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- Ex-Presideni Uuchanan subsc $5,000 toward equipping the Lo ea ■;ts - Ex -President Fillinoro bas been . Captain of a volanteer oompany at Buffalo, notucd the Home Guarda. - In Cunibridj e City, lm]., all t1;e printers have "goi e to tho tvnr," and tho papers have been cíiseontii i - A full regiment of i?r.iiths is bc'mg formed in New ïork - [u Philadelphia, au aged Quaker lady, deoliiied oontribuling any w oí war - but, took off icr and gave it to oiio of the Seyonth Regiment Band to tie hisbag vrith. - The poople of Bloomingtoo, Illinois, reoentíy deteoted :i traitor iu an attempt to throw off ti train bearing troops to Curio. lic was hung. - A New Yorker recéntly went South with bilis amountiug to 80,000. Ho collocted V: - Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has issuod a proolarnation that no debts sliall bo paid to Northern men, and ordorcd that tho samo lio paid into the State treasury, to bc refundcd witli interest tho wat is over. Sharp practico. - On tho 30th uit., the Collector of Boston, seized tho brig St. Mary with fivc hundred kegs of powdcr for the Southern Confederacy. - On Tuesday of last week Maj. Anderson reviewed bis Fort Sumpter garrisoii, at Fort Haniiltou, N. Y. All wero present but teu n;en detained ia hospital, - During tho bombardment of Fort Sumpter twonty residen ces on Sullivan's Islaud were battered to pieces. - A strong Union feeling is roported in Alabaina, wliioh it is said will manifest itself wbenever the strong arm of the Federal government offers protection. - AceountH from MiBsissippi say that actual faniine exista in inany parte, The peoplo have neither provisions, nor money to lloc with. - An áttempt was made on the SOth uit. to blow up tho State powdcr house, at Portland, Maine. It contained 10,000 kegs of powder. Some traitor is arxious to ornament a pine tree. - A elergytnan of Pbiladelphia, - aurn.ised tobe the Rev. Hcnry A. Wise, Jr., - was recéntly kicked out of a barber shop m that city, for expressing secession sentinji - It is reported that the New York 69th Regimcut recéntly caught a man in the act ot' drawing spikes from tho railroad near Annapoli.s, and shot him. - 30, 000 Illinois troops are ready for service, and have been ofl'cred the government, - Associate Justice Campbell, of the United States Supremo Court has resigued lic is opposed to secession, but annonnccd some months ;igo that ho shouhl follow the fortunes of his State - Alabaina. - The diplomatic corps at Washington have been furnished with tho President's blockade proclamaron, and it is said manifest a dispo.sition to respect it. - Commodore Stringham has command of the blockading forecs. Pifty war vessels aregiven hira, and a co-oporatDg land foreo of "20,000. - 450 United States troops have boen captured by a Tesan forcé of 800. The olücers were paroled, and the pri vates enlisted iu tho Southern army or compelled to take an oath not to bear anus against it. - Fort Delaware, in Dclaware river, is now garrisoned by 150 regulara and ' 7U0 volunteers, and Capt, Gibson defies au attack. It guards tho water approach to Philadelphia; - It is Baid the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company havo tendcred the government the use of their rolling stock. - Ëng'mes and cara of t!io Northern Central (Pennsylvania) Railroad havo been shipped from Havre do Graee to Annapolis for the use of the gevernment. - A million percussion caps and a caso of revolvéis, Charleston bound, wero seized at the New S"ork Express offieo on the 3d inst. - Old Fort Monroe is now garrisoncd by 1,000 Masaacbusetts volunteers and 300 regulara. It can not be taken by any force the rebels eau tnnster. - Gov. Bprague paya all the personal expens?? of the men coinposing his regiment, euppWes tbm with ciothing, and pays each odc Slu PKmtli extra. - Gov. Magofün, of Ky., bas ordered i a special eleotion for members of Uougresa to be held July üOth. - Tli3 71st New York regiment