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Mrs. WINSXtOW, ,ln axperi n sd Kur a i ■'. i ■ to the aítenl i vu. lir SOOTHTNG S-YKUP, ron ciiildken teeti i SÜRE to REGULÓTE the BOWELS. ) ''ju it, in t' r umi Relief and healtli &.-■ your Infantn Wc linvo put np nnil and sM.l J;i Rrticta for over ten fw, 6B1 CAN 8AY, i.v 5,1XlHtNC'K AMi TltUTH of it, wiiat v. to sm of, anyctl - M-.VfH I D IX .. SINGLE ISV1..NK, 10 IHBÍ A MIK. uien thnelj BMd. Never did we knol BH tl ny i !!■ tfho i ■ ■ :. i i I i:tr;rv, alt aro dcllghtcd witfi .ikjii 1 rm il II Of !. ;ii'-;i ! ■ ïirtlMW. I ■ . r "fl 1!. T V. 1. I O KNOW,"aftr fn vc:':-.' exptriincs, AKD l'LF.I K BTL'TATItN FOR TIÍK II I l-'H.l.Ml NT rK lVil.vriïKIIF.):::i)H LA1 F. Ki Huurt utry n trn nrhere the rng frnm ] hou te ■. rvYu;l willbelornd in alteen ir Iwrity ni Lti .- i':!, (h' 83 rj B 'i'his vataable i-mf no . th most EZPKHIE; ,. ' il: :'■: in New Engltin.L anti h&s b tu u--."l with .'ÍlS'U'. I I S in ÏHOU8AND OF CÁSiF. It nrt ocljrel I - tft r f - . pi rrei t ;'-:'' t'. . : tj! gin i ■ GKIPING IS . : .'.., :■'. ■ enomeconvulnUw, vrhich f iv r RjwetïW rtm' ilied, m : In ikath. We I "■ lie I 1 ' '1' : ■ ; ■ 11I1-; WORU1. in 11 cay ■ ' UYSKN1 ■. W-; WOlil.l s,ny to ,'. ■ :. ■ anj ot- ! ) KOT 1 ) I' 5TOUK !l;j;..;: 1U .-. I lifJüJ II I OTüL'.H:'. and tjie ■. . . ■ ; ■ i i [i ! li'ole lic ;: ■. if t noel i puil i;.-i ■ , ... ,. i '■!■■ it!m t ..f ( IT.IIS k K12Í3, 5íew ífui-k. ■;i#t'i' i ' [Hf, ■i bj Dtuggi il ■ Bie vrrM. Pjlmi(!nl flirt-, ia {■ir Strrit. RT. Y PHICE O.NI.Y ■..-, CEST3 I Pof lalc oy El) rhs h t r .. .?" . ior the Speedy and Permanent Cure of ScêUmoI WcaknesSj Nocturnal and Diurnai Kmissiois? JTervous and General Dcbiïïtj, Tmpotèn , and all Disenso arisbngfroin SoHtaiy llab'tts or JZxcessive ui ryiFIERE are thousands of Young Men, aa well sr Midvls X Aced and Old ÍThn, who are suflering to somf vtiu from the above diLün.s:j, M-r: . - ■ ■■ Bot twor of thoir tme eondition, or wlioii usistanco is really itecilc '. For the benefit of sueh, we heren Ith SÍV a few of the mtm'i coramon symptom( vii: Wenltnen of the Hark ind I.unbx, J'dinin t!f. Èeadtaté Sifc, Dinwe Siffht, !■■'. and ir..,: before the Eyes, Palpitation of the Heart, ƒ.-.,. Memory, Confusión of Menu, Depr&tion ' Ar$ion to Society, Distrust, Timiditu, el-, Fo saeta and kil of the above svmptoins these reneatas will bfl fband a "Öf?vreign Balín.'1 Theso remedies embrace three prMcriptioni; A ' Pusttls, a box of Nenióos Tante PUI, ftnd a bo uf fr 2bnfe Piito, all rf whieh bve important offices to (terfofte, and shoald be nsed together ia ene. Thelr loper hrity ove other modes of treatment ma ƒ bu brieSj statoil as foilows, 7z: jB They dimioish tlie vio'encc of foxntj ■ jgty Thej iinmedjately arroat uoeturwtl d4trn&j oinisBiun.t. jgOgThey reraovo local wnknoïi, causing Oio orga&a ta asiunn tlioir natura-l tone ar.d visr. jgiy They strengthen. the constitation by oTercoming nerveus debilityand general wa!: iKJ-They enliveu the spirits, whicïi nre v.Fiiaüy crrea?ca, by expellmg alt excitinR causes f rom the ■] ES By their inTigorating propertioa thoy restors t!ji patiënt to his natural hcalth Bita rigor of nu i jCés?" They cure when all other meaaa hnve faileJ. flfïf" They contain ito Mercwnt, iu Oj'ir;r, nor aftvlliiag that can in anv eveat prove injnrious. tfS They are easy and pleasant te ose, and v Hl not interfere with tiie patiënt1! asna) b ■ asitfc. Jdftf They ca: bo used without supioloB, or knowiedfa yf even a room-mate. That