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A Touching Incident

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Iq the niidst ol the general uproiir and joillity among the merabers ol tha Seveuth Itegunent, whiiu a Philadelphid (writea the .peea! correspondent ui the Ttibune.) a clean looking, re.spectuble oíd lady made her npuearancp, lugging a huge murket baskut on each arm, and making diligent inqtiiry for '' some of the offietrs." une of the sergeants was Kent to inquire her busiDess, wbich sh$ stated thus : " I beerd tbat soaie ol' your soldier men hadn't got any thiúg to eat, and especially Ihat yon were out of bread. Now, i've bí'oüght you so;r.e tliatis real good home-made bread - some of it I mudj tnyself, and some of it a neighbor madu for me. iiere, take it, you are veleonu to it. I want to ti u d sohe ouu to givo it to." .So:ne ol' tha men, of' coiue, proposed t. pay her for t, but she poaítivuly decliued, saying, ' N , no - I want tú give it to you. I had a boy once who was a soldior in the regular arrhy ; he was ah through the Masicaa w: i, atid he was killed m batlle. I always feel as if I couldn't ever do too imicii for the soldiere. 1 oaú't givu you much, boys," coatinued she, wiping away the tears that woufd come at tlm thought of her '' boy;" " but here's my bread, and 1 hope some of you may like it, ïbere'a a píate of nice, f'resti buttur títere, too, and you uiay have the basket, and the plates. and ei'erythiug. Mnybe my boy has wantod 'oread gome time, and I hopo some mother gave him soaie.:' iiere tho old lady, afier a m'tiute'd si.ruggle, broke entirely down, and vvi h tho words, " My pnor boy - my deur Alfred" - the burried away, leaviug lier basket boliind her.


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