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- lüe goveramcnt at u asliiügton received $1.003 000 in specie on tho üth inst. Tbe sluevrs of vrar. - Troops commeuccd passing through Baltimore ou Fridaj last, aud go ibrougk daily without beiug disturbed. - Obio, Indiana, mul Illinois havo been created iuto a military dcpartinent, and placed in charge of Maj Gen. McClellau of the Ohiu voluuteera. - Gov. Curtin has rcfused to permit bodies oí' armod blaeks to pass through Penusjlvania. Application in bohalf of fuch expèditiona was made by cituens of Kasttrn States. - Private Kecse, of the N. Y. 7ih Regiment, killed by the accidental j charge of a gun, was married the day ] l'ore he left New York to join his j inent at Washington. - The President lias issued orders for ! a!l army ofiicers to renew their oath of allegiance, in acuordance with the lQth : artiele of war. - A Philadelpliia Fire Company has ! offcred to go to Washington fiar fire duty. - Tho Virginians Lavo fortiñed tlie heights on the Maryland side oppositc Harper's Ferry. - Wigfall says tbc Confedérate army will diue in Washington by the lOth of June, and that it expecta to wiuter iu Philadelpliia. - Butter was reported at 75 conts a pouud in Charleston on the lOth, with r.o ham or bacon iu markct. - At the same dato Flour in Richïnond was $10 aud Pork 50 a barrel. - Virginia and North Carolina bonds ware quoted in New York, ou the lOth, at 20 cents on the dollar - Last Friday Gen, Butler captured Dickiuson's steam gun, aud Dtckinson himself. They wcre bound i'or Harper's Ferry. - The secession troops at Harper's Ferry are stopping all supplies bound for Baltimaro. From one train they took a lot of horses and one hundred bceves. - The Arkansus ordinance of secession confiscates the property of all citizens of the United States held in that State. - It is hinted that printing ink will bo declared contraband. Tliere is not a mamifaototy of the article ia the Southern States' T-Tbe Nashville Gazeites&jB that John Bell bas declared himself ready to head a regimoíit agaiust the United States. - Largo nunibers of the BaUirr;,re mob have gone to Virginia to yjm the secession troops. -Eleven brotlier-,, namod Bates Lavo enllBted Ui one of tiie Indiana companics. ihc'v f"j(,'ner enrolled himself, but was reJr-ted because of bis age, 92. - Virginia bas been admittöd to the Southern Confederacy, an.i hj dclo"ates particípate in tho prooeedings of the Congress. - Oi)p hundred and twenty Colt's rovolvi.rig rifles wcre seized at Cleveland a fc-w days siuco, bound lor the Southern traitors. - ïho President expeets that Tennes8oe, Kentueky, and Maryland; will each 'axDÏsh a f uil brigade of good and loyal -roops. - Tho ropnj'tod itis'.irroction in Owen aud Gallatin Oounties, Ky , a few days since, was unfonnded. - 'l'be Missouri Legislature bas passed a joint retioiution appropnatnig tac school :'uud to arining the Mate. - Maj. Anderson has boen raised to tho rank of Colon 1. # - The Virgiuians are importing arms n Coffius. l'roviding nrins and arnior, aud both for tlioir own use. - The adiniíiistratiou at Washington bave received thousands of applioatiosé For letters of marque. None wili be issued. Ilight. - Col MansGcld has bcen promoted to the rank oí, Brigadier General. - A largo quantity of cotton has aceumulated at Fort Mouroc, captured í'rom rebel vessels. - Col. Baker's California Regiment has been aecupted. It is entirely compoaed of wen who have scen California 'ife. - On the 7th inst , the Legislaturo of Tennessee appropriated $5.000.000 for the purpose of' arming the State. - Col. Anderson arrived at Philadelphia on the lltl), and was raagniliccntly received. - Mrs. President Lincoln hasarrivod at New York ar.d taken rooms at the Metropolitan for a stay of' several weeks. - A signiücant movo. - Col Campbell is tho uuconditional Union candidato for Governor of Tenn2SSCG. Ho will take the field and fight to the last. - The Virginia Ports in the Cheaapeake Bay are efl'ectually blockaded, and the authorities are finding it no boy's play. - Confedérate troops are quartered ia different places in Virginia iu advanco of a vote on the ordinnnce of secessiou. - On the 11 tli the Virgiuians had üve batteries erected in Norfolk harbor. - The rebels at Harper's Ferrv have been reinforced by troops from South Caroliua. - Au arrival at New Orleans from Europo of 250,000 stand of arms ia aanounced. Fifty boxes of the invoice had rcuchad Nashville, ïoun., ou the 8th. - Lato California advicea ropsrt the Union feeling predominant, but sav from 25,000 to 30,000 Breokinridge inen favor the Southern Coufederacy. - Indiana had eleven regiinents in the field on the llth; and a regiment to be composed of cavalry, artillery, and sappers aud ruinera nearly ready. - Col. Ellsworth's Fire Zouaves vacated their quarters at the Capítol on Friday, and encamped on tlie heiglits near the Insane Asylum. It isa oouiuiauding positiou. - The Indiana Legislature adjourned on the llth for ten d;iys. - Ono huudred and five Cincinuati printers havo "gone to the war." - Thursdiiy cf last weck was obsurved as a day of fasting at Wheolmg, Vu. - Strong Union sermons were preached iu all the churches. - Six huudrcd regulara from Texas, veterans of over twenty years service, arrived at Washington on Friday last. - It is reported that a brother o Mrs. President Lincoln is raising volunteers for tho Coufeuerate army in Missouri. - The Lager beer housss In Virginia are olosing want of supplies. The blockadc is butter than a Alaiue law. - Capt. Lynch, of Do;id Sta notoriety, has resigued. He is a nativo of Virginia. - It is BBtimated that 20.000 Union men have Lecii drivcn from tho seeeded Btates duriug the last moiith. - A large nnmber of ladies are in training at Giuciunati for army nurses - Col. Ellsworth's Zouavcs have pone in for the war, the first regiment reccivcd for the long term , -All venóla ín Virginia ports have boen uoticed to leavo withi fifteon days, with or without cargoes. The blockado is to be made stringent. - New Orleans, Alabama and TciiDcaseo regime.its are reported as having reached Richinand on Suuday last. - A band öf Virginiang frora Ilarpor's Ferry haveseized t lie Frederiok junctiou, aud tb reaten Frederiok City, Md., three miles distan t, - Cari Sehurz is raising a cavalry regiment, to be eoinposed of men who have been in that service. -Fort McHenry had 1,200 men on Su&day last. [ts full war garrisou is but 850. It mounts 74 guns. - Fort Monroc raounts 371 guns, and its war garrisÖD is 2,450 men. lts '"big gun" is mnuntcd on a pivot, and has a j sis inilo rangi?. - Furt Pickens mounts 212 guus and ï ts war garrison is 1,200 men. - The officers and troops captured by tlie rebol in Texasa nd paroled, are tobe requirrd to take auew tho oath of' allegiance, or ignominiously dismissed from í lio service. - One private in Gov. Sprntrne's Rhodo Ishtnd regiment is worth $500,000. A rno'döl " mud stil." - In Boston over 500 Indios have applied for aituntions at the scat of vvur, as nurses. - The Mass:ohiïsott3 Sixth Eegiment haa buen presentad a bomitii'ul tlag by merchaiits of Bal ti more. - The soecssionists claim to havo taken at tho Gosport Navv Yard 4000 cunnon, of all sorts.lJOOO'iOOO lbs. !t' powdor, and a largo cjiiantity of bal), shot, and ebell. - In the Tenno'ssoe Legislatura the vota for the socossion ordinanco was 66, against it 99. - Lie'it. Moafl, late second in comrnand at Fort Surnptor, has resigned. - It is ann'oeDced that Hon. Chas. I Scott, late member of Oongreee from Califor'oia, has eoüsted as a private in the seoessiori anny. -Andy Johnson predictn tbat East ' Tennesse, witli a vigorous uanvass, will give 20,000 inüjority against KceSdion and tb at with iirmneaa ad deUberation fbe State may Lo savcd, -The admir-atión is keoping a close _ watf-ïi , Winans and other pronno; socession sympathisers in KaViimöre; - Tho Union men of tho Öevanth Virginia district will rp.j (Jhai'los H Upton, of Fairfos-,fjc ÜongFasa. The district oimi.-ises. ton couiHiös west of tho Potóme --T'wenty two persons are known to 'je killeil at the taking of Camp Jack son, ne:ir St. L uis, dusoribcd in anothn column. - G-en. Ilarney lins ofiiciilly approved the action of Capt. Lyon in capturing Camp Jackson., - l'lio Bntish Minister has boen refused pormission to sliin tobáceo and other Virginia prodjictiona to till conti'acts. No paper blockade. - Four large-sized howitzers, four thousand Utiitod States Muskets, and a large numbor of ten inch shells, roady charged, wero capturad with Camp Jackson, - Thu Northern Central Ruilrond was ruopcn.d for passenors and mails, tbrough Balt i more, on Monday. - A strict blockade is enforced at Caroi, and no nmnitions or provisioDS of war are illowed tf go South. - It is ostimatcd that tan thousand persons fied !Vom St. Louis on Sunday la.-t. A trenjondous panio rages there. - Dickiüsnn, the Bieam gun man, taken by Gen. 15 u 1 1 e r at tiie ttolay House, is a resident of Cleveland. Tho gun was manufaetnred by Winans at Biikiinore - Ned Buntline haa tendored the goveniment a regiment, 1,500 strong, of sharp shooters, hunters from Western New ïork. - Capt. Sunonds, et Tecumseh, is endeavoring to raise a regiment of eavalry. The Captain served in the Michigan Dragoons in Mexico. - Spies are plenty at Washington, in the Debartments and amoog the troops, and every move is reportod to tho enemy. - Gov. Sprague's regiment have presemed one thounOnd dollar-? to the sistirs of young Uowftrd who was sho by a Washington policoman. - Billy Wilrton'a Zoiiaves nfter listen ng to a recent sermón gave the cheers for bell Billy apologized by sayÍDg they thought heil was located between Montgomury and New Orleans, and were auxious to get there. - -Commodore Buchanan. late of the Washington Na vy Yard, h;is asked the privilege of reoafliog his resiguation. lloquest refused. - Four thousand District of Columbia militia ere enrolled and under arms. - Tho 12th regiment oí Illinois volunteera, Col. McArthur, are cneamped near Casey villa, sis miles lrom St. Louis. - It is said the Administration is pledged ti the Governore ol the free States tb at hostilities sh-.ill not couse until the flag floats over all nationai property; - The Commander of Fort Koarney reports haviug upiked most of his gtins to prevent their being of service to the aeoessioDieta in the viciniiy. - Gen. Bntler's outpoats have been extended ten miles west of the Relay ilouso. - llnrper's Ferry is being approached by the United States troops from the North, East and West, and a aevero fight may be looked for soon. - Capt. Pope of tho Topographical Engineers pronounces Cairo safe. -The Governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa promisethe Unionist in Kentucky and Missouri full support. - The governrnent was advised on tho 13Ui, that there were 10,000 secession troops at Norfolk, 10,000 at Richmond, and 7,000 at liarper's Ferry, with a movement toward the lattor poitit. - It, is reportad that Gen. Wool has been ordered to Fortress Monroe. A íightmnst be expectud there. - The Marylatrd Legslature han adjourned utitil the 4th of Juno. - Itoss Wuians, of Baltimoro, has fallen into Gen. Bntler's hands. He is a rampant secossionist, aud his acts known. - Harper's Ferry is being stronely fortified, and tmops, arms and muuitions of war arrive daily. - By td morr)v 50,000 troops will be gathered at and around Washiugr tou. - A lady writes írom Charleston that Gen. Beaurcgard has diedof injuries received at the bombardment of Sumpter. - The Wheeling Convention adjourned AVednesday cvening, having nppomted a Central Comrnittee, rnd proviiled for c:tllin,.' a convention ufter the 23d of May eleetion. - Senator Douglab s seriously 11 with inflatnmatory rhcuraatism, - Tlio Grmit Eustern lias tg-iin arrived tt Nuw York, and rumor suys ttiat negotiationa aro peodiDg to charter her for govoi'nmeiit Bsrvioe. - Winans has been nominated for Congress by his friends in Bultimore. He is now a prisonur in Fort Mo Hunrv.


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