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( ■); ■ ponito tli e B ' f öï!jfpm Fr.-inklin House 1 U wyp A n n Arlx r. AG, J , ■ "., ■ Hanulbetun r LAW & MEDICAL líOOi School Books, MkacUaxeous Rook. Blank Books, dan W.ill D ' mr, tfathemafical Inatruments, uvenile Librai f" '"' sAnd all other Idnds of Pens and Ftnal.s Wtadow Cornice, Hhadea and Fi POCKET CÜTLERY! afle, anfl moro to whictitiu ■■■. I eattontioD of tl tncnné . hall do aU I hi be '■ ■ :: ible man, urpmaa or ohüd shall lin-l :uiy fault. will enablensto supply ■-L thö Lowest Possible Figures. Wo pn : DY !'.'.! . a!. ;i MikiIL iL'lViini'C'. Wc e? ■ on ou Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wt Iiiivc eugaged i he servil ea ol JAMES I'. 8PALDING . Iierofon Visiling, Wedding and all other Cards writttn to order, with neatness and dispatch, Inj mail or otherwise. Thp "Emtiris B ■!'■; Storf," is manned by ri good 'crew,' Uil til' y W I :. .■.:'■. be i UI] .: r deck1 reftdy and wHling to attendto all with. ■ i!l favóz tbnn with a c litmcinbor tho "Empire Ronk Store." JAMES E. WEBSTER & CoAnn Arior, May, 1860. - v ie THE BAN NEK STORE. SECOND AR RIVAL - OF- FALL Sc 'WINTER GOOD ÍS. GOOIS l'KOM ATJOTION, Facts for the Feople -OK"WASECTE1T J-W - .(ND- ADJOIMNG COUNTIES ! And .tlicir numerons quostions angwered. WA; is Everyboihj trading at ths "BANNER STORE? '-Becausa A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of tliat Eetablisliment hnsjrtst roturucd froni tlm EasUru Oitieswith the Zargest, Ilrmdsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock of STAPLE AND FAN C Y DRY COODS! roughtta thi ■ iitc.j Wliy is Eearijhoii) pleased with his Stock? ,and inty. Why has he always Sotntthing New and Cheap to Show? !■' ■ led with one of Ilie Jy niri n I eontinuatot "BOBBJSÓROl ndUielite . mi rrom time to tiim' aod ntbw wajkwj cus" canalwaya ondsomi . NEW CIlEARi-il DESIRABLE Why does 'ne tdl o much Chcaper than the rat? Becauae he ban bnyer in the I ■■" totak c mtlnual ohange of tho market, and in t!; :l11 ö"ers iiiBarkfi tliem down Why does he scü Lndics' and Childrtns' Shoen so vvirh cheuper than IPO4 evr.r haard ofb'j the oldcsl Shoemakets? a boya lus stort in the laii 1 of ihocmakers, ol ■r 11,;. il the I . . ei . Ihis coufse enables bún tó sel ■ ijClilT Gaitcr for 35 Cents. 11,;,,:. ■ itd,anda. botter FOXEOGATTEP al óü CL-nts, thau Othors .sell ut "■'.■ Has he eny Kals and Caps? Yes1 ihoold tlilük he hafl rtacka r.1 , h t.-i iupplytheStjf 6, al prlcoslower Ihan wa OTorheardoi round tht'.se (imC. Wliy i hh Tea so much bttter for the pricc you pay than ynu gel at other laces? BecaufteliotAkea-greal oaie lo seloctlng lt, and tveshle ciutometi the beneftl "'. a real good 76 cent ÏEA FOR 50 CENTS. . w.iy tlü llfiS KOt. Wier should you go to gel yonr CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made? ïi i: . ,', bi ■■ the Peopli '., Banner ie ■.Ulfurl'-. íoi !h Bgood ,idt;of Public Square, a li door weel rcouk'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Si'l.t. 18, 18C0. TBOlf MÁÑ100D How Lost and How Restored. Jus PublisJied in a Seal cd Envtlope% A LtiCTURE ON TUK NATURE, TRBATMENT AND EUIUCAL CURE OF EFEBirfATORlUÏOEA, or Seminal Wcakiiess, Sexual DebUity, Ifervouooesfl and Invoiunt.-iry Eraiasiona iaduoiug Imputenoy, umi tiental and Phyalcal tncapacity, BY KOB. .T. CtTLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the "Green Kook," fyc. : author, in tbia admirable Lccture ■ .. ,i , iv provea Txtísa Ws'own expertence that the awfnl boñiequencon ofaelfabi I ctuallv removed witfaoul iDftdtefno and withoul dangoroiifl stirglcal opera tïon, bougies njtrumeaU] rin ■ or cordial, pointiog out a mode or cure at onco certain and eOectnal, by wblcb '-verv ButTerer, do ma' ter m hal hifl ■■■■! IÏ1 on may ti,m;iv enve liini'lf fikeaphj. pi ■"' --j '■!! radicaUy, Thi Ijécture will prove a boon to thousanda and tlioiifl ands. cni andei Bèftl to any address, po paid, on tho roceipt i f i ffo po ■ Dr; CII. J. C. KLINE, 1S7 Bowcry, New York Posl Box, BÜY TOUR CLOÏHING Cleveland Clolhing House '.' :■ thej qow BaU Sinter Cloüilog at i IÏ.EI3XJCEID PBICES, A lew don Woatof e. .:.'.. Hu tel, Iluron Streelt Ann ■■ ■ r. A; & C. LOEB.


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