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General Beauregard

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Tbc Bubjoined sketch of General lïeaufegard, (Joiuman der in-Ohief of the Southern Army, will bo read with interest at the present timo. Tt lias boon prepara! for us by a gentlemnn who gerved with Beauregard under the Stars aud Stripes. Pierre Gustavo Toutaut Beauregard, tho commandiag General in tho lal taok of the rebel forcea on Fort l: ter, and the most capable of all tbeir oilicers, is a nativo oí' Lonisiana. As the name indicats, ho is of French extraction, and speaks English with a notioeable Fronch accent. He is about fortytwo years of age. II s hair is straight and black, his eyes black, and his complexión dark. In height ho is iivo feot eight inches. His shoulders ave broad, and his frame tirmly kuit. Previous to being woundod, ho was tho strongest man in tho United States ; the rascles of his arm were liko nail-rods, and a blow of his fist was like that of a sledge-hammcr. Se is now an exceedingly strong, vigorous and active man. In general appcarance and mmner lie is a iiue represuntative specimen of tho old native or Croólo popnlation of his State. Ho is an elegant gentleman, mild, gentle, and courtcous; m'.ieli likod by those who know hini, and a very great favorite in society. Whcn ho visited Washington, in General Pierce's term, he was the pcrsonaJ guest of the President, who had known liiui in Mexico, aud he alwaya stoppcd at tho White House, Ho graduated at tho United States Military Academy Juue30th, 1888, with distinguished honor, being second in a a class of forty iivo. He was proraoted Brevet Second Lieutenant of the First Artillery, and trangferred, July 7 tb, to the corps of Enginéers, which was tlion re-orgauized, IIo was promutod to a First Lieutenantcy Juno ÏGth, 1839, and to the Oaptaincy in 1854. He servod during the Mexican War with groat credit, having the full oonfidenco of his superior officers, being consulted by the comraanding General, and listene to with a deforenco never béforo èliown to a subaltern. Jle was made Brevet Captain August 20, 1847, " for ga lian t and meritorious conduct in the battles of Conteras and Cherubusco," and Brevet Major Sopt. 13th, 1847, '' for gallaut and meritorious conduct in the Uattlo of Chopultepec :" on tkat day he was wounded, as the A can forces were entering the city at the Beien Gate. Ho has been gencrally cmployod oa military worksin Louisiana, such stations enabling him to keep up his home ciations andsee to hia family -estáte, which is largo and valuablo. For eight years past he has been Superintendent of tho construction of the Custotn House in New Orlcans. During that period littlo has been done cm auy fortifications in that neighborhood, and he has gi Ven ncarly his cntirc time to tbat important work. Last Fall, as a part of Floyd'a rascally plans. Major l'. w:is appointcd Superintendent of tlio West Poiat Military Acidomy. - The intcution was to iufluence t'.ie Cadots in favor of the South. He had sñarcely beoii appointed to that position whea the order was revoked, and lic entered heart and soul into the Secession movement. That he should have boen chosen a General, is but a natural acknowledgment of his talénts, and a reéógnition of his iniiuenco in Louisiana. Wifchal, his wealth was a coQsideratioa - a very important one. Thaflie shonld havo turnecl tniitor, wc can bnt regret. Ambition has boen the curse of many a better man, and will yet burn his " heart to asheSr" He has been eharmed with the idea of a Southern Slavo Republio, and demagoguos vise his name and wealth. It is a common courso with Soecding States and individuals, to teil of their grievances, of the wrongs thcy have sufiered at the hands of Nertherners and our Grovernment. Th:s gentleman's particular grievanees are, that he has always bad such a station as ho most desired ; that ie has been on duty at his house ; and that, though the law exprcssly forbids that an officer sliall reeoive two salaries or pay for two or more distinct enaployments, ho bas, whilo employed at the New Orleans Gustom House - aperiod of nearly eight yoars - received eigkt or ten a day, in addition to his army pay ! The records of the Treasury Department will show this statement to be truc.


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Michigan Argus