was sworn in on the first, evcry man takitig the oatfi. - O tho 8d inst., the Legislatura of Connectiout by a unauimous voto appropriated 82,000,000 for the equipment of ten reginients. Ten per inouth extra pay is votod to each volanteer.' - Col. Ellsworth'a regiment of Firo Zouaves arrivcd at Washington, via Annapolis, on tho 2d inst. - Tho Nor tb Carolina Legislatura lias ordered a convention for tho 20th inst. In advanco of its action the State authorities procecd as though the State was out of the Uuion. - The Coinmon Couneil of Louisville, Ky., has appropriated 200,000 for arming the City. - A Union meeting at Lexington, Mo., was broken up by a mob on tho 3d inst. - On the lst inst., the bodies of : poral Sumner II. Necdham, of Lawrcnce, Mass., aod of two privatea not idontiiiod, slaiu at Baltimore, were received at j ton. - A mcinber of the 12 tb. New York Regiment hajB wntt ?n liis father that about forty of the regiment wero poisoned on Sunday night of last week by poison mixed with fond and drink. None dicd. Washington needa purging of cowardly traitors. - Mrs. Smcad has killed the prötty story that she h:id cast off her husband because of his treason Sho says ho resigued against her advioe, but that his fortunes are hers. - It is announoed that the Norfolk and Gosport Navy Yarda aro to be imniodiately rotaken by the Government. - Uettcr havo kopt possession of thciü al iirst instead of destroying $10,000,000 ! of property. - On Friday last some of Col. Ellsworth's Fire Zouavés commenced tho citizens of VV'asliingtou a specimen of New York marinera, and several were lodged in jail. - Gen. IJragg has 8000 men and asks , for 2000 inoro. lie fears au attack from Fort Pickens. - Capt. Moigs reporis Fort Pickens re-inforeod, and provisioned for siz months, and lliafc its reduotion within that time is utterly impossible. Three vessels of war lay off the Fort, and more men can bo thrown in at any time. - Hon. J. B. Clay, degoneratc son of Ilcnry Clay, has published a card adi-ising Kentucky to secede and join the Southern Confcderaoy. - 'i tako a State loan of $'00,000 at from par to í'our per cent, premium. - Gen Harney lias publicly dcclarcd ihat be star last. ' s his ïieuils m Missouri :. to tho - The bridges destroyed on tbc railring ni líaltiraore were to be al! i uilt and ready for use ou Wcdnes■ l.iy. - Trne-hearted voluntcers are eros■ rcr frora Kentuckj md joining the fudiana regituents. - Gen. l'illüw is at tho hcad of tbe ,:sco forces preparing to attack Cairo. That Pilloiv ir.ay fiud a bloody ■ - Largo numbers of Soutberner?, of tlic sí Í!;;1, aro settling their families in Canada to awuit the end of the revolution. Thoy may ai well arrangc to stuy permanently. - Fletcber Webstor raised a fu'.l , ment in Beven dnys and it has boen raustered iuto service. Col. W. had just been removed from oírme by the President. Wonder if his successor luis shouldered his nmskcf. - Au himciisc Union meeting was beid at W heel ing, Va, on Saturday, and rosolutions adopted in favor of a división of the State if the secession ordinance is adopted and attempts made to enforce it. - The CouDtiea of Western Virginia have called a convent ion for Maj L8th, to secede from the State. Virginia must admit thoir right to secede, or deny her own. - Maj. Gen. Wool bas been directed to re-establisb bis huad quarters at Troy, N. Y. ïhe language of the order savors a littlo of jealously. - Gov. Banks has resigned his Superinteudentsbip of the tho Illinois Central Railroad, and tendered his services tothe goernment. It is hinted that he will bc made Maj. General. - 8000 stand of first class anus anrl the entiro tnachinery of tho armory wero i saved at Harper's Ferry. - It ia announced that Seoretary Cameron hasaccepted ten Kentucky companies, to be coinmanded by Col. Guthrio. - Commodore Armstrong bas been senteneod lo fivo yoars' suspensión for surrendering the Pensaoola Navy STard to the Florida authoiïties. - Ex President Fillmoro bas been eleeted Major of