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Address Of The Maryland Senate

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The followlng is the resolution and address to the peoplo of Maryland wliich was adoptod and signed by all the Senators on Saturday : Resolved, by the Senate and House of ■V.ï, That the " extraordinary stato of affaire" in Maryland and tlie Kcpubliu justifica and demanda that we ishould adopt and publish the f'ollowing AI'I'UKFS ÏO THE T!- I I.I'. OF MAKYI.AN'D ! Under the proclamation of your Governor we havo assembled to act, according to our best judgment, for the true intereats of Maryland. That proclamation luis deciared the present to bc " an extraordinary state of affairs;" and all must admit the correctness of that assertion. Wc have beeu convened to do all we have the constitutional authority and the mental ability to accomplish, to próvido for your safety and welfare during the pendency of the present uufortunate and terrible crisis. At tho commenceincnt of our labors we feel t to be our duty to your General Assembly to üolieit your confidence in the fidelity with whioh our responsibilities vrill be disubarged. We are Marylanders asyou are. We have families as you have. - Our interests are identified with yours. Our duty, our wishes, and our hopes will be to legislate for tbc true iuterests of all the people of our State. We cannot but know that a largo proportion of tho citizens of Maryland haVQ been induced to believo that there is a probability that our deliberations may result in the passage of some measare e immitting tbis State to seeession. It is, therefore, our duty to declaro that all BUcll fears'are without jast foundation. We know thut we have uo constitutional authnrity to take such aetion. You need not fear that thcre is a possibilty tiiat wo ',,'ii! do so. If believed by us to bc desired by you, we may, by legislation to that effect, givo you the opportuuity of deciding for yourselves your own future destiny. Weniay go thus far, but certainly will not go farthcr. We know that tho present crisis lias materialh; deranged the usual current of business op :rations in every departmunt. We shall devote ourselves to the duty of making this change as little inconvenient as posible to our coustituents. We iuvite tlicir scrutiuy to our every actiou. - If rcsuUs do not realize our hopes and anticipations, we ask that you will, at least, exteud to as the cluirity of believiiiíí that the failare has occurred from laokif ability, but not of will.


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