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SPRílNG GüODS.i R I C H GOUDS. aiazEA.!3 gs-ooidsJ BAGH fc PBERSON HAVE ust. opned a Iarge and well selecled htoak of Gooas. lutest styles and pattcrna Lncluding POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LAINES, TRIMMINGS, 8UMMER S T Ü F F 8 . DOMESTICS, STAPLfcS, [FARSÜtLT @fóQO[$]B0R$J aU - Carefully seleeted, Waranted to pUase, ana for sale oheap. OO3VX33 ANID 32333. BAOH t PIERSO5T MarchSG, 18G0. ?93tf ANTOHEE Jft a ARRIVAl AT THE V)fl ff0LI3 AND R2LIABLE ÏËfSË CLOTHIftt EMPOBIUMü ÍMase-llL O . s MAIN STREET. hftnjnst retaroed from the i b a largi ftEtddeíífable stock uf PALL AjS'D WINTER CHr O O X3 l@ ;: vhich he la now oSering at unusually Araonj liis Astíortmcnt may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, D0ESKIX8, fc VESTINGS, uf all Jescription?, eüffcially fúr PALL AND WINTEE WEAR ! i hl '. he ia cutting and mnking to order, in tLelatest &nbest steles, togethtr with a at of RE Al) Y MADE CLOTIUNG! TRCXKS CARPET BA3, UMBr.ELI.AP, una Gentlcmen's Farnisliing Goods. with numorous othor r.rtxles usually found in uHtablishmenta. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIOiV tb abscriber flaUersliimíelf, tbat hUlong cxt au,l genei-a. succe.s,v-':ll enable li:m to gh ion toall wbo may trust hita lo tbe v&y ot mas ufaeturing garraents tü ordí r. 76Ötf V-M. WAONER. 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEIRS WANTED! TO ASSIST IX THE LIBERATION OF CUCA ! tVhite foiks, or of wbaterer color, cáete or nftlivity, ■whcther marriod, single or of doubtful conDexion, will je enlisted La the no'ile cauae of EMANCf PATINO THE COMMUltJTf - FROM Tur- THRALDOEI OF HÏGH PRICES ! and wiH reoeivo their outñt ut the Extenslve Furnisliing Establishmeal - OF THE- G VI TES MAN S HEADQUARTERS! having been establisLed for the LAST TEN YEARS; our known rule of warfare is an Uiidisuiscd De s Ir u cl i on OF IIIGII PRICES ! UPO OFl OXjOTIUKTCSIFor all Jlges! Sx and Conditions! In consequence of tlie vory flittering eneourBgement whieli we have recrivod siace our locaiion in this city, ■vu have inci'eftfieii our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHI KQ ! Tomcetthe demaruls of our eustomera, and liavijig bcconie moro fully ooDvioeed thaa ever, tbnt our mode uf doaliug, nnmely: at tlie lowest possiblc rntes for HEADT-PAVj is the only trne plan; we will continue t: serve the public ns heretofore durin" the coming fall and winter, Our Stook consists in every vnriety of READY MADE CLOTHING ! Plnin und Fanry CLOTHS, OA8STMERS, SILK, AND SILK VELVETS. A largo lot of GENTLEMEN'S FÜRXISH1NO GOODS, whieh are all warranted DON'T FAIL TO OAX.Lja.T ca-. xi. &, For past favors ve are pratefnl U all, The eame íorlargeonee in.proportiou, And those wi.o Beo rit tu cali Shall receive our best smiles and des-otion. M. G meerman Sí Go. Tí. 13. Studcní.s R.nd all othors who want -o sec SONDHKIM'S ne-vv mode of cutting will do '.vell to c;tll and leave their mearan) For a Nice Fitting Suit !


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Michigan Argus