the Buffalo Home Gaard, composedof' retircd commissioncd offiecr3 of tho State militia, and is thorouglily drilling his eommand. - ïho Mayor of Washington has issued a proclamation, by advice of the military authoritics, directing all drinking saloons to be closed at 9.30 P. 31. - A United States recruiting office was opened in Baltimorc on Mouday, and the Stars and Stripes displaycd in the st reets. - Geo. Butler is reportcd aa baving notified Baltimoreans that tho troops from the Nortli must march througb Baltiniore, and that if iired upon from tbe houses, the houses would be blowu up. - Hou John A. Dix has accepted the position of Major General of tho New STork vulunteer forces. He bas seen service. - Gov. Dcnnison has cppointed Maj. Geo. McClelland, formerly au Engineer in the regalar service, Maj. General of the Obio volunteers. - Fouï full regimentó, raised in St. Louis Co , Missouri, have been mustercd iuto tho United ötatcs service, aud a íiith is being orgauized. - Senator Johnson, of Tcnn., did not get his nose pulled at Lynohburg, Va. - The man who attemptcd the feat met tbc muzzle of a pistol in Andy's finn band, and seccded. - Travel lias not been interruptcd on the Baltimore and ühio Railroad in consequence of the military possession of the easterii end of the road by the government. - The U. 8. Arsenal, at Fayetteville, N. C, with 40,000 stand of arma was taken possession of bjjlOOO State militia on the 17ih of April. - Tennessee advices say tbat Senator Johnson is going to take tho stamp for tho Union. The old Uoman is " pluek to the backbone." - A second Kentucky regiment bas been accepted by Secretary Cameron, to be commauded by Col. V. G. Ferrill. - One Kiehard Pryor, of Vieksburg, Miss., offers 8100,000 for Abraham Lin ■■ ,[., alive, or $50,000 for Abraham Lindead, t9 dcüvfered to him at Vicksburg in time for iiiii: to dclivcr to Jeiï Davis by the 4th of July - Gov, Letcbcr bas by proclamation placed all the military force of the State at the disposal of tha oomniaoditig Gen eral tu repel tho expected invasión of the uortheru troops. - On Monday tho Shcrloek Guards, by :i unanimeus vote, tendered thoir services to tho President for three yoars. - Govs Dennison, of Ohio ; Curtin, of Pennsylvania ; Randall, of Wisconsin; and Jjlair, ot' t!iis State, were in consultation at Cleveland, oníjtho od inst , probably abuut the crisis. - A corps of telegrapbic operators bas been organized by the War departmentat Washington, andarmy moveinents will be proniptly reportad at beadquarters. - Tbe Mobile Adcertiser thinking Fort Pickens safe againat attaok consigna tho garrison to the tender mcreies of the mosquitoes aud saud-flies. it says tho garrison will beg to be taken before the suminer is over. - Maj, Andersoh, with tho consent of the President i to oommand the Kentucky brigade. - Hun. Revordy Johnson made a strong Uuion speech at Fredcrick, Md., on tbe 7 tb inst, - Jeli' Davis' Congress bas passed an act recogoizing war as existing, and providiug for letters of marque and reprisal. - The Maryland Lcgislaiuro has abandoned the project of calling a co:ivcutiou. - A Washington dispatoh of tho 7th inst., says that government bas already been tendered '200,000 men from west of tbe Alleghnniea. - Daniel E. Sickles bas raised a, regiment which is to be mustered iuto service to-day. - Beanregard i.s again reportcd as baving left Charleston lor Montgomery. - Senator Bayard, of Belaware, was arrestcd in Philadelpbia on the 7th, but discharged by Mayor Henry, no specilic charge being made against him. He had üed bis own State lor fear of the mob which charged hiin with treason. - The government waa reliably advised on tbe 7th that 20,000 men wero in and around Riehmond, who fully expoeted to bo soüu quartered in Washington. - The authorities at the Washington Navy Yard havo found 00,000 stand of arras in their arsenal batead of the 10,000 supposed on hand. Well-posted authoritit-H.


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