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j City Cheap Lumber SWi, Doors Blind. Piaster Paris Grand lirocr Piaster Waier Lime, Naile of all .s'zes, Glass, Paint VvtD. DeForest,. RAVING lnercflaed his faciUtiea for doios buínes and colirgcd his ïsrd la pro pared soasoïi-, with 1 1 . tockeverïn tbJa inarjtt to Batlst'y the ■ ., il nu. öui ' motto is notto b ■ dellvery I wül nut nndertaketo I thftt Ib.ry w. wilJacllttelow ae tin y ' ; ' nffurd to. i All kinds of Timfoer, Joists, . mui rieantling, l'iue, Wbltewood, liueswood, Hem ■ Planed and Matched Fine, Wiiitewood looi Ing. Planedand runrh Plne and V1 ' , Minste iccfoit, OukaudCcuai l'uste audPicketl ol all kind. ! $ine faíl), anD ilHjitcnicci) L. .n 1', Aehan't Whitewood Shínlm, 1 B:tm Boards aud Earu Floor Plank, ; lïlaek Wa..iUt,ntl C'htrry and tliin stu fï, Wagon nnü BÜGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, , Box mui B;Ky Iumbcrjiilnple !og Timlier, Hickory, Öak, Ash, Hïm, Beech, Ofa!hhicknesee,widths andlouyths.&c.. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster „ of allkiaila. 33"ía.3.1sí f all sizc, &c, te. ! SA81L D00RS, (Ê JJLUfDS, nade by hnnd toorder ns lowns factOry pricos, 01 tho flhortestnutice bytle uegtof'.Würkmen, and 1 Best Seasoned Lumber. ; Rlll p ofall deacription in the abov building ïln( ,! furniehedonthcsli nrtt lur t We have Mills Cutting Regularly. . A fuif ftndn pcrl'ect astortinect of the above anc otber kinds uf Cuilding Matei .als Consla7illy oiiluindatlli;lowest)ossiblera.teí Cali and be Convineed. A few rods southfrnm R. R. Depot oz Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. EOOFING. N.B.- I amnow operating Bxtensivelj in the Patent Cement Roofing. TUE CAJil'AIGN OPENs Carapion's IPlatform ! fJIHE .s just retutaed from the tast witli J. b Fall and Winter C3r O O X S . Wliich hc ís c De ter mine d to Se 11 AT TUK J. LOtVEST PRICE FOP. CASH! ' nt wbich, Fiist Quality Gods can oe afrbrüt ed in this cil y. clolis uro ill uf tho ; FSNEST QUALITY and as I míimifactnre them into clothing myJ 8e)f, I ara enabled to ' WARRANT EYERY G ARMENT i - T sell. to be WELL MADE, wliieii is a strong . inducemont to onetomera to patronizo my ( store in preferenoe to ] re large quan- titiïs of half madt goods ace kepl for sale. - I have the LATiisr fa-hions, and can give you l as Fine and teelt Fitting Girments as can be bouyht atiytehere, I am bound to sell ,: CIIEAPER AND J BSTTn?, QOODS Í llian nny other similar estalilislmiont in this I city. Tourcustom 3 mrst pespectfully invited, M. CAMPION. , Ann Arbor, Nov. 1-GO. 73yl LOOMÏS & TRZPP, Stteeodsors to t Chapín & Loomis.aadOhapiaj Tripp & Loorais , rriHEaboTe firm rripphaving X the cutiré interest if tlic former ■ ■ continue the busin I uuls. where hi' reftdy, on I ;:oticr,, to lili all oruers in the J line ol Castings and MacMnery, in the b mannfr. and on ag 1 1' 1 1 1 1 - 1 ons ari ild enumérate ï STEAMÈNGINES of all ktads; Mili Gearing nnl . cast; all the ■ üorsePowers &Thresbing Machines ■ have forsoerlj been in ose in ari of the Sf ate, as wdl ás all tho i i . machino worh caQedforby farmers 'and aieclianlcf mthia section.of the couniry. 1 of all the vari . ■ -.will be ■ ■ifttjinily on ''. q and Un B proved al ■ ■ HUBKARD'S WR0Ü0HT IR0N ; REAPERS & MOWERS. Inving oiiinmi'iu iperiorHal chine, aiugle and i ■ en 11 ati'l ste ;v s;ir;-;i now in out n i l:it ibis machint1 : uecU oiily to i nee thcfaimer of ; ITS STJPERIOEITY . ovr the Reapers and Mowcrsin this market. Tliankfnl for forj .. .■ totheold ■:' would i'ü.-it a con . i:.ï i trial bj al] ■■ aything ii uur lineo LOOM AnnArbor,May l'Sth, 1859. 697tf SCHO1 & MILLER RESTIU. ON HAND at tbüir oM Stl No. 2, Franklin Block, ■ wlth tbc most cour nt of [ Books and Stationery, PARFUMERIES, F ANC Y GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, T VSSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTA INS. IIOOKS AND P1XS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &e. Ever offered in tliis Mavkct ! nuil woul ■ in pursnit cfanythtngin SANTA CL A US' LINE that thoy c:in lecun B Doublé Christmas Prese-nt ! oach purchaaer pt-ls ;.n additional presenf of Jewelry, ;c.f Ranging in vulue from 50 ets. i ■ Thpytrut thai ood forthis market, anl si riet attentu a of Cue t ■■ entítle Lhom { i liberal shftre ol Pati - a :■. r w-. 5. 18C0TTTtf EYE'and BAH. R F. A. OADWELL, t 0PERW0R ■ For DeaAtMS, BUiidDess, ntul :ll doActf oí' SlgUtund Hcui-lug. V. ,■ practico in tl i '!'-'- the KVK ANli EAK.will befound qu of hnman ikili No charge fat m or aaojnaion, or fir ■■ , m Du r ■ . : 0 PP-i Cases, and o ■ ■ i Iy768


Old News
Michigan Argus