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REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. SC ■ U-tat . .'.'. ,7 I . y ' "Nler Kanfonl (Ju-iCrol ulo !■ r tíe . .'' ■ ',r' : i!i ■ liwell a -.-. n sakl State, .mi Saturdar tí. Jane A. ). 1881, at oneo'elock In tho tho folloiring describe ■■ to i : Sitúate i ''"' ; ' ■' nty ol WiuOitenawanü half fí the nortli ... townsbin r.n, foor south eontsinin ■ ;i acres "i !;■ , . . ' W.SAXFulti', Guardian Ite. '. j. ■■ 1. Mortgnge Poreclnsurc. Di' in ííkí cf niiton of a ullivan and .loanna ni eighth, A : ■ M s o'o ■■ ■ ..i'. r. bt whidi ilefaulttbc dingbavine bei n sum o"r Bi nnndn ., ,sr(a ,„.. boi!l" n. Xot.'ce H !H lie tbreto-wft: Tlio southwest quartí . „ and th : N... f-v.-n an'lthe outh-eart tea acres ofthesouth I ir ol rlie norih-castqnarter ofsectfon ntimberniBe asd ""? ■ ■ ■ ■ . aJI n tom No. one louth ofr ntlJ Coon ,,.me )■'"■ - (ho Court Huuee intlu d:y of.nn Arbor on tbe ütli tlay of July next ti LUTHEKJAÍÍES.itortgagee.' E. W. MobGix, Atty. Date, Aprll 12, A.D. 1861. Mortgage Forcclosurc. DEFAULT haying been made in tho condítfon of a I iirorth and August, A. D. 1851 ;.■ ' 1:1 tlKi cniïity i!'Vi. on(Jie seco 1 mber. D. 1858' ■■ JabezHibbard to s' W. Kneeland by 1 eal, dajed tl.s 9ih' dyofFbr ;,.:,s tl.-i - : rch.A.D.U ," lvhi' oísalo contained in aaidmórt. I i proceeding havin.; j5 saW. . ■ . ;iv part tbereot, an I . nve dollars anj thirty-tl '■'■n . " If therelor ibere-■iiil mortgage :.,-cil by a saleofthem , ,.ln tractor parecí of : . ■ , ,.( 1 vnr0,, ■■.. ol : htonan . and i .,',,' . The Dorth-vesl í'rt' rfer, mí the part norto oftln oniDg f rom Do.tter to Grand PUyer n tire fractionalqui 1 all - ■ . (6); i. vn:iii one of ranea' number tnree (8) cast; containii (58) aerea and 63-1Ü0 of an a r somopatttheieof ai pubÏÏc rendne at CouH H ,nQ' irb1 I on . KNKl.l.ANí), Asjjirnee l:ii(-il,M:i:.-ll 1. M(H'tgage Sale. D,l fíJ3X,1 ha , .:1,i,i ;,,n ,,r a I-.-. .1, , andCathari his wifí to Iliram G Vrírren . December In hu!: ]' : . the Office of the ■;■■:, Michigan, in Líber 20 ol „ ,,:,;:,. ir,i. . ;1 , '■ : ' ' ' ' 1 the ninctesnth ■ . uiiich Hortoage was on bysald U'arti , . menj wk s;,iil Office twenty-thirdfflry oi February, A. D., lsüi at niñean half o'clock in the forenoon in i.iin-r -J of Mortg; jes, 'jn '■■ rtgage ivaa also on tho irr. A. !■., 1861, . 1 ligned by uid nraldron tci Alpheus Felcb, whicli lasl . 1 . ■ (j ron tho twemy-fifth day of Febrflary , A. i.. 1861, at Dfneand a ' tlf ■ :■.,;. :inñ, n I.iber Éi7 of V ■ ■ 61 ;. b fhich 'li fault tbc power "f '"' me operatire, and oouitorpioi instítoted at Iw by or any part a the satn ol three hnndred an. liíly one dollars and fifty four cents beina claimed (o be due cheraon at the date of thls notlc ■ :- x" re heraby. giren said moríbe forcclosed by ealeofthe ■ - .■■,■. ... , wit: West half of the Soatl .jon ■ six hflcld, in th enaw ch Uiereof as wil] ba be doe wito tïie lnt0! 