they rnay oome wlthin the reacli of all, wo hnv Uxm3 the price of the Pástele at S pf' :iIul ''■'■ ents per box eaeli. In ordaring by mail, in additïon to Uio prico, t'tvelvo cents ia s'-amjs ahonlJ be iuclyaoU foc rutttiu postaftc. tf&Sfr, I.ADIES in Trant nf a Pif-j an'1 më rcoiedy for Irregnlarit ■ ■ i nf th Rs- jj .ií'jüsm, or any diseaao prcnïiar tn their s-:-1, L 'W should use Ds. Oatks's í:m..u.k Mosthlt #Mi; Pills. Prico, by mail, 1 and one stamp. WBËkL4fk0Z CAUriON. - Thesr; i!nilil nu: ' ' jIBKP duringprcittïic, aa ui iscarriage wil! ba tl;a LADIC9 who, from 6r any othor humane aud reasonablc canse, deern it bacisary to avoid an increaao of family, can do m witliont ine-.trring rtanjrer to health or constitution by the use of M. L t CVaux'i French PrtoaUive Ponders, Price, by maf), SI aud two atampg. Theae Powdera can only bo obtalüftd by ftdJroflsins Ui General Agent3, as below. Ssnd for Dr. Gatks's Private Medical Treatio on Stxuxl DiseaMt. Peioe Ten Cexts. Addresa, B. Q. MILLER t CO., Gaacral Agonts, LouisYÜlo, Er. For aU' by JI.VVX AÜD, S A WIIB05. VfSfin Ar.n Arbor, Miei). PROF. L. M FIAIR INYIGOKATOB. FOR REST! miN l . prpvents the H.;.; . ■ (rruy. FOR nUCVkKTLXO RALDKE: iu' ttve Iis the K'fcst i1 , . neo ui FOK ÜEAUTIFT1XG THE HjíIR, fmr'artÏRgiott í:.-i unequalïed glo9s and brilliuncy, makmg i: m ain, siLky in it-f texture an'l causing it tocurl rciulity. ! frr iïiw liBOquftïl ■ ■ i l.;tt "Te trial . f'i-." i:-1 superior quaülics over ny other ri . i ttgeneeB. Caiibcil L] i tmii ti .ri v lus ■. ■.. ■ . . wiHgive HtrcDgth r.ï Tignr to tie r ' rentur& ti:'.1 ;i nwtb to tl . Trtereare irann Is of IniJii -.-, ■■.;■: . n y,. Yoih who had tl thia Iavij ■ all pro] L. i!, has in bis posse-. i to tJ-e ;■' i spretaWiity. II . illy pre ení 1] . il the lato it ; erii .i uf liiV and m as cl ■■;■ ;■ i tity restore it U ■ ■■ ,■, t j a d:rl(, glossy a p pea ra and a !!;iir Restora [ve ir is ■ . havlag an ttíTords n dressing thchair. which, n hen inoisl with i!.h I ■■d toiUi ■.t to be wMTiotrt, n-i Uie iiriüa places it within the reach of all, beipg ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS por be hal r.t ll f.' „,-j perfum L M1LI.EH ". ' ffon r r.-r'1' '? .-rd Guardiaos to the .■■-e i t lay the foundation foi ofliair as n .. ■ nft( !( .1 M i;li fhpscalp.thercraoTal of whicl hralthofthc ebüdaoé the future . ni is llair. ■- - Kóne genuino ■■ MILLE!; : ■ ■ HAIR [N'VIGI Wholenale D ple Morchant . Liberal discount to pi I aiso ricsir' to i v . IJo-vv & Improvad Instaij ! Xiiquld Haar Bye which a ft er yoars of brougTït i ■ ■ witbrwttiotir Se ( i? ■ arrautej tl ■ ■ . , PMC3 ONLY FIF'XY CEKrS. DEPOT, 5G DE Y ST.} New Yorr City Mcat Market" '1 hc undcrsic nou THEIE MAEKET ÏO TKE COI.NTR OF SS AKD MAIX STRET.TS And n-Ul kcop constaniiy on hand a full aai ci'tnifDt üf SP-Of-e-ss-Sa. 2Vr-c-.-t-s -, whlch they will al nd in readiueeistn cal SCrrCÜSTOMERS. No P.UXS will be spared to tlicir markot Cleasï, and Meats Swcet aml pitroos may roiy upon ttlng tb$ best I stuks, choto, 6to.,tButcan ijf li .■;. ■ ANDTRÏ Ü8. s. : il.KKlï. AnaArlrar.Maj 1, ïsr.o WiëFacïö"fy! A. J. sijtííer.lí:. TTASromoredhisGun Bboptothi Li toastreet, lonth df tfa t?oi 3oor, wher hr is preparcd to Fu rnish Guns, Pistol3, Anïnïunitïoii Flashs, Pc:.:?ics Game ;,;■-.:, and Everj oth - n hip 1 511 tin: moet ressonalilr 1,-rme, ana to 'o all :.: ara ia 3F l. x jfi i rr ov i the ahori'-MioCio'-!f r.


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Michigan Argus