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I. O. O. F. WU3HTHNAW LODGE J?f 9, of (he Independe ordor f Odd Fo'.lows mi-K', ai theit JJge noom, SYefylrriaay ovoninu, at 6 X o'clock. i i;. WILSON, N. G. F. BORG, Sec y. sTg7 "süthekláñd& son, nfflOLÉSALE XD RETAIL Grocers and Commiss.nii W Merebants, I I Arm Arbor. rIThesse, & Pcbgbos Respeotifully tender lus prof..M,nnl RTv.r totlieeitm-nsof Ann Arbor .md rh-inity. iïÈ' OflVe ín Maok'í Hw Building, Mum btréct, Aun Arbor Micli. N. II. rflght calla promply atteaiedto. TWITCHELL & CLARK. ttobxrt? and CounscUors ni Lw, General Life ad 1 Firc Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Bloeit, IDHnnmSI.. A;,n Arbor. ('ollectinns promptly made ,,.„;... i special attentiop paid to conveyancing. Ts.Twm I74:;tfl - ■ xam. JAMES B.GOIT, ÍVÍVOrHCK, Xo.'J, ver Slawsou & Ctcr's Store. J . J. M. SCOTT. A mumU & PHOroOKPH Aktiíts, in tl, o rooms f fontu-i-ly occapied ly Cordley , over the uf Sperry k Mtíofe Perfect sítisfactlon euarotel. W. N. STEONG, DE.L!-ai in n: ' BíQ?rieiJEÜS' oets.Fancy G 1-, Se. Exchangc Block, Ann Arbor. WINE8 & KÑÍGHT. D !(,!, FaneyDr) c,o .-, liuots and Slioes, :, St i-f't Aun Arbor. MAKT1N & THO.MrSüN. ni-llNlTUHK W.utK-iíooMs.Doalor in .illkmdsoí Furnitore, L' o. New Block, Main Street. ' mSDOÑlcHENDERSON, DEALEBS in Hardware, StoTOS, fuinlshinj goods, Tin Ware Seo. &o., Ne Block, Main Street. A. P. MILLS, Dyiv.R in Staple Dry Gbods. 6fecefies, Boota rihd Slwesand S ' ". Huntreet Aim Albur! . JOHN W. MAYNAED, Dkaüb inStaple FancyBryGoodB, Boots ;ui,l Sboes, a Street, A&n Arbor ",:BEAKES & ABEL, . TTOKM-VS S ' I AT TJ.W, nuá SoÜCÍtorS 11 ALobaueery. Oilic in öty Hall Blook, over Webster l',h', r.,..'i; ?tore, Ann Vrbor _____ ' íaKGSLEY& ÍORGATT, ttorxeys, Cpunsellora, SoÚcitora, and No s LX lie haVe Booká :wl Plata showtag titles of all Iands n the J,miüy,.indaH,-n.l tocooFcyancingandeoltoeting ■i.'.s, a-.i'ito pa ■"' ■-'■1'""' ";'■■■ -; '' "J part oftheState. (EceeSistsiieofthe SuaW, Aun Arbor. "james r cook, JrpncBpF ras r:-':. Oflico noartbc Dcuot, Tpsilantí, ■;;m. m "WM.'Li!WiTr,-ii.xr, PnvsOTAN & Scrgeos. Office at liis resMenee, North S,1,. ■;, ;,Dil J.1 lious,' WastofDjvimQn jtreet, Ann Arbor. OiCOLLIERj MixnFACrussK aodicnleí in Boots and Bhoes. F.xk. ádoorsSouthofMavnard, Btebbin S: Wlson'B atore, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. AToTFACrr-KElts airl iealer in Boots an.l .=hoes, VI l'hrenix Blupkj Main Street, one door Nortli bf Vasbington. Wm. 8.&AÚNDEES, DSALKB in Boots, Shoes. and Rubbers, Aun A:ljor Casli Boot . Ido of Public Sqüare. "mToüiteeman & co , WBousui.1 ana Retftil dealer and manufacturera of ReadyMadeClothing, Importara of Clotlis, CassiDeres, üoeskíns, &c. No. 6, tfew Ulock, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, - mi SüiteBDS Devti.-t. omco corner of Main a and Hurón streets, over 1'. Bach's store, jTOQB$gl Ann ' :in. w7agñYr 11 Ready Hade Clotking Clotha.Caaiimeres and Vestinga, llats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, itc. Main lt., Ann Arbor. : Ü.' OAMFION, jTerchaxt Taylor and dealer Ín ReadjMade Cloüiing, 'VL No il.Phcenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACH & PIERSON . Dk.mkrs in Iiry Geods, (ruerrírs. Hardware, Boots & Clines, &c. , Main street, AnnArbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO.,;s in Dry Goó&b, Grocories, Pruri b. Medicines, Boots Ar Oboe . &c. comer ofMaia and vVnn streeá, bel ív the Excitante, Ann Arbor. S LA WS O Ñ"&" GEER, '"iRoncr.?. Pkovhiox & Commisswn Merchante, and dea.1 lcruin'WjVTKKl.IMK. I.AMi 1'l.AfTEB, aud FLA3TEK OF P.lltis, onc. ilooi ! ' . cTbliss, DKALERinClockí v.', ■■„-. íwehry, and Fancy 9"od.s' at thosi-nof th.-liigWatch, Xo. 27, l'htcinx Block. J. C. WATTS. ■;. V:.i,-i ■■ ■-. Ji-welry audSilver Waro No 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. EREEMAN. Barher and Eashionable Bair Dresser, fin Ktreet, Ann Arbor, Btich. Hair Fronts and Curls kept sonsíantly on iiand. SCHOFF & MILLER. Dralrrs in.MisoelbineouB, Bckool, aañ Blaok Booke Sta tionery, Papeí HangingB, Sw. , Main Street Ann Arbor. D. JDíFOBEST. ITTholeSai.k aud ]'. "r, Latli, Sliin W gles Sash, Door 3, Blinda, Water Lime, (hand Kivei laster, ('laster Pari, and Naüs of all si.cs. A ful and perfect auortment of the above, and all other sinds of building materiala constantly on hand at the lowest poisible rates, on Detroit Street, a few roos fr,m :tho Bailroad Depot. Also operating extensivcly m the Comeut Sooflng. WASIITENÏW COUNTY B1BLE SOCIETyT DtTOST of Bibles and Tfstamcnts at the Society priesa at W. C. Voorheis'. chapín, wood & co., StrCCESSOB8 Tü ÏJXT3NTI3, CHAPÍN Go MANUFACT'.IKERS OF IJTLIXtj BOOlS., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, AN! ARBOlt MICHt MISS JENNIE R LINES, TEACHER OF Piano forte, Guïtar, and Slnging, belog desiyouof eularginghei c ive upiUftt fhe reaidenee of Prof. WINCUIJ whicb being near the Union School, willbeverj c arsattondiiig therewhü may wisli tó pursue the stmly ofmusicia cojinection wiili otln (10, half to be paid at tlie and the balaoee at the fo the ; CARDS! CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! 0aviug purchased a Rügoleb Rotara Diaikmto Card of Oa ifi type, '1 ■ QBlöeJs prepared to prini Card of ;til kimls in the : possïble style anfl al d gra1 reduetion front c pricesTinclurtiag B formen nf all , Rail, Wedding, and Visitii.g Crds, i ü-mX see how itifi done. Oval Picture Frames A] l . , d juat c 1 1 7d n.- pat . ï'HOÏF & MILLBB'8. Dcc 25,48iO . . . 7Sutt 4 -