1 public yendue, at the o ■ "i thp the City of Aan Albor, ii said Coun naw, on the tenih day of June, A. I)., 1881, at ten ofthocloek in the forenoon of ■ , AU'HEUS VEU Datod, March 7, 1861 T.,u,i Sheriffs Salo. ' BITOE r,l nn exocnt'oti ssnd out of ani theCountv of Washtenaw, ai ■ tliere : of John T. Bayvaull .11. tharoin named, I did oi IS60, ; ■. ,.",.. est of the. saM John T, Rayaul( in and to the lollt)ingd'.-critM-i wit: commencinS : Lot N'o. Dne, is . .,,„, in Raid County, and ruu 1 Bastlineof highway runninq'Korth frois saiaVUlatte of t rods, thence North-eaat or panne! with Xorth street, n said yilli . , : ,-T,cc Smth or paiallel witl , (no nortll . : .,ulli-ivest ie of said North streel four rods to ntaiaing tliirty-two rod ofland, ■ more or less, in the countj of Waahlenan and - ■ all of which prembes I liall ublic auct!nn,as tho law directa at the front door of the Pourl aouse.intho Cltyóf Ann I lace for bolding the Circuit Court for.ths Coui iturdoytoo ISLh day of May di day. rÖOS. r. LEONARD, lateBheriB". 1 al l, March Ho for the Mtmmoth Catoinet Ware Kooras. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVU JUál SPBNED W TIIKIRnciy and Elegant War e-R o o ni s EASI SIDjEQi1 MAIN STREET, A complete M ick of EOSEWOOD, MAHOGANY SKTS ÜF PARLOR-FURNfTURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tctea-Tftrs, Mahögany Rose-Wood, Black Wal'i.un nul Bfarble ro Ofs1 río "tï3 ís1 fe 't? a r=3 n r=? ( - J U La IKs U A Lej Lt Ls Oj ROSBWGOD, MAHOGANT, BLACK WAI.X1T, TAM V AND COTTAGE CHAIBS, te., te, kc: ÊL. 3t-i Si O 9 rs.s!:ci:iTAi:iEs, Completo .-KT.-, INCLUDING LATEST SÏYLES, -oMATTRESSES Of the V-it qua! In F.ict thoy il ivf Flvorything witli which to furnisli I'ARl)Ii. " BOODOIK, SIJTINC Rl BKN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO locgöi ; 01 elsewlii re to fiad a lmc assortmftiii . Thta FUB1TITURE musut bt sold and will bc Rold at V E E Y L O W F Ji I C E S Í JÍ3 Lot evorv man n ri 1 Iiis wifo orgoing to lo wife i have a 11 E A USE CAR MAG E, And aro alwe lattend to the burla] of.tha deadintiieC ningcountry. Ware-Rooms east sido of II between Washington and l.iberty 0. M. MAUliN'. 6n793 C. B. DO YOU WANT WHrSkERSï DO YOU WANT WH13KERS? DO YOU WANT A MU3TAU1IE? DO YOU WÁNT A 1IUSTACIIE? BELJINGHAM'8 celebi;ati:d SÏIMUL4T[NG ONGUEXÏ, For the Wüiskars and Hair. The eubscribers take pleasure . o fco Uio mof tío ünfted Sutes, that th i dnM tbe A -; ■ n ■-■ y lor, and ;.r" ' '1() American public, Lhe abovo justlj culcbrAteti and worldi renoi aod artldo. THE STIMULATHÍG ONGUENT ia preparad by Dr. b'. 1'. Dkt.ummmm. au emhïeat nhysicianof London, and Is warranted tobring out a tliick set of Whiskers a Mustache „ from three to ai ( ia tUo only one of the kin! sed bj the Frdnch, and in London and ft isabeantifulj ec i omical, soothing, yet stimüatiog .i on lhe rooi , !■'.? ing up in :.:tir. A]tadiri n-!, t will turo BSD or l-wy liïir p ■ po Rr&y ha nal coIoj , ifl , Bmooth, ;■ na rticle in everj ■■ nücuKut'.. toilet, 13 cpnsld■ Í tO luiVli ■. vH(i ileiïvo it; by price antt tv to our addn ■ ■ ï CO., DRCGÖiKtfi, C, j i VVi'liamSti et, Kow York


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