yóuj patronaat' ï"v (Iu1 tuture. ÍÍ& we ure not to be nndersoUl. -il MU'JRE & LOOMIS 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Sale Cheap at ÜUITERMAN& CO'S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus